Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Apr 1963, p. 16

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16 TH OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, April 10, 1963 10-PIN ACTION Walter Scott Heads Week's List With 664 Walt Scott, bowling in the|to 1 after a torrid struggle. C.|Russell 162, D. Trivett 137, W tark for dice trophies: Gadabouts,,age C. Andor 189; High Triple Lucky at Rabe, Deine oom scratch, S, Hodgson 652; High ora Pt e, . Single scratch J, Waldinsperger peg o ede ' y's) TV 254; High Triple Handicap, B. Neighborhood Worsley 678 and High Single Dart League maerway wae LEAGUE | Handicap, R. Davis 269. weeks of some ng terrific bowling, which saw| OSHAWA MIXED LEAGUE |sames played April 4: Rundle many new records set for our! Team Standings -- Sandy's|No. 2, 5, thmead No. 1, 0; league, we are now ready for Supertest 76, Morrison's BA 71. Woodview No. 3, 4, Runile No. the playoffs. The next six games A 70 Egat B Sh *|1, 1; Woodview No, 2, 4, Wood- Jbowled over a two week period|4nsels 70, Doug's Barber Shop| view No. 1, 1; Storie 4, Fernhill, will decide who will be our|68, Carl's Barber Shop 56, Hen-|1; North Oshawa 3, Southmead league champions. The six/derson Block 55, Modern Grill|No. 2, 2. teams in theplayoffs are Mc-|sq Big Five 51, Scugog Clean-| Doubles -- L. Rae, P. Fayle, .|Laughlin Coal, H and L Enter-| ers 59, Gillard Cleaners 49, Mix-|H. Fayle, M. Rae, D, Rae 2, D. Classic. League,|Andor and B. Richardson rolled| Dowe 154, B. Germond 154 and ora, Parker Electric, Goch ers 47, Don Howe Real Estate|Pelow 2, E. Pelow, A, Pelow 2, rolled a 664 triple to|very well for the leaders but in/A. Leavitt 153, Supertest, Mackie's Van and\47, Screwballs 42, Big Six 39,/L. Shortt, Jean Craighead 2, Jead LS ere Sowiaes whola losing cause. Ladies -- Carol Germond 150,|Storage and Black's Men's ce Champs 35 and Filyers|Ralph Hopson 2, Ruth Hopson ail hit over 600, Walt put to-| Top Ten -- W. Scott 664 (244,|Joan O'Brien 145, Doris Clark Wear. The rest of the league) 39, 3, J. Carlson, F. Parsons 2, John ppt theve games of over 200/213, 207), C. Andor 654 (257,|198, Audrey Parker, 181 and/ ill roll for the Consolation Tro") pisy.oer perths -- ist Section| V¥att 2 K- Snodden 2, 1. Cor- accomplishing his feat. 218), G. Harding 615 (210, 7 ee Germond 130 ony. winners: Big Five ts and|tsh, C. Magill, L. Williams, Next weekend, starting on|201), B. Joyce 6 fit (216, an),S , Standings = Twisters) All team captains are expect- Sandy's Supertest pinfall; sec- Bubbles Kitchen 3, Bob Kitchen Good Friday, a group of|McCormack 608 (218), B. Rich-/35, "Sateen 31, Jets 24 and All-jed to be there at 6.30 sharp, wel ong section winners: Morrison's|®, B. Laycoe 5, D. Donald, F. bowlers from Oshawa will bejardson 597, (212, 200), H.|sorts 14. will then draw for our rings BA 'points and Doug's Barber|Donald, E. Major, J. Houstun, Bowling in the ABC Tournament|Hutcheon 582 (212), H. Blob™| yseway MIXED LEAGUE GROVE, AS. Ae) 0 eee wealneo Dimas. The eteer two in/G, Howson, F. Ccawterd, 3 | Ragroy Man om ge po oie Welltonersst 570| Because of a mistake in ourjmust sit out for one game of oe poren ye See A 8. 8 : Easter FOOD BUYS at GLECOFF'S SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON S., OSHAWA STORE OPEN 'TILL 10 p.m. DAILY Specials For Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday APRIL 10, 11 and 13 pty, STORE CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 12th FREE PARKING ® FREE CITY WIDE DELIVERY S-t-r-e-t-c-h Your Dollars at GLECOFF'S - eh agg 3, O. Twine 2 and T. Standings Lions, . Hagles, Jets, Chiefs, With three nights to go, ten-)Tigers, Falcons, Hawks anl sion is building up in the second/ Flyers. (201), lay-off dates, we will be bowl-|the six-game spread. T! points and Henderson - Block, Hele, A. Bom, . M7ee, ie MEN'S MONDAY NIGHT --Colts, Royals, LEAGUE series for a spot in the play- offs. Jackson Sand and Gravel are back in first place with 60 MEN'S TUESDAY NIGHT LEAGUE g for the next two weeks at 9 o'clock, that is April 10 and 17, Anyone rolling off must be at the alleys before one o'clock on -- afternoon. of each week, Men over 500 -- G. Turner 593 s work-| ed very successful last yer and total pinfall. we should be okay again this year. The final league standings based on total points are as fol- lows: McLaughlin Coal 75, Goch Supertest 74, H and L Enter- Men over 500 -- D. Thomson 591, G. Copp 588, H, Babcock 562, J. Lee 554, 4 wn tt 553, Saba 1 Inning -- L. bie brook 5; V. Graves 5, 5; F. Snow 541, T. n 540, Sponer 534, 'D. wtenend and J, Webster 525, 0.|Dowe 6; John Wyatt 6; J. ae 531 ee: 5; Ralph Hopson 5 and D. Cla CHOICE FRESH AND SMOKED MEATS Breakfast Bacon ""*'""*" . 49° . Choice -- Rindless ints, closely followed by| Results -- Winders Esso 7,|(2/2, 201), B. Peake 588 (217,/prizes 73, Mackie's Van and) .Women over 400 -- Norma High 3 Darts -- J. Houston Mts g Melts and Millwork| SloMoshune 0: WD. Smith and|201), K. Neal 574 (246), G, Reld|Storage 72, Parker Electric 70,|Magee 500, Barbara Kirkham|{0; B. Laycoe 100 and T. Builders Supplies with 56 points|Son 5, UPIC 2; Oshawa Wood 7 (201), B, Sherman , B.|Art's Vending 66, Black's Men's|497, G!enda: Thomson 468, Twine 100, | apiece. Industrial Tools and Kin-| Products 5, General Aggregates orsley 518, G. Coppin 516, J.|Wear 65, Robinson Motor Sales|Noreen Richmond 459, Shirley| Standings at end of 3rd Sec-| loch's are tied with 47, Union|2: Scugog Cleaners 5, Nu Way|fusband 516 (204), R. Smith'63, Progress Brand 62, Dumont|Bowers 458, Sherry Grills 456,|tion -- Rundle No. 2, 36; Storie City Bodies and Truck Tapers|Photo 2; Thompson Plumbing 5, 507 (204), G. Taylor 502. 61, Cadillac Hotel 60, Houdaille|Beth Webster 456, Mary. Lee|#1; Woolview No. 2," 24; North tied with 44, People's Clothing|Corvettes 2; Bob's Boys 5 and|_, Women over 400 -- M. Peake Ind, 51, Jokers 46, Les Eveniss|44§, Ede Ryan 433, Joan Brad-|Oshawa 23; Woodview No. 3, 23: and Engel's Men's Wear tied|Cadillacs 2. 533, J. Gyurka 498, F. Bouckley|Sales 45, Pic-O-Mat 39 andishaw 497, Dot Tyson 424, Bea|Southmead No. 1, 21; Southmead with 43, Dunlops 41, Oshawa TV| Top Ten -- K, Marden 603,|481, I. Cyr 467, M. Cole 457, J. Clint's Texaco 37. ' Allen 421, Anne Brown 420, Bev|No. 2, 21; Rundle No. 1, 18; 4, McCullough Lumber 31, Sea-|F. Sobil 541, C. Severs 561, B,|Peel 449, O. Gunn 445, B. Bax-) Results -- H and L Enter-/Doran 409, Cathie Burnie 407, Fernhill 17 and Woodview No. 1, way Motors 21 and Baker Vend-|Heard 554, T. Krawchuk 553, R,|ter 487, E. Worsley 420, M. Breakfast Bacon uv. §9° Large Supply of TURKEYS, GEESE, DUCKS and CHICKENS EVISCERATED, AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES 55° Bl d CHOICE ade Roast of Beef ing 15. Trude! 552, G. 'Turner 550, V. Some good i ndividual scores|Cascarella 548, J. Waldin- were turned in with J. Williams|sperger 548, R. Davis 534, G. leading with an excellent moor 530 and J. Wind 526. (214), L. Petryshyn 582 (201), EASTWAY MEN'S MAJOR '\Taylor 429, B. Differ 415, N. Clark 406, B. Gyurka 404 and M. Gillard 400. Men High Average -- G. Reid 182.25, G. Turner 173.47, G. McCormack 171.79, M. Katcha- prizes 4, Jokers 0; Parker Elec-|Lorraine Dalby 407, Marion|1!!. tric 4, Clint's Texaco 0; Mackies Leonard 403 and Carol Germond Van and Storage 4, Les Eveniss] 493 Sales 0; Houdaille Ind. 3, Me- Laughlin Coal 1; Dumont 3, Robinson Motors 1; Pic-O-Mat 3, Cadillac Hotel 1; Black's Men's High Average Sponer 174, H. Babcock 173, D. Thomson 172, J. Tyson 170 and 0.) When Buying a New Furnace or o New home Chuck Roast of Beef "" u 39° Minced Beef Hamburg "" 3... 1.00 Smoked Picnic Hams u 49° LARGE STOCK OF ALL TYPES OF SMOKED, REGULAR and BONELESS HAMS on hand ; FRESH, BEEF (BY-THE-PIECE) ¢ Bologna u 25 SPECIALS in our CLOTHING & HEALTH AID DEPT, Attractive EASTER BONNETS for all ages CHILDREN'S PURSES 79°» 1.49 Children and Girls DRESSES Reduced For Easter NYLONS Ist QUALITY SEAMLESS, -- eggs 2 oo 1.00 BOYS' CHECK SLACKS "* sii. um 2.98 GIRLS' VESTS?" 'i 29« *" "2 39" GIRLS' PANTIES a 39°. BOYS' FANCY SOCKS "sat AQ MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS"""™**"'<2" 3.98 MEN'S TOPS & BRIEFS stivr"""ci. 50? Make SURE It's a 'GARWOOD' The most Economica! Oil Furnace on the oo MOSIER fra 292 KING W. -- 725-2734 G. Somerville 568 (217), A. Gil-| A, D. Richmond 169. bert 567, D. Matthews 557 (224),| Results -- Lotuses 4, Toppers|!uba 169.2, K. Gunn 168.59. Men's Wear cee prety eau wa | G, Lawrence 549 (201), J. Wal-|0; Ontario Motor Sales 3, Live-|_ Women's High Average -- J.\v7 0:0, 9 pertest 2 a . wae se '.. 'ig - dinsperger 549, Lloyd Crossley|wires 1; Oshawa Cleaning Con-|Gyurka 158.26, M. Taylor 157.78, _ wai ae, 5 ona re ge poh 840, Bob Fogel 534 and Bert|tractors 3, Corvettes 1; Ter-|J. Peel 156.7, B. Baxter 152.8,|, Top Ten -- J, Waldinsperger|1%, Jean Miutcheon 22), Barbaka Harding 535 (204) | mites 3 and Holody Aluminum 1.|F. Bouckley 152.7. 606 (254), S. Hodgson 590 (223),|Kirkham 146, N. Magee 144, ; , A i ° H. Babcock 568 (211), C. Sweet|Glenda Thomson 143. High scores to date -- D,|_ Top Ten -- M. DiCesaro 636,| Team Standings -- Moe's 50- 567 (205), T. Donoh sas (223) Matthews 630 and G. Lawrence|G. Brabin 620 (223, 214), B.|117, Cook's Body Shop 46-125," (0001.5. (204), i Veen tile of our women bowlers, AH, al "serach sores, gee 8s Sat Ui, die Carnal aan sat] HD), D, Cane, 8. Git, F bole a fabulo Lucy fo | , H, Blohm , J.|Magic Carwas -126, Sabyan ie 4) n, > was es : LANDER-STARK CLASSIC |Waldinsperger 546, L. Schatz|Motor Sales 41-118, Brown's a S42 and B. Courtney 54/her, her husband had bowled This week's action was high-|539, B. Richardson 537, W. Scott|Plumbing 40-115, Tapees 35-105, ; : off. No names need be mention- lighted by a great display of| 184 and B. Borrowlale 533 (212.|Silver's Texaco 33-108, Gad-| Trophy Winners -- High aver-'ed. bowling from Walt Scott and Singles -- J. Wind 204, C.jabouts 33-108, Lucky 13's Chuck Andor. Walt shot a dazz-|Martin 202 and T. Tyers 200. |33-103}4, Aces 31-8814, Oshawa AT YOUR ling 664, the league's second| Top Five Averages -- C.|Camera Centre 30-93, John's Ga- =e 8 Ti S Dominion Tire Store highest of the season, featured|Andor 196, Mickey DiCesaro|rage 29-106, Spitballs 27-88, Wil- THE BRAND NEW by three games of over 200, with|185, J. Waldinsperger 184, W.|Son's Furniture 24-78, and John- LEAVENS "COMET" a 244 high. Scott 183, G. Brabin 182, ny's TV 21-86. Chuck added to his leading Play-off spots were won by WOODVIEW PARK MIXED One of the finest of Leavens Fibreglass boots , . engineered to last a lifetime! The perfect fun boot designed econ- average with an equally tre-| the following Auto. Magic Car- mendous 654 and a big 254| This is the last night of bowl-|wash, Tapees, Sabyan Motors, game. ing in the second section and|John's Garage and in the last The Jets, with G. Harding hit-|the Twisters and Bombers meet) section by Moe's with 50 points, | ting 615, made the greatest gain|to decide the winner, Last week|Cook's Body Shop with total omical boating. Ideal for oll water sports. Really smart in oppearance and style. Size 13' x 56' x 26" Power: 25 h.p. (Short Shoft). Passengers: 4. Weight: 340 A Ibs. Load 825 Ibs. Two seats. DOMINION TIRE STORES this week by dropping the|the Twisters took four points] points of 125, Brown's Plumbing Eagles three times and moving|from the Allsorts with Jack|with total pinfall for the sec- into a tie for fourth spot. B.|O"Brien providing the win with|tion 20,919 and Silver's Texaco Joyce and Gord McCormack|the night's high single of 202.|total pin-fall of the year with both scorel over 600 to lead|Bombers took the Jets for a 3 to| 60,805. the last place Flyers to a 2 to 1/1 count. Carol Germond and| There will be a consolation victory over the Chiefs. H.|Ruth Boddy were, high for the|trophy for those teams who did Hutcheon was best for t he|ladies with 160. not make the play-offs and the losers with 592. The Royals| High Scores for the Year to|following teams have a chance Squeezed past the Lions 2 to 1\Date -- High Single, Ladies, with W. Crystal tops for the win-|Carol Germond 203; High ners and Mickey DiCesaro best|Double Ladies, Joan O'Brien for the losers. Frank Sobi] kep.|348; High Triple Ladies, Carol the Tigers in the running for a|Germond 540. High Single Men, play-off berth by stopping the/R. Cornish 217; High Triple Hawks 2 to 1. The Falcons head-|Men, C. Russell 565; High ed by W. Scott and R. George|Double Men, Doug Trivett 386. , upset the league leading Colts 2' Leading Averages -- Men: C. @ BUDGET TERMS @ NO RED TAPE --WE DO OUR OWN FINANCING DOMINION 48 BOND WEST Have Your Suit Styled and Tailored by SAM ROTISH 7 KING ST. EAST Prom A Large Selection of Fine British Woollens TIRE -SIQ@GRES LIMIT ES (corner of Church) 725-6511 PENMAN'S MEN'S CUSHIONED SOCKS "" 3.1.97 MEN'S TIES vcr OBE wv 1.49 LADIES' Blouses & Sportshirts"" 79*~ 4.95 GILLETTE BLUE BLADES ne." 19 White Bread ™™**"*"™" 2 10, 35° RAISIN PIE "rs" ru 39° CIGARETTES 7° (Y°" .pron 3.09 Tomato Juice """* 7 7°92, 95° Minced Onions ""*""™ san 29° Black Pepper Clubhouse Reg. A AY 35¢ Stuffing Sunbeam -- All Reedy ou wei 3l¢ Peanut Buiter °"'"** 2 icepox sar 1K" 50: First Grade Buiter "> """ ...:, 1.00 Large Eggs voz. (WITH $3.00 MEAT ORDER 5 2, 1.00 Libby's Deep Brown Beans Lovely Display of EASTER CANDIES and CHOCOLATES on hand e@ FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES @ Indian River Grapefruit 10 5. 59° Fresh Head Lettuce 2 ron 29° Fresh Bunch Carrots 2 ron 25° New Brunswick Potatoes *°:,, 1.39 Easier Fruit Baskets Made Uv 3.00 4; e@ FROZEN FOOD FEATURES e COD FISH & CHIPS """" Hz 55¢ SUPREME MIXED VEGETABLES %3 45° SLICED STRAWBERRIES '33 "1.00. SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S Support Your Community, Independent Merchants Keep Your Money In Oshawa. FREE DELIVERY - OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10 P.M. under this handsome hood Notice how Starflite's hood is free of knobs, and gadgets, and frills. All the controls are up front, near the wheel. Just like your car. There's a key-starter there. And a push-button Selectric gearshift with independent throttle control. There's even a powerful alternator generator for lights, radio, radar, etc. You hardly ever touch the engine. Except maybe to give her a friendly pat now and then. Starflite is one of the "quiet" ones--typical of the eleven great new '63 Evinrudes at your dealer's now. Ask him for your FREE 1968 catalogue that tells the whole exciting Evin- rude "feature" story. He's EVI N RU D E A DIVISION OF CUTBOARD MARINE listed in the Yellow Pages. conporaTiON OF CANADA LTD. PETERBOROUGH CANADA @ FIRST WITH FULL 2-YEAR WARRANTY There's world record power This is Evinrude's finest motor, the V-4 Starflite 75. We've shown her sans hood so you can see what a champion looks like. (Her speed for the world championship was 122.9 mph.) But, speed isn't important to Evinrude people. They build for efficiency. Starflite is a low rpm, high-torque engine. A work- horse. (All right, a working race horse.) Her 2-cycle design produces power on every piston downstroke. That gives economy and speed. Yet she's light and compact. See how beautifully everything fits together? All Evinrudes are built this way-- from this 75 down to the 40, the 28, the 18, the 10 and even the 5} and the rugged 3 h.p. No wonder Evinrude's first with a full 2-year warranty. HANNAN MARINE SALES 20 RAY STREET - OSHAWA 728-8853 728-8853 Available At MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO OPEN EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS TELEPHONE 655-3641 ncemeal

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