Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Apr 1963, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Manager: Rae Hopkins Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-3703 AUXILIARIES DRIVER FAILED TO AWAIT POLICE ARRIVAL No serious injuries resulted from the somersaulted car shown above. The accident which occurred on Cochrane street above the Third Con- cession last night is a mystery to police. Whitby OPP Detach- ment sources said the 1954- model car had been stolen in Oshawa Tuesday and was found about 5 p.m. The driver of the stolen vehicle did not wait around for the police. --Oshawa Times Photo The regular meeting of St. Margaret's Guild was held April 4 at All Saints' Parish Hall, President Mrs. L. M, Tutton opened the meeting by leading the members in prayer. Minutes of the last meeting and reports were read and approved. Final arrangements for the Fashion Show 'Tots to Teens" to be held Thursday, April 18, were discussed, The following children will be modelling. Leslie Armstrong, Vicki Bell, Heather and Carol Ann Collins, Doreen Courchesne, Debbie Duggan, Laura and Lee Elliott, Debbie Gouldburn, Janie Hal- lett, Susan Heard, Regina Hill, Debbie Hiscox, Kenneth and David Hodgson, Donna Sagi Grant Honsinger, Wen- ay, Twyla and Paul Jollymore, ristine Martinsen, Laurie Mc- Donald, Laura and Cathy Migh- ton, Saily Milian, Linda Morton, Anne Muckle, Lynn, Joan and Stephen Osborne, Colleen Pat- terson, David Rowe, Becky Ryland, Barbara Saunders, Elizabeth and Susan Schubert, Elizabeth Town, Steven and Mark Tutton, Martha and Paula Wright. Commentator for the show will be Mrs, F. Jollymore. Mrs. E. Pellow will be taking tickets at the door. Kitchen committee: Mrs. A, Schubert, Mrs, P. Mar- Short Changing Ends. In Fine And Jail Short changing of a laundro- mat change machine led to a jail term and a fine for two Toronto men Tuesday. James Imeson, 21 and Alfred Slavnick, 21, appeared before Magistrate C. W. Guest at Whitby Police Court. Both men were charged with theft of a quantity of money from Arthur Mullen of Oshawa. Mrs. Phyllis Bowyer, of An- derson street, Whitby, told the eourt that on Feb, 11 she was sing a dryer in the Dundas street west laundromat. She stated that a man entered. whom she identified as Imeson, and put something in the coin change machine 19 times. Mrs. Bowyer said that another man, whom she identified to the court as Slavnick, entered the laundromat and also used the machine 19 times. The witness added that she took the licence number of a telephoned the owner of the premises. the silver in the box. car driven by the two men and Mrs. Mullen, wife of the own- er, said that she went to Whitby on receiving the call and check- ed the machine. She said that 43 copper slugs were on top of Sgt. Gerald Robinson of the Whitby Town Police said that he found both men at Millbrook avenue, Toronto, The officer stated that a car bearing the li- cence plates Mrs. Bowyer noted was parked outside the house. Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck said that both men admitted be- ing in the Whitby area on the day in question but their sep- arate accounts of their actions did not coincide. Both men, employed as taxi- drivers, said that they had not been near the laundromat. His Worship found both men guilty of the offence. Imeson, who admitted a previous record, was sentenced to 30 days in jail. Slavnick was fined $100 and costs or 30 days jail. ABANDON BOXING SORANTON, Pa. (AP)--Box- ing has been abandoned as a sport at St. Michael's school for boys where a 19-year-old army private was killed last weekend in an ee ao. oe ae Ps Conboy, erator] ics at the school in xing as sport after that tragedy." In last weekend's fight, Francisco Velasquez, a Puerto Rican, died shortly after fighting Earl 'John- son in the amateur show held at Carbondale, Pa. WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY SUSPEND SENTENCE Claule Marsden, 30, RR 4, Port Perry, was placed on pro- bation and suspended sentence for one year at Whitby Police Court Tuesday. Marsden ap- peared before Magistrate C. W. Guest charged with being drunk in a public place, April 7. WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs. Chapman of Port Hope who has been visiting with Mrs, Mitchell, Dundas street west, enjoyed a game of crokinole :|with the Senior Citizens of Whitby last Wednesday after- noon. Although she is in her eighties, she had never played crokinole before, and said she enjoyed learning the game. Mrs. Chapman is a_ regular attendant at the Port Hope Sen- ior Citizens' Club and said they would be pleased to see visitors from Whitby. Mrs, John MacGillivray, 706 Dundas street west, assisted by Mrs. Fred Ashby, entertained at her home at a miscellaneous bridal shower in honor of Miss Viviane Hawes, Toronto, who is to be married, April 11 in St. Mark's United Church, Whitby, to Fernand Vanderbelt. Games were played and prizes dis- tributed to lucky winners, The hostesses served a buffet lunch. Suspend Sentences For Theft Charges A list of theft offences were read to two Oshawa youths at Whitby Police Court Tuesday. William Clark, 18, 204 Rox- borough avenue was charged jointly with Robert Joseph Dionne, 18, RR 1, with break enter and theft at Custom Stecl Company in East Whitby Town- ship. They were further charged with break enter and theft a. Industrial Disposal Company in East Whitby Township. There were two further charges of theft of gasoline laid against the two youths and another charge of gasoline theft laid against Clark. They pleaded guilty to all charges. OPP Constable Michael Mal- lon said that $788 worth of me- chanic's tools had been stolen from Industrial Disposal New Year's Eve 1962, of which $400 In April, the officer testified, they entered the Custom Steel premises and stole paint spray guns and power tools valued at $1,100. All but $114 of the total amount had been recovered, the officer added. August Gaisberger, a farmer in East Whitby, said that the two youths hal stolen gasoline from farm machinery during December last year. He said that Clark had also stolen gas- oline alone. The third gasoline theft charge was the result of an inci- dent which took place at a Brooklin garage when 10 gal- lons of gasoline were taken from a parked truck. Magistrate C. W. Guest told the accused to disassocia'e themselves and placed them on probation and ds en- tence for one year. His Wor- ship also ordered Clark and worth had been recovered. Dionne to make restitution. WHITBY Evening Shows Start 6:55 & 8:20 Last Complete Show at 8:20 Phen Ati ome, Draciedby PAUP EAC "An ARTHUR HORNBLOW Production Also -- Second Feature Attraction "TWO TICKETS TO PARIS" Starring . . . Joey Dee -- Gary Crosby U Based on the novel bp JOH HERSEY < isi namens There will be no meeting of the Senior Citizens, Wednesday, April 10, but meetings will re- sume the following week. Mrs. Vernon Moore and daugh ter Beverly attended the wed- ding in Belleville Saturday of Lance Corporal Wayne King- ston, formerly of Whitby now tioned at Petawawa and Miss Sharon Campbell of Belleville. Jerry Kingston was best man at the wedding. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Moore and family is Jerry Kingston of Washington. Danny, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merv Breffit, is celebrating his third birthday today. Friends of the family wish Danny many happy returns of the day. Eddy Bishop of Camp Borden spen last weekend visiting his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wood, 610 Dundas street west. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Foote, St. Lawrence street, attended the wedding of Mr. Foote's niece, Miss Diane Norgate of Hamil- ton. The wedding took place at Hamilton Anglican Church. They 'were also guests at the reception held at Robert's Hall. Whitby Curling Club held its annual moccasin dance, Satur- day, April 6. Approximately 50 members enjoyed dancing on the ice. The group in attend- ance enjoyed a gay social eve- ning. This terminated a most active and successful sea- son. Sunday afternoon the mem. bers' children enjoyed ice skat- ing and also refreshments be- ing served, LOVE CELEBRATING The Burmese love celebrating and take four days to ring in the Buddhist New Year in April. ENROLLING SEA SCOUTS 2nd PORT WHITBY SEA SCOUT TROOP this SATURDAY April 13th -- 2 to 3 p.m. for All Whitby Boys Ages 12 to 14 at the PORT WHITBY SEA SCOUT BUILDING WATSON ST. EAST (Opposite Silver's Grill) Brock St. Scuth | PINT A DAY A DAY Seven Pints Nets 7 Days seven days im jail Police Court Tuesday Whitby, pleaded guilty to a charge of drunk driving. A statement made by Cpl. Morley Nicholson of the Whitby Town Police was read to the court. The officer stated Seven pints of beer equalled at Whitby James Isaac Welch, 47, RR 1, tinsen, Mrs. D. Denyer, Mrs. W. Osborne, Mrs. L. Tutton and Mrs. C. Hewson. Decorations committee: Mrs, R. Holmes and Mrs, J, Hodg- son. Pouring tea: Mrs. J. Hon- singer and Mrs. N. Patterson. GA Girls will be serving cook- ies also GA and Jr. A Girls will be looking after children. Members of the Guild volun- teered to look after the Nursery Tots To Teens Show April 8 The next meeting will be held Thursday, May 2, HOUSE OF WINDSOR IODE House of Windsor Chapter IODE held its regular Any meeting Monday ev the home of Mrs. J. Davion: Henry street. Regent, Mrs. J. Harvie, open- ed the meeting with the prayer of the order. Minutes and re- ports were read and ap) si It was announced that Chapter will hold a pot luck supper, ype May 13, at-the home of Mrs, §. Roblin, King street, The Antique Show previously announced for the month of June hasbeen postponed until September 4, 5 and 6. This event will take place at Whitby Arena with Mrs, C, Freek as general convener. The date for the annual dance opened the meeting with a thought for the day. The wor- " service was conducted Lorna Mesher, Mrs. Mil- dred Juby and Mrs. T. dale, Thirteen members present, During the business meeting a report was given on the most successful Spring Tea held re- cently, Plans were made for Unit No, 7 members to participate in the general UCW general meeting . be held May 7 in the assem- bly hall of the United Church. Donations of clothing were brought in for the bale to be sent overseas. Mildred Juby and Sheila Elliott conducted a discussion, the theme being "The Love of,God" taken from the study book, "The Word the! and The Way." It was emphasized that there is a need im our town for Chris- tian love especially for the old people in lodges and mental hospitals. The meeting closed with Benediction. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Alice Hewis and her committee, The next meeting will be held Monday, May 13. President Mrs, T. Farndale Farn-|church THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 10, 1963 § Psalm 90 was read in by the ladies, Miss Barbara Maxwell ren- dered a solo accompa! the piano by Mrs, A. Mantel The offering was received with Mrs, Fallow giving thanks. During the business meeting all reports were read and ap- proved. Mrs. R. Devnich and Mrs. R. Fallow are the appointed for the month .of April to write to the Missionaries in New and Africa, It was decided that the "Open eg would be held June 6 in Faith Baptist Church Audi- torium at 8 p.m, Mrs. Fallow introduced t he guest speaker, Miss erage! 8 missionary on leave m Nigeria who does missionary work with the Sudan Interior Mission. She showed slides ac- P DECORATING Dopp & SOUTER Decor Centre 107 Byron St. $., Whitby SHOP. Phone 668-5862 was arranged for Oct. 18 at Club Bayview. Co-conveners are Mrs. B, King and Mrs, G, Law- son, Committee members Mrs. J. Vickery, Mrs. J. Harris and Mrs, J. Wall. The Chapter approved two bursaries of $100 each upon ap- plications of Grade 13 students from Henry Street and Ander- son Street High Schools, Guests present were Mrs. D. Sanderson, Mrs. A, Glenny, Mrs. R. S. Barton, Mrs. W. Frydell and Mrs, R. Howe. The business meeting ad- journed and the hostesses for the evening were Mrs, Ryland and Mrs. D. Ullyett. ST. MARK'S UNIT NO. 7 St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No, 7 held its April meeting at the home of Mrs. Mildred Juby, 900 Green- wood crescent. HIGH ano DRY on SIDEWALK SLABS Class on Easter Sunday at the 9 and 11 a.m. services, A letter was read by Mrs. F. Jollymore from the group's adopted Chinese boy. The meet- ing 'adjourned and lunch was served by Mrs, E. Pellow, Mrs. J. Hodgson and Mrs, J. Honsinger. that he stopped the accused's car on Victoria street west when he saw it weaving along the road, Welch told the officer that he had drunk seven pints of beer during the day. Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck said that a blood FREE Have your furnace cleaned if Shee unified 4 fuel ol from Western DIAL 725-1212 count showed that the accused Family Monuments Created To Ps a S STAFFORD BROS, MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 had an alcoholic content of 2.5 parts per thousand. Magistrate C. W. Guest then imposed the sentence. SEEMED LOGICAL REDHILL, England (CP)--A four-year-old Surrey boy ad- mitted to hospital with stomach pains explained that he had swallowed a live moth--so he swallowed a moth ball to catch SHORTY'S Cigar Store 121 BROCK N., WHITBY 2 Doors North of Arnold's Meat Market 668-8361 Justin Time... for Easter! FLOWERS Look and Feel Like Real Priced at below cost... Regular 98¢ SPECIAL. WALL PLANTER nt rl 8% SPECIA! 59¢ 49 SPRING BOUQUET Regular 1.19. SPECIAL POTTED LILIES Reguler 5.98. POTTED HYACINTHS Regular 5.98, 2.98 SPECIAL POTTED DAFFODILS Regulor 5.98, SPECIAL Available only at SHORTY'S 69¢ EASTER CHOCOLATES by NEILSON 1.19 1.43 1-Ib. B.P.D. ... 1-Lb. os CHERRIES .... FILMS Black and white. 620-127 3 for 1.00 KODACOLOR FILM 620-127 New Low Price On Developing KODACOLOR FILMS y] ¢ A Print with Roll Whitby Refail Stores OPEN THURS. EVENING UNTIL & P.M. MOST WHITBY MERCHANTS WILL BE OPEN THURSDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 P.M. DUE TO GOOD FRIDAY BEING A PUBLIC HOLIDAY Shop in Whitby Retail Section of Whitby Chamber of Commerce PHONE OLIVER J Lease Expired ... ring Beate La Boutique Ladies' Wear CLOSE-OUT SALE 3311 DRASTIC REDUCTIONS on all lines including Summer Cottons All Merchandise being sacrificed at ridiculously low prices 306 Dundas St. W. Whitby 668-3061 MUST VACATE BY APRIL 15th on Se. the shoe with the magic sole Fashionable Pump with the STRETCHABLE TOPLINE Elasticized topline smartly collars this pump gives greater fit... Bone 3A to B Widths Air-foam cushioning too, D>, yor soft; soft comfort $1 5.95 COLLINS SHOES 119 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY Open Thursday till 9 p.m. INVENTORY INCREASED SGET READY®*EASTER PAR LADIES' GIRLS' BOYS' CAR COATS Reg. 29.50 Special WOOL SKIRTS ste 1,99 ONLY Bulky SWEATERS Reg. 9.95 4, 25 9% For Only . . "Pal 2-PC. SUITS Reg. 12.95 1 09|s- Now y Only Ew Wool and Co Cotton SUMMER DRESSES si 18.00 wey? 95 cote GaN SUMMER BLOUSES. Reg 3.49 SLASHED 49: Now - ONLY MEN'S SUITS ia sear to ONLY DRESS PANTS Me to ONLY ror SHIRTS reg. irre Men's Sport Jackets reg. to $39 and $49. 50% OF! OFF All dress shoes, work shoes and Rubberwear. "12.95 a 1 3.49 Sizes 1 to 6 ONLY .. rine oe yw 1.95 LAMINATED JACKETS LEOTARDS "98 Reg. 19.95 NOW 6. G4 ONLY LINED JEAN JEANS Reg. 4.98 : iy 209 ONLY . "COATS" All Sizes See. WA SPRING JAC Reg. 8. SELLING ee "LINEN now... I KETS 8.95 to 10.95 TABLECLOTHS SWEATERS Reg. 4.95 1 now... 1.89 NOW . ~ CLOTH DRAPES Good And Uniined, hes s3 Reg. 8.95 NOW 2. 95 ONLY Whithy Bargain Centre 118 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M.

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