Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Apr 1963, p. 15

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a--Glorege Specs 25---Apt. & Flot For Rent |27--Reel Estate For Sale 27~---Real Estate for Sale 27--Reel Estate ForSele = |29--Automobiles For Sale and Gerages aS Sie, Conelios| 1965 CHEVROLET two door hardtop, Te sete afigeig nd sve ee| tena Moh, tn. "taeobons "@iSe| | WHEN CRAFTSMANSHIP 1S APPRECIATED | rsi_Ssebese essa Tr OFFICE SPACE | ret adits, Telephone TN.|31-AORE farm in Brogktin area, good IN YOUR NEW HOME 1969 TUDOR Chevrolet, sin, standard. 095. Telephone Bowmanville 623-9432. Business TWO - BEDROOM apartment in apart- 1 am full price $21,000, half cash. $1, Available People oath Postel, ay ventral, $25 Pogo! --_-- r; ines VOLESWAGEN custom detane, sae " Jog tekooh ragai Ganon KING BF STREET -- girl oe a ewer i JAMES 0 MALLEY ; iba FORTAC, oar tor las, a PHONE 623-5044 -- ieee athe. Rlopowe afer 8.30/14, 40836 and highway. doce cdg ph ty fo ie cena aero ARE YOU IN NEED OF main ou Bric. house gulable for eoiage. #00 We are also specialists in is ees = home, office and store remodelling A MODERN OFFICE? any time erase alah | ae ter soe 1 1 aoa en Te for Oshawa and District 3 : \i i i 3 . } i fo 4 lexseeeses! * : I ' i [ 3 Fy 2 B i a § r = i aft i Ah I "ii F Rel Fl & : if nae giite Z a fl ne ee ceerecratinipencciinrainntinanennsintin enemas |RETIREMENT home, five rooms, Saat BEDROOM a: Avalatie May 1, Ait apert:|double garage, se. We sare lot I lovely gar a, . Craydon gob Jo Johnson, 728-2548, Howe and Peters. We have available a suite of 26--Rooms For Rent Ronee aoa =) RESIDENTIAL BUILDING LOTS sbie, Telephone Tass. ee Tg = gc fh ellen are gg Ay gn 300 era ee good condition, im- ASSAU STREET -- Large Rewly|iot, 10 miles north of Whi : " ' wire 14 Mill street, upstairs, $450 or offices totalling approximately td fully" equipped cack, Army Feet rey Osuies| 4 lots Trick Ave. 38' x 101' Each $1,520. quire 14 : ' 5 lots Adeline Ave. 38' x 101 Each $1,520, 1053 CHEVROLET coach and extra 1000 square feet . . . Air condit- SS ee be Wage Ac oS Gn A ony vas bk oh MG non parte, peice $70, Aoviy 149 Caine etreet., -- ALL CASH -- : Person. ¥ detached | | N. irregular, ataied 1988 Ay A-l. Cyeah| For Cleon cors we deal up or ioned, bright and served by ele- DIVISION STREET. 199 = Light hosts lif coo. terme, Too. '| 1 fot Oshowa Blvd. N., 83' x 140', Each $4,520. meters rede oe Mee ret] = twh,. Liana. paid vator in The Times Building. * | Feepbenn 3 re © eee Cuan bal with tany ex-| 13 lots Rossland Rd, E, 60' -- 70' x 96' -- 155' {oer CHEVROLET deluxe, four anot, NICOLS MOTORS LTD. atic, radio, new $12 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY From 2,995 to $3,455. two tone aaeee see brown, spotless, 668-8001 : i Hi 3 cf = ti iE : i | i 5 7 i becwens + and $ sreinds ----___- |UON t dkaws, ses Traephooe "us| 1 lot Simcoe St. $. 60° x 101* $3,100. prdiond MAK, oa aes 100 CARS WANTED eekly rates, nod ' condition. Ti Hampton ¢ T, CT Wi » rooms, heated, tele-|? : , ' 3-2075. New Car? = Kdcinide Birect| 1 bot Ritson Rd, S, 60' x 101' $2,700, ' Buying o ON Al + a $15. and $17.50. Telephone 723- ah od -- 7 9 1950 VOLVO, one owner, very ieee Wickit storey, newly decorated, fire-| 15 lots Conont St. 40' -- 43° x 125 condition. $1088 or best offer, 1 your used Cor weap cal hol THE OSHAWA TIMES ATTRACTIVELY _ |pisce, sve, sara Mises, "| From $1,800 to $2,187.50. eT ide! Soe on ee OR T. L. WILSON FURNISHED ROOMS |roxes avexte, moder, re Setrin| 1.6 ocres Toylor Ave. 336' x 220° $6,000. ees rou soutn, mueese. APPIY 381) "FED CAMPIN MOTORS ASK F ae Available in private home. |eondition, low 'i ' 4 taxes, close , inst PONTIAG four-door, @ cylinder,| 723-4494 -- Res, 725-5574 Call between 5 and 7 p.m. ba este linen All lote listed obove carry the sign of the tec pabia" re milea: rn pertect ecoantiin Telephone 82 PARK RD. joss SPRING model homes by William _ Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board 725-3144, 31--Automobile Repeir 23--Wanted To Rent a5--Aet. & Flats For Rent NORTH Until 8 pam. Directions: 2 blocks' north Enquire from your Reaktor Member 1005 CHEVROLET sedan. radio. cleat! HOUSTON'S GARAGE on : snditt-, Telephone 725-9279 after 7 or FOUR foom apartment or small house Weet turn ote block wet Jonogh Booeo! 738-740. and SERVICE STATION esi required June 1. Telephone 723-1746. 'Tove, washer, dryer, park 27--Real Estate for Sale Real Estate, 728-7: tine, aie one, Se ae BRAKE i ae oa Serena neues bs Bay" te Sele | odula fs preterred: Telephone thse. $12,800 is the fall peice for « new but-|28---Real Estate Wanted _|29---Automobiles For Sale _| sion, Full power, Radio, tour new tires. MOTOR TONE up ye y i. -- ; galow to be bui 728-5972. x ghone 723-1962. THREE large s, unfurnished.) GRANDVIEW GARDENS dens, with °000 down. Call ae PRIVATE family 'with large down, pay.| 266 Fi 988 PONTIAC, MC, fourcdoor, six elinder, |ii5y PONTIAC Laurentian, white, Jour GENERAL REPAIRS THREE - bedroom house wanted within|N: Shopping Centre, wired for rang- enson at ©. 1), Hyman, BOS) ae wants fro door sedan, or best offer. T: Oshawa city limits, by family of five.lette, Child welcome, $58. includes util A KASSINGER HOME in this |rimited. 728-6286. went "averroom brick home preter: |Telephone Hampion 289-202, phone after' 4, 728-7635. prc 67 KING 55, WEST Telephone 728-0783. ties. 728-2558. beautiful location can be |wWarrpy, brick bungilow with attach-|ably on outskirts of Oshawa. T iste FORD fordor, standard, Fadlo.|spEGiaL ----si80., 100 723-7822 $UO. of Taner aebeces house,|SPECIAL bachelor apartment in apart- eg for as ~ de ed brick garage, Six room, recreation 725-8286. bod 9M anically Al, dust inetel-|Runs good, clean ineide, good tires, , ir staan nevi Chania ate pom dlgee ge Repay Han sgn 3 3 aol Aigo pap pnegc ai oivid into bedrooms. Dry basement. hnholabe wd TI Psy bd ag Good tery, exhapet 5) stem, universal, and transportation. 666-8371. Prslermed. Rent 8100 - $125. Phone|§70_monthiy. Telephone 722-424 We bs rooklin €38-9834. Excellent condition. Lot 90 x 170. Land- ment, 725-|new tides, B: 1957 PONTIAC, four door hardtop, afte: We have four models now 12,300, aslene Large dawn pay A ol BYRON SOUTH, Whitby, redecorated, Quiet district. Full price 8 fay scaped. BOUSE in raral aren, ith sora jod|moaera, two bedroom tahirised spat under contstuction, and in- | Telephone 666-5927. / eee eer soarkomeGai| YOUR VOLVO DEALER Chevrote tudor, custom, ex ce, Bot a small barn afd ap-|ment, in apartment building, use of} Vite you to compare thes@ |MAPLE Grove, 10 acres, wwaed lot ide ity Ltd., 16 Simcoe Street JAKE & BILL'S fer. No dealers. Telephone 728-444 ,. Sooxinaacy 15 acres, within driving dis-|clothes dryer, paved parking, adults| homes with any other build- | with secluded building site. Price $2200.\c-\, 793-1121. Realtors open daily tance to Oshawa. 726-3855. preferred. $85. Telephone 726-2633. ers' homes as to price, work- |Terms. no pg Harnett gi gle cy mn, GARAGE poy th CHEVROLET, ee ase a als 24--Houses For Rent Seer e auth GB. the. andl two bee | iarrariP> design ond mater: . |esin ot $5,000. Peter Feddems, Realtor.) WANTED to, buy. im, Ocbaue, foete| GENERAL REPAIRS and oe x Wo Room Sy Gtgientaed octane, 'verily ae a roe ayaa tee l be Grandview Village is located |jaNETVILLE -- Brick house, six-room phone Brooklin 655-4678. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE or, aeons aan pe MC aeons ye BABY GRAND No children please. For P®t-! anie May 1. Apply Apartment 2 on King St. East with tem- |garage: %4 acre land, 95,500. Terms.|oq A ue biles For Sale 449 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa best otter. 725-1181; ovenings | 725-0150, Sealers, 700-8125. sain Oucbedroom, unfurmas:| porary entrance off Grand- |Fred Cook. Real Estate, Cail Marvin|4¥---AUfOMmODIIES 728-0921 itso ENVOY station wagon, one owner, P| Sagge-t rt geanlikorelepe cng «ly > Senmay Po nt, in apartment building.| view St. South. Neehil. Besos, eee 77 FORD Ve sneehe good motor, rey, with radio, snow tires, ANO Beier A race it Craneee, Parting: close to schecl end shoppugs PRIVATE sale -- Th m brick | t ind body, 6450. 668-5631, 728-3283. 1 : : F : : : Hf i ; % re a i , a? E 2 F 5 i ; fi : : itt i Ht ee ttl is f i | i i itty B - be Sooktak, Best offer. T: $50 ; bungalow, near shopping peste, aluni- White a tuned to Foca Bnd oie CARL OLSEN [est'asciieteetecris fat me, PORTS ewe] AAAR IAN'S [Baoan fur, trae], WN th ac, ior Scare som "S, "font PRIVATE -- two - bedroom basement REALTOR aa tee este down, Owner exrries| walls, $2488. Apply S85 Athol Street able, $250, Telephone 724-4828, Telechone 723-2143 Wy. Central. Before 6, telephone 725-0910. Shier tes, iedvo sad rannctie, Bust, 299 KING $T, WEST mortgage. 'Telephone 725-9686. aa GARAGE PRIVATE, 1961 Mercury Montetey P es convertible, 2-tone, rect bee rig | 25--Apt. & Flats For Rent rm. 723-1133 brn. seM-contatned, two-bedroom apert| * ' power top. string, Brakes, vets, sd or 725-1348 Seles i ad alae areece crreastecierorgs aha at § windshie SIMCOE NORTH, 498, Apartment 1.|FURNISHED bachelor apartment, pri- Sa tiyec, Aauite prefered. 408. Tele- M of dryer, Adulte preferred, $88. Tele- 1957 PONTIAC LAUREN- |New cost over $5,200, will sell for $2,600. TRACTOR eet eeaet a Niet Te aotl| working. Adult with" chi Day care Gordon Osborne | phone ria. TIAN FOUR DOOR,.HARD» [ireeccommee meme Cub Model Insurance and FIVEROOM BRICK bungalow, "aorih aba ese TOP V8, outomatic, Ac) | Bia gsonyertan.,Sma,cese crn] 'MORON OTe voter available. Telephone 723-4569, ; ' DOWNTOWN OSHAWA |petvete cotceace: actt comtsines, "cont Real Estate weached cae Hyg rar, ted se poset si dash, back wp lighs, wh Used Very Little | Rabeigineter, anv 218 DUNDAS ST. E. ice fenced garden 1956 CHEVROLET SEDAN me discs, many exitan, $738 Apply ery Little, APARTMENT é feiephone 725.8616) _ WHITBY DIAL 668-5431 with ra ' a Good $595 fser La Street, ie: 4 ACRES AND HOUSE ain one WANT TO BEA grey ie Fab te SL 'erin 0 housekeeping On 3rd C¢ mortgage. Telephone Pickering' $ 402117 1957 CHEVROLET TWO | 1955 Chevrolet sedan, standard, 6 eylin-| Phy P P, 1 FOUR ROOM dad Riches 'wiE, cupboards! Township near Whitby. ond HAPPIER DRIVER? | DOOR. STANDARD, radio, |fer: 15s Chevrole sean, V4 stand | "ODE vatfiaces Be AL Oshawa. Good bom, 4 room LOT $695 | chassis; 1954 International, one ton, cab] Vacuum Cleaners oon j iecttc henge 'oa honk Three i py rag Ay st doe ial BUY A NEW CAR NOW sodas, stastard, V4 Adieomen Once FILTER QUEEN ' monthly, - room self. a with 50 rs, Z Supplied. Sign' tee we, Sevan) | OUPLEX INVESTMENT | S%00°% Scammer Cotton S| were a Low-cost 1ire.nesommp = See bea awh $80 MONTHLY ' eae 725-5101 NEW ADDRESS ponbsgn sree On Dundas St. E., Whitby. $500 oo Filters 12 for $1.50-- Telephone ofter 5 p.m. ~ ONE BEDROOM Live in one apartment ond *. 30 for $3.50 723 - 4523 APARTMENTS | = lorset x tsa Prone Whitey sseSrre - La Ld | : Fi H_ DICK WILSON BATTERY | _ Repoirs at low factory rates. $1,000 DOWN " Bed * SALES AND SERVICE - Nylon Hose, Old Fittings $9.95 wo edroom x, LA SALLE 3 BEDROOM BRICK : Fock . Pod f ig unr flee Bloor St) FILTER wv " : ly SALES : Bungalow on residentiat | Brick Bungalow Pontiac DIAL 723-3512 _| 323 king Stast West 728-7552 The Diplomat GARDENS steel in Whit, Mow o- | Lonmeaes tor TE 990, LOAN "2 Deluxe Apartments 725-4964 we Yep, ,oftroctive, oll heated Bui ck KELLY DISNEY COOK'S bptead 3 BEDROOM BEAUTY THE BANK OF ae eage eae | Bae ae eee |. oe NOVA SCOTIA Limited inet ais, | TRAILER SALES Furnished Lobby APARTMENTS _ | cestion room, bright kitchen 2s broadloom etc. All ready to Liens paid off Elevator AJAX move in, OPEN 1959 BUICK Tiede Gb or down 13 - 14-16-17 ft. ' ; Get Into FOUR DOOR HARDTOP Always on Quality PRIGHWAY 2 COURTICE Hi Fi M Reta ma Randoctigcmt GUIDE REALTY THis WENO The Easter Parade Fully equipped. SPOT CASH © LAO Cos Lie Immaculate Condition. PAID FOR Simcoe North (City Limits) Wellto-wall Drops from Oshawa LIMITED MO D E & in a Fine Buy Only 29,000 Miles. dept ta OPEN EVENINGS Automatic Built-in Ronge Opposite large Shopping Centre | BUSY BODY SHOP -- Going $1595 or down. Liens paid off. Cannlets Laaivhy Reven near schools, churches, etc. concern, must be sold, build. USED CAR DODD MOTOR SALES BOATS MOTORS i n 1 yr. old wh k Street South 314 PARK RD. SOUTH . One, Two, Three Bedroom Units | Large One Bedroom $73 modern fy ER Ae ¢ M [- S FROM 1006 tock s coe ARK RD, ant DEReEAY e: jul in i] Reedaire Court at Dunlop St.| Two Bedrooms $79 | and spraying. Locoted. nea Coffey TILDEN Grew Crulsers, Traveler, Ma- Telephone 668-5601 TELEPHONE Cehawa. Plenty of room for | py ROTH CONSTRUCTION and A Boats. Evinrude, Volvo-Pento After 5 P.M, 668-8560 AJAX WH 2-2001 2 BEDROOM HOME IN cov. | _Situoled 2 block north off CAR AND TRUCK ond O.M.C, 88 Motors, LEGE HILL AREA -- extra | Rossland West, one block east Ba rtley Whale RENTALS Open Until 8 p.m. ven z ; N i i i } : : ~ Swimming Pool I | i Ha 3 8 H 2 ff { it i aL i H ny eeell . i ! | fl it i i ull 8 i i Gite lorge lot, bright living room of Glencaim. Governor | MODERN wit lege comer" windows 1962 OLDSMOBILE (AN notes soegauee MARINE ; jardw tile floors throughout, Priced ot $7,900. Welon Han biae 14 Albert= St. Storage & Supply Ltd. Mansions Apts. APARTMENTS JOSEPH BOSCO of 9 = A © hi ith BUYING OR SELLING Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 110 PARK RD. N. Slate te ae eel cone, REALTOR Gack tap. ond. tecinon br TED CAMPIN We. belie thet. Governee Quiet ped business, all equipment PHONE 728-7377 terior, Power, steering, Power A CUSTOM nearly new, good lease. Lo- brakes, automatic transmis- Mensions ore the most lux- Residential Street cated In shopping Plaza, aicn, radio, Just like brand MOTORS urious apartments ond offer Convenient To HOME & INCOME $12,900 S h fi | d Ak a wn oe SALE 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA DRAPERIES the most outstonding fea- Park Rd. North -- 3 bedroom brick bungalow C (@) 1e - er $2895 Gust East of Wilson Road) Cametysconee Opava tures in the City of Oshawa. ; with fireplace ond lovely 3 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 and King St. West room apt. downstairs with Over A Quarter Century of 1961 METEOR Eepert track Installations, FOR INFORMATION REASONABLE separate entrance, Don't be Reliable Service 1961 PONTIAC Four Door -- V8, stick RENAULT- Perea Mepene 'e ir i$ one, i i -, 9 AM. to9 P.M RENTS masson strat -- ex. [Have YOUGHOME | | wo door naRoror | Silt All white, PETS, | Pepa ond See RELIABLE "oanaee" 9 lue finish, of iy : ! TELEPHONE For Information ee alt ieee aon | od Want A@kP low mileage car with power | 1961 VOLKSWAGEN ah tence Furniture - Interiors | ~@600 "SELECTION OF h fj ld k PARKWOOD MANOR) ° ie aga gr in this |\We Have Both CASH matic transmission, V-8 Low mileage. Beautiful tee! 96 KING E. -- 723-7928 USED T V 'g Sc oTie fk er APARTMENTS poser --_ . ~ & * B enaine. condition. RITSON ROAD AND KING Ve O- LIMITED Giro heating. 'Niesly weed erm buyers $2995 $1095 |___723-4733 and 723-7712 SPECIAL Completely Reconditioned 725-7272 ry with a depth of 143 For Courteous and he Ce 1960 FRONTENAC 1963 SCOTT PARKWAY 723-2265 728-9217 yom ths omc best | Efficient Service | 198 SeKiitse | Four Door -- Real ceon, | he Home OF lal UMINUM BOAT| ,.. TELEVISION Priced ot $12,900. PHONE 723-2265 FOUR DOOR SEDAN i ; ae : low mileage. : 8 Simcoe N. _ 723-3043 For full porticulors coll 723-1121 9 till 9 Blue and white, power steer- $1395 Good Used Cars 7¥4 tepr Plking Boort Pastors What's My Line? WHITBY CLASSIFIED United 'would lke %0 extent tranamision'V-8 engine, lw | 1959 STUDEBAPER LARK | before You Buy Buying ond selling used fur- Sak fen Wiahes ta Tees After 9 P.M. mileage, one owner car Give Bill A Try" COMPLETE $499 niture end seen Fer Les Hol 728-5513 Four Door -- In real nice A MA your needs bgt s Pm ton sist nyt haga pg po tg Regge pet Bill MeFeeters «+ 725-1726 $1895 condition. New Telephone Numbers OSHAWA RINE Pp <4 epertment tor, rent. GUIDE REALTY Steve Macko'... 728-5868 |... 668-5871 and 668-5872 AND SERVICE Valley Creek Furniture Fwo two-bedroom Each : "Realtors, ig ig ges Henry Stinson. 725-0243 | 1962 FALCON Only $995. 1487 Simcoe North 728-0031 728-4401 or call at the store gelf-conteined, new, meatier oon DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, maained ' Reg. Aker 725-0201 | STATION WAGON DELUXE DODGE BILL WHITT 16Y%e Bond W. GOCE central lot. 70° x 145' with all a epstane 'are. Toms, sea. Standard shift, six cylinder, 1958 Ww ICK SPECIAL Ya For sprointment bas radio, one-owner Two Door Hardtop -- TELEVISI ous se io as % tah SCENIC ACREAGE Mh GOO oven | ume Fore | atone wae DUTCH GIRL BRAND -- |, ELEM ISIONS a sets, all eM ca Guer- crassa Soatral WAI iteme requested. For free pickup Cal 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY ROSEBUSHES One by. Wacber, ayer Telephone 668-804 | 668-584) or. 655-3813 evening ing su aanare: Retreat acres with creeks and wood lands in Kendal | Where prices arid quality = Climbers, Tea Roses, - on tue tube, We alte : We also 59am Gomnctics otters eelienh earn: rae om cemned, pire Hills and Lake Scugog areas. Priced from $2,500 up. "meet. Chrysler H DICK (12 ty McKeen's wot Weite| Street West, Whitby "668-2563. Terms to suit your budget . 79c eac e at taauia Hand, jinn roid' COU NTRY HOMESITES rings, Used Furniture 426 Simcoe $. ° 725-5181 or 725-6457 bur hil of teens pen ail aas, 333 irs, al 10 acre parcels in excellent soil area, close to Osh- Coffey Dodge Pontiac METROPOLITAN Soe a Stores of Canada Ltd. |34--Lost and Found das east, Whith me : rear, saan $6t-$48!_| awa on Thornton's Road. C.M.H.C. approved home ; ° ° 58 King Eost -- Oshowa LOST -- Beagle Hound, vicinity Towa " ROTARY oe Kishen peiviinges salable, i modern plans to suit your requirements. Priced at $3,200. and Valiant Buick a Tag S00, Reward. Tan Sear. 12ST TUNE - Oshawa Times. : - DRAPES piso wae pe WE CAN For information on the above properties Bartley Sales and Service Limited Drapery Fabrics Round the Clock : 89¢ yd. se control sharpen blode. DELIVER TO YOU...) Telephone Howard Forder 725-3568 Motors Ltd. SMITH 1962 BUICK Sean Unieg yd. up | READY TO BUY cycle $5.50 plus parts. Crushed gravel (mulch), pit OUTBOARD MOTOPS run gravel, stone, sand and Evenings Dial Brooklin 655-3853 Ford's family of LE SABRE 69c yd. up PROSPECTS Fine Products Pp T Four door hardtop, fully pow- Drapery Accessories e 1. Al P ig ve Y top soi fog re Me Your Mercury Dealer in S OR 5 er equipped, very low mile- R ad WILDE RENTAL | Sowdons' (Whitby) | NORTH SHORE REALTY CO. LTD. ye 353 King Street West. | "1M IN ® met M and C Times Main Street $3295 |, Drapery and SERVICE & SALES r Limited Stouffvill . Telephone p 1418 Derdes Wnty | Suan ahd Baldo Sop 112 SIMCOE STREET NORTH rie Ont iO | 728.7341 -- 728-7342 | 1006 Brock Street South Dry Goods. Want Ads - itby, Ontarie 640-2600 OPEN EVENINGS ek ee Telephone 723-7827 | (Continued on Page 18) 5 airs i ite il : i i § ie Ht ait xy rp peerage thal t

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