4 THECSHAWA TIMES, Tussday, April 9, 1963 Ay 3 L3 WINNER HONEY PRAISES PARTY WORKERS By MRS, KEN GAMSBY ORONO -- The regular meet- ing of Heather Rebekah Lodge No. 334 was held in the IOOF with Sister Alice Hooey, Noble Grand, presiding and Sister La- verne Barraball, Vice Grand, assisting. ; District Deputy Président, Sis- ter Flossie Ball, Oshawa, was introduced by Sister Gladys i en" 'call of the officers showed one officer absent. Sister Laverne Barraball gave a lengthy report of her activity as convener of the Vis- iting Committee. The occasion being the 16th birthday of Heather Lodge, sev- eral birthday greetings were read. Regrets from Sister Mar- garet Browning, Ajax, District Deputy President of District No. 7, and also regrets from Sister Mabel Disney, Oshawa, Past President, were read. The District meeting is to be held in Oshawa, April 10. Sister' Betty Major is the representa- Lodge 334 Marks 16th Anniversary tend the Rebekah Assémbly in June as Scholar and Sister Maude Cooper as Reépresenta- tive. In the event that Sister Cooper is unable to attend, Sister Mae Allin was named alternative. Sister Gladys Gamsby was in charge of a skit when Sister ladys Brown, Musician, ren- dered a hymn and ten sisters took part in explanations of the Seven Stars. Sister Flosse Ball, District Deputy President, was asked for a few words. During her re- marks she congratulated the Noble Grand for the efficient way she had carried on the meeting. Sister Ann Cook, Noble Grand, Oshawa No. 3, brought greetings from her lodge. The 15-year members present who. were presented with a red rose by the Noble Grand of 1947, Sister Mae Allin, were: Sister Doris Tomlinson, Sister Cora Cantrell, Sister Betty Major, Sister Jean Lewis, and Girl, 8, Strangled Mother Charged tal hospital, also was found lv. TORONTO (CP) -- Mrs. So-|ine on the floor. She was treated phie Naumoff, 29, was charged at hospital for an overdose of| with murder Monday night after sleeping tablets | her eight-year-old daughter was " | found strangled in their Tor- The body of Christine Naum- off was discovered by her two sisters, aged 11 and 6 when they came home from school.|Sweden have deep freezers--or had also been beaten'l6 per cent of all households around the face and arms and cut with a butcher knife. Police said Mrs, Naumoff, an| outpatient from an Ontario men-/ Police said the girl was) strangled with a woollen scarf. MANY HAVE FREEZERS Some 420,000 households in Sister Audréy Walker. THaT Certain FEELING HELD OVER ~ 2nd WEEK! 8 Academy Award Nominations a' Best Picture --, Best Actor -- Best Supporting' Actress ¢ The most beloved Pulitzer Prize book now on the screen! To kill a Mockingbird GREGORY PECK ! BADHAM » PHILLIP ALFORD ~ JOHN MEGNA> RUTH WHITE - PAUL FIX BROCK PETERS « FRANK OVERTON ROSEMARY MURPHY - COLLIN WILCOX A Pakula-Mulligan, Brentwood Productions Picture hay Liberal Re-Elected | In Durham Contest PORT HOPE (Staff) -- Lib- eral incumbent Russell C. Honey edged PC candidate Gar- net Rickard in Durham Riding's contest that saw the urban area pitted against the rural. Honey, a Port Hope. lawyer, lied 8,618 votes to former arlington Township Reeve Rickard's 8,058 for a 560 margin} to win. A total of 85.4 per cent of the eligible voters cast their ballot-- 18,732 out of 21,884. Rickard swept the morthern rural area, winning in Cart- wright, Manvers and Cavan Townships as well as in Mill- brook, Liberal Honey took the urban areas along the Lake Ontario waterfront. A surprise tally was register- ed in Conservative Rickard's Darlington Township which he lost by 113 votes. Honey widened slightly the margin by which he defeated Monday, Honey won by 560 votes. Aside from the popular trend towards the Liberals across the country, Honey's wider margin can be explained by the de- candidate Mrs, Eileen Coutts and also that more people voted. SOCREDS UP Social Credit candidate D./§ Crandall, although only gather- ing a total of 150 votes, showed Slight strength areas, He picked up 38 votes in Port Hope, 27 in Bowmanville and 31 in Darlington Township. Total votes for each candidate were -- Honey 8,618; Rickard 8,058; Coutts 1,898; Crandall 158. A breakdown of area totals are as follows. The order is: Honey, Rickard, Coutts, Cran- dall (Lib., PC, NDP, and SC.) Cartwright Township -- 263, 413, 91, 6. crease suffered by the NDP|7 in the urban|¢ tive and Sister Irene Murray will act as representative in place of Sister Maude Cooper new representatives of 1963-64) \term are Sister Emma Lunn and Sister Mae Allin. Sister Emma Lunn will at- THE wT BAR B Q CHICKEN en@ STEAKBURGERS PARK. ae 3 AND 401 Carmichael's Bar-B-Q For Fast Toke Out Service PHONE 725-0907 Newcastle -- 339, 266, 36, 2. Bowmanville --1,744, 1,512, 371, 27. Port Hope -- 2,268, 1,483, 314, 8. Advance polls (5) -- 76, 113, towl oe Packed with "Stopover "GANG Tokyo" WAR" eee wan Kor Arion Ww. MTOAN COLLINS. JENNIFER HOLDEN Sensational Spy Thriller ! Recommended « ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Manvers Township -- 334, 554, Tory candidate Dr. Percy Vivian|63, 9. last June. Last June, Honey gar- nered a 207 vote majority; on|67. J s 1 Nominations Close In New Brunswick FREDERICTON (CP)--Nom- inations for New Brunswick's provincial election April 22 closed Monday with one unex- pected entry--an Independent in Albert riding. Byron Alward Dobson, a con- tractor of Riverview, filed his papers shortly before the noon time limit. This raised to 105 the total number seeking the legisia- ture's 52 seats--full slates of Liberals and Progressive Con- servatives and the lone Inde- pendent. The House standing at dissolution: Liberals 31, PC 21. Liberal Premier Louis J. Robichaud and Conservative Leader C. B. Sherwood are con- testing their home ridings, Kent and Kings, respectively. FRY MORE FISH Cavan Township -- 307, 612, qiiove Township -- 700, 519, 91, Clarke Township -- 880, 842, Darlington Township -- 1,597, 1,484, 713, 31. Millbrook -- 110, 260, 35, 1. BOX-OFFICE OPEN 7:00---SHOW STARTS 7:20 TRicksha CHINESE FOODS NOW OPEN TONIGHT-SUSPENSE & ACTION! CLIFF ROBERTSON IN "UNDERWORLD U.S.A." PLUS JEFF CHANDLER IN "MAD DOG COLL" wnrenrainment ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON--CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE Under 9 KEN SETO, Proprietor Dining Room Service FOR FINEST IN CHINESE FOODS -- for -- HOME DELIVERY free within city limits after 4:00 p.m. PHONE Mobile fish fryers are, being! used in Pakistan to try to get| children to eat more fish. 728-1676 42 KING ST. WEST but we come up with a ve Our rugs hed to be clea: BS ER RS 233: too! And the service is hard local ogents, they'll handle th "Just One Call FREE PICK-UP Paae SEER TERT CGREMCERG DEG ESSE Ee oT eee co. 80 SIMCOE NORTH sake eee with bright, spotlessly cleaned rugs. equipment, con handle ony rug including Wilton's, Axmin- ster's, Reversiblés, Orientals, Indions, etc., etc. Moth proofed Toms - iI -Mayer ao CON yy NOMINATED FOR THREE Co-Starring SHIRLEY KNIGHT IT'S A JOY-RIDE ALL THE WAY! ETOO-BOLDWTY-ATEN reo mv ARCLA PRODUCTION » COLOR 'OKLAHOMA' IN. TECHNICOLOR 4 < é i It Took Some Serious Thought . . . hoppy onswer... Baker Cleening. thoroughly. We tried Beker's, who heve over 75 yeors of experience in this field, and come up use the very latest to beat, Call Ross Mills their @ job in on expert monner, Does Them All" Agents For BAKER CARPET CLEANING C0, © Over 75 Years Experience @ and DELIVERY ROSS E. MILLS LTD. PHONE 728-6218 |who is unable to attend. The| ® ACADEMY |; NOBODY | | No Matter Whether It's Every week a WHITE EMPRESS sails to Europe! With Empress of Canada and Empress of England, Canadian Pacific has the newest and ships on the St. Lawrence route to Europe. And with Empress of in, offers unsurpassed ocean travel. Here's what te expect when you travel WHITE EMPRESS: 1) Superb meals. As well as afternoon tea and bed time snacks. ° 2) Servants. They'll bring you breakfast in bed (if you wish), draw your pee arrange your deck chair and generally free you up to do as you lease. 3) Orchestras. They serenade you during the day. In the evenings the: provide music for; ~ " , ' bie 4) Danoes, Every evening sooms like Seturday night. There'sa M di Bal wih rn for the ehest original be dl Lest, eonypely is with a tremendous Gala Party. MONTREAL-LIVERPOOL Tourist Summer fare from $244 See your travel agent or any Canadian Pacific office, 3-2224 4 Streamers fly and the fun begins as the EMPRESS OF CANADA sails from Montreal. 11 ways you'll benefit by taking the newest, largest ships on the St. Lawrence route immi Y hold splash parties. (The pool Is © Sonvolony lead lndors~svin no mater what the weather?) 6) First-run movies. And a completely-equipped theatre. 7) Lounges. (What happens here Is up te you!) 8) Acres of outdoor recreational area. You can fill your lungs with good sea air and challenge your fellow passengers to shuffleboard, quolts, or deck tennis. 9) Asoolal hostess. She'll introduce you to your fellow passengers, arrange parties, games, give you that pampered feeling! 10) The ultra-modern ships on the scenlo St. Lawrence route to Europe. " fre ta yoalatinenr wert in the wake of a WHITE EMPRESS? TRAINS / TRUCKS / SHIPS / PLANES / HOTELS / TELECOMMUNICATIONS*YIWORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM Furniture, Appliances, HI-FI, TV, Radios, etc. You Don't Buy It At Bad Boy's YOU PAY TOO MUCH!! DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS E., WHITBY 668-3304 7 AD FURNITURE APPLIANCES Open Nightly (Except Saturday) 'Til 9:30 KING ST. E, AT TOWNLINE 728-4658 MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 723-944) 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 4