\ get Wim Gepend to a large ¢x-|March 31, though all the moneyjarmed forces, postal workers,|abandonments. Mr. Pearson THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, April 10, 1963 2] G t - F e tent on Leg og ce has been Page A i! nce pia tye officers ont similar one gy nnd woud be worked out the meet | Supply al ie warrants. c servants retroactive to last}made t whole question. @) V ernmen @] ac ing, and government rev : Diefenbaker said in the|Oct. 1. Mr. Pearson is likely to CLIMB IN BALLOON _ |mark the demolition of the last The unemployment insurance! ALDERSHOT, England (CP)|remaining balloon shed, may be affected by decisions campaign that the government}do the same. fund, which had $926,000,000 in taken on trade questions byjhad its budget for 1963-64 ready| Mr, Diefenbaker said a spe-|1956, has been drained away by Past members of the Royal En-jeral veterans made a brief as- e . e GATT. and the Common the Commons|cial fund would be winier unemployment and ex- oan. Ag ge '0 wary 'Thllene. wpeaceen" 1 Inance FropierM Fx. a Sona Bont | The new Parliament also will| retains e have a backlog of financial | OTTAWA (CP)--A huge dol-|massive problem of approving|buting Commons seats on the|work left undone before the|budget before it is presented. lige 1) GaSe Ricksha lar sign hangs ominously over|a new budget, authorizing a|basis of shifts in population re- election. Governor - General's|If Mr, Pearson takes over, it is the heads of whatever political spending pom atc Og and pening corded in the 1961 census, and| warrants for expenditures whichjlikely the Liberals will want to} te P. i, | F R | D A party governs Canada as a re-|legislation to meet situationsjeasing the effect of railway were not covered by appropria-/make some more basic revi- | w ron. x CHINESE FOODS sult of Monday's federal elec-|needing apriiamentary action|branch line abandonments on tions must be tabled. No appro-| sions. eee ISE tion--whether the Congervatives|soon, These include shoring up|small communities across the espe were passed for the] Mr. Dief r ge rg i NOW OPEN ; remain in office or give way|the nearly bankrupt unemploy-| country. fiscal year which ended lastimake pay increases for v ; to Liberals. ment insurance fund, redistri-| The size of the strlen m~ | aos 4 . . Problems of both national and | --------_----_--__ THE i KEN SETO, Proprietor international finance are. com- Sensetionel é Packed vib Dining Room Service FOR FINEST IN care tatet Tiny ines bs hobadedind = Tir tacromet | ih 2 CHINESE FOODS through such matters as deter- "a i fi } o wire ies tev oe \ LUE in amen Stopover GANG § me | Lincolnaires HOME DELIVERY tional budget, charting a course +] Ha within city timite for Canada in international Tokyo W. Nr 'TECHNICOLOR: | "ene p.m. trade and bolstering the treas-|] THORNTON RD. AT HIGHWAY 401 .. . PHONE 723-4972 -- with -- - ury of the United Nations. OPENS 7:00 -- SHOW STARTS AT 7:20 in color with ] ST | PHONE A series of international meet- OX OFFICE iid ROBERT WAGNER KENT TA' 1 'ARTS tae staring in miday a STARTS TOMORROW! JOAN COLLINS . soniiren WOLbEn "KINGS GO FORTH" 728-1676 | ¢ » some major decisions. ; BILTMORE mee AT COBAIN Pee Pr ) A Her 42 KING ST. WEST On May 13, Commonwealth||' -- trade and finance ministers _ m4 = . meet in London in gs nage for a May 16 meeting in Ge- M The Viking» . AN ACADEMY neva of the members of the Se it le] Ne | gas | AWARD fp ED BEGLEY}| "It's The Talk of the Whole City" New York to save the world or- PLUS AN ATTRACTION! BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR re i _- Logg poet "6 | 5 e e e a ay the Nort tlantic aa aoe dg pry ig: HEUSEDLOVE LIKE || Don't Miss The Oshawa Kiwanis Club study NATO defences, WITH. AN ALL STAR CAST! In addition to these commit- eae so se ng Prime ov ved TONIGHT ONLY ! ; = Tella TE to the cam: "UNDERWORLD US.A." -- Cliff Robertson Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer paign that Parliament would be "MAD DOG CALL" -- Adult Enterteinment NEWMAN : ; CO-STARRING "Ait will be confronted with th L '4 SHIRLEY onted w e ; A ; , So CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A (OLOR CARTOON GERALDINE PAGE: SEATO Plans Sammy (CO-STARRING . ED To Discourage | | | | BEGLEY Red Ventures PARIS (AP)--Eight nations of C irs A JOY-RIDE ALL THE WAY! no the Southeast Asia Treaty Or- ii nn Ford. Debbie Reyne nization (SEATO) agreed iY © Ss CK gepient 4 if massive poner div : 7 es ' | Glenn Ford * Debbie ee ver er Radio tation LB on in Thailand the Sout! ; Se aes | irae Win AWS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 171 Communist military ventures in » f ex ' ' CO Docrey tn comtoe =» COLOR IN! At the same time senior ad- CONTINUOUS visste Were reported ursing| i FROM 2:00 P.M. See List Of Articles In Oshawa Times, Tuesday, April 16th. President de Gaulle to allow : rou soon, UOTE France to join an inter-allied 4 ¢ sind % nuclear force proposed by the U.S. and Britain as a NATO en- terprise. While these developments) -- | i. 6 q seemed to foreshadow a closing) §& ? 4 of allied ranks at a time of] § rising tension with the Commu- | a7 : nist world, the French made 2 be : clear they intend to press on j hye with their independent nuclear} FF. 4 Oe 2 force. a Bing A high French source an- f nounced that France will begin] FF m --* producing operational atomic ~ bombs and superson.c Mirag2' : Z IV bombers to carry them in September or October and ex- ; i 1 pects to have hydrogen bombs| ph. OM aaah: esos 4 } SHAWA Sf missiles in operation by| > Pm ' 4:20 ' 6:30 This appeared to be a reply| | ; set LAST COMPLETE to published reports that] pj, ©THE RARE . oe a France's modern weapons pro-| || FILM STORY OF A FATHER WHO oe Men"s -- First Quali LADIES GIRLS' 4 to 6X Fie and that doubts were beine| | MUST EXPOSE HIS CHILDREN TO A ud id ; '9 FIRST QUALITY caveat iat Fran coud fo| T] SMALL TOWN'S OUTRAGED PASSIONS i BAN-LON Assorted Popular Fabrics ay -- ee 4 «AND CAN ONLY PROTECT THEM ies SEAMLESS SEATO minisiecial omens) @ WITH HIS LOVE. : : "TEXTURED-NYLON" wooting, speaker after speaker) 7 ° 39 LUXURY KNIT LAMI NATED med the Red Chinese for in- { NYLO a stigating the latest crisis in Laos where a delicately-poised| ( @ \ o, yoni A | Ft | -- settlement is in peril. f (4) r : n the NATO salient, there] % y i i were signs that de Gaulle may g } to early in latest seamless hose in latest Ty be \ ' tod Bye gee at oenen a -- 1 ill a It's the smart look in short sleeves | shades. my FULLY LINED Western alllihce. Oo k' : for spring, won't wrinkle or pill. une +e4s Smartly styled for the young set ae og citlinet Eovte re said] | i r a j ; : 6 vy, y expected that NATO for. ; "4 gb 3 : ompare with 4.95 LIMIT 2 PAIRS ters--d j 4 Sintariek'at se) fea MOCKIN '. sprieuitienn sd set am ao allied maces storing PECK yi fig orce, would comprise self- ; contained national tingents} 7 , carrying nuclear deapom of y | GREGORY eB) id : * ; WOME } : different kinds, from U.S. Po- laris - carriers and British V- bombers to West German and) -- aaMARY BADHAM: PHILLIP ALFORD -JOHN MEGNA' RUTH WHITE PALF Ttalian tactical atomic artillery ceatts, BROCK PETERS FRANK OVERTON ROSEMARY MURPHY » COLLIN WLCOK b Girls' 7 to 12 Years fe 9 VOLT TRANSISTOR -- Screenplay by HORTON FOOTE - Based upon Harper Lee's novel "To Kail » Mockingbird" COMPARE WITH 49c BAR RB'Q ¢ CHICKEN HT eee y Crisp-Fresh Shirt-Waist BATTERIES wee sess s Me a" ry si on" calc i 'Bor'b-0 PLATA % 74 » AD ULT 4 | COTTON ieee | CREST ECONOMY SIZE COMPARE WITH 1.09 |___ PHONE 726-0907 : ey » DRESSES y DW TOOTHPASTE ee ee 74c DANDRUFF REMOVER COMPARE WITH 1.49 Well worth a trip o TORONTO! (a ey ee, yp RESDAN : te kaw §3c RESERVED SEATS NOW ON SALE ATBOX-OFFICE TI A.M.TO 9 P.M, | i a FAMOUS "WALKER MADE" a ac ah : a . See he C IN ER AM Apes io. 06=6lUd OO JACKETS |DRISTAN......: 78 HOW THE WEST Wi WAS WON : Compare with 2.98 to farse comer eno | ANTISEPTIC 14-02. BTL. COMPARE WITH 98 : Compare with 4.95 : WHWLE THEY LAST | While They to 2099 | LISTERINE . < . While They last . 2 4 65c CARROLL BAKER: LEE J. COBB: HRARY WDA "CAROLYN JONES: KARL MALDEN HAIR CONDITIONER, LARGE SIZE COMPARE WITH 79¢ @RBGURY PROK » GEORGE PEPPARD -ROBERT PRESTON -DEBBIB REYNOLDS Junior Boys -- Top Quality Boys' + BLL WALLAGH bee? : * JAMES STEWART El JOHN WAYNE: RICHARD WIDMARK: SPENCER TRACY WHITE COTTON "Herbert Hosiery BRYLCREEM ° @ 8.8 © 49c MAIL ORDERS NOW] SESLRVED SEATS -- PLEASE GIVE ALTERNATE BATE, Nylon Reinforced Thick Ribbed 60 TABLET BTL. OF 'COMPARE WITH 89c EGuNTON THEATRE : EVENINGS AT 8 P.M. ORCH. LOGE EGUNTON _ Cotton MONDAY THRU THURSDAY.c000 °2.00 2,50 IPO 3c: oh ella ' " ANACIN » ~ - 61 FRL, SAT. SUN. AND HOLIDAYS,¢ 2,50 3,00 tat Heket m4 : DRESS SOX *. «6 e686 e C bet the mememeoenmnnsem cmemen tt {] teh, () parenaenes ; MATINGES AT 2 P.M. ORCH, LOGE hes e JOHNSONS 9-0Z. COMPARE WITH 75c¢ Complete with BOW TIE crag Ag pared gaa SATS AND HOUDAYS sores 200 259 | ROTI near | fg Complete wi Stindod, Soeené o's. | BABY POWDER . : Sle EG LI NTON TH EATRE Chagnon rte Bonanno and Fancy CUFF LINKS Compare with 49c While They Lost S e@ ee ; hang yt on C 4-02. JAR OF ; 'A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE, iieictinnippraniienmepeins mamas Sizes 6 to 12 .e) COMPARE WITH 133: ee ¢ |NIVEA CREAM : . | aban with 5. 95 Compare with 1.98 RESERVATIONS FOR "HOW THE WEST WAS WON" CAN BE MADE AT THE REGENT THEATRE