ANNOUNCE WEDDING DATE May 18 is the date set for the marriage of Miss Emily Orach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Orach, Oshawa, and Mr, Thomas Leoniak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marjan Leoniak, Toronto. The cere- Catholic Church mony will take place at 11.00 4.m, in St, Hedwig's Roman | amidst a living-room scene. During intermission a duet by bridal "hat" with a large white rose centered on a band, The commentator for the fashion show was Mrs, Alfred : Austin and the background mu. sic was provided by the pianist ' Miss Hazel Rundle. Mrs, William Nicholson and Mrs, Gordon Kellet were co- Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 conveners and their committee members were Mrs. Alan Sta- cey, Mrs. Donald Cooper, Mrs. 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, 'April 10, 1963 William Johnston, Mrs, Winni- fred Gower, Mrs. Jack Babing- tennial Hall, Lavictoire, shown, Spring ensembles of coats, suits and dresses were modelled Spring Wear For All Occasions Presented in Centennial Hall The Del-Mar Unit of King Street United Church recently sponsored a successful fashion| enjoyed. show 'Panorama of Fashions *63"' which was held in the Cen- After the a grand A grand finale was the en. James Hare and a solo by Mr. Gordon Pierson, Mrs. Arthur MacPherson were much McAdam, Mrs. Bateman and! intermission an | array LBs ese for evening were introduced followed by the The program was opened by| highlight of the panorama of fa- Law, "Mrs. T. Sine, Mrs, John) the Unit leader, Mrs. Gabriel ton, Mrs. Arthur MacPherson, Mrs. John Pierson and Mrs. Jack Thaler. The models were Mrs. D. Mac- Farlane, Mrs, Carl Miller, Miss kel, Mrs. John Pierson, Mrs, Victor Mrs, Jutta Guenther. A number of door prizes were drawn, The winners were: Mrs. George Thexton, Mrs. Gordon Cotter, Mrs. Don Kirby, Mrs. | Mervin Nichols. HEAT THE KNIFE Here's an easy way of cut-| ting particularly moist tresh| trance of the bride, ina gown of|bread or cake so it won't crum | elegant white organza with lace|ble, Heat a thin-bladed Knife by THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA achieved by the end of Septem- ber--if you are willing to work hard, and, possibly, expand your sphere of operation. Do --not Kathy Korosi, Miss Dallas Kun-| Oc | | | shions, the bridal party, Making snthating Oakes the Joseph Koenigsberger and Mrs. | | The first setting was a beach|bridesmaids in beautiful tur- scene during which a variety of| quoise blue organza. Their head- sportswear in the latest "look"|dresses and bouquets were of and colors for summer '63 were} chrysanthemums. | overtax yourself, however -- especially in August, when you The moon in Scorpio continues|may have a tendency toward to warn against carelessness in| "¢edless anxiety. monetary matters crousis ac!|breaks between now and mid- cted, and the day will be a|J¥ne and in mid - November, Pood one in which to ask favors| 204 the possibility of a happy of superiors. Do not ask for|Slution to a tax or property unearned benefits, however. For The Birthday If tomorrow is your birthday,| of this. month, in early August your horoscope indicates that)and late December. The later this new year in your life could| month, along with July, will be prove a highly constructive one.|fine periods for travel, Stars for cupational goals which youjearly January forecast an op- may have hitherto considered|portunity for business expan- unattainable could well be/sion. Look for good financial matter in September. Romantic and social adventures are in- dicated during the latter part be extremely clever and en CARPET ANY 282 King W 728-9581 BROADLOOM TILE Accessorize to achieve that cc applique Something new and|dipping it in boiling water for : j 5 ferent this year was thela few minutes, then wipe the) fe SO C " h L N OT! CES --Photos by Ireland Studio |Mrs. Joyce Osborne and Mrs,| bride's headdress, a bouffant net| blade before cutting. : O a OO | ENGAGEMENT ; | | = Mr, and Mrs. George Gallo- OPEN Bt Seren fol | wearer Wednesday, April 10th Es, Sewe the lett... for He Ceatl/ g= Reise' SPROULE'S SUPER SAVEx goo Velma Christina, to CLOSED FRIDAY SWIFT'S PREMIUM -- FULLY COOKED, READY TO USE 4 7 r. Herbert Gordon Brent, son of Mrs. Gordon Brent of Col- OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY SMOKED Shank SEE OUR FINE SELECTION OF SWIFT'S, MAPLE LEAF AND BURNS ae MEATS FOR EASTER Compare at 35c ALCAN 29: uumbus and the late Mr. Brent. FOIL WRAP - 69: 'The marriage will take place on Saturday, May 4, 1963, at 3 Compare at 2 for 39c LIBBY'S Bess 8 B@ 8S SB _ TINS 1.00 *'clock in Calvary 'Baptist Church, Oshawa. | Compare at 2 for 41c NIBLETS CORN 6 sz eeeees TINS Home and School Association 1.39 Special Discount Sale Frozen Foods Compare at 3 for 32c LUSHUS heard a panel discussion on the REG. 4.95 VALUE SUPREME BRAND : ENGAGEMENT | "Unit Lou at their monthly JELLY DESSERTS Beees ss SUPREME Peas we 49¢ * Mr and Mrs. John Orach, Osh- "er SCHNEIDER'S ALUMINUM FLAVOR MAKER 2-LB. Peas & Carrols %: 43° 'wa, announce the engagement -of their daughter, Emily, to Mr, Moderator for the panel, Mrs. A. S, Winter, principal of Ritson PICNIC HAMS ue seeeeee ae TN More Easter "Goodies" OPEN ROASTER SUPREME BRAND sik Roasting Meats, Poultry and Fish Kernel Corn BAG 49° 'Thomas Leoniak, son of Mr. vand Mrs. Marjan Leoniak, School introduced the panel of Ritson teachers as follows: Mr. Hot Cross Bunettes *""*",. ° 39° Ice Cream ~ 89¢ 10c OFF T.V. s ¢ 2.98 Turkey Dinners » 55 Bread Stuffing "* " ""xc. 31° 'Toronto. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, May 18, at 11.00 a.m. in St. Hedwig's Julius Zilinsky, Mrs. J. Flewell, Mrs. R. H. Williams and Miss Jean Dickey. Gold H a Chocolates """ "™" -- 3" Qe Cranberry Sauce $0" 15.07 27¢ Peanut - In - The - Shell |, 39¢ Mixed Pickles fi.2% swe tim 49° Apple Juice ""* = '*-5; 65° ' FRESH, WHITE IMPORTED Roman Catholic Church, "Oshawa. * ENGAGEMENT * Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J. Glen- ney, Whitby, wish to announce 'the engagement of their young- est daughter, Lois Dianne, to The panel explained that the use of the unit system in the primary grades, enabled the pu- pils to progress in a group sealed to their ability. The chil- dren were streamed, as a result of tests, when they left kinder- PREP FRENCH'S 8-0. 2 Maks 35° ONTARIO--HOT HOUSE--KING SIZE . . jon' od Sproules Have A Large Selection of Easter Flowers Atractively Priced! * Mrs.' William Borysiak and Mrs. Eric Cooper will attend the - Home and School Convention, ing held at the Royal York otel in Toronto on April 17 and B. « Refreshments were served by the mothers of Grade 2 class. « | » GET SPEED PATROLS | S Mr. Louis Thomas Philip, son -garten into acellerated, average LONDON (CP)--Four women corner OF KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA AMS -- Garlands of flowers, clouds of chiffon, straws of rough or fine-sewn textures in every shape and size to compliment Milady. You're sure to find your ideal Spring -- in Walker's exciting collection. from $5 The luxury of cultured pearls set in a background of plated gold. From a wide selection of pins, earrings and bracelets by *'Coro". $2 each The engagement is d of Suzanne Drew Stonehouse, daughter of Mrs. W. J. Stone- shouse, Whitby, and the late Mr. Stonehouse, to Garry Gordon Sutton, son of Mr. and Mrs. "George Sutton, Midhurst, On- tario. The wedding is to take "place in Whitby, the latter part of April, 25-FT. seee 8 8 ee 2p RO Panel Explains School Unit System "To Ritson H and S$ The members of the Ritsun Choose the elegant look of elbow length gloves or the crisp look of a neat shorty--both in double woven nylon. Just two from our new Spring collection in the season's fashion shades. Patent, tapestries or the sea- son's new neutral look in large and small shapes. Our purse de- partment is just bursting at the seams with a wonderful selec- tion of Spring styles. from $5 ENGAGEMENT might do four. In the slower | group one or two units might! be completed. The panel explained that by} breaking the year's work into three units, the pupil completed ewhat he could in a year and| "continued where he left off at) the beginning of the next term. | 'It was stated that a child must shave a mental age of six and sabe socially and emotionally "ready before starting formal) 'training in Grade 1. » It was pointed out that some (ehildren progressed more slow- 'ly than others as a result of 'poor health or a feeling of inse-/ curity, and in some cases home| 'enviroment played a big part. 'Mr. Winter emphasized the fac! t all groups were flexible, a child could be changed m one group to another at 'any time. The panel was thanked by| Mrs. Ralph Shemilt. Mrs. John Kewin, vice-presi- dent, presided for the business "meeting. The minutes were read by Mrs. William Milne and the reasurer's report was given by| rs, Frank Zarowny. | . The parents attendance count! was won by Miss Mildred Davidson's class. Stuffed Olives "'"" | °3% 29¢ Tomato Juice *yiinr" 2 Ties 55° Grass Seed "e592 Be Each 29: Walker's very own nylons tocom- plement your new Spring outfit. Sheer luxury in leg-flattering shades. Proportioned sizes 9 to 11. $1.09 pr. 3 pr. for $3 Shop Walker's Where Good Taste in Fashion Is Not Expensive WALKER'S. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE--728-4626 of Mr. and Mrs. Boyer Philip, 'Brooklin. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, April 20, at 3.30 p.m. in Whitby i de tist Church. | and below average groups. | The average group was ex-| pected to complete three units in a year, while in the accel- erated group, some pupils Speed cops roar onto London's| Streets next month. If the ex-| periment is a success more girls will join them on road pa-' trols this summer.