Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Apr 1963, p. 8

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oy DN hai aria iw wpa Sam " eer walecger meat aie we a ee i 3 bad Wemen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 'yr? Serle wy ye bp rendict Parce as toastmaster and Mrs. Hatch-Tredwell [iss casey. soldist. hel bride's mother received in al Rites Performed [Prite's meter recareg atl In Whitby Church scoessries and the bride "s mother chose bone} Miss ree" Tredwell and|shade for her dress and acces-| Myrna Peterson Feted By Friends Prior To Marriage Miss Myrna Peterson has been sories honored Mr, Fgederick Steele Hatch p SS. i re chose le's mother's 73rd| When the bridal couple left) birthday for their recent mar-|the bride was wearing a navy] riage in St, Mark's Unite d|blue sult, white straw hat and| por ag ln ™ Ceite, toes pdt blue and white accesso- me! 'ax, Nova Scotia, 5 is'the daughter of Mr, and Mrs.) Mr. and Mrs. Hatch are mak- Charles J. Tredwell, Oshawa,|ing their home at 1112 Athol Mr. Hatch is the son of|street, Whitby, Mrs, S, Russell Hatch, Whitby, and the late Major Hatch, The ceremony was perform- ed by the Reverend John Smith with Mrs, T, L, Beaton as organist and Mrs, Leonard Casey, soloist. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a blue lace gown, and a white tiara adorned with seed pearls and silver leaves with a blue veil. She carried white orchids, pink sweetheart roses and stephano- tis on white streamers, A party was held at the home : The matron of honor, Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Edward ' Albert C. Tredwell, Nichols, Orillia. All the teachers . usgh wets seas: a Gee, MR. AND MRS. EDWARD HUGHES Cullough were present. The hon- ored couple received a mosaic Family, Friends Gather to Honor|_SOCIAL NOTICES . ENGAGEMENT Couple on Golden Anniversary Ebenezer Church, Courtice. The Misses Gail Gorsline, Margaret Vos, Kay Mastin and Nancy Vaughan were co-hostess- es at a bathroom shower. Pres- ent were classmates from class "62 of the School of Nursing, Oshawa General Hospital. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Wil- liam J. Henry, Courtice, with friends and neighborppresent, A dinner party was held for the future bride and bridegroom at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Broadbent, Oshawa. As- sisting the host and hostess were Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Wor- den, Courtice. The couple was presented with a bridge table and chairs. @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 11, 1963 The best man was Mr, Mur- ray Detter, with Mr, George Munns and Mr. Albert Tredwell as ushers, The reception was held in the Fleetwood Room of the Hotel Genosha with Mr, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wright, Newcastle. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Marlow Hancock, Mrs. Douglas Cun. ningham, both of Newcastle, end table. A miscellaneous shower was Mr. and Mrs, Frank A. Osmond, Bowmanville, wish to and Mrs. David McCullough, Oshawa. Mrs, Ronald Osborne, Cour- tice, held a miscellaneous show- er with former teammates of the bride-elect from the Ladies Softball team present. Miss P was pr ited with a hammered aluminum tray fom the staff of 6F of the Oshawa General Hospital. The bridal party will be enter- tained this evening at the home of the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I, J, McCullough, Newcastle. UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES Over one hundred and twenty- five guests were present at the dinner-dance held last Saturday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Hughes, Windsor avenue, who were celebrating their ogee wedding anniver- sary. The party was held at the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel, Bowmanville, with their children as hosts. Mr, and Mrs. Hughes were married on April 7, 1913, at the home of the Reverend W. K. Merrick, Flinton, Ontario. The bride's attendant was Miss Mary Hughes, sister of the bridegroom, and the bride's brother, Mr. Roy Lewis, was the best man. Mrs, Hughes, nee Eleanor Lewis, and Mr, Hughes, former- 6A HOME LEAGUE ly came from Kalandar. They have two daughters, Mrs. Ted They also have 24 grand- children, For the party Mrs. Hughes was gowned in a blue crepe dress adorned by a corsage of pink chrysanthemums. A toast to the couple was proposed by Mr. Murray Standing, Toronto. Among the many gifts, Mr. and Mrs, Hughes received a set of dishes, set of silverware, vases, platters, cups and sauc- ers, travelling clock, plants, towels, cushions, a sum of money and many flowers. They also received letters and telegrams of congratulations from the Honorable John Robarts, Premier of Ontario; the Right Honorable John Diefenbaker, Prime Minister; the Honorable Michael Starr, Minister of Labor, and Mr. T. D, Thomas, MLA. t J 1963, Church, Bowmanville. Harvey, of Mrs. Oshawa, Rodger. announce the engagement of Constance Alexander George Wiseman, son of Mr. and Mrs. A, Melville Wiseman, Bowmanville, The wedding will take place on Saturday, May 11, United heir anet, daughter, to Mr. in St. Paul's ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, Whitby, Betty-Jean, and the late RECEPTION R, Clarence wish to an- nounce the engagement of their: daughter, Douglas Gordon Rodger, E. Gordon Rodger, Dr. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, May 18, at 3.00 p.m. in St. Mark's Unit- ed Church, Whitby, Ontario. to Mr. son Faye M. Peterson And Glen H. Lee Wed Last Saturday The wedding was performed last Saturday in the chapel of King Street United Church, Osh. awa, by the Reverend J. Wesley Herbert, when Glen Harold Lee, Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Lee, Oshawa, took as his bride, Faye Marie Peterson, daughter of Mr. William Peter- son, Oshawa, and the late Mrs. Peterson. The bride, given in marriage by her cousin, Mr. Durward Thompson, wore a street length dress styled with a full skirt of pink nylon and a lace bodice. Mrs, William James opened the Salvation Army Home League meeting. Friday, April 12, a service at 10.30 a.m. in the Citadel is to be conducted by Colonel and Mrs, Wesley Rich and 60 cadets from the Salvation Army Train- ing College, Toronto, will be present. In the evening a spe- cial Easter play, "The Cloth of Sendony,"' will be presented by the cadets in the UAW Hall at Thompson (Jean), Mrs. Hugh Hicks (Mary), and nine sons, Jack, Stanley, William, Russell, Raymond, Morley, Harold, Rich- ard, and one son deceased. The party was attended by their children, grandchildren, neighbors and friends. Out of town guests were from Toronto, Kalandar and Peterborough. PERSONALS In planning its forthcoming Spring Ball, Oshawa 420 Wing RCAFA has extended invita- Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hepburn will be happy to receive their relatives, friends and neighbors at the Community Centre, Ked- ron, on Sunday, April 14, from 2.00 to 4.00. and 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. on the occasion of thsir 40th wedding anniversary. Her headdress was a self crown with a short veil and she car- ried a bouquet of pink and white roses. The bride's attendant, Miss Virginia Kroll of Oshawa, wore an identical gown of pale blue and her headdress and flowers matched those of the bride. The best man was Mr. James McCristall, Oshawa, Following the ceremony a re- c Bea NORE as Eee Se CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Argue. The honored couple have two daughters, Mrs. William Shewchuck (Noreen), Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Argue, Janetville, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary at a dinner party, Saturday SARDINE CANAPE ASTRID On melba toast rounds or square crackers, place a slice Mr, and Mrs. Jason Brown- lee, Hortop street, will be spend- ing the Easter weekend at Shaw- evening, given in. their honor by their family, at the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel, Bow- manville. Mrs. Argue is the former Della McMullen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David McMullen, Oshawa, who were present for the oc- casion, and Mr. Argue is the George Harding (Doris); two eons, Harry, Markham; Mor- ris, Oshawa, and four grand- children. Mr. and Mrs, Argue received a gift of money: from their family and were enter- tained later at the home of their son, Mr. Morris Argue and Mrs. Argue, Oshawa. Making Candy Easter Eggs Fun For The Whole Family Most folks buy candy eggs for the kiddies at Easter. But wouldn't it be much more fun-- and economical too -- to make them at home? Below are directions for mak: img and decorating delicious fondant Candy Easter Eggs which are easy to make and nutritious. They can be person alized with names of guests to make a delightful Easter Sun- day centerpiece. DECORATED EASTER EGGS Maks 2 lbs. Fondant--10 (3- oz.) eggs. 23 cup (% cam) sweetened condensed milk % cup butter 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon salt 5% cups sifted icing sugar top of double boiler over hot water, stirring until blended 7.30 p.m. A special program will be held Saturday, April 13, at 2.00 p.m. Spotlight on Youth, band and Songsters will be in attend- ance. On Sunday, April 14, Sunrise Service will be held at 7.00 a.m. Other services will be held at 11.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m.; Mon- day, April. 15, Children's Servy- ice will be at 10.30 a.m., and a welcome awaits all ladies to a special women's meeting at 2.30 P.m., conducted by Mrs. Colonel: Rich, wife of the College Prin- cipal. Mrs. Frank Buller read the Remove from heat. 2. Dip bottom half of egg in .|chocolate using either kitchen tongs or fingers. Let drip for a moment, then turn it over and place on wax paper for choco- .|late to harden, chocolate side up. If chocolate becomes thick-- reheat gently and continue dip- ping. 3. When eggs have been dip- ped on one side, then dip other side in chocolate; let drip a moment and place on wax paper with the soft chocolate side up to harden. ROYAL FROSTING (For Decorating) 2 egg whites (room tempera- birthday ments. Mrs. George Beach read the min- utes, Mrs. Major Fred Lewis was in charge of the devotional period. Mrs, Frank Buller read a poem, followed by a message, "Were You There?" and a vocal solo, written by General Evan- geline Booth, entitled, 'Bowed Beneath The Garden Shade." Mrs. Lewis was accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Maynard Nel- son. Mrs. Thomas Salisbury prayed for the sick, and Mrs. Major Lewis closed the meet ing. Mrs, William James thank ghee Lewis. reshments were served the Fellowship group, one Blessing baskets were made for tions to guests of honor includ- ing Group Captain R. A. B. Ellis, CD, Commanding Officer, RCAF Station, Downsview, and Mrs, Ellis; Flight Lieutenant R. W. D. Thomas, CD, RCAF Liaison Officer, Toronto, for 420 Wing and Mrs. Thomas; Na- tional President RCAFA P, F. Connell, DFM, and Mrs. Con- nell, Saint John, New Bruns- wick; Mr. T. D. Thomas, MLA and Mrs, Thomas; Mr. Michael Starr, MP and Mrs, Starr; Mr, and Mrs, C, Gwyn Kinsey and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ald- winckle. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Young, Park road north, are celebrating their 52nd wedding anniversary tomorrow and a family dinner party is being held to mark the occasion. Mr. Young's brother and niece, Mr. James D. Young and Miss Helen Young of Toronto will be among the guests Holiday weekends make news, Undergraduates come home from. universities; mar- ried sons and daughters bring their children to visit grand- parents and others shake off the winter's dust by a_ refreshing ville, Quebec. 8 LAC Paul Farrow, who Is sta- of tomato, slice of r ardine and top ge a whole Norway with a thin ception was held at the home of the bridegroom's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley street. tioned at Moisie, Quebec, will be spending the Easter holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Farrow, Christie to taste. Broil until cheese is melted, Serve hot. Mrs, J. W. Edwards, Oshawa boulevard north, is ieaving to- day to visit Miss Gladys Mc Bradd, Elmgrove avenue, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, Lee are making their home on Gliddon street, and Miss Ellen Brown and Miss Ann Stevens, both of Toronto, will be spendi the Easter holidays with Miss Brown's par- ents, Mr: and Mrs, H. F. Brown, Oshawa_ boulevard north. Guests attending the Hatch- Tredwell wedding were Mr. and Mrs. John Cowieson, Cooks- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gaudaur, Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Bath, Ashburn; Miss Mar- ian Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Whitfield and son Robert, Miss Isobel James, Toronto; Mr. Laughlin, over the Easter holiday. Anthony Chapman of London, England, arrived in Canada last week and has been the guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapman, Simcoe street north. Mr. Chap- man is planning to stay here permanently. Tucson, Mr. Miss Elizabeth Ford, Simcoe street south, returned yester- day after spending a month va- cationing at Torrance, Califor- nia. Arizona, Upholstery cleaned the safe way! Cs oer "flower fresh" cleaning NOsoaking, noshrinking! NOruinous scrubbing! Colors come alive! for FREE estimate call 10% DOWN -- EASY WEEKLY TERMS BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. DURACLEAN RUG AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS and Mrs. Walter Earle and|-- OSHAWA 728-8518 32 KING WEST PHONE 723-7022 daughters, Heather and Sharon, Ancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whitfield, Elmvale; Mr. and Mrs, A. Azzerholm, Port Credit; Miss Marian Steele Fergus; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc- Gill, Sudbury; and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mitchell and daughters, Carol and Judith. Avoid Disappointment book your SUMMER HOLIDAY soonest Four Seasons Travel nized by all airlines, Fully rec: steamships, etc. 728-6201. saan ARE YOU BEING change of scene. Telephone 723- 3474, extension 18, with your news and the Social department will write a paragraph of inter- est to your friends for which there is no charge. A Series: No. 3 We Supply The Nickel Whether you use our, parking lot (off | William Street) or put a nickel in ao =--m\| meter, PATTE"S PATRONS PARK FREE. A. E. Johnson 0.0. Drop in and see our full selection of SUNWORTHY plastic coated wallpapers OPTOMETRIST 723-2721 14% KING £. the sick and shut-ins, contents donated by the members. There will not be a meeting next Tuesday, as it will be held Monday afternoon for ail women. (approx. 1% Ibs. ).. Who Can Match This at $11.95? 1, Cream together butter, salt and vanilla. Add condensed milk and blend until smooth. Gradually stir in icing sugar. Mixture will become very stiff -- then knead wntil all icing sugar is combined. 2. Place fondant on board or wax paper and continue knead- ing for several minutes, until is very smooth but not sticky. 3. Cut off one-third of the fondant and add a few drops of yellow food coloring for yolks. Knead until color is evenly|wrapped and boxed. blended. Cut into 10 portions/pirections for Decorating Eggs = roll into balls for center of 1. Fill 3 cake decorator: . make a shell or zig-zag ler 4. Cut remaining fondant into around the middle of each egg. 10 equal portions. and pat out 7 flat, then mold around egg yolk} 2. A small portion of frosting and into an elongated egg shape.|may then be tinted green for Chill for a short time, then if|Stems and leaves. necessary, remodel gently. Chill) 3. Remaining frosting may for several hours or over night.|be tinted any bright color for . Fi DIPPING CHOCOLATE flowers. Flowers may be made directly om egg, or made on % Ib. semi-sweet chocolate |wax paper and when dry, peel- 1-3 to % slab of paraffin wax ed off and attached to egg with 1. Melt chocolate and wax in'a dab of frosting. [728-7021 NOW OPEN! 728-7021 RUDY' 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU Make Your Easter APPOINTMENT NOW At Oshawa Newest Beauty Salon! FASHION HAIR STYLING FOR WOMEN 366 WILSON RD. S. (PLAZA) ture) 2% cups sifted icing sugar ¥Y% teaspoon cream of tartar ¥% teaspoon vanilla 1. Combine all ingredients. 2. Beat with elecric mixer 5 minutes or until very stiff. While decorating, keep re- maining frosting in bowl! cover- ed with damp cloth or wax paper to prevent a crust from forming. This frosting becomes very hard and is good for mak- ing flowers and leaves and writing names; they will hold their shape and the eggs can be OBBED OF VALUABLE BASEMENT SPACE? -- Is The Beauty of your home marred by an anaary Oil tank hanging on your wall: Rid yourself of these inconveniences STUDY RUSSIAN WINNIPEG (CP) -- The YWCA has announced a vari- ety of new activities for its spring program. Included will be a Russian Janguage class for men and women. and if you have parked on the street, we'll return your nickel. Just ask, the pleasure is ours. PATTE'S Paint and Wallpaper 93 yeors at 85 Simcoe North Free Parking at Rear of Store PHONE 725-3529 65 Styles, Shapes and Colours! Price includes frames and lenses. The highly styled fe with its combination of of Blonde on Crystal and. Cordovan on Crystal has become one of Canada's most stylish and popu- lar sellers. Its combined sturdy construction and safety features make it truly @ wonderful buy at one low price of $11.95.. Supply is definitely limited. ONE PRICE Lenses ground to your exact needs, regardless of prescription or lens strength required, with frame of your choice -- all at ONE price -- same price to everybody! We believe them to be $20-$25 Values Our Price Now Only>-- ACT INSTALL to your present duct system, a beau- tiful, clean, quiet and economical SINGLE VISION Ha = FUR STORAGE PROTECTION Let Us Take Care Of Your Precious Furs and Cloth Garments! © STORAGE ¢ CLEANING > ® SHINERIZING © REPAIRS, etc. e FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY! Oshawa Fur & Cold Storage LIMITED 81 William St. West GAS FURNACE G5 00 IF YOU INSTALL A RENTAL WATER HEATER CONSUMERS' GAS, Authorized Dealer ST. JOHN HEATING and APPLIANCE Division PHONE 668-2387 REPAIRS Broken lenses duplicated. Frames repaired, frames re- placed while you wait! Lowest brices! No Appointment Needed ALSO EXCLUSIVE HAIR STYLING FOR MEN (Barber Shop) 364 WILSON RD. S. (PLAZA) Canedo's Leading Artists--" Always First in Fashion" U.S. Trademark Registered OPTICIANS---OVER 3,000.000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS 17 Bond Street, East Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 2nd Floor ily Phone: 728-1261 Wed. 'Til 12:00 Noon Branch de ¢ US. -- Founded 1904 in mony principal cities of © Phone 723-3012

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