|. \ GREENWOOD RACE RESULTS MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1963 CLEAR AND FAST di £ j LJ R ; First Race 1 mile trot, 3 and 4year-clds, maidens, Starters im 1962-63, Purse $1,000, Pool } ' 44, (6) Fin Ji } nt ge Walker A. 216 4.20 : 3 2 22% 22% 210 Findley J. 10.25 i 1 1. 1 x31% Graham J, 218 2.00 } 5 4 48 4) Buchanan R. 21028 15.65 5 ' 6 6 © 54 Hie Ca, 218 35 2.25 at Armbro Diana ...... 4.5 52 6 McKiniey H. 2848 3.45 ei ri | Second Race i 1 mile trot. 4 - year - olds and ap,Claiming all $1500, Purse 9900, Poot i ¥7,890. (8) Str Fin Jockey \ My Grand rtd oy tae by 14 1-% Featherstone M. 214 48 1.50 i "ete ee Hillard c. 215 wW. Capite a ; $ 5h &o Turcotte 7, Jr. 215 98 16-40 / Direct 6 Spi 2) Sak Nott 8. 216 ; Guy | 2 2 $F SM G1 Buchanan R, m018 18:35 ign Key... rs we We 3% & Grodnis A. 216 35 8.35 . Third Ra 1 mile trot, 4 - year - olds and ap, Non-winners of $3500 in 1962-48. Claiming all $3500, Purse $1200. Pool 19,617. (7) WtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockey Owner 2-3% 1-2% Walker A, 213 15 3.20 lel 21% Witte O, 213 +5 4.85 31% 3-no. Geisel J. Jr. 214 3.85 44 42% Hie Ca, 214 5.20 63 5% Eaid L, 214 3-5 Joa Scarlet Poppy Fourth Race 7 furlong pace. 4 - year - olds and up.Non winners of $3500 in 1963-43, Parse $1500. 229, (8) es wt Str Fin Jockey Owner 1-2% 1-4 Waples K. 156 2-5 3-2 2no Geisel A, 156 3-5 43 33 Hayes J, 156 3-5 2-44 41% Lockhart C, 157 1-6 54 4¢hd Radley P. 157 25 7- 6% Heywood J. 157 2-5 6% 7 McNutt D. MeNutt D. be] s 2 az e - & badd tet od of Estee ~ 7 furlong pace. 4 - year - olds and up.Non-winners of $3500 in 1968-43, Purse ¥ 25,421, (8) $1500. Pool w oe LS | sing party. This Norm Ward as the lady mem- LAST OF THE BIG SUI- helped make a big success of imports from the far East WHEN DO CURLERS look annual clo oor is Ue tek cot Canes s th adopt- The Oshawa Curling Club's are in reality Gerry Farrow, lers? When foursome of mixed curlers rs a ce where ee ae annual "Closing Night", on Freddie Ashworth, Doug 'Me least like curle are Gerry McBeth and Ed » = i | E $ 5 Fd & 5-1 42% Filion Rex 154 2-5 "Ya S-hd Heywood J, 155 6-20 6-dis Feagan R, 155 1-5 - THE OSHAWA TIMES Tuordey, April 9, 1968 17 Curling Club en Members ind It Up! curing Ch "me ge t) is,) weund up their curl season in traditional style on Saturday a with their stually ¢ ni party -- ac the umpteenth version of 'Plumber's Night"', @. Oscar Parker, 63 club president ee viedy oe for listed Fred Garrard as his com> mittee chai; closing rman night and as usual the event was "| an outstanding success-- come plete with al from Orillia, Rey' Hewilt' san his "Fishermen's Bonspiel rink", | and also Rene Fortier, " Christie and other British Con- sols brass, Past-president Lew } Beaton }} produced three pipers and a cour l¢ of drummers, who ded & a riate Scottis! sic | tor the grand parade, "The Plumber" was on hand in full ) regalia; "Jimmie" bg a 4 sented a program of top-not Professional entertainment club precicens Samar Parker, as chairman of the evening's show, 8 ran off the complete affair in ) masterful style, concl rousing sing-so! id pl ad sing sing-song and a splen lunch, roduced b; Dick tas, ' About two dozen of the mem- bers appeared in costume, dis- playing a wide variety of outifts that created both fun and talent for the event: gorxsbuis Sssseases the costumed groups that Saturday. Weft-to-right, the Blair and Syd Temple, they get dressed up for the consists of Bill Thexton and Hill, SPORTS Top Five Teams | AAPamn iggy scone somo em ml OE DR In Old Country . Sine, ie 23 3 22 23 Falbrait . . +45 5 31% 32 M. Featherstone 159 2-5 9.60 TODAY Socc L 77h 8664 $0 Badd. ae is No games scheduled er eagues er 3 be RO Mie Tle SS) care RONESDAY LONDON (AP)--Standings of { th R <a Men's Minor League -- top teams in old country soccer } Seven ace Maron 23,| Championship Finals -- Bola- leagues (including Saturday's Masse IO ong lr Sig od Te and up. Non-winners of 2 races since Maro! '| hood's Sportshaven vs Kinloch's -- a WEPP SEM % Btr Fin Jockey Owner Men's Wear, at Simcoe Hall, ENGLISH LEAGUE 3 2p 2 2 21% lnk Holmes J. 207 25 2501639 p.m.; dnd game of two- whe 8 46 3-nk 2-2% Findley J, 206 2-5 5.05) ©: . 9 4 Division I -2 3 4 3 42 3hd Campbell Ga. 208 10.30/game, championship finals. wikia Og ge eae | fore , pone Rag . Pr Py Bolahood's lead series by three T t $999 6s ene Sauve Red 83.65| Points, Tottenham 207 5 91 4247 oe ee et "30 Leicester City 19 9 5 67 3447 co ay one enonemmat | _ STARTS COMEBACK Everton 18 8 6 66 96.44 Eighth Race ensign Begwicesgs Jon tase Burnley 1687 9 ae . ' 962-68, ae eee Wolverhton 14 8 9 73 513 Leer' (a = olds and up.Non-winners of $8000 in 1! Purse Will nikke 'a comeback GA ths 5 PERM. % Oe re Joy. Cuuer international scene as pit man- Division II Taser aged oo 21 21% Gillis D. 154 $i ager of an Anglo - American Stoke City 16 11 A hf 33 ' » ¥ 3 Chelsea 19 311 64 34 $ 5 4 32 3144 Galbraith K. 15415 7-30/team at Le Mans only a year 8 it 16 9 7 67 4341 ; 88 43 hd Filion Re, 154 j23s|after a racing accidet nearly jeweastle 233 $-2 §-4% Shea E. 15425 32.35) aller & racing Newcastle 15 9 9 64 4239 ae ae 64 62 Graham J. 15525 -- 29.25|cost him his life. B 15 810 39 3338 3 x8 7 7-3 7-2% MacTavish Du. 155 4-8 1 50 Hi K G ury i & @ Filion Rh, 156 25 8.25 $ manager, Ken Gregory, Division 11 announced Sunday that Moss, Swindon 1712 7 69 4446 'e 33, has been appointed pit man- Peterboro 17-911 83 6143 1 mile pace. 8 - year» olde and up.Non-winners of $4500 in 1900-48, Purse/Ager of the team of four AC North'pton 1610 9 74 5242 $1500, Pool 27,802. (8) a wai Cobra cars Boe will compete Coventry 1412 6 64 52.40 eet eee eis etegatar y gabe @ 2 2 3 #14 41% Coke W. 213 1.5 '3! Moss was severely injured Division IV 313 2 tT oh Bimacwes 4a when his car spun off Britain's Brentford 2267 77 4550 58 8 8 8 62 63 Crowe P. 213 45 14.25/Goodwood track in April last Oldham 20 9 9 79 4849 4 7 5 4p 7S 7-4% Kingston G. 21425 = 9.80 Mansfield 19 6 7 85 4344 a6 7 mF © Boyes, SS Aelyear, Torquay 1314 9 60 4740 Crewe Alex 15 9 9 61 4839 SCOTTISH LEAGUE AT Division ¥ Rangers 18 3 1 68 1739 Kilmarnock 16 6 5 77 3438 : END OF ROUGH SEASON Curling Club as they turned wide variety of equipment in- = -- ee ae orite 2 ; i 2 a ~! eal is evidenced by the black up for closing night. In addi- cluding football _ helmets, Goulding, Bee Skitch' and | Aberdeen 145 7 56 3333 ~ eyes and gory facial scars of tion to all the usual pads and baseball caps, hockey sticks, Pau) Michael. Division 1 We, Peter Rienstra MR. RIENSTRA four members of The Oshawa harness, these curlers had a almost everything in fact, ex- Oshawa Times Photos. |St. Johnstone 17 4 2 61 2538 WE Biren are open for be, "Mech, = Hamilton 15 8 8 59 4638 business now... | SHOW BIG GAIN Debbysman Wins |e tt turn and appeared ajjeast Stirling 16 5 4 63 3737 AND WE MEAN BUSI- | RESULTS COUNT! Italy's steel industry grew winner until Gustave Ring's en-| orton 17 28 74 4036 NESS, WE FULLY REAL- from 2,125,000 tons in 1848 to Gotham Stakes try came up on the outside to| Arbroath 15 312 66 4633 IZE THAT COMPETITION 9,488,470 in 1962, win by a neck. Bonjour finished IRISH LEAGUE WILL BE HARD WITH NEW YOR K(CP) -- Debbys-|a@ head up on Crewman, Linfield 97 2 34 1725 OVER 100 GAS STATIONS a Have Your Suit Styled man surged up in the final], Debbysman was ridden by/Portadown 8 2 38 17 24 IN OSHAWA, BUT... an © : and Tailored by strides at Aqueduct Saturday to|Jockey Larry Adams and came] Gientoran 9 5 4 31 2393 WE INTEND TO BE THE BEST! | '~ beat out Bonjour and Crewman|from sixth place in the field of Distillery 8 5 3 37 2321 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE SAM ROTISH in a three-horse blanket finish|seven to win the one-mile event.|Gienavon 745 35 2218 MAY WE WELCOME YOU mR. HOOGSTEEN, Partner Consult 6 Member of the kes.|The time was 1:34 3-5, the fast. "ea SeAee oe Oshawa & District 7 ue ot. "hc aede $5061 had estab: eet Gotham ever run Ambio. MIDTOWN TEXACO -- 728-0541 From A Large Selection of : ta [nel in 1:35 4-5 ty ka (NEXT TO THE FIREHALL) repairs To att makes] Real Estate Board Fine British Woollens gr tpn gh fo Se fgg won in 2 swo years wane APPLIANCES Industrial and ommercia Cc ial The established, relichle Gas Dealer in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 ing. Professional entertainment was provided by Alex Read, a top-notch comedian and planist who acted as master ceres monies, "Gus" Gordon, colored tenor soloist, thrilled all with his presentations while the evere Popular Rex Slocombe, magi- cian extraordinary, had the bo: completely non-plussed, A Blumauer, with his electric har- monica, topped off the group's presentation, Chairman Fred Garrard came in for glowing praise from the entire Pp, who voiced their appreciation of the costum- ed curlers, Jim Souch's profes. sional group and Club president Oscar Parker's personal contri- mee. was @ great night -- and not to be forgotten in their con- tribution, was Fred Moss and his helpers, who Ly thin lively right up to the ime-limit. Following the "eats", the members enjoyed the balance of the night in sing-song session, cards, ete,, to wind up another great season. INCOME TAX RETURNS Tl SHORT FORM COMPLETED $2.00 U.A.W. HALL Hours: 9-5 p.m., 7-10 pm, Saturday panes CO SERRE TITLE RENT-A-CAR SERVICE 14 ALBERT STREET 725-6553 3.50 PER DAY 8:00 A.M. -- 6:00 P.M, 6:00 P.M, -- 8:00 A.M. 9.00 for 24 HOURS PLUS 7e PER MILE INCLUDES GAS AND NECESSARY INSURANCE Deluxe model cars, power equipped, slightly higher rate. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE WINTER RATES Truck Rotes on Request PAUL MILLETTE Maintenance costs @ great job, CARTAGE CO. LTD. THOMPSON'S TRANSFER 6839 BEAULIEU STREET --_ p.0. BOX 175 80x 609, woourven on MONTREAL, Quesec FREDERICTON, €.8. BOYS' This com We Pany bought | ticks ncuron. Chewolt 57 we have used Chet ewolet truck in 1935 and we CONTINENTAL and right now nati" since 1947 Since 19 to haul cement with have been using Chevrolets sin now we have eight of satin enor The V8 engines, baie On has to the West Coast, | exce r-ends are use C-80 tractors wit S U I T ) missions and rea pecta- 409-V, with the ® performing right uP to Sos of steel "ye lower 'be. In the latest styles : eep tor nance and poe in te papa --s ad longer and and newest fabrics! ; 0S! . that Chemotce as -- ra found raet economy is one pon ge with Chevrolet's per meg Sizes 6 to 12. Years. Sr le penda Up to this kind of ag dics: es major assets of our ne ed Ditity and economy, SPECIAL ONLY Yours truly ee § -- es 1 4. 8 SIZES 14-16-18 ........ 16.88 coer WORK HARDER USE Your CREDIT! i -LAST LONGER-COST LESS! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED HARRY DONALD LIMITED 140 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONT. PHONE: 725-6501 See your local authorized Chevrolet Truck dealer. 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY, ONT. PHONE: 668-3304, 668-3305, 668-3306 and Oshawa Shopping @ OPEN FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. @ 36 King E. in Downtown Oshawa Centre