THE OSHAWA TiMBS, ednesday, April 10, 1963 Ruling Seen | On an Of Interest "BELLEVILLE, Ont. (CP) --' County Judge Wilfred S. Lane promised Tuesday to render jiidgment ' 'very shortly" on an application by Belleville resi- dent Charles DeLong to unseat -Mayor A. McLean Haig for al- leged conflict of interest. Mr, DeLong's application ai- leged conflict involving Mayor Haig's position as president of -Moira Schuster Limited, a Bel- leville coal company which had "business dealings with the Bay of Quinte high school board, Belleville General Hospital and the city itself. The day-long hearing heard evidence that .coal had been sold by the company to the school board, although all de- liveries had been made before the end of 1962. There was also evidence that the firm had sold small quan- tities of fuel oil and wax to the hospital, and that it acted as delivery agent for salt and coal sold to the city and the hospital respectively by two other companies. The action to unseat the mayor started when 60 resi- dents signed a petition to the : municipal affairs department asking for an inquiry. Municipal Affairs Minister Spooner denied the request and said any action to unseat the mayor would have to be taken ~by a-private citizen. The Municipal Act was tight- ened a year ago to forbid any dealings involving a city or its corporations on the one hand and on the other hand, firms in which an elected official is an officer or in which he holds substantial interests. "Pair Convicted _For Assaulting Police Officer LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Alex- ander Thomas Clark, 18, and 'Gary Wayne Gray, 17, both of London, were convicted Tues- day of a joint charge of assault- ing constable Bernard Peter, an off-duty Stratford policeman, A&P Food Stores Located at .. 1150 -- SIMCOE ST. N. 17%, SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA OPEN WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. 223 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY FREE PARKING OPEN WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. 039 669: »89. voor 5 Qe 169. »29: A:P HANDLES ONLY MEATS PURCHASED FROM FEDERAL GOVT. INSPECTED PACKING HOUSES COOKED -- READY TO SERVE SMOKED -- HANK BUTT WHOLE PORTION PORTION HAMS 41) 57:53 SHANK HALF »49% | CENTRE CUTS 69: BUTT HALF _=59%| or STEAKS "Ow Al: SMOKED, COOKED, PICNIC STYLE PORK SHOULDERS SX BRAND, CELLO WRAPPED POLISH SAUSAGE RED BRAND, PORTERHOUSE, SIRLOIN, WING STEAKS or ROASTS SUPER-RIGHT, SMOKED, SLICED, RINDLESS SIDE BACON COOKED AND BREADED HALIBUT STEAKS SNOWBIRD BRAND COD FILLETS SUPER-RIGHT BRAND, VAC PAC PICKLE & PIMENTO LOAF MOCK CHICKEN LOAF MACARONI & CHEESE LOAF GRADE "A" -- OVEN READY -- YOUNG HEN TURKEYS 10 TO 14-18 Clark, Gray and Kenneth Bastien, 18, also of London, AVERAGE were convicted of a joint charge of breaking, entering and. theft All three were remanded to April 17 for sentencing. Const. Peller testified he was 'beaten in a car and then pushed ~ into the street after. chasing three youths when he saw them running from the rear of the Iroquois Hotel here carry: ng shopping bags filled with food. Magistrate Donald B, Menzies -acquitted Robert Kenneth Ho- gan, 20, also of London, of the .-break-in charge, finding that al- ~~though he had driven the other ~-three from the scene, there was no evidence that he was aware' of the impending break or par- ticipated in it. Way Devised To Up 'Kill' On A-Bombs WASHINGTON (CP) -- The United States has devised means of intensifying the radia- tion from thermonuclear bombs to increase their "'kill" potency, but Senator Thomas J. Dodd said Tuesday this does not meet his deman ds for a_ so-called "death ray" neutron bomb. Adrian S. Fisher, deputy di- rector of the U.S. disarmament agency, disclosed development of an "enhanced radiation weapon" in a letter to the Con- ~enecticut Democrat made public here. Dodd favors continued nu clear testing to develop a smal! pure-fusion bomb that could be used against enemy troops by unleashing killing neutrons without releasing any signifi- , ficant amounts of long-lived ra- --diation that could destroy the -soil or property in the area "This would leave the area free from occupation by Western "troops without running the risk of death by radiation. Dodd argues that if the So "viet Union developed a so-called neutron bomb first, it would have an advantage 'n limited tactical nuclear warfare. Neither Dodd nor Fisher weileariy identified the new "= weapon, but another official (S"said secret improvements megreatly increase the destructive OS tae of nuclear warheads. Man, 55, Convicted For Posing As MD - SIMCOE (CP) -- William Eu- c bee Brewster Ford, 55, of the " Hamilton district, was con- yicted Tuesday of unlawiully practising nre di cine, falsely pretending tobe a physician and indecent rae ies to orm si vi vn PA tne te to April 16 in custody for sentence. Ford, who arrived here from "March 25. | Vancouver in March, was ar- yested by police last week out- side the hotel where he had livin; othe c.f was told Ford posed at a doctor and treated at leas --gix Simcoe residents in thei homes and in bis hotel room ee O'CLOCK COFFEE 8 ° SALE outa I-4b bag paaseey & Cy SAVE 6 A«P LOW, LOW PRICES RASPBERRY JAM? ter 29% 24-072 tin 39« Swift's (with Ham) LIMA BEANS Monarch PIE CRUST MIX E. D. Smith's APPLE PIE FILLER 2201-:m 59% INSTANT MILK sols Bc KENNEL RATION -- 226c:imn45< YUM YUM PICKLES CONFIDETS Borden's Plain CHEESE SLICES Bright's APPLE JUICE Puritan BEEF STEW Allsweet MARGARINE Cordon Bleu 2 rkos of 12 BYc tor pko 3 1c 2 ss-fortins 5 9c 2 r-Aortins Qe 2 1-lb pkgs 5 5 € MEAT SPREAD 2 3.0zrins 29e STOKELY'S PEAS (2 ioteziins 29% FROZEN FOOD FEATURES A&P Fancy Sliced Reg. Price pkg 37e---SAVE 11¢ STRAWBERRIES 3::-:»»1.00 Fancy Quality Reg. Price 2 pkgs 39e---SAVE 10c As p PEAS 3 12-02 poly voos MQ Banquet -- Beef, Chicken or Turkey Reg. Price 3 for 77e--SAVE fe MEAT PIES = 326% Mild & Mellow -- Custom Ground 3-Ib bag 55: 159 SAVE 18¢ 2 18-02 pkgs 69: . 16-fl-oz jar 29: 5 | sway pay mone? | WHY PAY MORE? Liquid (12e Off) Reg. Price 77o---SAVE Be AJAX CLEANER 9 2212:169: Bolo (Regular) Reg. Price 4-ibs 89¢--SAVE 120 MARGARINE = 51:99 Libby's Reg. Price tin 38e--S8AVE 7e TOMATO JUICE = Q.storim 5 Stuart House Reg. Price 36e--SAVE 40 FOILWRAP ots. 3 1c Ann Page Reg. Price & btis 39¢----BAVE 4e KETCHUP =--_ tttestonis 3 Se FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES -- ARRIVING DAILY CALIFORNIA, NO. 1 GRADE | SRAWECRNES. 26 AQ: Y ONTARIO GROWN, CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE STORAGE, FANCY GRADE APPLES meee, Wy ARIZONA VALENCIA, EXCELLENT FOR EATING OR JUICE, NO. 1 GRADE ORANGES =-79:5 ARIZONA NEW CROP, LARGE, CRISP, NO. 1 GRADE LETTUCE 229% California, Large Original Bunches, No. 1 Grade BROCCOL] «== 2.9« CARROTS 2-105 25« Visit our Flower Department. We have an excellent variety of Easter Lilies, Hydrangeas, Potted Mums, Azaleze and Roses, all attractively priced. THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY LTD. FOOD STORES AsP MEANS DEPENDABILITY All Prices In This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, April 13th, 1962? Texas New Crop, Tender and Sweet, No. 1 Grade : A:P BAKERY PRODUCTS JANE PARKER CHERRY PIE LARGE 24-ox size 45: Reg. Price 55e -- SAVE 100 dane Parker Large ANGEL CAKE dane Parker Reg. Price 59e--SAVE 200 aver 3D Reg. Priee loaf 26e--BSAVE 7e RAISIN BREAD -- 2. s6crin 3 CG (3 ; CORN RELISH CANNED FOODS SALs CHOICE QUALITY AcP TOMATOES its Qe OZ TINS Reg. Price 2 tins 37e -- SAVE 12 CASE OF 24 TINS $8.96 -- SAVE 48¢ Medium Small Reg. Price 2 tins 300--SAVE 2e PEAS GREEN GANT 2 istorin 3 Ze CASE OF 24 TINS $4.44 -- SAVE 240 Choice Quality Dessert Reg. Price tin 21e--SAVE 6o AcP PEARS = 5x10: 9% CASE OF 24 TINS $4.76 -- SAVE 29¢ Choice Cream Style Reg. Price 2 tins 37e---SAVE 12¢ AcP CORN = 62012 9D CASE OF 24 TINS $3.96 -- SAVE 48¢ Lives. Reg. Price tin 370---SAVE 110 PINEAPPLE Juice 3 «1.00 CASE OF 12 TINS $4.00 -- SAVE 44e MeLaren's Reg. Price 37e---SAVE 4e 15-fl-oz bottle 3 3 Rey. Price 25e--SAVE 2c pkg of 6 pkgs 23 : Reg. Price 690>--SAVE 4e 24-fl-oz jar 6 5c Reg. Price jar 29ce--SAVE 17¢ 4 scbited jars 9 o% is ge pkg 51c 2 pkgs 6 % pkg of 6 33¢ Seediess AéP RAISINS Bick's Sweet GHERKINS Barbeque Hot Dog, Cubits, Green BICK'S RELISH Jubilee CHEESE SPREAD Betty Crocker MUFFIN 'MIXES Try Some -- They're Delicious -- Jane Parker HOT CROSS BUNS