ap py FORT ERIE RESULTS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1963. CLOUDY AND GOOD 7-LEO'S ¥ YINGLE 5-COUNT SNOW First Race no Ag a @ Furlongs, % and 4-year-old maidens claiming all $2500. Purse $1300. Wt PP&t % % Str Fin Jockey Owner 12,70 7.99 6: 20 5.10 4.50 3.80 118 7 2 1-% 12% 14 - 10 5 6 4% 33 25 106619 &h B81 4% - 120 612 91% Snk 54 10 3 8 7-2% 4h 6-3 . 11510 7 Bnk 6% 7:2 + 112 9 1 22% 22% 3-4 » 45 by i i2- 1l- _ Mey 108 4 6h 92 faiker--Fredm'n, Starr 103 fh 10 10-2 10-2 Har'son--Mrs J W Hunter 1200 25 +1 7% 104 in a Elliott--J MacDo; Run Bill Run 120 12 3 11-34% 12- 2 12 Dittfach--M } ong b g 3 Ob Leo -- Baker Girl. Trainer L Silvestri. Start good, won easily. Pool 16,496. Double Pool 35,607. A Ra he RD A Bape eneies ae he ed. aye Second Race FOLLY pon oe © Farlongs, ile rg my =p, eae all $2500. Purse $1800. "% Str Fin Jockey Owner icy M4 re * 4-b sak l-h 14% Lan'way---W F Eamiston Flight . " 5. 2nk Rob'son--D afm pha Triple Folly Honey Boots Favor Me ' Hight Bars .... Step Doll's Son Sir Benjamia .. Gilpy » Won driving. DAILY DOUBLE 7 AND 10 PAID $373.70 6-WILLOW BOY i2-CIfY BOY . Third Race 4SWINGING SUMMER 4%@ furlongs, 2-year-old maidens, Canadian foaled, claiming all $1900. WtPPsa®"% ww Str Fin Jockey Owner 118 6 1 lh 22% 22% Ink Bakos--Willow Downs F'm 11012 9 52 Ih lb 25 Desp't--J B W Carm'hael 116 4 4 41 ink 4nk 3-14 Hae--H W Lam 118 3 2 22% 3-1 3-1 4h Uy'ama--Tedoreen F'm 3-14 5-1% 5-44 T'cotte--J M Jacobs 6-nk 6nk 6-2% McComb--Stockwell Stud Ve 8-4 84 T-n Prut--kKemper, Rotman iia 71% 8-2% Woilski--W Olah 9-1 Ol 9-3% Fitzsi'ns--W J Farr 118 10 10 9-nk 10-% 1044 102 Leblanc-R S T Stable M3 13102 ii li-5 11-5% Krohn--W D Hatch 8 5 12 11-% 12- 2 Elliott--J MacVonaid Trainer J C Meyer. 8.90 4.70 4.40 5.60 4.40 11.10 $7500, Purse Willow Boy City Boy Swinging Sum'er Selectin In a Measure llu 2 7 &5 116 lid 8 6 nl lis 7 6 7- le 8 5 at M5 9 il 12- 13.10 8.19 7.10 23,30 13.00 820 Start good, won driving. _ 7-TREAS'RE HUNT 6-VEt; GEE CEE Fourth | Race 2-SWAMPSCOT. © Fariongs, eyonreite and up, claim ing ali $2500. Purse $1800. tPPSt % % sr Fin Owner 73 3h 23 Jockey 'Treasure Hunt sok 2h Armst'g--Mrs V G Cardy 3-no . Leblanc--K S$ T stabie 41% Diach--W G Campopell 53 Fitzsi'ns--J . wvevesque 6-no Cost'o--Pederson, Verga 7-1% Grasby--M Wh Clark 81 Adams--u a \iasso 9-2% Hale--Newbtondale Sta 35 52 68 en 10-nk Desp'to--Don Parker Boy M1 46 2h Lh Sh li- Winner br h 5 by Wilwyn -- syivanite. Trainer J Calhoun. Start good, won driving. Fifth Race re @ Furlongs. 3-year-olds, Canadian foaled Allowances, Purse $2400. Wt Pi % % 7 BWW Yh i-¥ 97 Bl Bly a 5 9 Yuk LI- Sta 10-TOP TOGGERY 6-RICH -. 400 3.00 2.80 F duly dud 4.10 St Fin Jockey Owner 12% 12% Dalion--View pone ag 21423 Lanoway--Lansoa 4nk 31% Armstrong--L ody M Sta 52 4-22 Bohenko--H W linight Jr. 3nk 5-% Nedeau-E C Pasquaie 64 Dittfach--P K Marshall 7-%4 Uyeyama--Mrs ag Top Toggery ... 12210 1 -. 123 6 . ir 110 L-l% lnk Nash--W O, R W Young | Wolski--Mrs F Vanderjagt; Flemington's First, held by Miss 'Pat' Reid, daughter of esas Orono, is shown above, after winning the first race, a 7- the owner and driver, Jack Reid, of Meadowview Farms, ani eae anenere deeanmeennerendmatmttestt RBS AE AEM el 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 18,1963 45 NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. (CP) -- Ronald Recchi, 19, a hockey player with the Kam- loops Rockets, was remanded] Wednesday until May 28 on aj RENT-A-CAR SERVICE charge of causing bodily harm} 14 ALBERT STREET to a referee by slashing him 725-6553 of defence counse!. No plea was entered. ORONO HORSE WINS FIRST RACE ON GREENWOOD PROGRAM furlong event, at last night's Greenwood Raceway. SPORTS CALENDAR TODAY |BASKETBALL General Motors League Cham- ipionship Finals -- Parts Dept vs Students, lst game of 2-out- jof-3 series, at McLaughlin Col |legiate Gymnasium, 8.30 p.m. FRIDAY No Games Scheduled. NEWS ENCOURAGING WINNIPEG (CP) © 17 8 9 10- 117 9 7 95 a Winner br ¢ 3, 'Saratoga -- Hill Topsy, Trainer R Townrow Start good, won ridden out Pool 43,723 Sixth Race © Furiongs. . 3.30 2.50 2.10 3.10 2.50 2.60 3ALL CANADIAN . 1-BALINODE 6-ROCOCO ROGUE 4-year - olds and up. Allowances, Purse $2700. Wt PP St wy Str Fin Jockey Owner 1 3 Y% i-nk 1-3% McComb--Heill Sta jican Games. hen Juba said Wednesday he had received "encouraging" jnews from the Winnipeg delega- tion seeking the 1967 Pan-Amer- Alderman Mark Danzker, a del- egation spokesman, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, said the All Canadian . 1 e Balinode 5 1 -h 25 2-244 Adams--B R Steen a c of getting the games 2 4 Rococo Rogue .. $1 32% 37% Potts--N E Rocamora Courme 119 ok €2 43% Dalton--View Hulloa Fm are good. city's! | }sent Canada at the 1963 Com-|monton; Rae Milligan, Calgary|ble from the Milwaukee Braves) {monwealth ladies' golf tourna-|and Gayle Hitchens, West Van-|Thursday to bolster the relief| jmade Wednesday by Mrs. W. E. * annual meeting of | the . union *s| TEAM NAMED |Quebec branch. Other members| MONTREAL (CP) -- A 10-| 'of the team are: Capt. Mrs.) \J. H. Todd, Victoria, B.C.; Mar-| member team headed by Judy |i ene Stuart Streit, Toronto; |Darling of Montreal will repre-|Mrs, Betty Stanhope Cole, Ed- couver, the 1962 Canadian Open junior champion. jment slated for Australia in | August. The announcement was BUY CONSTABLE --Photo by Michael Burns | with a hockey stick March 16. ° 3.50 PER DAY Magistrate Gordon MacKinnon granted the remand at request 8:00 A.M. -- 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. -- 8:00 A.M. SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Gas Dealer in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 PLUS 7e PER MILE INCLUDES GAS AND NECESSARY INSURANCE Deluxe model cars, power uipped, slightly higher TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE WINTER RATES Truck Retes on Request ieeneed Quality Products Migneault window designs | ive way to your creative magination . ... quality backed by over 25 yeors of research and craftsman- ship . . . ask about Migneault windows today at MILLWORK, HOUSTON, Tex. (AP)--San} Francisco Giants purchased left-handed pitcher Jim Consta- Have Your Suit Styled and Tailored by SAM ROTISH 7 KING ST. EAST if From A Lerge Selection of }eorps of the defending National Fine British Woollens |League champions. Bickley, president of the Cana- dian Ladies Golf Union, at the| -- Mayor) | A telegram from) | When Buying a New i] Furnace or a New Home Make SURE It's a 'GARWOOD' | The most Economical Oil Furnace on the Market! MOSIER witrat METAL 292 KING W. -- 725-2734 |) CLEANERS and LAUNDERERS OSHAWA ~ PORT HO! WHITBY . COBOURG. BOWMANVILLE - SCARBORO OSHAWA"S ONLY UNIONIZED SHOP 723-4631 50 MILL Curtains, Drapes, Blankets, Rugs |) PICK UP A BAG FOR THE Great 2 Winner bg 6. Windfields Start good, won easily mw s+ 5 Prueitt--Bill Beasley jana. Trainer R E Fisher Pool 15,612 Quinella Pool 21,640 Lady $5 Eltore The 122 32 % i l-b 4h 5. 2% -- Cana 2- 1 5- 3 4: di QUINELEA 8 and 1 PAID $9.20 11-POPSAYSNO 7-FALSE START Seventh Race ae @% Furlongs. 4year-olds at up. Clmgall $3500. Purse $1900, Wt PP 61 % 5 False Start Eternal Lock Have Gun ar adel tal 7) PeSeveyar vey wete 5 * eyudte grrr = * - 11-3% Uyeyama--Mrs McMacken Lavahot 118 12 1 12- 12 Robinson--L H Swarts Poh ged b bh 6, Ambiorix--Diesel Power, Trainer KR E Fisher Start good, won yon driving Poo! 47,266 Eighth | Race LO WHISPERING, WIND 9-NAVY GRAND @ Farlongs. ares, -- up Canadian foaled. Claiming all $2500. aoe iso, PSt % % Str Fin Jockey Owne: 1-44 Pitz'ns--Mre A H Treden 22% T'cotte--Miss J M C Burns 2% 32 Nedeau--S Cocomile 541% 41% McComb--R L Hunter 4h 51% Dittfach--A Paolone 7-4 62% Robinson--J J Mead h 6nk 7-2 Potts--Mrs J W Hunter 8 BB 8 8 Harrison--G Matoff -- Mateo Bird. Trainer A H Tradeii Pool 46,102 Total Pool Pe 15.00 6.30 5.30 5.10 oy 7-LDNDON TOWN He iis 4 Ye t h 7-14 5 3-1 = 3-2! 7. 5. S10 6 7 2-3% 2 4nk 6 1 1- Musical Hit 116 8 Winner b hb 7, by Honeytown "makings' of a fine NOS DOMINION TIRE STORES Hurry oes cigarette! we Famous for mildness and fine full flavour! 9 CIGARETTE TOBACCO ALWAYS FRESH IN 4 LB. TIN AND HANDY POCKET PACK! ROO AVM. Mm © TIRE SsTORE?> CinmiTee& HERE'S THE wHiTeW AFFORD TO MISS . 48 BOND a (Corner of Church) MINION &Y DOMINION ROYAL ~ WHITEWA TRE SAL RS Supply Limited--Act Today! CANNOT TIRE SALE YOU "a VE OVER 7.00 PER TIRE PLY RATING -- FOR PLUS _-- NO EXTRAS oT POPULAR CARS Sale Price" 22.94 24.94 24. " 723- 651 GUARANTEED WILL NOT NOW IS THE TIME TO KIL CRABGRASS AS IT SPROUTS PREVENT IT ALL SUMMER Exclusive formula with Dacthal Safe . . . will not burn W-50. established grass. One an applica- tion now can prevent growth all summer. Covers 25% more lawn than many other products at less cost ... and more effective, too. Master Feeds annual Garden Clinic featur- ing MR. VIGORO will be held on Friday, April 26th and Saturday April 27th from 10 A.M, to 4 P.M. BRING YOUR SOIL SAMPLES FOR ANALYSIS TO MASTER FEEDS, 54 CHURCH ST. OSHAWA ANY DAY UP TO AND INCLUDING SATURDAY, APRIL 27th Make sure you are getting the most out of your garden by having your soil analyzed by Master Feeds this year. MASTER FEEDS 54 CHURCH ST. 'PHONE 723-2229 © Free Parking @ Migneault VERTICAL WINDOW NE Two pairs of 3/16" crystal glass slide verti- W eally in rigid vinyl tracks, inserted in Red- wood frame, and stop every 4" for ventile- tion. Panes -removable from inside for easy cleaning. Full weather-stripped prime and storm and especially designed hordware, prevent dust and draft -- water repellent preserve- tive treated frame, Migneault PANORAMA SASHLESS WINDOWS Twe panes of 3/16" glass, slide horizontally in vinyl trecks, inserted in o Redwood frame -- specially designed frame end herdware, prevent dust and draft -- water repellent 'preserve- tive treated frame. Migneault "Self Storing 900' BASEMENT UNIT to meet ell basement requirements. Manufactured of Redwood -- water repellent preservative treated -- in four basic frame sizes. 322" x 1614": 32144" x 2012": 322 x 244": 4042" x 241%". Const Bi ell: Baas CT ee eee ASK ABOUT... | ® Migneault Panorama Cottage Sashless Window Units | I | I @ Migneault Door Frames of Clear Redwood 'i -- eS ee ee eee eee eee al The NEW Migneault Door with self-storing screen. @ No Down Payment @ No Payments Till June @ 6 to 60 Months to Pay MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLY LTD. 1279 Simcoe North 728-6291 OPEN DAILY--7 a.m. to 6 p.m.--Thursdey Till 9 p.m.