Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Apr 1963, p. 3

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PROGRESS ON THE CON- STRUCTION of the new Sim- coe Hall Boys' Club (East- view) is shown in these photo- graphs taken Monday. The NEW BOYS' CLUB TAKES FORM site of the new building is on Eulalie street, on the East- view Park site. Top photo shows the construction looking from the south end of the park. In the lower -pictdre, two boys eagerly await com- pletion of the attractive struc- ture. The opening is scheduled for later in the year. --Oshawa Times Photos. GREENWOOD ENTRIES Car Passenger THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1963 FIRST RACE -- 1 mile pace. Three and four-year-olds, Non winners of $1000 in 1962-€2. Purse $1000. (7) Brown Bear, O. Zirnis Lou Hal, Wm. Habkirk Hop! Hal G. Atom, B. Kingston SECOND RACE -- 1 mile pace. Four- year-olds and up, Non winners of $5000 (ifetime). Claiming all $4500, Purse) 5. $1000, (6) Chockoyotte Guy, P. Radley Trivue, P, Crowe Maggie Spangler, F. Hill Joanway, R. Bechanan Roa's Chief, . Filion SIXTH RACE -- 7-furlong trot. Four-| Hospital for bruises and abra- aati and ' $1000, (6) Quinella randywine Kid, Re. Filion Safety Man The Second, C, Hilliard poe ee auto accident Tuesday and treated at the Oshawa General up. winners since| sions, reh 23, Ciaiming all $2500. Purse) Pamelo Rowland, 23, of 1 Nel- son avenue, Ajax, was a pas- senger in a car involved in a crash at Bond street and Mc- Millan drive. Driver was Mc- Nally V. Hedge, 45, RR 1, Pick- ering. The other vehicle in- Lau Atiorncy, R. Herringston Battle Princess, R. H. Filion Dorothy Ann Lee, F. 0' 'N' ACE -- i . Penn TE BACT at amie. bace,| volved was a truck driven by es of $1000! Oval H. Atkinson, 43, of RR 2, more than and four-year-olds, Non winners of $1000 in 1962-63. Purse $1000. (7). N Division. Magic Key, G. Kingston High Hematite, F, Wilson Orowann, C. Wannamaker Amber Direct, F, Feagan Brick, L, Eaid Muncyana, De. Filion in Omodean, C. Lockhart FOURTH RACE --- mile pai Three ond four-year-olds. Non winners four (4) races at anytime. Purse and not 0 $3000 Claiming all $1300, Purse $000. (7). Sec-| Whitby, o 5 THIRD RACE -- 1 mile pace. Three| hemene Couiael We Second] Scottish Reel, C;' W Vic de Sota, C. Hilliard | 40 feet, EIGHTH RACE -- 1 mile pace. Four-| estimated at a total of $250. year-olds and up, Non winners of $7000 4 Purse $2600. (10) Sandy Dares, Du. MacTavish ce, | Su Gold 'arcoe Fleetwood E. Grattan, E. Shea The police said the door of Hedge's car flew open and his I was dragged over the pavement over a distance of Counsel, W. Coke Damage in the accident was 1962-63 or two races since March 23. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 10, 1963 3 Smaller Parties -" Still Hold Power By FRASER MacDOUGALL OTTAWA (CP) Although poli- tical office eluded the Social Credit and New Democratic par- ties in Monday's general elec- tion, they emerged with a firm grip on political power. Some observers in Ottawa contend that the two parties hold the key to future political developments, including Prime Minister Diefenbaker's choice between meeting House of Commons with his out-numbered bamd of 96 Con- servatives or resigning to make way for the 128-member Liberal CITY AND DISTRICT nday May Grattan, B. Samons All Harvester, Wm. Habkirk Worthy Wonder, A. Walker Sputnik W., D, Corbett Cherry Freeze, L. Eaid Tapdean. G, Kingston Also Eligible -- Charming Ben, D.| year-olds and Purse $900. (7) Single Chips, C. Costello Bob C. Grattan, R. Feagan . Galbrai Jean First, J. Geisel Jr, Also Eligible -- Henry's Allen,. Re. Filion; Coppersmith, De. Filion. NINTH RACE -- 1 mile pace, Three-} alarms. The city ambulance an- and four-year-olds, Non winners of $5000/ ewered a total of four calls or Palmer; Ann Key, H, McLean, (7) Keyston: FIFTH RACE -- 1 mile pace, Four-|Sully's Boy, H, V: . Winners of $1000 and|Linda's Lad, G. in 1962-63. Claiming all $1500.) Diana's Gem, Du. Brown Valley, A. Forgetful, Ga. Campbell Jonairo, D. Gillis QUIET DAY The Oshawa Fire Department had a quiet day Tuesday with no four races in 1962-63. Purse $1800. Tuesday and early today. GUEST SPEAKER William Howie, assistant man- ager of the Oshawa Auto Work. jers Credit Union, was guest speaker recently at the month- je Killean, Ca, Hie FORT ERIE ly meeting of the Quinte and District Credit Union Chapter ENTRIES held in Peterborough. The Meet Here | Assessors from municipalities :; jin Ontario, Halton, Peel and |York counties met here this moming for the annual spring |meeting of District 12 of the |Association of Assessing Officers jof Ontario. About 80 delegates | registered. | They were welcomed to the |city by Mayor Lyman Gifford |who told them to "go out and |do your job, ignore the politician| Miss and go by the act". Mr. Gifford said Oshawa is in a fortunate position, having a 48 per cent industrial assessment and 52 per cent residential as- sessment, "Of course, everyone wants more industrial assessment to offset the school problem," the mayor said, "but there are a number of municipalities which jare envious of our ratio," He added that legislation and the public image of assessing is improving, and commended the group, saying, '"'without you cipalities would .do, because - OBITUARIES their whole economies depend on your work." The morning | Tougher Buying ror v"iiasss, es" pest dent of the Canadian Institute of] por Quantity Surveyors, His topic people, I don't know what muni-|M# FIRST RACE -- Filles, Maidens, Purse 2100, for Three-year-olds, 5 Fur- Cut Jewel, Robinson 118 Micheel's Lady, Bolin 116 Amtara Town, No Boy 118 la Tante Wild Fruit, Even Path, Si Cora, No Boy 118 x13 SECOND RACE -- Fillies $2500, Cimg. Purse $1800 for Three-year-olds. 5 Fur. n Gee Gee's Jayne, Dittfach 119 Acadian Lady, No Boy 109 Bessie's Ace, Walsh 109 Snow Lane, McComb 112 Blue Hannah, Uyeyama 116 Queen's Day, No Boy 112 Also Eligible: Pretty Jewel, No Bo: 112; Rere Reward, Harrison 108; Ga: Boy 109; F' Countess, No Boy 116; er, Fi 116; |: Dane: Wise Selector, McComb 109, THIRD RACE -- Fillies Maidens, Purse $2100 for Three-year-olds, 5 Fur. foaled in Canada. Running Trance, Cosentino 118 Janilyn, Bakos 118 Cloud Princess, Dittfach 118 SIXTH RACE -- The Kenmoie $4500 Claiming longs, foaled in Canada. olds. 5 Fur. Jeannie Doo, McComb 111 Cluny Miss, Gubbins 111 Charley' . Riesant, Pong 111 Canadian Shield, Dalton 109 | Bofjac, Robinson 109 | Careless, No Boy 116 SEVENTH RACE -- $2500 Claiming. mm Purse 81600. Four-year-olds ap. $14 Fur, | 0M the track removal committee foaled in Canada Canadian Flyer, Gubbins 116 Turcotte incr $ RACE -- $2500 Claiming. y|5%4 Fur, Foaled nai ila | Bayfield Joy, No Boy 119 Manda, No Boy 109; Flying Manda, No| Royal Persia ig Brown Eyes, Elliott 117 topic of his address was "A ling y Program" dealing Purse $2000 for Three-year-| With procedures on how to handle delinquent loans, TRACK REMOVAL An executive board recom- mendation to The Oshawa and "s Pak, Turcotte X104 group headed by Lester B. Pear- son. Others, including men known to be close to the prime minis- ter, look for him to resign after announcement of service vote results this weekend. One put it: "I know him well enough to know that he'll do the right thing -- and the right thing is to avoid an alliance with those two parties," Those who feel that the deci- sion really rests with the two smaller groups -- 24 Social Credit and 17 NDP -- say that there are two precedents to guide the Prime Minister in the present situation, The first Mr, Diefenbaker himself cited at Prince Albert election night when he mention- ed that the late Mackenzie King retained office after the 1925 election when his Liberals won 101 seats in the 245-seat house against 116 Conservatives, 24 Progressives and four others, District Labor Council that Keith Ross, secretary, be a re- presentative of Labor Council QUINELLA BETTING was unanimously endorsed by the membership Tuesday night. HOSPITAL REPORT Following is the report of the Oshawa General Hospital for the week ending April 7: ad- missions, 333; births, male 25, female 26; discharges, 317; new- born discharges, male 29, fe- 1800. Four-yearolds and up,|Male 24; major surgery, 85; in da. minor surgery, 138; eye, ear, nose and throat, 38; treatments and examinations, 173; casts, No Boy 122 Newton, Gubbins 122 KIDS MARKET IS GROWING The under 10-year-old seg- ment Of our population total led 40 million in 1960, The mumber is expected to grow to almost 51 million by 1970, The smart way for you to increase your income by finding the right job is a "position wanted' classi- fied ad. The cost is low and the quick results will please you. Dial 723-3492 today to place your ad. 29; physiotherapy, . visits 506, treatments 739. CONFERENCE DELEGATE Hugh Coutts, chairman of the PAC committee will represent the Oshawa and District Labor Dutch Princess, South Shore, No Boy 118 Foxy Reward, Krohn X113 Council at the Ontario Federa- tion of Labor '"'Farmer-Labor" Dark Gem, McComb 118 Select Chick, 1 FOURT RACE -- $7500 Claiming Purse $1900 for Two-year-olds, 2 Fur. Swining Summer, Hale 111 w. Bashi-Bazouk. cream and butter print prices were reported unchanged today. by 114 fair demand. MARKET PRICES conference in Port Elgin June TORONTO (CP) -- Churning 22 and 23, MEET MONDAY There will be an open meet- The egg market was steady|ing of Oshawa City Council next ith offerings adequate for a|Monday night, April 15. Previ- ously there was some doubt as Country dealers are quoted by|to whether it would be held the federal department of agri-|that night. culture on Canada grade eggs, NEW HOME SPECIALISTS IMA Real Estate Ltd. TRADES ACCEPTED 728-6286 323 King St. W. be Mr. King acted on the grounds that he could count on the "e. port of the Progressives and Conservatives couldn't, The second precedent was in 1957 when the Conservatives won 112 seats and toppled the Liberals from office after 22 years in power. The Liberals. 25, Social Credit 19 and others four in the 265-seat house. One man close to the political the 265-seat/situation stresses that Libera Prime Minister St. Laurent did: not announce his intention of ro« signing in favor of the Conserv- atives until after leaders of the two smaller groups expressed. their views. < Both CCF Leader M. J, Colds. well and Social Credit Leader' Solon Low called on Mr, St, Laurent to resign, 4 Observers don't profess to know whether those statementg" alone inspired the decision, But: they are quick to say that Mr, St. Laurent couldn't continue im office without the support of ong. or the other, If either or both: translated their resignation calig. into firm action in the Come mons, the Liberals could. nof: have survived. . The 1945 election established a precedent like that of 1925. That time, Mr. King's Liberals won 118 of 245 seats against 66 Conservatives, 28 CCF, 13 Social. Credit and 20 others, Again, Mr. King counted on support of enough of the others to com- mand the house and remained' in office until dissolution for an election four years later. Sev- eral of the others entered the Liberal caucus to bring the party up to majority strength. Social Credit Leader Robert Thompson told reporters on his arrival here Tuesday night that Mr, Diefenbaker may have the constitutional authority to hold onto office until Parliament meets, but he does not have the "technical or moral right" to do $0. NOW To have that carpet or chest- erfield cleaned professionally in Oshawa's Original Carpet Cleaning Centre . . . where fully guaranteed satisfaction is assured, Phone 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. s MRS. EVA P. JOHNSTON. |ville, and one daughter, mr. Habits Urged The death of Mrs. Eva P.|Jo of Toronto. : Johnston, 1198 Ravine road, oc-| He is also survived by one was "the quantity surveyor's delivered Toronto, in fi TILL Te cies on ana yl ine ure, No Boy it oo A' large 47; A ood WeenOCe beetles § med 1 A ir. Coquette, No Ma A. li 40; B uy 8 cared sudeny, | Weanenaybraies ifort of Cevsnd Por CamadiaNs | utiesia' soci atytttt't eat te ny gman Oo propery ofa museum ere, Ohio, and three grandchildren. | surve: s m originated in . 4 . A as: a s » 48 April 10 at Beaverton. She was| ghey Mie Ralph meer Btitsin 'and soon spread ts (A) iss (ADF Toach 'and Mrs, F. H ha ping ng -- Sy back on the road, The car was in her 72nd year. he|Predeceased him. | TORONTO (CP) ---If Cana-|parts of the commonwealth and ; i 'tend ohio 50, i: red aot ot Nee lta Born in Coldwater, Ont., s |dians would become tougher|European countries. But he add- igh AGE - cS $2500 Clatoning Purse ve ng Hr le ie in light/with the help of retired employ- was a daughter of the ate| MURRAY KENNETH LAMB | 114 more demanding as cus-\@d'that the movement is still| Fur P. ng: Western 51-52 (nomi-jees of the firm. eae | a . 1). Frank and Liza Hicks. The death occurred suddenly|tomers, this cdantey's wks 10 weak /in Canada. Quadreme, No Boy 116 nal) ' e | ¥ j oon -- gtd Hillcroft Private Hospital, He claimed there are quantiy| Shore 'Straw. Walker 116 'obe ')produce and sell im competitive) surveyors Rubal Khali, Pong 1 ears. She also lived in Toronto|» pire of Murray Ken-\ orld markets would be en- yore employed. by alae Raa te me te and Island Grove neth Lamb. He was in his 16th) hanced, Ford of Canada's vice-|inere a ae Bc but] stand Firm, Adams 111 ' : " ©" there , : She married Donald Johston, |¥<2"- marketing said are a few, like himself,|Nances Rule LANGUAGES HELP Movie producer-director Ana- Uyeyama 118 tole Litvak finds his five lan- ie Jan, 27, 1918, who predeceased her Dec. 24, 1952, The deceased was a member of Simcoe Street United Church. She is survived by a daugh- ter, Mrs, J. Trott (Helen) and a granddaughter, Mrs. Len Rog- ers (Beverley), both of Oshawa as well as two great-grand- children, Deborah Joan and Kimberley Lenn. Also surviving are two brothers, John Hicks, Sharon, Ont., and Nelson Hicks, Beaver. ton, and a sister, Mrs. Frank Smallwood (Hazel), Beaverton. The body is at the Bullock Funeral Home, Beaverton. The fueral service will be held Sat- urday, April 13 at 2 p.m. in the chapel, Interment will be in Stone Church Cemetery, Beaver- ton. DR. J. F. FARNSWORTH BELLEVILLE -- Dr. John Franklin (Frank) Farnsworth died suddenly at the Belleville General Hospital Saturday, April 6. He was in his 62nd year. Bom in Napanee, he was the son of Mrs, Mabel Farnsworth and the late Rev. Enos Farns- worth, He had lived in this lo- cality for the past 26 years, re- siding before in Whitby. He graduated in medicine from the University of Toron- to in 1926 and took a post-grad ate course at the Johns Hop- kins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Farnsworth practised medicine in Belle- ville for five years and at the Ontario Hospital in Whitby for three years. He was an honorary member of the medical staff at Belle- ville General Hospital and was a member of Bridge Street United Church. Surviving are his 'mother, Mrs. Mabel Farnsworth, his }conducted the service. Inter-| |Fenelon Falls, he was born Nov.| and attended school there. five brothers, Cecil and Allan, tr of Oshawa; Ross .of Trenton and David of Lindsay and three sisters, Mrs.| jand Dorothy Funeral Home, Bobcaygeon. In-|-- IK terment was in St. Peter's Cem- The beloved son of Mr. andl frseaday, * |\Mrs, John Allister Lamb, RR 2, i K John D. King of Oakville, association that intense compe-|afternoon with an address by Besides his parents, he leaves tition in the automotive indus- y has helped to limit price Ivan of Valentia: increases and improve durabil-/"'thoughts on municipal govern- Abt Complacent i Yori are unwilling to demand maxi- Eric Quibell ee mum standards of value, qual- later today. home. ity and service create an at- | The funeral service was held|Mosphere which can only hin- Monday, April 8, at the Nesbitt der sound economic growth, Mr. ing said. customers who} Mayor William A, Ajax, who will w i si .|Ridge Drive, Wolski 116 ho are in business for them-| Pitted wiliot tit selves, doing quantity surveying] wni Grey Duke, Potts 11 e Boy 116; Famus, Despirito 116; Vine-| Parish Of | tenting ttt With 708e! ; ville, No Boy 111; Speak OM |Cinderette, Robinson 106, is ip Out, Turcott X1i1 guages a great help when work- ing with. casts of actors from : le,|for architects. |False Start, No Boy 111 various countries. 14, 1947, in Verulam Township|°"t., told a suburban industrial) The convention continues this| 1 MORTGAGES Ample Funds for Ist MORTGAGES Also Eligible: Treasure Hunt 2nd, No Navahoe Knave, ment"'. association will also take place e@ Commercial and Industrial Sites @ Leasebock @ Development | : jetery, Verulam Township. | Pallbearers, all school friends of the deceased, were Everett |Wright, Robert Smith, James |Pogue, Kenneth Telford, James Telford and James Wright. FUNERAL OF EYE EXAMINATIONS PHONE 723-4191 by appointment F. R. BLACK, O.D. 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH EDWARD WADE REALTOR | 52% Simcoe N. 728-9474 Election of officers for the ? | Paul Ristow |) ONLY T "KINDNESS BEYOND PRICE, YET WITHIN REACH OF ALL" GERROW | 'ip TERMS FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 King W. 728-6226 || | LIST SELL SPOT CASH { OR JOHN A, | BOLAHOOD REAL ESTATE -- MORTGAGES 5-6544 2nd MORTGAGES We Also Purchase Ist and 2nd Mortgages A N.H.A. LOANS ARRANGED You Will Find OUR SERVICE IS FASTER OUR COST IS LOWER SCHOFIELD-AKER Limited 4 723-2265 -- 728-3376 After Hours 728-3376 S BHS The memorial service for Edward Wade who died Sunday, | April 7 was held Tuesday, April 9 at 2 p.m. at Armstrong Funer- al Home. | Rev. J, P. Romeril of Ebene- zer United Church, Courtice, ment was Cemetery. The pallbearers were Arthur) |Found, Sydney Worden, Harry Worden, Jerry Lymer, Harold Osborne and Glenn Pickell. in Mount Lawn VISITS HOLLAND | NBC-TV's "Today" program will visit Holland to tape five) programs for showing April 29) to May 3.' ' 728-5178 TRY |) STUDEBAKER World's Only Convertible STATION WAGON Nagy Motors e HIGHEST KING ST. @ Want Your | | | Opposite the Shopping Centre | w. | HAMS LEAN, MEATY BLADE MAPLE LEAF 2 CRYOVAC BONELESS QUALITY MEATS e b. 79 READY TO SERVE 43 FIRST GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER EASTER WEEK-END HOURS: Thursdoy till 9 P.M, Closed Good Friday Saturday till 6 P.M. Maternity Fashions Fashions are and wonderful for mothers- tight, lovely 1 Piece DRESSES from 8,95 2 & 3-Piece SUITS from... . 8.95 | wife, Josephine Mary Haines; one son, Dennis of RR 7, Belle- to-be who want to look their loveliest during the waiting days. You're invited to see our ex- CHRISTIES BROOKSIDE SHORT CUT (Ist 4) PRIME RIB ECONOMY--6 & 7 WE REQUIRE YOUR HOME PROPERTIES ARE MOVING FAST! We Sold Over $165,000 of Homes IN THE PAST 10 DAYS! Call To-day For Action! SCHOFIELD-AKER 360 KING WEST (Limited) 723-2265 OPEN 9 TO 9 -- SAT. 9 TO 5S BILL McFEETERS -- 725-1726 REG. AKER -- 725-0201 LES HALL -- 7: ~ STEVE MACKO -- 728-5868 HENRY STINSON -- 725-0243 FREE PARKING AT REAR OF OFFICE BUTT FRESH PORK END LOIN MAPLE LEAF SMOKED Picnics41' HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 and summer SHOULDER 24-0Z. LOAF 69: 4 GRADE "A" LARGE SIZE PRIME RIB 49: Dd csEGéS = 3c Ib 2 in Your Container 2 BONELESS SHOULDER POT ROAST 59: EXTRA FEATURE 39 rmers 45 tensive spring collection of fashionable new slims, dresses, suits, tops and skirts. TOPS from.... 3.98 | | SLIMS from... . 3.98 | Shop at your leisure . . « 2 | @ small deposit will hold, | | SKIRTS from... 3.98 BONELESS ROLLED RKEYS ~__}| BRISKET my OVEN-READY 6-8 LB. AV. 74 SIMCOE NORTH LADIES' WEAR LTD. 725-1912

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