LUCKY 13 Daniel Victor, son of Mr. THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA For Tomorrow Generous planetary influences will govern personal relation- ships on Sunday, The day will be a fine one in which to encour- age new friendships, strengthen old ties and to participate in social and recreational activi. ties of any type. | Make plans for the week ahead. | For The Birthday If tomorrow is your birthday, your chart promises occupa- tional advancement and a very, sharp uptrend in your financial status during the next year. Do not, however, allow undue op- timism to lead you into extrav- agance or speculation during the latter pant of this month or in October, or you could weaken your position. Domestic, social and senti- mental relationships will be| governed by excellent aspects} during most of the year, with | emphasis on romance during) the balance of this month, in| early August and late Decem-| ber. In late August, try to avoid) tensions, and don't overtax) Montreal, and is at present on the teaching staff of Westgate Collegiate and Vocational In- stitute, Fort William, Ontario. Mr. Tangelder, a graduate of Central Baptist Seminary, To- ronto, Ontario, is taking post- graduate studies at the Free University, Amsterdam, Hol- land. The date of the wedding has not been announced. The engagement has been announced of Miss Hazel Eve- lyn Annie Dawe, eldest daughter of the Reverend Dr. and Mrs. George R. Dawe, Kamloops, British Columbia and Mr. Johannes Dirk Tan- gelder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernardus J. J. Tangelder, Oshawa. Miss Dawe is a graduate of McGill University, Jo Aldwinckle, Women' (cmon s Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIM ES, Saturdey, April 13, 1963 7 Given By Mr. C. At King Street Home and School Association April meet- * \ing, Mr. C. M. Jenson, technical director of the R. 8. McLaugh- lin CVI, spoke on "Robarts Plan for Secondary Schools". Over 60 students, members of the choir and parents im attendance received leaflets, a condensed version of the Robarts plan as it is being followed in the Oshawa Collegiates. This enabled every- one get a clearer picture of the situation as Mr. Jenson outlined the five year stream, the four- year, and the two year explain- ing why amd where each course was given. The speaker was in- health. | A child born on this day will! be talented along many lines, | NITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES ambitious and a loyal friend. | brating his first birthday, to- Day After Tomorrow day. He is the grandson of The Day CENTRE STREET UCW {for the evening. Mrs. D. E. he regular meeting of Unit|Jackson read the scripture. duced by Mr. Douglas Young and thanked by Mrs. G. E. Jones. Mr. A. E. Maycock was in charge of the meeting. He intr: duced the King Street Choir. The jnumbers were introduced by Explanation of Robarts Plan M. Jenson - descam taken by Mary Alker, Joanne Chmara, Frances Hill, Frances Mlaroosis, Margaret Smits and Susan Winder and Lonesome Valley. Mr. Maycock was in charge of the choir. For the past six years, Mr Maycock has trained a choir at King Street School and for the past 10 years has been the pia- nist for home and school asso- ciation meetings. Mrs. Harold Sproule thanked Mr. Maycock and the choir. Mrs, Joseph La Rocque pre- sented the t reasurer's ves Mrs, William Marlowe and Mrs. Lloyd Harlowe convened a |bake, candy, apron sale. The proceeds of this will go towards lthe purchase of bars and let- iters for students, | The hospitality committee con- Left, Miss Janet N, daughter of Mr. taniey , Rogers, street, Stark, daughter of Mrs. Clif- ford Stark, Central Park and Mrs Windsor CALIFORNIA BOUND right, Miss Shirley" south, graduates of class "88° < School be' iy ss General Hospital, have left for Los Angeles, California, where they will continue their -~ ~ profession. ' : CLUB CALENDAR "| MONDAY Women's Hospital Aux. Hosp. Aux. Eve. Chapter Sunshine Rebekah Lodge - 16th Scout Mother's Aux, 8th Scout Mother's Aux. WEDNESDAY Queen Mary Lodge 1s¢ Scout Mothers' Aux. 7th Scout Mothers' Aux. King Street UCW 16th Group Committee Ist Parent Committee Patriarch Militant Aux. and Mrs. Norman Ackles, Gordon street, was born on Friday the 13th, and is cele- Albert Street UCW No. 2 Canadian Corps Assoc. Aux. _ THURSDAY Court Charlene, COF. Pilot Club St. George's Eve. WA Happy Doubles Club Albert Street UCW No. 8 Calvary Baptist WMS Christ Church Eve. Guild St. George's WA St. Andrew's UCW Harvey Hunt Auxiliary Sunbeam Chapter, OES 17th Scout Mothers' Aux. St. Mark's WA Jaycettes Pleasant Mon, Aft, Club Calvary BWF Business and Prof. Women's Club Friendship Unit TUESDAY Daughters of England St. Peter's W A TOPS Club SA Home League Christ Church WA Fellowship Unit UAW Auxiliary No, 27 Canadian Legion Aux. Holy Trinity WA Northminster UCW Helping Hand Aux. Mr. O. Francis Griggs, of spb : fia Maintain a realistic attitude|jo 2 Centre Street United} Easter was the theme of the|rrances Maroosis. In the first\sisted of Mrs. D. M. Jameison 4 |sis . D. M. Caterham, Surrey, England. in all things on Monday. Follow|Church was held in the chapel|meditaticn and Mrs, Kerr gave ; 1 i wat K 7 group they sang King Street|jand Mrs. A. C. Conboy. It was icsiand Stadio routine with care and don't £0\prior to the meeting all attend-|the prayer, __|School song, "It's a Grand|decided to hold a graudation » |to extremes in any activity./eq the Lenton service which) & solo "A memory" was given| Night for Singing", "It Might as|party in June, Progress may seem slow, but! was conducted by the Reverend|py Miss Leah Garrow, accom-|well be Spring", 'Getting to} Mr. J, D. Galbraith asked keep plodding. ' |W. G. Dickson. |panied at the organ by Miss|Know You", 'Whistling a Hap-|members to submit ideas to Those who do their best will] Mrs. Aubrey Dunks presided|Ralph Jewell. |py Tune", "O What A Beautifullhim for the information sheet : be on the road to advancement,|over the business meeting. | The 'Power of Prayer" was|Morning"', "The Surrey with the|which will again be issued to : whether they realize it or not.|Mrs, Ace Abbott gave the de-jthe message given by Mrs. L.|Fringe on Top" and "Okla- Make Old Jobs Easier | |votions, the theme being "Bas-|M. Akin. parents of Grade 7 pupils in homa". The choir were accom-|the fall For The Birthday lait aah Mrs. Fred| ani ; the fall. -- By ELEANOR ROSS | Without any effort on her If Monday is your birthday, i che + Be sully pe adage reagg ie Cor Reece poco ag Pre Moan ea =, alee Bass won the Women are such inventive|part, the mop comes out clean|your horoscope indicates a), reading entitled 'Only Bor-| Refreshsnents ware seed bh \Know You'? when Carol Weir, a/('@¥ om the Easter bunny. 7 lways|#8 new and the stocking pre- happy and prosperous year. YOu) -oweq", Easter hymns werel|y Syne gnc Y\pupil in Class 82, played the| Refreshments were donated creatures that they are alWays| vents the mop's lint from coj-|are currently in a cycle which|..55 with Mrs, James Moore| . group. piano when Mr. Maycock sang|% served by the mothers of figuring out pond ways 1 os lectins in the machine. should be excellent from a ma-|ianist' Mrs. Ace Abbott gave|1sTH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. the same old , even if they) can't think up an invention to SAVE THE HOOKS ) ellen! "Getting to Know You", The | Pupils in Mrs. Roy Barrand's terial standpoint if you refuse|the treasurer's report, MrS.! rhe regular meeting of the make them rich. And follow the notion of an- i i choir also sang "You'll Never|t00m, convener Mrs, A, J. Ly- to indulge in extravagant whims|cjayude Flewelling, the secre-| joy, Séoit Mochatte: Aumilisty Walk Alone", from Carouse},| Mer, assisted by Grhda involhaes It's a pity that there aren't more back fences in the coun- try these days so there could be more trading of helpful hints on how to clean the oven, bathe! the baby or hang the curtains.| Whenever one woman con- quers a little household crisis or works out a better way of doing any job, she should really try to pass it along to another woman who, chances are, may have the same little preblem to lock sooner or later. For instance, there's one lit- tle inventive genius or effi- ciency expert who figured out how to "iron" her sheets and) towels without going near the ironing board. SHEET SITTING She simply folds these items carefully after laundering, your head and so have your hands free to handle your pre- cious little bundle. other inventive homemaker. Next time you take down the draperies for washing, stick the pin hooks into a bar of svap. Then they won't get scattered! and lost--and they will be eas- ier to stick back into the fab- ric. Or maybe your problem is a) spotty. look on that stainless) steel oven door. | Well, try this: After you swab it off with a sudsy sponge, as usual, use a dry cloth instantly to wipe away the rinse water. That .word "instantly" is the|security. The balance of this key to avoiding water spots. | month, early August and late And if the problem concerns|December will be highlighted itself with bathing the baby, a| by interesting romantic experi- good idea is to sew a loop ofjences, and both July and De- tape to one corner of the baby's|cember will be fine for travel. bath towel, slip the loop over! A child born on this day will be highly energetic, gregarious and remarkably intuitive. ance of this month and in Octo-| ber. Carelessness during these |, periods could offset the gains) possible between now and mid-|. June and during the latter part)! of the year. Good opportunities) for business expansion are indi- cated within the first three months of 1964. Job interests will be under fine stimuli during most of the next 12 months, and there will] also be splendid influences to} govern domestic relationships and affairs involving family i on a chair and sits them while she folds the rest of the mending. NAUTICAL PLOT Sportswear plots a nautical look for spring with artful use SOCIAL NOTICE laundry or does her Then there is the tidy, metic- ulous housekeeper who can't or red white and blue. Most ENGAGEMENT often, white and blue predom- --particularly during the bal-|tary's report. nore United Church was held in the\ceived from the Reverend and church parlours. | Kerr presiding ,in the absence of Mrs. Ira Travell. treasurer's nounced results of the "Dessert Luncheon", for $340.00 be sent to the UCW. UCW will be held April 17, with Dr. Ruth Taylor (Mrs. Hugh Taylor) as guest speaker. A pot luck supper at 6.30 p.m. is plan- ned tailed report of the luncheon. L, M. Akin, the guest speaker {was held at the home of Mrs. Plans were discussed for the;Thomas Gladman Sr. with 14 all bazaar on November 29. |members and three children A letter was received regard-| present. ng good used clothing for the| In the absence of the presi- bale to be sent by the UCW/dent, Mrs. Maurice Gray, vice- a] n May. president, Mrs, Phillip Simpson, was in charge of the meeting. SIMCOE STREET UCW_ [Minutes of "as last nesting (Lenore Unit) |were given by secretary, Mrs. The April meeting of the Le-| Raymond Barber. Unit of Simcoe Street} A note of appreciation was re- Mrs. H. E.|Mrs. J. B. Romeril for their in- vitation to the luncheon and meeting. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Orville Rahme and the summary on the lunch- eon. Mrs. Simpson thanked those who assisted with the luncheon. Reports from the executive meeting, held at the home of vice - president, Mrs. Garnet Goyne on the turkey supper April 27, were discussed and fi- nalized. Convener for the kit- chen will be Mrs. Charles, as- oo by Mrs. Thomas Glad r Mrs. Wallace Butler gave the report and an- It was decided that a cheque The general meeting of the Mrs, Bruce Buck gave a de- From the Grade 7 and 8 music books the choir performed in three and four parts the follow- ing "Dona Nobis Pacem", 'The Cowboy's Meditation'. "Down in the Valley' with o'clock noon with Hawke Patrol in charge. The guest list will be arranged by secretary, Mrs. Raymond Barber. Thanks by Mrs. Simpson was extended to Mrs. T. Gladman for opening her home for the meeting. The social hour was convened by Otter Patrol, Mrs. pected Osborne and her assist- ants. ' |Mrs. Edward Alker and Mrs. \J. E. Wherry. EXPORT TULIPS Tulip bulbs have been a@ spe- cialty in Holland for 400 years. {Some $25,000,000 worth are ex- \Ported annually -- more than jhalf to the U.S. and Canada. ¢ STOP aT Ansus-Gk LADIES Ne beby sitter, no cer fore Mr. Bernard Experienced Hoir Stylist Of Leading Toronte Salons FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS 725-6854 CARPET ANY 282 King W. 728-9581 BROADLOOM TILE Mrs. Kerr introduced, Mrs. The May meeting will be an luck luncheon at Westmoum UCW 15th Scout Mother's Aux St. Paul's Guild Victoria Lodge, LTB Albert Street UCW Knox Presbyterian WMS St. Joseph's CPTA Upholstery cleaned "flower fresh" NOsoaking, noshrinking!/ NO ruinous scrubbing! Colors come alive! for FREE estimate ) : call DURACLEAN RUG AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS OSHAWA 728-8518 Soroptimist Club FRIDAY Silver Cross Women © WEDDING PORTRAITS @ WEDDING ALBUMS 21 ATHOL ST, WEST 723-3680 The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. annual pot George R. Dawe, Kamloops, British Columbia, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Hazel Evelyn Annie, to Mr. Joh Dirk T; Ider, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernardus J. J. Tangeld Oshawa, On- tario. The date of the wedding has not been announced. bear to use a mop that isn't clean, even on a dirty floor. She puts the soiled mop head- into a worn nylon stocking Knots the top and the foot of the and puts the whole thing inte her washing machine. inate with red as an accent and Miss Leah Garrow, soloist,|Courtice United Church at 12 FENCE FOR FUN CALGARY (CP)--Each Wed- nesday night female voices echoing "touche" ring out in the auditorium of the Univer- sity of Alberta. They belong to the six women among the 15 members of the Swashbucklers fencing club, formed last Sep-| tember. Help "Back the Attack' "MUSCULAR | DYSTROPHY' The Firefighters of Oshawa Will Be Canvassing All Homes In Oshawa on... MONDAY EVENING, April 15 . ++ To Aid the Fight Against This Dread Disease, ALUMIN' y e AWNING e SIDING WINDOWS--DOORS FIREPLACE FURNISHINGS @ FREE ESTIMATES @ LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST. 725-4632 - Eve. 723-2707 SHOP AND SAVE! LECOFF'S SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10.00 P.M. WIFE PRESERVER To wash the parts of your kit- ehen range handily, soak them) in suds overnight in your wash-| tub or "set tub." Then refill) tub with fresh suds, scrub, rinse and dry. | ----. Please Be Generous"! The biography of ) : HER MAJESTY ELIZAB PRESENTED BY Your hydro CFTO-TV CHANNEL 9/ 5:30 PM / SUN. APRIL 14 This Advertisement Is Sponsored On Behalf Of The Muscular Dystrophy Association --By-- General Motors of Canada Ltd. | | 3