Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Apr 1963, p. 14

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Tory Workers Calm FORT ERIE ENTRIES GREENWOOD ENTRIES |accimxe a Happy Gallon, L. Geisel FIRST RACE--Maidens, purse $19.00) Bren Blue, Potts, (A)117 Pick, NI for three- and four-year-olds, 5% wate) Jill, Robinson, 117 Space INTH RACE RACE 0. iy 7 : i te Trot, Four-yearolds up. Non-|Silk Boy W., M. Waples 7 Furlong Pace. Four-year-clds up. Be ; m AW. J, Parr entry 'gz Clalming all Fershing's First, J. Hayes Claiming' all $2500. Purse $1000. (10) : Mies Nautilus, No.Boy, 110 } . . ls lewport Joy, . Filion ision) é : 2 | FIFTH RACE -- $2500 claimiss : S ote esults COLL fe ait iit LaF anh perce Stata tan : 1. Fi Boris Girl, 5. PIFTH RACE Tipont, Uyeyama, 115 longs. Ramb! ui Four. olds aim-| Rusty his head nich, Simp hes, 108 | Beau Plante, Turoote, Xi00, Mi McParland ing it eth, Puree 80, i * re, Dur * 5 . OTTAWA (CP)--On the sur-jwhat was going to happen. Theyyalthough he shook sl t Es Chuckle Away, Dalton, 115 Magic Sun, Simpson, CA)X111 we ee on eee Red) Re Boil = gency i roll "ele ibe corm "Affairs : Minister "Green Bewadllen, No Boye lis" fg eg iT ia Also Biigibie: Buddy Mon, D. Palmer;| Miss Kay Cash, R; Feagan Fierds tsaoe' a. ten » i " i | terna urs 2 wnelien, Ni » i | Ri rs ' : Bi ion, D. Pa 3} loyd' nor, J. P ee a arated eral landslide eT minarity had been defeated. Peter Diver, Ko e108 |Warrin Road, Terry (AIG liseua Dern G Melanie Len Joknaled, Wis. Hicks Also Elgibie: Marlene R., G. Rit- CLEANERS, end LAUNDERERS tid 4 : ; . Michael's » No ye Admiry * 'o} * | c ; 'COSS » N.D, OSHA' . PORT HOPE place in town Monday night. |government in either direction.| Several dozen workers, b-|Mitchore, No Boy, 115 Five for Fun, No Boy, 18 |SECOND RACE My fs te gee pid in WUIYRY "- Unlike the 1958 election, when| By being geared for every-|servers and reporters were in| Also eligible: Chadija, Leblanc, 1103 ste Oy ee ; . ':Non- (Meadow Charm (Fi), M. Waples | PACKED PUN BOWMANVILLE - SCAR excitement was electric, and in|thing, nothing came as a shock.|th two-storey building through- fee agen onl a i eee Guinella' Betting Channing ell $0500, Pures si0e @®. | | CH Blankets, Rugs Jast. June's election when dir} National organizer Dalton|out the evening, with Mr. Camp " a Curteins, Drepes, a. - 2 aniz t f _ Cam Risgdown, McComb, 110. | sien pace -- $4000 claiming,| Lopmuck J. Gelsel Jr. frie Pace' Four-yearolds and up.|...2¢, Japanese battleships Ya- OSHAWA'S ONLY despondency was compounded|Camp said: 'This is a terrific|spending most of the time in fash ngway, O. N as: |mato and Musashi carried the by a thunder storm, workers injachievement for an organiza-|his office telephon'ng eastern| SECOND RACE -- $2500, claiming. | Purse $2100 for four-year-olds and UP: Farmer Scott, H. McFarland ro raees since March 23. (3) leer oe , | lee UNIONIZED SHOP , , Purse $1800 for four-year-olds and up,| ward, 5 furlongs. Cheer Victory, R. Turcott ive feces Stee eae jheaviest armaments ever put the old grey brick building|tion that was flat on its back/results to Prince Albert where) 5% furiongs. Ginfields, Simpson, XX101 setts : anielda,, Sisaveon, % Dutch Dillard, H. stewart Jr, Pay teas er tacit Afloat--nine 18.1 - inch guns. 723-4631 showed little reaction Mondayja few weeks ago -- it was|they were relayed to Mr. Dief- Bir, Benjamin, No Boy, uo hau sevee, Ra ae | ise Det is Bailes F Hil Superior 'Richard, Car. te bees ig sunk in the Second|] - 50 MILL i i ini i ° . i . ? Ar 2 * * night as the Liberal party|stunned." Prime Minister Dief-/enbaker, wa | Tenis Coeah Teke ta Kenny K., Wolski, 107 | Reaper's dey, Ga; Campbell tlds Manorer| it Wager, | World War. , forged ahead in the number ofjenbaker fought a '"'magnificent) Other party workers watched| Sweet Dish, Adams, 113 Couek Pane, Wo Box, 8) | = ee ee wit Te seats campaign,' ' the results unfold on television] Filan Mapu, No Boy, 118 Faithful Tom, No Boy, (A)110 age a . . ' e@ resuits wi : Normanton, Leblanc, 113 4 ft + Furtong. Pace. Voutyearelds Up. sevENTH RACE » Like most Canadians, said) No, he wasn't downhearted,|with little comment. The tig " ; "Mil bt] Highest Reward, No Boy, 118 Corpieal: Bina "i iaraeaehe | 7.108 Claiming all $2500. Purse $1000, (10) one, none of the workers knew'he said in matter-of-fact fashion) fight ; |Peaches Reward, Bolind, 110 ; in nearby Carleon be-|Moon Step, No Boy, 116 , 4 Two o' One, C. Lockhart | rusaat pane cle, Pures suite eéten Wy) ; ' Tantrum's Last, Dittfach, 110 [en eee ee ee Homestead Jordy Who, Q. Burrison {Jimmy Belwyn, B, Towns | ummer tween Immigration Min-| oieens Harmony, No Boy. 103 1 ee Dandy K. Song, J. Mcintyre |uynden Anne, L. Eaid istr Richard A. Bell and Lloyd!p: k, Ni ay eee mere SEVENTH RACE -- The Vineland) past Buck, 0. Knight ynden Anne, L. 1 Francis, the I winner, |Sscboeiaen, 'MeComb, 318 |sulowance. Purse $2700, or foutsear-liora ey Mi Jones Adios Dominion, Xe. Galbraith Francis, the eventual w er, Ee " | olds and upward, 5 furlongs, foaled in Joan's Commander, C. McCallum Savers Gans HT t eoware - was about the hottest topic. , Ae sheniel Gipy. Despirito, 115) | Canada. anoway, (AD Handsome Chief, P. Crowe |First 'Trust, He. Stewart This appeared unexpected t0/Krohn, X108; Miss KElandel, Dittfach,| Majestic Hour, Walsh, XXX107 Boxer's Sister, C. Hillard Superior Lee, J. Geisel Jr. most in the building. 110; Sunny Maple, Pong, 108; Gre y| Colonel Bingo, No Boy, 114 Also Eligible: Maggie Spangler, F.) Duke, Potts, 110, ; " ' Battling Way, Dalton, 112 'Hill; Gearshift, M. Leblanc, " BIGHTH RACE . I am very disappointed in) |Axeman, Cormack (A)i17 } 1 Mile Pace, (The Grattan Royal). . ee om son Dick Bell's defeat; said Mr.| THIRD RACE -- Maidens. Purse|Winisteo, McComb, 123 | FOURTH RACE Three years up. Purse $2000. added (8) : , GENERAL Camp, "but this is j a pause 100 for two-year-olds, 2 furiongs. | Monarch Park, Turcotte, XX119 |1 Mile Trot. Four-year-olds up. Non-| (Second Division) \ . 2 ge " i Re cecken lin pons 'of | that Dank H rondag es M7 tee ne als a Bice air 34800 a '$1500 on agape (or (2 raeler Ok' ¢ ell | ' J ET-AIRS . : in fis -- . wk Hussy, No Boy, 11 inson Farms y . Purse le | Goldie's § r, GA, Campbei P 4 RED DEER, Alta, (CP)--So.| In the last Parliament, Mr.' "we're not downhearted| Merry Censor, Gubbins, 113 | Lady Haw Lea, P. Crowe Billey Halliday, RH. Filion a p Premium quelity et eriginel | ' | Garden Prince, Terry, 120 EIGHTH RACE -- $2500 claiming,|Laddie Song, Del MacTavish Telegram, R. Johnson i 8 5 i: cial Credit Leader Robert | Thompson 5 party | saved the | around here. For a party that Eldermil Lack, Nash, 118 Purse $1600 for four-year-oids and ng. | Ladi Queen, D. Palmer Dapper Grattan S., H. Varcoe |, § a * equipment Thompson, personally triumph-| minority Conservative govern-|was down on its backs we put/ Get 'n Go, Rogers, 115 54 furlongs, |e Comet, Ly, Wright Doug Johnston C., J, Hayes ; ant in Monday's federal elec-/ ment from defeat on several oc-\up quite a fight, didn't we?" | Ramblin Road, Turcotte, X13, eile aoe lg |= % 00 ONLY tion though his party suffered|casions when non - confidence a i Moral Support, Grasby, (A)113 |Court of Appeal, No Boy, 120 | * sharp losses, flies to Ottawa to-|motions were voted upon, It|HITS WITH FORCE |Tex Town, Robinson, (B)117 {Faisun, Robinson, 115 3 i ear of @ "DIURETIC Mad j fe ith leaders of| was when Social Credit finall Meanwhile, two blocks away) Pay Parade, Robinson, (B)120 | Herris County, No Boy, 115 ver e ¥ pi Alga a Renae lag Pa ' injin Social Credit headquarters, |™2 ee Coico. Maybe not. But you should know | This is when the diuretic service of DOWN Social Credit's Quebec wing. | withdrew its support, early in| a {| Also eligible: Bashi-Bazouk, Grasby,|Plin, No Boy, (A)115 H Late ct : Th ill hold talks| February, that the government | the news of party setbacks hit} Apis; |Mr. Yp Te, Pong, 110 | fj what a "diuretic" does. There 'may | Dodd's Kidney Pills may be helpful, \ *~ pte ae tla or toppled and a second election) With considerably more force,|4--Albob Stable and M. R. Clark entry |Good Vibration, Gubbins, 103 | be times when you should use one, | Dodd's act as a diuretic stimulant in the y | a p vithi aah Gak & (The party had been predicting!' "wet, me: Hees eneia iab rey, Bowers, Us | Il You likely understand how important | to help restore normal kidney action, Thursday with Deputy Leader Within one year was called. | le party been predicting Brian's Boy, No Boy, 113 the kid Begs intaini cal og relies Os erste lition | WEEK 1 } ; . | widespread ains throughout) FOURTH RACE -- Fonied in Can-|A--J. Leneck and Hellenic Stable entry | good n 3 Real. Caouette and Guy Mar-, af. Teaapeon won sbersonall eb poorly tepsetaliy in Que-|ae. allowance, Pures 400 for thies:|posr cba tu health. Also that if the kidneys fail | causing backache and tired feeling. | . PER TIRE coux, Social Credit whip in the/ Victory In Monday § Oalloling,|hec, and reports of Social| arclds. 5 furlongs. |CLEAR AND FAST | ff to function iy excess acids and | When you are ppoeety bsg sen , last Parliament, on the outcome| holding on to Red Deer con-\cicuit losses came as some-| Moor Park, Uyevane, 122 | ff waste material remain in the and tired feeling due to lazy § | of the voting which left Lester|Stituency which he captured) oi ot or a shock |E. Day, Dittfach, 122 | §TARRED WITH HOPE | §f *vstem. This may result in kidney action youcandependon § | GENERAL TIRE Pearson's Liberal party with|ffom the Progressive Conserva-| But National Organizer Frank| secu piste, Pratt 188 tie Wek athe Bava pew yw lh md ng ee, gh abd | ee ie dencsiaed (as vihng col Re et ant taiae alinter suet ales Moan tat Hillbillies co-starred 'with Bob| Wf fellowed by backache, tired PRRMMIIAMMM the past 70: years. Look for OF OSHAWA mentary seats. e describe e voting re-|"We will still have a solid rep- q : if ; ; h . : yD pas ter. , The Social Credit chieftain sults in Quebec, where Social|resentation in Parliament," he Hen 6(fhorticey gute Sen tee ee eee 534 RITSON RD, SOUTH 728-6221 was guarded Monday night in|Credit got only a third of the|said. Several of the workers) NET EARNINGS | World War. | commenting on the election, de-| seats he had predicted for it)menticned that, even with the! i clining to discuss the policy of|there, as disappointing and/|disappointments, things were} | his party toward a minority| 'certainly an upset." much better than in 1958 when| By THE CANADIAN PRESS | government, He denied any suggestion that|the party was wiped out of the) Famous Players Canadian, 'We will take that decision/his. position as party leader} House. |Corporation, year ended Dec. when the time comes," he told; might be jeopardized by the) There was no activity at New|31: 1962, $2,667,449, $1.54 a reporters at a press conference| election result in the West,|Democratic Party headquar-|share; 1961, $2,423,919, $1.40. | when asked whether Social|/where only four Social Credit|ters. A reception was held for) Reeves MacDonald Mines, Credit would vote in Parliament! members were returned. jcandidates in another part of|Ltd., year ended Dec, 31: 1962, > to keep a minority administra-| 'There has never been a the city. |$42,802; 1961, $73,394. tion in office. | threat to my leadership from | | Turnbull Elevator Ltd., 6 mos. He said more than once, how-| inside the party," he said. "The| READS NO MUSIC jended Feb, 28; 1963, $512,914; ever, that anothér election in|threat has come entirely from) Although Mahalia Jack-|1962, $677,963. the near future would not be|the outside, from the Liberals,|son reads no music her gospe:| United Oils Ltd., year ended | e © ® a eae Miers nde eat King Size cigarette smokers Want to cut the cost Want to build savings : asked for of paying bills? and interest, too? 7 | du MAURIER KING SIZ People who prefer a King Size cigarette have been asking, "Why can't we buy King Size du MAURIER?"' Today, they have their answer. du MAURIER is now available in King Size as well as regular. You get the same high-grade aged Virginia tobacco that makes regular size du MAURIER Canada's most popular filter cigarette. You get: the same exclusive "Millecel"' super filter which is known by millions of Canadians to be the most effective filter yet developed for truly milder smoking pleasure. Now, at last, smokers who prefer a King Size cigarette. can make the change to the Cigarette of Good Taste. Pick up du MAURIER King Size in the familiar red and silver pack and enjoy full King Size at just a penny more a pack, More than ever, the trend today is to du MAURIER Read about, then start, a Commerce Saving and SpendingPlan =| Were ai Lead The Commerce Saving and Spending Plan is designed to ing where it will earn the most interest -in a Savings Account, fit the saving and spending needs of all modern Canadians. EXCLUSIVE FREE CHEQUING KIT. Deposit and cheque record, It out-dates any other single account method of saving money and paying bills. ee \ WHY NEW du MAURIER KING SIZB supply of deposit slips, plus a space for cheques \ é COST A PENNY A PACK MORE areall contained ina free,wallet-size,vinyl case. : / ° Today, du MAURIER is Canada's most popular SAVE 5¢ A CHEQUE. Our special Personal MONTHLY STATEMENTS. We are the only bank : ' cuewee e801 . filter cigarette. We believe there are two reasons equing Account cuts the cost ofpaying bills. , that provides a complete, itemized statement for this: the finest high-grade aged Virginia tobac Cheques cost you only 10¢ (compared to the "qa, "Y) of your chequing account every month. ¢o and the exclusive "Millecel" super filter to 15¢ cost on a Savings Account). Get complete details of this plan from : : E your ive you truly milder smoking pleasure, MAXIMUM INTEREST. 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