26 THU OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 10, 1963 29--Automobiles ror Sale 1956 CHEVROLET, excellent condition. One \e 72B- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 25) 30--Automobiles Wanted owner, $500 cash. 4553 or 728-0662. 1956 PONTIAC, power og tenga steering, radio, like new. Gus Brown Seoes. 728-1471. 2-door hardtop, V-8, powel padded dash, *| Motors, 728-1471, 'on|29---Automobiles For Sale 29-----Automobiles For Sale 1957 CHEVROLET hardtop, standard, radio, A-1 condition, $1200 or best offer. After six 728-3713 1960 eh age Montcalm, 2 top, black with door hard- ¥ . matching black trim, -8 automatic, power steering, whitewalls. Gus Brown -|1954 NASH Rambler, 2 2 door, Ss dition, radio. $150 or trade for boat . 725-4891 1957 BUICK, two door hardtop, perfect 728-6359. 4 . |condition. Telephone satalee. ee 1957 BUICK Century, 2 door hardtop, 2- tone blue Brown Motors, 728-1471. and white, fully power equip- guaranteed new tires Gus) 723- 1959 M. G. A. Convertible, good condi. tion. cogil ag or best cash offer. Telephone 1956 BUICK, very good for Wentworth East. 725-1181. --- ALL CASH - For Clean cars we deol up or nm. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-8 -8001 owner. 728-5179, 196 VOLKSWAGEN custom deluxe, one Like new. $1,395. Easy term: meet < Thies s. street, upstairs, $450 4 100 CARS WANTED = SanveouEy coach and fot PONTIAC --. one owner, 6 cyl- » Original 44,000 miles. New tires. $100 'down. Telephone 728-6094. offer. No dealers, Telephone ear 1951 PONTIAC, four door hardtop, be 4 Chevrolet tudor, custom, six gag condition, parts, price $70. Apply 149 Celina eee. Tepbone 728706000 7 1956 BUICK automatic, radio, many extras, mechanically A-1, Real bargain. or best offer, 728-9617. 1952 CHEVROLET sedan, excellent run- 125. 723-4104 1960 BUICK hardtop, black, low mile- age, radio with back seat ag 7G ele- Buying a New Car? Sell your.used Car to "Ted" Talk "'Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 LAKESHORF Auto Wreckers want cars fe k! hest prices paid. 220 32--Articles tor Sale 33--Market Basket 33--Market Basket SELLING furniture or it for cash STUDENTS A Gate. PB ig an ee oe noes nae -- ee only ee AL Ap per (news Ht Oshawa Office, Whitby Li Dundas oie? West. Tm Sey, Bh aed eee ge gg ge Tae ty Trading Hire Stores, 446 Simcoe Street South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, Bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. BUY AND SFLL, good used furniture and appliances. One location only. Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simeoe Street South. 723-3271. GUN (old antiqué)wanted. Also old 725-8183. FARMER'S For Your Convenience In FRESH VEGETABLES MARKET Shopping This Week For The Long Eastes Weekend. OPENING 12 NOON THURSDAY APRIL 11th HOME BAKED GOODS FRESH EGGS AND POULTRY ONTARIO APPLES, ALL VARIETIES AND POTATOES HONEY AND MAPLE SYRUP. SIMCOE SOUTH AT BLOOR TORONTO (CP) -- Driver. trainer Murray Waples, 34, of Coldwater, Ont., was suspended for 60 days Tuesday, night after an investigation into the doping of the trotter Mary Louise at Greenwood Raceway. Mary Louise, owned by Den- ton Johnson of Peterborough, won the eighth race at Green- USED televisions, RCA Victor, 17" $39; RCA ae 21", Pgs RCA birth) i953 CHEVROLET sedan, A-1 motor' 1963, Oshawa General Hos- for Gordie, Lynda and MIFFLIN -- Gord and Verna 'nee dorianp are happy to announce the ai r, Christine Ruth , 1963, at the tires, i Telephone 1 Hampton 263-2302. and tires, needs rocker panels, $125 cash, Telephone 723-2281. ' ead PONTIAC Laurentian, white, four door sedan, $500 or best offer. Tele-| tw: phone after 4, 728-7835. 1955 PONTIAC, four-door, six cy! almost new good condition, mr ning after 5 p.m. phone 725-5239. ogg eg radio, new tires, beige and brown, 1957 CHEVROLET deluxe, four Govr, Beautiful 1948 CHEVROLET % ton truck. Good condition. Dial Hampton 263-2010 tone Telephone 728-1203, 1961 CHEVROLET BelAir hardtop, good Only 23,000 miles. four door gg car Aqua blue. 723-9782. 1960 roRe sedan, standard, 6 ening 1955 Ch sedan der; 1955 Chevrolet "sedan, v3, Rito ard; 1954 International K-7, cab and chassis; 1954 International, one ton, cab 1961 ENVOY % ton van, A-1 condition. Owner driven, low mileage. Apply 311 Wilson Road South. 1961 PONTIAC four-door, 5 blu 6 cylinder, er. 1961 terme Perfect condition. Mors own- and chassis, dual wheels; 1951 Mercury sedan, standard, V-8. Ackerman Used Cars, 623-5756. CONVERTIBLE 1957 Buick, |. A sistes for 1956 PONTIAC, igs ree two tone, cus- tom radio, $695. Telephone 728-1576, WILDE -- Gordon and Virginia -- Fitzjohn) are happy to announce poi of 'agaz baby. oar cpr line Louise, +» OD Sun'lay, April 7, i960" at A Uae General Hos' pital, Many thanks to Dr. Hobbs and Dr. Seaw 4 and all ie wonderful nurses on 4th floor. YOUNG -- Robert and Ella (nee Ford) wish to announce the arrival of Robert James, a brother for Laurie, on Monday, April 8, 1963, at the Ajax Pickering General Hospital, A GAPPY occasion -- The birth of your child. To tell. the good news to friends and neighbors The Oshawa Times is as near as vour telephone The day of birth just telephone 723- 3492, The rate is only $1.50. DEATHS JOHNSTON, Eva P. Suddenly at Beaverton on Wednesday. April 10, 1963, Eva P. Hicks, beloved wife of the late Donald Johnston and loving mother of Mrs. J. Trott (Helen), and grandmother of Mrs. Len Rogers (Beverley), of Oshawa; sister of John Hicks, Sharon, Ont., Nelson Hicks and Mrs Frank Smallwood (Hazei) of, Beaverton, in her 72nd year. Mrs. Johnston is resting at 'the Bullock Fu- neral Home, Beaverton. Service in the chapel on Saturday, April 13 at 2 o'clock. Interment Stone Church Ceme- tery, Beaverton. LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING ENTR 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 away April 10, . love him as no tongue can tell, ~ at, , who passed away April A lonely year without you, 1955 CHEVROLET sedan, radio, ciean acre i Telephone 725-9279 after 7 0: 1955 CHEVROLET coach, mechanically | A-1, tines very good, Needs body work, $275. Can finance. Telephone 728-6094 1960 CHEVROLET convertible, V-8 en- brakes. radio, Will take 'pate and terms, 668-8371. Powers A-l condition. i960 WILLMAN, excellent condition. ag mileage $650 cash. Telephone 728- 1955 CHEVROLET two door hardtop, radio, Telephone evenings 728-7483. 21", 31--Automobile Repair HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 PRIVATE, » 1961 Mercury lonterey convertible, 2-tone, perfect iti icture tube. Meagher's, $'King Street West, 723-3425, 'victor, |34--Lost and Found 36--Legal wood last Thursday, paying $18.20. CHANGE purse lost Monday peed saga ag lawn mowers, PE deed piece bath sets $65, laundry tubs $13; sinks, inets, showers. Chinn, Park and Store to corners, con- taining sum of money. Telephone' 725- 8923. LOST: Red female dachshund, bined Thickson's Road North, Name "Heidi", Reward. Telephone 728-1875. "136--Legal tachm 8 of $6.50 or $52 cash. Dealer. Write Box 524 Oshawa Times. MODERN bedroom suite, $65; chrome 3 davenport, matching 32--Articles for Sale power tof, steering. brakes, seats. 352 hp. Radio, clock, windshield washers. New cost over $5,200, will sell for $2,600 Phone evenings 985-2647. r|1957 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, FM aerial, seatbelts, 7162 after 5 p.m. sunrvof, unconditionally guaranteed, wheel discs, $695. Phone 728- 1957 MONARCH sedan, two tone. coral Bikini and white, automatic, steering, power brakes, radio, padded dash, back up lights, whitewal's, . | 1960 FORD Falcon, custom deluxe, : oe. door, like new. "ee finance. T 728-5179 gine, metalic grey, chrome discs, many extras. $725. Apply] 7 1527 Lakeside Street. "|brushes, hoses, Power! TWO-PAIR drapes, VACUUM cleaner yes ridag all makes. television. Bowmanville THREE rooms of f Free P. guaranteed rebuilt ma- chnes. Rentals. Wallace 'ema Ser- vice, Call anytime. 728-0591. lined ro length, two widths, lovely floral design with furniture, $289. This includes complete living-room, yao poe! "et vege vers jarons' Home Fariishiags 424 Simcoe Street South. RECONDITIONED Thor Bg is NOTICE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE 'SCHOOL FOR SCHOOL SECTION NUMBER 9 IN THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY gold thread, valance box, rods 725-2944, Aggy washer coobiaaiiea, = 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, auto- sion. Full power. Radio, four new tires. $2100 or best offer. 728-5972. 1952 -FORD fordor, standard, radio, body fair, mechanically Al, just instal- led fuel system, ignition system, bat: tery, exhaust system. universal, and new tides, Brooklin 655-3934. mileage. Will. accept Motors 1956 car or older. 725-5560. ACADIAN enumant deluxe sedan, low any . General matic, 12,500 miles, washers, white- walls, $2,495. Apply 585 Athoi Street East, tires. Gus Brown Motors, 728-1471. 1957 DODGE Custom Royal sedan, Cor- dovan brown with beige accent, fully power equipped, four guaranteed new 1959 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan. 6 cyl- inder, standard transmission, push-but- ton radio, very clean. Trade or terms. Gus Brown Motors; telephone 728-1471, THEN TOP DOLLAR 1962 RAMBLER Finished in two tone blue with matching interior. One owner. "Sharp". $2245 '11959 FORD HARDTOP V-8, auto-matic with full power, radio, seat belts, white walls and discs "sharp" $1645 Confused With Used Car Prices? TRY WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. "Where Quality and Price Go-Together" FOR TRADES FRIENDLY SERVICE -- WRITTEN GUARANTEE OPEN GOOD FRIDAY "EASTER SALE" 1962 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE "A Sunshine Special', auto-matic, power steering and brakes, radio, white walls, "local car". $2989 1959 FORD SEDAN V-8 auto-motic, radio, white walls. Two-tone "A Family Buy", $1295 BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 RENAULT- PEUGEOT-AUSTIN Parts and Service STATHAM B.A. SERVICE RITSON ROAD AND KING 723-4733 and 723-7712 THOR hi good condi- tion, $30. Telephone 728-5857. ana ate . maple, $20; antique stand, . 54" box spring wen legs, $10. 668-8683. $20. Telephone 668. JIG-SAW stand and Nerv Heavy duty reciprocating sander. Floor model 4" drill press, % horse power motor, one year oid. Telephone Bowmanville. 2013. NEW custom made liquor cabinet § sale, equipped with glasses. A Rietmuller, 25 Concession Street Een Bowmanville, MAKE your own fresh juice, Save now on Health Juice extractors. The Carmic Co, Telephone days or evenings 723-7688. BUYING or selling furniture or appli- ances. Caii Elmer, Hampton 263-3394 or 263-2695. TYPEWRITERS, du- three oo gust yd and used. We buy, sell, rei ice. Hamilton Office Equipment, a Brock South, Whitby. adders, cashiers, 15 FOOT cedar strip boat, complete with steering wheel, controls, cushions and 1961 18 horsepower Johnston motor. Excellent condition, $675. Apply 980 Chevrolet Street. Terms can arranged, Blackstock 986-4926, HT4 CATERPILLAR FRONT END LOADER, GOOD CONDITION. PHONE 728-6291 BOATS, MOTORS ON DISPLAY Grew Cruisers, Traveler, Ma- son, O.M.C. and Larson Boats. Evinrude, Volvo-Pento and O.M.C, 88 Motors, Open Until 8 p.m. MARINE Storage & Supply Ltd. Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appli- ances, Name brands at biggest he counts anywhere. We carry Restoni NEW ADDRESS OF WILSON BATTERY SALES AND SERVICE Fed Mgetderins A mattress furniture ines. GE dealer. Contact} Housel Os on King Street East at Varcoe's Road. Open 12 hours daily, 9.30 - 9.30. Telephone 728-9191. AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. 641 Cromwe!l Ave. (Corner Park Rd. & Bloor St.) DIAL 723-3512 KELLY DISNEY USED CARS HAVE you furniture or appliances for sale? We buy, sell re exchange. Mc- Keen's Used Furnit 426 Simcoe South, 725-5181 or 725-6457. CHAIN saw, 18 inch, McCullough, $100. Television aerial, 30 ft. $25. Pease pipe- less furnace, $20, Quebec heater, $5. Stove wood, make offer. Afier 5 p.m. 728-2637. 409 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY--668-4291 JOHNSON outboard motor, 18 hp pe! fect cundition, only used few hours. Poll tank and stand. $225. Telephone 725-9730. Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always Top Quality SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 RACER bicycle, practically new, $40. Telephone Ajax Whitehall 2,4546. 18' *6" WEYMOUTH cruiser, fully [1 ao -- extras. Powered with Owner buying larger ert 3s Riverside Dr. South. STOVE -- Propane gas, four burner, $20, T 655-3747, MUST be moved. Four-room insul brick home, suitable for cottage, $100. Tele- phone' 728-2637. be atigyb peck oud suite, RCA televi- dryer, » single bag FE Ny mattress, All in TILDEN saat 14-ft, plywood kit boat, wind- shield, lights, steering, controls, 25 hp CUSTOM DRAPERIES Ready-made Drapes Bamboo Expert track installations. Personal in-home Decorator Service RELIABLE Furniture - Interiors 96 KING E. -- 723-7928 What's My Line? Buying ond selling used fut- niture and appliances. For your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W. See and Hear the New Admiral Stereos TAKE NOTICE THAT the above mentioned Board of Trustees on the 8th day of April, 1963 passed By-law Number 4 to authorize the borrowing of money by the issue and sale of Debentures of the said Board of Trustees in the principal amount of $60,000 1. The purpose for which the money is to be borrowed is for the construction of a new three-room brick addi- tion to the present school fo- cated in the Township of Whitby. 2. The amount to be bor- IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY FRANCES HUTSON, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA, IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, WIDOW DECEASED NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of MARY FRANCES HUTSON, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontorio, Widow, deceased, who died on or a- bout the fifteenth day of March, A.D. 1963, are here- by required to send full par- ticulars to the undersigned on or before the fifteenth day of May, A.D. 1963, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have had notice. DATED at Oshawo, this 8th day of April, A.D. 1963. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Qc. 14% King St. Egst Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitor for Bertha Stiver and Edna Ross, Executors rowed is $60,000 on the se- curity of the said Debentures, which shall be a charge upon the schoolhouse property and premises and any other real and personal property vested in the said Board of Trustees and upon the separate school rates. 3. The Debentures are to be dated the Ist day of May, 1963 and are to be in the denomination of not less than $100.00 each. The debentures maturing in the years 1964 to 1973, both in- clusive, shall bear interest ot the rate of Five and One-Half Per Cent (5%2%) per annum ond the debentures maturing in the years 1974 to 1983, both inclusive, shall bear in- terest at the rate of Five and Three - Quarters Per Cent (534%) per annum. The De- bentures are payable annually on the Ist day of May in the years 1964 to 1983, both inclusive, the aggregate a- mount of principal and inter- est payable in each year of the currency of the Debent- ures being approximately equal, F. J. MOLONEY, Secretary-Treasurer AT PARKWAY TELEVISION CITY OF OSHAWA FIRE DEPARTMENT Sealed Tenders plainly mark- ed to to contents, will be re- ceived at the office of The City Clerk, Civic Adminis- tration Building, Oshawa, On- tario, up until 5:00 P.M. (E.S.T.) FRIDAY, April 19, 1963. For the following: Firemen's Uniform Clothing, and Apparel. Tender Forms, and Specifi- cations are avaliable at the office of The Purchasing Agent, or, by mail upon re- quest, Lowest or any Tender not ne J. Crompton, PURCHASING AGENT A subsequent urine test showed a drug of the nature of caffeine had been used, a re- port from provincial analyst Ralph Bull said. Waples operates a public sta- ble with his brother Keith, who drove Tie Silk to victory last year in the $50,000 Interna- tional Trot at New York. Waples said later he plans to appeal the penalty. Player Fires 66 Round For Ryder Cup ATLANTA, Ga. (AP)--Gary Player of South Africa fired a 66 Monday for individual hon- ors in the Ryder Cup Pro-Am golf tournament. The 66 was the lowest score on the 6,942-yard East Lake course since it was recon- structed three years ago. Player won top prize of $750 in the pro division, plus for his team's second-place tie in the pro-am. Following him with 68s were Stan Leonard of Vancouver, Jay Hebert and Dave Ragan.. Bruce Crampton of Australia and Bobby Nichols scored 69s. Jack Nicklaus, the new Mas- ters champion, 'wound up with a two-under-par 70 and Arnold Palmer shot a 77. The Pro-Am honors, under a complicated handicap system, went to pro Julius Boros an three amateurs, Charlie Harri- son, John Shea and William sae with a team score of WARN HITCHERS ST. HYACINTHE, Que. (CP) Police have warned residents here the force will follow Mont- real's example in cracking down on hitch - hiking within city limits. The practice is for- bidden by Quebec law but the law has not been enforced rigidly. START NEW PLANT PORT ARTHUR, Ont. (CP)-- A new $250,000 sawmill and chips plant here is expected to begin production in May. The plant will employ up to 40 work. ers. Lemon Juice Recipe Relieves Arthritic SCARS STILL SHOW VANCOUVER (CP) -- This KILLED BOBCATS & Rheumatic Pain city still shows the scars of Ty- if suffer rheumatic, arthritis phoon Freida which wreaked havoc on the lower mainland of British Columbia last fall. The All Canada Insurance Fed- eration estimated the storn Oct. 12-13 caused close to $10,- 000,000 damage to private homes on the. mainland. DRIVE AT SCHOOL In the Soviet Union where Owning a car is a luxury, chil- dren are taught to drive in school. Johnson motor and tee nee trailer. Complete, $595. Telephone Pickering WH 2-2838. ex Saar RUG, $10; Tri light Prom) $15. One of green floral $4. Card "able. $2. Like new. Ere yey DINING room suite, cabinet, buffet table, four chairs, medium light finish, $50. Teiephone 728-6013. BRAND new mink cape, brown, rea- sonable. Telephone 723-7970. PORCELAIN top, _ kitchen three chairs, $25. Telephone bata LA PRESENTATION, Que. (CP) Blacksmith Wilfred Jeanson killed two bobcats with an iron bar when he found them trying to get into his house. It was the first winter in memory, | tom he said, that bobcats had ven- not feel , return the otuing- ou are can tured into the village. Foor ige lig 1) aod etd rages by pout HAS NO LIMIT a on a money back 7 ion cans used, In Britain there is no speed limit on most highways but po- Jury & Lovell Lid. lice can lay charges of "anger- WHITBY, OSHAWA ous driving at any speed. oe i a FORCED AIR Natural FURNACE Gas '95-. Installed completely to existing duct work if rent an automatic Natural Gas Water Teeter for 1.75 eo pase and are not pres- ently using Natural Ga NOTHING DOWN 55c Per Week -- Starting Sept., 1963 LIMITED TIME. OFFER! UMMER HiIl Heating and Appliance Co. Ltd. 492 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA __ PHONE 728-1352 i. +f oes, 918 Simcoe St. N. 723-3043 TELEVISIONS Rebuilt sets, all makes Guar- anteed, One year warranty on picture tube. We also rent and buy. McKeen's Used Furniture 426 Simcoe S. 725-5181 or 725-6457 Vacuum Cleaners FILTER QUEEN New & Used Machines Filters 12 for $1.50--- 30 for $3.50 Repairs at low factory rates. Nylon Hose, Old Fittings $9.95 FILTER QUEEN SALES (Oshawa) 323 King Street West 728-7552 COOK'S TRAILER SALES GLENDALES eli 14-16-17 ft. Parts -- Hitches --- Awnings HIGHWAY 2 COUR RTICE or LANSDOWNE TEXACO Simcoe North (City Limits) OPEN EVENINGS 723-9534 SPECIAL 1963 SCOTT ALUMINUM BOAT 12 ft. car top model. 7"% hp. Fishing Scott Motors COMPLETE $499 OSHAWA MARINE AND SERVICE 1487 Simcoe North 728-0031 SPECIAL DUTCH GIRL BRAND ~ ROSEBUSHES Climbers, Tea Roses, (12 Varieties) 79c each METROPOLITAN Stores of Canada Ltd. 58 King East -- Oshawa SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY BATHROOMS COMPLETELY RENOVATED AS LOW AS $395 -- 10% DOWN CALL: TODAY 668-4412 WALCO CONSTRUCTION Whitby 1958 PONTIAC Finished in Powder Blue with radio, auto-motic and white walls. "Once In A Lifetime Buy". $895 CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. YOUR VOLVO DEALER JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIRS and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. ay Oshawa 728-092 1958 HILLMAN MINX One owner, up to 35 miles per gallon. Radio, seat belts, "Ideal second car". $388 MEMORIALS MONUMENTS ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM Complete Monument and Inscription Service 152 SIMCOE SOUTH Phone. 723-1002 CARD OF THANKS KILBURN -- We wish to thank al! our friends, neighbors and reiatives for flowers, cards and gifts, received on the occasion of our diamond wedding anni- a --Mr,. and Avenue. 1958 CHEVROLET One owner. 6 cylinder, auto- matic, radio, mechanically A-1 needs paint. 'Top value" $867 1958 DESOTO HARDTOP one owner, radio, auto-matic, double power, needs paint. $695 FOR sale, boat house, at Port Perry on Lake Scugog. ee. Telephone Brocklin after 6 p.m. DINING room suite, = modern, six brown leather upholstered eg long table, buffet, china Port Perry, 985-2218. 12 FT. plywood boat on 16 ft. trailer, used one year, $300; also five piece bed- room suite, $125; set of bunk beds, com- plete, $45; single bed and mattress, $10; The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try"' New Telephone Numbers 668-5871 and 668-5872 BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY EASTER BUNNY SPECIALS 1961 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR STATION WAGON "One atte, kitchen suite, 5 pieces, chrome, $30; Bulova automatic watch, $50. Telephone after 4 p.m. 728-1345. MOFFAT electric range, 2", with extra warming closet, excellent condi- tion. 'Telephone 725-4675. BABY carriage, Lioyd, pink and white, good condition, $20. Telephone 723-2700. ACCORDION, Hohner, 72 Bass, a love- I ly red coior, in case, practicaliy new, $75. Dial Hampton 263-2503. DRAPES Drapery Fabrics 89c yd. up Drapery Lining 69c yd. up Drapery Accessories M and C Drapery and Dry Goods 74 CELINA STREET Telephone 723-7827 BABY GRAND PIANO White finish, tuned to concert pitch. Telephone 723-2143 or 725-1348 TRACTOR International Farmall Cub Model Plow, Cultivator, Scuffler Good condition. Used Very Little. $500 Phohe Port Perry 985-2218 1957 PLYMOUTH SAVOY Good mechanical condition. 1957 DODGE REGENT Finished in a beau- tiful green metallic with radio, white walls, and arp". $495 Mrs. Percy Kilburn, Warren $279 MAHONEY -- I wouid like to extend sincere thanks to all my friends, neigh- bors and relatives for their hindness to me while I was a patient in Oshawa General Hospital for gifts, flowers and calls. My sincere thanks to Locai 222, Rt, Rev. P. M. Dwyer, PP, Rev. L. T. McGough, Rev. A. G. Quesnelle, Ur. Mcliveen, Dr. Rowsell, Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, nurses and staff on 1E, General Motors and their First Aid De- partment. 1956 CHEVROLET just radio, 1956 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON 6 cylin- der. Standard transmission, motor -- body and tires. A-1 "Nery Clean'. $788 e owner traded in, two tone, 60 day guarantee. $735 --George Mahoney. MEMORIALS Marble and Granite Canadian Makes and Imports Designing and Carving to suit your specifications Cemetery Lettering and. Repairs installation and Delivery Open evenings until 9 p.m. Ww. MONUMENT COMPANY 145, -- STREET awd 4 at Highwey PHONE 728. 31 i EASTER TRIBUTES to loved ones will be published in The Oshawa Times Saturday April 13th To ensure publication in this Special Edition kindly mail your copy to The Oshawa Times Classified Department or Telephone 723-3492 COPY DEADLINE APRIL 10th, 4 P.M, 1956 M.G. CONVERTIBLE "Sports Cor Flare' Radio, white walls, 1955 PLYMOUTH SAVOY one owner in show- room condition, 60 day guar- and 4 speed transmission. antee, $828 $488 Many More Older Models to Choose From 'N \ \ N 1960 PONTIAC COACH -- Radio 'Sharp' .... $1645 1959 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON--Radio. Body and Mechanical Excellent $1395 1958 CHEVROLET ye R $1095 See Ken or Ed Today "OPEN GOOD FRIDAY" $$ SAVENOW $$ ON 1963 RAMBLERS $2099 DELIVERED PRICE "Easter Week-end Only" 1958 VOLKSWAGEN _ DE- LUXE--Radio $795 1957. VOLKSWAGEN Lai LUXE -- Radio .... $59: 1955 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN -- 'The enalaae 40 1955 FORD FAIRLANE SE- DAN -- Radio-- Complete Sous... Other Cars To Choose From. FOR AN HONEST DEAL SEE 'TED"' TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. AUTHORIZED RAMBLER - HILLMAN DEALER SINCE 1947 100 NONQUON RD. Just East of Wilson Road 723-4494 728-7351 Residence 725-5574