-- ae THE OSHAWA TIMES, 'Wednesday, April 10, 1963 1 AUXILIARIES -- A a A ahs Cay - EASTVIEW PARK AUX. election of officers was oon interest of the Hast- view Park Ladies' Auxiliary meeting held in the clubhouse recently. The opened A & the a | Ketel vie, Naan: Mrs. pithorne: secretary, Mrs. ge Ring Claus; treasurer, Mrs, Gordon Hana; sick mem- bers convener, Mrs. Earl Goyne; reporter, Mrs, John -- supper ~ pe to 20 tnembere and six guests. The next regular meeting of the auxiliary will be held in the clubhouse on Thursday, April 25 at 8 p.m. DORCAS GROUP The Dorcas Group of First pes eed Church enjoyed an eve- ning of bowling for their April meeting then returned to the home of Mrs. Daniel Rogers. Mrs. Fred Crome, vice-presi- dent; presided over the meeting.) It was decided to order drapes for the Sunday School room, -- The theme of Mrs. Lome Craig's devotional period was "The Power of Easter." The May meeting will be an open meeting at the church when the guest speaker will be Miss Ruth Troyer. Miss Troyer is a missionary on eta . She is in charge of The meeting was in ba cis SE Zt viet SPECIAL! SWIFT'S PREMIUM served by Mrs. Morley Chesher Se ae Wie Ged FULLY SKINNED --HOCKLESS : SMOKED BETA SIGMA PHI TRIMMED OF ALL EXCESS FAT! (Phi Phi Ch.) Th eee ager | VF pr 6 a was held a e WHOLE ICA recently. President Miss Margaret Rus- ORHALF LB, sell opened the meeting and wel- reading mg "What "Sen Same Is" "au Bul Is was given, by: Mrs. SPECIAL! GRADE "A" PRE-DRESSED Smarz, Miss Maureen Comer- ford and Miss Joan Elliott. A ; Beck with pins, béscelet, starr : 6TO ™ ra fp erest, and' the rose, with the 14 LBS, LB. meaning of each beside, was pe ges cen aad ALSO A LIMITED SUPPLY OF SWIFT'S BUTTERBALL TURKEYS -- ATTRACTIVELY PRICED The results of the new execu- tive for 1963-1964 are as fol- lows: president, Miss FULLY COOKED -- COMPLETELY BONELESS] benset pee @ aS Louise Linge sy ced vice - presi- = PERFECT FOR THE HOLIDAY TABLE RINDLESS SIDE BACON. oeaveees travesece Be 6 sonaty, iiss Stella yo pea "perneer IDEAL FOR GLAZING SPECIAL! SEE td couPro ¢ a, ae one SPECIAL! SWIFT'S PREMIUM SWIFT'S PREMIUM WIENERS ........ ~~ Hit De ig secrerary, ei YEXTR ald McClennen; treasurer, Miss EXTRA | CHOICE COD FILLETS............- i: BBe Aah Stren 3 us 2 a 5 63 1s. 5 79 SPECIAL! GOLDEN FRIED--JUST HEAT AND SERVE crimes ES srs ™_ ae ™ we COOKED COD FISH STICKS......... 3 2Qe cnmer pad ier nt onto se Al ll SPECIAL! BEAUTY SHEER Marilyn Black. . ' @ FRESH FROZEN FISH -- PAN READY FOR A LENTEN TR It was announced that the ' R ¢ C ANNED SPECIAL! ugquiD rocR Loblaws The next meeting will be held AEROWAX TEA BAGS Easter Candies at the home of Mrs. Fred Beare, ' Compen Expires Apr, 17 Pig 26 Coupon Rapires Apr. 17 PS 3 Fashion (4 SEAMLESS (i 621 Twedsmuir street. dei FER PAIR FOR THE FINEST WITH COUPON & PURCHASE Al SELECTION OF AYLMAER One i Galles Cin, mI Thane Waa Domestic and EXTRA ! My ice CREAM Frozen Foons ff SPECIAL! HENLEY CHOICE iaapettet Sener A STAMPS . 37 Copan Raytes Am, peso tel 20-FL. A COMPLETE ser United Churen Women bel | . -_ 7 Teewevecs OZ. TINS & SELECTION IN . recently, 'Twe Glent Tebes One 1-4b, Box ( EVERY STORE An Easter poem, read by LISTERINE KAMBLY CONTINENTAL Fath Coloared Modiected Tl CDECT AL! PINEAPPLE - GRAPEFRUIT ATTRACTIVELY PRICED Tl wah ibt ter tad ch tte err TOOTHPASTE CHOCOLATES fave CURAD BANDAGES Resurrection, giving Christ's fol-| Minis ' PS ' SSE 213 Conan Brvices Ape. 17 NTE DRINK ay -- - joy within. rn o Et MO LOBLAWS EGGS er scripture reading, S ph A es a amend congas eee| IIL Bl PAW sas" ff SPECIAL ALCAN ALUMINUM eroearLanen the resurrection of Jesus from WAX PAPER 12" x 25 FT. Hon ol my | the dead open: door EXTRA EXTRA * new way of ite for as folowe Aud STAMPS 17 ERSTE Sam 216 Coupon Expires Apr. 17 ROLL =--*+eeservasvesvers. BOXES & BRAND . & ers. GRADE "A* cAhen 40 continued, saying, "Chris dh 1h ah SPECIAL! Fancy Honey Pod SPECIAL! York Cream Style EDGEBROOK 580 ss ynamic fore fof the saving of Mankind. Eas. CAKE MIXES Stokely' $s Peas... x 53: FANCY CORN 3: ob Tits 29: GRADE "A" MEDIUM ohio ty gg By paabid J? __ Capen Expires Age, 17 thas Ease ears . ba. can 90 pe Big Bug gyi hime Dh 5 ih QUALITY PRODUCE VALUES FOR EASTER! ar by the group and a report was| AVAILABLE IN ut sfones FLORIDA'S FINEST! SWEET JUICE PINK FLESH! EXTRA a! EXTRA given showing the success of the Mrs. G house ; iether 'rom ois ands STAMPS AA stamps RA stAMPS . moun I John Bradshaw's Isaacs, whos daughter, "Jeouphine, ; pact : RIVER 5 x om COMPLETE GUIDE TO spoke at one of the meetings. WBERRY ' Eg sca ARIRIR en smorgasbord supper in March. EXTRA Mr. and Mrs. Isaacs thanked Added Pectin 8 ce eee) MOTHERS i, a Fresh Pineapples + HEADgUAR apr , A J ' A STAMPS 4 came here from indi, and " Fresh Pineapples 2 vie Sy. YOUR Pe ecen tens "All About Biennials" of the. pupils who attend their Cee i Te Garden Fresh from Florida! No. 1 Grade! eran cl 2) ee Dh mK Corn on the Cob Suz 39 EASTER FLOWERS vithlts yout QOe EXTRA BEEF STEW EXTRA EXTRA orn apae & e oe inne c @ BIG SELECTION VOLUME ONE AT S¥e BACH STAMPS mul STAMPS mil STAMPS Ontario Grown! Fancy Grade! Controlled Atmosphere! wns ae CUT FLOWERS Me a 5 Mcintosh Apples 1 39¢ | cum trans EXTRA bl EXTRA Mirra, KEOWLEDGE STAMPS STAMPS d STAMPS Fadl Coupon Expires Apr, 17 p.m. At the next meeting, May i ; 6, donations of good, clean ©@ HOLIDAY STORE HOURS ® will be recalved for The Famous ' ; oeed ae? ES & ee cots Mrs. Kenneth Young, Mrs. Leo-| [am , : ' FOLDING TABLE nard Carrington and Mrs. A. T. naib STAMPS STAMPS gpm) /: | "Bt . '848 9» THURSDAY Legare of Westmount, ono EXTRA EXTRA | 1 . WITH PURCHASES TOTALING CLOSED GooD FRIDAY adel oe tlre | oar ede 3 FT PCISTER TAPES woman in Cana 0 ho. Spies ont ) PLASTIC SURFACE SATURDAY cu Urey and cote] Lina POTATOES Mien LETTUCE iam ) ell ckeviere t 90 || 2 AM. -- 6 PLM. est in motor sport started six Coupon Expires Ape. 17 RRS 239 Coupon Expires Apr. 17 ) Sold elsewhere at $9.50 ago with go-cart racing