sit atin ath i ah ath 1Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, April 18, 1963 KING STREET UCW 9 The Loyal Workers of King Street United Church Women Unit 9, gathered in the church chapel for the Easter devotion- al under the leadership of Mrs. i |Theodore Wilkins and her com-|Rupert mittee. Mrs. C. C. Skuce opened the meeting. Easter hymns were sung with Miss Effa Wright at the organ. Mrs. Ernest Brown read the ys Poems were read by . Harry McKee and Mrs. Earl Luke, "The First|Richer and Mrs. Robert McNab, Easter" and "Only One Way."|charter members' were present Two solos were sung by Mrs.|to celebrate the 35th birthday of Charles Silver, "Low in The|the 5th Scout Mothers Auxiliary. Grave He Lay" and "In The Garden." Mrs, Wilkins read a meditation entitled "He Is)ferent Risen." Mrs. Skuce presided for the business discussion in the church parlor. Minutes were read by Mrs. Leslie Hall. The monthly and quarterly report was given by the treasurer, Mrs.|the first father and son b Running Shoes For the Whole Family Child's basketweave cloth oxford shoes with compound rubber ares eyelets and laces with rounded toes. Perfect for active children. Sizes 3-12 oe ee 1.17 MISSES Sizes 13 to 3 ait 1.37 COME IN AND SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE TO-DAY -@ BUY NOW AND SAVE @ ANNOUNCE JUNE WEDDING The engagement of Charles Wesley Richards and ;;/nounced today of Gindta ail her fiance's parents are Mr. Richards and Robert Craig end Mrs. John Russell Wills, Edward Sills. Mrs. Earl Lukelheld in 1928 . Wills, whose marriage is to ail of Oshawa. The ceremony report: -| Refreshm: take 'place on Saturday, June will take place in Christ Me- tal ha ee ee 'ia. a ents were served byl g"mhe bride - to - be is morial Church at 3:00 o'clock. A rummage sale sponsored : the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. --Aldsworth Photography 'CARA LISA' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUND 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Mother and Mrs. Major Fred Lewis. nounced for April 22 at 1.00 Mrs. Major Ernest Parr from help the souffle to rise higher served refreshments. College, Toronto, and six cadets|who gave a message dealing henna for color. on Monday afternoon, which|repeated the words from Psalm|| Ne boby sitter, no cor fare lead and chalk and made them| Mrs.' Major Parr opened the Of Leading Toronto Salons Slender, White Han' ideal with esse" ml speaker, Mss, Colonel Wesley of barley, vetches, naked nar-|°cC2%, 'referring to hile: Heo J a puffy souffle, z ; portion in unison, after which|after putting the mixture in a TORONTO (CP)--Beauty ex- snow. In Renaissance France, her nationality are revealed by|S@ging it from finger tips tojthe first Queen Elizabeth pre- Major Exnest Pare, a soprano eins Gla Minera can 'bo 45: finger should be individually|whites, powdered egg shell, Announcements were made by BABYLAND by the Ardent Workers and/John Kellington poured tea. Loyal Workers Units was an- si inch deep with the bowl of a SA HOME LEAGUE The cadets then sang, follow-|SPoon held vertically. This will o'clock in the CRA cenre. ek by Mrs. Cokonel Wesley Rich Mrs. Wilkins and her group|the Salvation Army Training y : "|in the centre and look attractive. training for officership, pre-|with the Easter Story. DI ES ments and nails were dipped in|Si#ed at the Woman's meeting) In closing, Mrs, Colonel Rich LA : took the place of the weekly|4g-19. Mr. Bernard The ladies of the Roman court ; . whitened their hands with white|#ome League meeting. Mrs. Major Lewis thanked Experienced Hair Stylist lying| meeting. Two cadets prayed. obeid FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS Pakes' of fine 'dough, kacaded| ™_ introducing the -- guest| Mi. 725-6854 Rich, Mrs. Parr read a poem Ovid recommended a hand HIGH HAT Of Beau Since Cl '5 Day beauty treatment that consisted which was composed for this t y €0 Rich. Home at Macdonald cissus bulbs and eggs ground i By PATRICIA RUSAK |and with the whiteness of|beneath a mill stone. lag peerage esgacre be -vsegues Bich form Bg ; H of the cadets gave a short|casserole to bake you make a perts Begin by spreading hand|creams of vanilla, cocoa and al- rae ri rr ; panty; ; rats elt coasters' Bove Bio ag Po as hand pit mas-|mond paste were popular and talk entitled "Consider Him". |circle aroud the edge about an nee hands wrist with firm, smooth move-|Served her elegant hands with se player, played during the But with meticulous hand|™ents of the free hand. "Each|a cosmetic lotion made of egg eine. Just in Time for Spring massaged." alum, borax and white poppy-| " ceived, especially in regard to Miss Burke described the|Seeds. age, says Angela Burke, a con-| massaging action as similar to| Hand analysts through the sultant for a beauty care insti- putting on a tight-fitting leather|a ges have categorized hands by tute in Montreal. glove. nationalities, Miss Burke says. When the hand is completely} 'English women are said to "jcreamed, fold the fingers to-jhave practical hands with Rugs and Upholstery New 1963 LLOYD STROLLERS cleaned with canopy Large Full Panel CRIBS century is still excellent, she gether clenching the fistipalms and fingers of the same These two ingredients quickly and then throwing form the basis of many of the|°P¢™ about five or six times. modern creams and lotions. Then rotate each finger in as wide a circle as possible with Any hand cream should be ap-jthe thumb and index finger of both before and after put-/the other hand. hands in water containing Finally, wrap the hands in soaps, detergents or harshisteaming towels for a few min- cleaning solvents. "Detergents, more than ordin- eliminate natural ary soaps, oils from the skin of the hands, utes, dry them .and reapply a hand cream. The drugstore shelf displaying a colorful variety of hand oils, making the hands look old and|creams and lotions has only wrinkled." been available to women in itilength. The French have well- proportioned palms with short fingers and Italian hands are supple with skilled fingers of mixed shapes."' Canadian hands have not yet been subjected to such close scrutiny. But Canadian women are very hand - conscious. 'They spend about $20,000,000 a year on hand creams--a third more than the per-capita spending in the safe way! "*flower fresh" cleaning NOsoaking, no shrinking! ' NOruinous scrubbing! Colors come alive! for FREE estimate 'et, call i DURACLEAN RUG AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS OSHAWA 728-8518 Baby CARRIAGES. Ct 19.88 PLAY PENS 1.88 HI CHAIRS. ......0+. Spring Filled CRIB MATTRESSES WILSON'S FURNITURE 20 CHURCH STREET Daughter Look-alikes .-» for the young and the young in heart! Cool airy cottons with a crisp look--to be worn all summer long. Just two styles from our The hands have fewer oillabout the last 50 years, says|%¢ U.S." cells than any other part of the/Miss Burke. body, she explained. "But women's hands have MASSAGE ever gone unattended. HELPS In addition to using hand) ANCIENT TREATMENT ereams regularly, a hand mas-| In her research for the beauty sage at least once a week helps|institute, Miss Burke discovered beautiful hands which|that in Cleopatra's days hands traditionally are "long, slender|were immersed in oils and oint- Mother and Daughter collection. Introducing "WORLD FAMOUS' UP TO $200.00 IN CASH COMPLETE LINE OF the dependable automatics NOW AVAILABLE AT HOME APPLIANCES (OSHAWA LTD.) 90 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH ENTER OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE'S MONTHLY FAMILY ALLOWANCE AWARD CONTEST Excitingly Different A fully flexible, big capacity PUSH-BUTTON AUTOMATIC WASHER @ Lint Remover Tub @ Swirl-Away Draining Action @ Cold Water Wash and Rinse @ Water Temperature Control @ Adjustable Water Level Control @ Safety Shut-Off Switch @ Rapid-Action Tub Brake @ Porcelain Protection e Un- balance Switch @ Top Loading @ Lint Filter Agitotor ONLY 339.95 tivins EASY TERMS MAYTAG Halo-of-Heat DRYER AVAILABLE @ 3 Temperature Push Buttons @ Air Fluff, Regular, and Wash 'n' Wear @ Fully Flexible Controls @ Completely Automatic © Fast Dries Clothes ot safe low temperatures @ Exclusive Dynamic Disc Lint Filter @ Safety Door @ Cool Cabinet @ Porcelain Drum ONLY 229.95 See them soon at: HOME APPLIANCES (OSHAWA LTD.) 125-5332 90 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Daughters' Sizes 10% §,98 7012 8.98 @ SIMPLY CASH YOUR FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUE AT THE CENTRE AND ASK FOR FREE ENTRY FORMS @ DEPOSIT ENTRY FORM INTO BALLOT BOX AT FLAG POLE IN THE MALL @ ENTRY SELECTION THIS MONTH WILL BE MADE ON FRIDAY, APRIL 26th AT 7:15 P.M. WALKER S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- 728-4626 725-6335 | PBS We Big pei lak Re SA Se Ns ata