Bay, i "il give! : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, April 17, 1963 NV ANH LANDERS wy the baby when te TTNTTS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES : live up to the promise after the USE SUITABLE PAN eat 3 oe ee It is important to use the| shrunken, whereas, e . baby has bec: rt of the DALE HS i i Wife Strongly Resents im soumledi,meeian meving Coewet won Tos late obelonec a eaeeoaeee acne oot Hubby Kissing Others wou dat yous iver, bu : I hope you will decline their kind offer and do what you feellq' y. pupils, Mev. FUR STOR AGE Dear Ann Landers: Is there is best for the baby. : aon ' pected in September. I can't) pear Ann Landers: I disa- . erring sprang wi 3 _ marty the baby's father for rea-|gree violently with your words : ; , Pp R re) T E C r | O N hugs and kisses for her alone? |S0"S which I won't go into here.|tq the unhappy divorcee. She om married to a man who| Jer several days of soul-icriticized the "weeping wid. is the warm, out-going type, He searching I've decided to givelgws" and claimed divorcees says he often has an impulse to|4P the ered for nt gee sol have, # much toughter time be ; : Let Us Take Care Of Your My mother passed away cause they don't get the mora) hug. and kiss, omen ively pla-(years ago and my father 18 go-|support and sympathy of thelr| PY, peguies Precious Furs and Cloth Garments! tonic--no sexual implications|ing to remarry in July, I like|family -and friends, You told : i Ay) i ae \ A we" ' "t believe there|his future wife very much and|her, "One thing is certain--the " , G. e RAGE @ CLEANING eagerness phinet pe ~ sone am happy for them both, Thelwidow didn't have a choice." P principal sTO Cc N hug or kiss between members problem is this: They want to} some divorcees don't have a : a of se- ® of = copesiie eememaren if it's tehe va hey oe marty coe choice other. » hog s apres lections by the confor p un-|] ORDER pe NG A ONE-DISH MEAL pg My ea De cheek. |ithey promise to give the baby|(" goes der the direction of Mr. Phill] RANVAS © REPAIRS, etc. en my sister-in-law (or a y Pp ; Yirocker for a younger and more a 7 friend or Theighbor) greets my|back when the time comes. -- |attractive woman the wife is Long, Choral speaking was de : husband with a kiss, or hugs| It's a great temptation be-|heipjess, I know because it hap- nie the @ FREE PICK-UP If Garden Calls You From Kitc ED |him on parting, 1 flame up in-|cause I'd give anything to se@!nened to me. end DELIVERY! side. I've told him how I feel|my child grow up, But I be-|' perhaps some wives have the : { : but it does. no good. I've|lieve the baby would get a bet-|/ strength to take the insults and Plan Supper at Breakfastetime |raicnea him carcufy' sna ur/ter break i he could start Mele slaps and punches, and pre : uppe ually the women kiss him first, My os Pond have filed as fect 8 smiling bce to the world ' : 1 is so responsive I'm ut I wasn't equal to it, Osh ft & C Id St With the coming of the first|ing cho} beef, catsup, onion pl _# ia it. If he with 80 many stories about how The only choice I had was to|should put up with slaps and NOW! awa ur 0 orage A --_ --, ape cnesd tet ae pad - ogg pushed them .away once or|!'ll regret it if I give my babyliet him go or end up in a men-|punches. I recommend separa-| We Also Rent Chairs, Tables, ete. LIMITED spare time we y . crusty crown away that my head is bursting. 81 William St, West von Phone 723-3012 = g ing the cold h Instead rolls finist ff this twice they would stop, tal institution. If you are fair i m there is : physi al Cl E' /E F ° ) ( wei : re devoted|casserole to perfection. ane ! e happy to ] help me, LD WOMAN you'll print his. M i i c I the days and eks are de' fe % I would be very Please --0) f tion whe ject,|OF 17 oa atedly. Divorce is a different ~/ahead to enjoy in leisure later. [heat your views on the sublect.|"" oa) a7. Your thinking is TaGiON pearedly: ir wi A Dear Off; When you hear|S0lid. Don't let anyone change ion. At times like this, ag oo what my views are you won't|your mind. the secret is ¢ o plan meals), 1, ground beef be so happy. A % cup chopped onion : A woman who doesn't believe Prepare all but the dinner); gz, can tomato sauce in a platonic hug or kiss has a A. E, Johnson 0.0. roll topping for the casserole as) 1 cup catsup mighty pa gr gy ee f i the breakfast general and to sex i rticu- pci -- p. Poa ite, Then|" Sak of eee \lar. My best wishes for a OPTOMETRIST i i ; |speedy recovery, ¢ oe ere | Dear Ann Landers: I am 17/] 728-2721 14% KING & ae and pregnant. The baby is ex- 1 can refrigerated rolls with sesame seeds, Cook meat and onion until lightly browned. Stir in tomato . , sauce, catsup and seasoning, This casserole is deliciously| alternate layers of meat mix- filling and satisfying, combin-|ture and cheese in a 2-quart cas- serole, ending with cheese. GAVE TO ANIMALS Place rolls around edge of cas- NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. setae, Roky ot OS -- > sik 5 mi : t . . igh ary a Coavonion vk golden brown. Serve hot. e+.and you'll find bargains galore at Walker's. Our fashion departments Coney LF ge -- bal : ore clearing new Spring styles ot a tremendous saving. Shop early for the tate ss Dorothy Taylor, ve oe ae : : who died recently. The former : é ie j best selection. editor and part-owner of the A 3 oe New Westminster British Co- lumbian was a breeder of horses, cattle and dogs. -- h Dear Legion: no woman'matter. O15 Smee ae os 22 L2 oe oe © WEDDING PORTRAITS @ WEDDING ALBUMS aw c. Clearance ef New Spring Style WIFE PRESERVER he. a ~ -- i : Help check fading in colors Greland. Studio j > - tome ei ; 4 Girl's Spring Coats Tremendous Values en things] 21 ATHOL ST, WEST when they are 723-3680 : i 4 @ Ladies Dress bung in the sun to dry. HELENA RUBINSTEIN believes YOU CAN LOOK LOVELIER... bavloe WITHIN DAYS! CEREAL Group includes Toddlers, 4 to 6x and sizes 7 to 14, Some one of a kind and color, many fabrics and styles to choose. Our remaining line of Spring coats... all at remarkable savings. 115 ways to invite delight || |i : TO COME IN AND MEET and nourishment gs Formerly 2498 MISS MILDRED MONTEITH ay? B Meal-appeal to spare . .. with goodness galore inevery _ : j 4 @ PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY SPECIALIST | delectable Gerber Baby Food variety. From cereals : $ Spring JURY & LOVELL INVITES YOU Half-Price Clearance of to fruits, vegetables to dinners, juices to desserts, these | famous, flavoursome foods are made to delight | Smoothness supreme. Gerber Baby Cereals are delicate | 4 e Pe in fl d th h ixed | \ FREE BEAUTY ANALYSIS | opted pa hae Poko serihennt hy : Millinery WE CAN OFFER YOU! | and evenly... stir to perfection in seconds . . . stay | smooth down to the last happy mouthful. Nutritionally, | . Br \ | they're enriched with iron, calcium, important B-vitamins. "iy AVE 1 MISS MILDRED MONTEITH will show you how to echieve ¢ | ried apes | gh | healthier, more dewy ond youthful skin . + + banishing tell-tale 1 Flavours the way nature meant them esln tedstiane Got al aid y ~~ spree dryness or oily areas, and maintaining |) - to be! Gerber Strained and Junior se eae ek achiad f psa gad oT oe oe | me 7 Foods are made from choice brics. You'tl pie the etna ine ae wal ie Many ane: ef. kin syn COME EARLY t t Miss M ith | te oa si ane peony ig high style fashions, Misses @ Petites @ Half j a pe siti . om ooo I ? Z rear nar ' i i i : sa a ik Sot | -- to the individual requirements Sizes in Spring shades. . Half Price. Shop early for the For your personal free beauty analysis and ot the some time |} ¥, of the foods. And, they're prepared 4 best selection! receive o Helena Rubinstein Cosmetic as our gift to you. 1 ie by specialists who know all the g : inner secrets of preserving YOU MAY CONSULT MISS MONTEITH bil ee natural flavours, garden-true Friday, April 19th, Sal., April 20th QUICK-TWIST CaP pope ania utmost in precious AT | Babies are our business... | our only business! be soe JURY & LOVELL | Gerber Baby Foods cen 8 KING ST. EAST | Niagara Falls, Canada OSHAWA -- PHONE 723-2245 From the famous Salons of HELENA RUBINSTEIN