4 lall this prettiness, the scales Let Bathroom Be Both Useful And Decorative By ELEANOR ROSS If the men in your family Even if one's weight is about|object to such a display of fem- right, stepping on the bathroom|ininity, be smart. Leave things scale every morning isn't funjas they are but invest in some because the scale itself is any-|oversized, handsome, solid-color thing but attractive. towels just for them. The newest models are a} This will mollify them and treat to gaze upon, no matter|satisfy their masculine tastes what the dial shows. Instead of|without spoiling your decor. the conventional, drab, utility-| There's. no doubt abcut it, a type scales that are standard|yretty, glamorous, feminine equipment these days, the neW|hathroom makes a woman models are encased in floral-/much more conscious of her eb ype plastic and are a cheer-|sro9ming. She automatically ul eyeful, . {tri iting. These scales are kept tresh| (ie tp Uys pt the seMine and dainty by. just going over them with a sudsy sponge every week or so and to round out Pre-Nuptial Parties For Mrs. Glen Lee Mrs. Glen H. Lee, the former Faye Marie Peterson, was hon- ored at several showers prior to her wedding last Saturday in have pearl - toned handles to place them in an upright posi- tion for storage when not in use. Seems as though bathroom accessories are getting prettier, i n feminine} ,?. mie Coat apa . King Street United Church. ANN LANDERS Grandma's Favoritism Is Causing A Rift Dear Ann Landers; My hus- band died a few years ago and I was left with two little boys. I married a fine man and we now have a son whom we call J. R. The problem is my hus- band's mother, She showers J. R. with atten- tion and gifts and completely ignores the other children. I can understand her feelings since J. R. is her only grand. child, but she goes out of her way to remind my two older boys that he is special. They just stand around and stare when grandma helps J, R, un- wrap the lovely gifts she has gives them a sense of security and well-being. Of course, grandma's show of favoritism is thoughtless and mean, but it will have no last- ing effect on the older boys (except that they are likely despise her). If it will make you feel bet. ter, have some gifts wrapped and ready in the closet, When gramy arrives with a present for J. R. hand the older boys a gift from you and dad. Dear Ann Landers: I came here recently from Ireland and am faced with a problem. I am staying in the home of friends first time, the tea bag. What THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 10, 1963 lis a person supposed to do with the tea bag after it has been used? It seems uncouth to place the soggy, disreputable thing on the saucer. One cannot leave it Since your bedroom is in tt direct line of family traffic your door to insure 13-year-old girl is no the other side of my room, 50 rough I have searched for the on I to night. Nobody ever knocks. My brothers and my father always manage to break in when I am dressing or undressing and it answer in books on etiquette|is very embarrassing. but can find nothing. Can you! jf have just a little help? -- ISLE OF ERIN hook the door to use only Dear Erin: Tea bags are ajwhen I need privacy I would great convenience. but guests|be grateful. My father says should not have to figure out|this is foolish, He claims 1 am|pay of what to do with them. still a baby and am makig a The tea bags should be used) hig fuss over nothing. Mom said|dustrial relations in the kitchen and then re-|to write to you and get your|hourly rate to $1 from 60 moved, No guest should be bur-|opinion. Please say yes.--|for women and 75 --_ . with this do-it-yourself}OPEN HOUSE men, project. Dear Open House: As a mat- Dear Ann Landers: I am 13iter of courtesy no one should years old. I don't smoke, swear,|open a bedroom door and walk tat my hair, wear white lip-lin without first knocking. stick or eyeshadow, sass my teachers or stay out late. All I want is a little privacy in my own home. The family bathroom is on brought for him. My husband refuses to talk to his mother about this. I des- perately need some advice, Can you help?--HOUSTON Dear Houston: Children do not attach as much importance to gifts as adults think. To them it is a momentary joy soon for- gotten. It's how you treat chil- dren--day in and day out--that This delicate touch of combin-|, A miscellaneous shower was ing beauty with utility is con-|held at the home of Mrs. Rob- verting such things as shelving,|ett Weeks, Rosmere street. The hampers and vanity seats into bride-elect received many gifts' more glamorous appointments, from relatives and friends pres- An example of what you'll be/(™. | finding in the bathroom equip- A miscellaneous shower was ment department of your. favor- also held at the home of Mrs. ite store is a vanity seat that|Harold Sleeman, Jr., Clarke looks like a big, round pouf|street. The guests were neigh- made of woven rattan and soft/bors of the future bridegroom. pile fabric, decorated with large| Miss Donna Knaus was host flowers. less at a surprise miscellaneous It would glamorize any bath-/shower by co-workers of the room, as would the beautiful|bride from the Wire and Har- shelves of lucite with gilt ac-|ness Department of General 'cents, the new hampers and all| Motors. and am encountering, for thell | @f'g Have a Party hes, Cutlery, VACUUM CLEANERS JIM SiverCondelobre AND POLISHERS Silver Tea Service. REPAIRED--REBUILT calves "Gans Vacuum Hose for Sale! 25, 30, 44, 55, 75 WARNER WILLIAMS Cup Sizes. SERVICE CENTRE Sargeant's Rentals 17-B BOND E.--125-3531 Phone 725-3338 THE | CANADIAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS "UNEQUALLED" 728-7081 DURACLEAN RUG AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS OSHAWA 728-8518 . MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF TODAY Scott David Southwell is Frederick street, Whitby, and celebrating his first birthday' 8tandson of Mr. and Mrs. ' Kyrle Southwell, Whitby, and |the other new bathroom equip-| Miss Peterson also received today. He is the son of Mr. Mrs. D. EB. Hamer, Brooklin. |ment ready for that touch ofan electric frying pan from co- and Mrs. Joseph Southwell, --Aldsworth Photography | Spring in the house. i workers. OPEN A CHARGE SAVING SPREE | suv, TERRIFIC VALUES IN BOYS' WEAR LOOK! BOYS' SPORT JACKETS Wool tweeds in neat 3 button style with 3% rayon lining padded shoulders. Olive brown and grey tweed, Tones in sizes 8- 10 - 12. SALE PRICE 9.49 Sizes 14-16-18 12.95 USE YOUR CREDIT! BOYS' CORD WIND- BREAKERS Ideal for those warm Spring Days ahead. Fully washable, knitted collars, cuffs and bottom with rayon lining. Brown, green. Sizes 8 to 16. SALE PRICE THURSDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. Big Savings! CLEARANCE OF BOYS' SUITS SALE PRICE 14.88 Toilored just like dad's in worsted mat- erial. In shades of blue, grey and brown, in single breasted style with 3-button 7m centre vent in back. Sizes 8, 10, taste in se eeeee Fashion Also sizes 14-16-18 need not be Expensive" Boys' Cotton "No-lron" SHIRTS Long sleeve sport shirts in at- tractive checks.and heraldic de- signs. Suitable for all occasions, needs no ironing, neat perma stay collars. Patterned in har- monizing shades of gold, beige, blue and green. Sizes 8 to 16. SALE PRICE 2 LOCATIONS! 36 KING ST. E. IN "DOWNTOWN OSHAWA" AND OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE hei. be Our f departm are brimming with the most exciting collection of Spring styles to be seen. You'll be the hit of the Easter Parade in an outfit from Walker's. Linen, silks, knits, cotton boucles and Arnel - are just a few of the fabrics you'll find in our fabulous dress selection. Styles include 2 and 3 piece outfits, as well = shifts, sheaths and popular From classics along with the sea- 19°* Coats of laminate in both tweed and plain, boucle and all-wool in a wide From son's new looks. collection of styles in the seao- 24% son's newest shades. The Denim Look . . . accented with red but- tons and bows. A smart two-piece outfit of Cotton and Acetate crisply trimmed in white. Sizes 4% 398 MIALKER'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- 728-4626 BOYS' COTTON LACKS » OF RANDOM CORD Washable cotton slacks of popular ran- dom cord, styled with regular and con- tinental waist,all round belt loops and full cuffs. 'In charcoal, antelope ond olive. Sizes 8 to 16, SALE PRICE 99 MEN'S ano BOYS' WEAR "Where Smart Men Shop" Sizes 3 to 6X