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'Standard builders blueprints Design", price $1.00 and is tax Mi alicia ca IY free. This new edition includes information on Financing in for this design Na 329 cost HOME DESIGN No. 329 iter s Color , large books, Canada, Building Construction Landscaping, ete.) for several days until the paste dries and hardens. Avoid using a large quantity of wa when you build a .. when washing the floor; th Learn how you save in this book are full details on seeps through and softens adhesive. Details, Plan your home now ! "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" it b THE HALLIDAY COMPANY LIMITED 4 Invited WRITE: SALES MANAGER THE HALLIDAY COMPANY LTD. 'Check here T) if you own a bet. Local Dealer Inquiries BURLINGTON, ONTARIO Queenston $4,913 tractor and applying some acting as your own con- finishing touches yourself. The Halliday Way by a > -- =z = sh > _--J --s = 4 = homeowners you. can Save when Editor, paint with. gloss Oshawa, Ontario, Pe eereeseeeseeserebasccseeeseseesseserecsereseees in Canada by re- the . 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Press the ETAL SIDEWALK SLABS HIGH wo DRY «. NURSERIES adhesive that oozes out moved immediately, the paste The most Economical Oil Furnece on the Market! MOSIER *; EDGEDALE wins 'GARWOOD' ad atte etth taitly erp on |Uike 'hundreds of thrifty is difficult to take off later. Then weight one can are available ing or living area, The sep- m arate dining room has a built in china cabinet and is con- , following directions on the container as to an under-| dull knife blade, spreading it as|P FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE From the protected front ANSWER: To clean rust|like these. Cleaners frequently Enameled metal tile is diffi- dulled with sandpaper; wipe off|at hardware, paint and linoleum all dust, then apply top quality meled metal tile install done to clean rust spots gander) the LTD. © LLOYD CORSON, President © DICK YOUNG Vice-President IT'S DIXON'S GUIDE REALTY PHONE 723-1121 Special adhesives are used|@dge down and wipe away all Buying or Selling! QUESTION: We have just ne- @ LUCAS PEACOCK Sec-Trees. 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA finished the wood kitchen cabi- nets with a top quality enamel. Is there any special care neces. soften the adhesive, then pry facturer; consult your tile deal- er about the particular solvent necessary. Use the solvent to the tiles loose. mended by the adhesive manu- ENAMELED CABINETS