17--Mele Help Wented |17--Male Help Wanted |17--Mole Help Wanted -- (24--Houses For Rent 25--Apt. & Flats For Rent |27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale _ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April'6, 1963 1.9" Two ROOM house, suita - c Bes s BED) ble .for st ctghony mak LOCATED Main : UNEVERSITY student "feng Cte der.| NIGHT ELEVATOR OPERATOR re- bck MEN, with some Pes : tine, "ts . Sourtcken. Geli VA 7 i : RAN Fem LOTS " 27-----Real Estate For Sale |27--Reat Estate for Sale ius Genosha Hotel. teostve sales bafrwen at Apply in person, tral, T 25 ay "Refrigerator, stove, psp -- duties.|ply in person, a Ho é 299 Sim-| SounTRY (HOME, south of es um [Available May 1. Telephone 728-3120. Soir ehbice overlooking the pe eine pron Daw one Aixent Sosth. rooms, bath," 8 GHLI Three fu Private 'Sale f tion call Tedious! including date nates. INSTALLATION WANTED -- Well experienced, Reeuaes ines aad oa savas Avril 8 epee cay Meg by to toupttal 204 " s hie ~! psd by Fate egies eS aa ca MAN mechanic goad working, mation tom, oobere, arsine v't '© molge sun working omni: Tore] | Residentiql Area | {ierar teal Envte Limited. JANITOR for hotel. Hours 12 p.m. Y "4 7 ; Sam, sixday week, Room, it "aealred. Experienced in sheet goods |FuLL om PART-TIME pastry chef|29----Apt. & Flats For Rent (Men. laundry facilities, Private en.| Owner re-located 3 bedroom, 728-6286 stating age, Previous en Divers| and. tile. Immediate steady |Apply stating full particulars to Box trance, driveway and bath, $60 month.| Cuban style, split-level, | salary expected to pols t. Apply In person, {115 Oshawa Times. TERED | noon eoarteeoel, seirigeswiey; ly. Garrard. and Rossland area, 725-| years old, Rec-room. Land- TREED LOT reasonable rent available April 18. Tele: eal d : FUR i Street North, Whitby nae NEAT: | OE Seer Sales maou "tataePkngeer| $500 down or best offer Ceetrot a x 250 fF CARPET COMPANY ed 5 ,|led, Separate entrance. P: CUTTING 282 KING W. Representative jieat"m"apertment, balding, use of|78. $100 monthly P.I.T, PRICE $3,500 ; . 0 men needed for class; In OSHAWA and Estimator preferred as. Pelephone 73 thi floor: heavy duty wines, TV out| Telephone Saturdays | phone Pickering "42-2401 lenoet : ert NEWCASTLE FARMS let, $50, monthly. Adults only. Apply 143 beedteesahe jawa ond surrounding Dis- FOR BUILDING FAL STREET ss Woy ce Agnes Street, 668-5328 Serene tween bas). | 143 Atrasien Nb. 2 ae. trict day or evening. Being chén ie furnished $65. Telephone 725-| NICE three-room and bath apartment, $1800 down. Owner with avhouse unequalled on ak formed offering _ practical E ATON'S SUPPLY FIRM eae | pave gerd end Other days Call Coll OPEN age, 685-4773, ony farm, seven rooms with i ONE BEDROOM apartment in apart-| Sve, refri rs ou "oper eh Toronto, Cherry 9-217 many extras, painted bank fe training in the highly paid IN OSHAWA ment Dulding. Avaliable. May'. 'Afr | ile, parking, $70 monthly. 726:8179 iON y , field of meat cutting, 'mer- S p.m.. Whitby 68-3082 or 101 Craydon| SIMCOE NORTH, 408, Apartment 1, pias: 5 "k| borns, cement barn chandising ond self - serve. in Oshawa Experience Necessary pt. One-bedroom apartment, furnished or HOUSE is ot Act * schools, churches, bus. $10,900 with rea-| €W implement shed on ow. Apply In Writing "a ae unfurnished, available May 1, 728-3945 OPEN GouLbAc down pasenant. TATRA, good ' soil; river, Dont" i Os jawa's Finest BROOK STREET ' WEST, 25 -- Oshawa, Paivate co Adelaide Gwest| . mise this outstandi farm, PRACTICAL MEAT Require a young single BOX 325 Praga pi ree gO poser ope 7 ' NRUSH pg Eg Bie house, one and| Inquire for price and terms, «-% CUTTING and man for Men's Furnish- ulliies"auppiied. Wise etn GLE Seb-half sores, newly decorated, fire. we RETAIL SCHOOL i Department OSHAWA TIMES ar ane pts. ph four-room apartments with refrig- HOUSE REET Satoos don Telephone TO 08 Aas all workable, close ings Depa . sail its aE indsay on q Pleose write ' 18--Male or Female 10 min. from Downtown Shs ana tos. Avalicbie April yee ST Laide. dividg weer wots caoret:. only aan S1P000, t 1425 DANFORTH AVE. APPLY Help Wanted ple anda $= ce swax| 2p.m. until 5p.m Ranch style home with at- |New pasture, fenced, oF sone waa sell. $4,000 down kagpear? sg O° PERSONNEL OFFICE Beery Attroctive two-bedroom: suites. elor apartment, Sou Paive -- : tached gorage, fireplace, screens, double garage ce} 5 : Upper Level THIS IS IT Spacious grounds eitcean Avaliable ane snaesiacty. KINGSMERE broadioom, stone frént, only east of Blackstock on "road.| /f you ore figuring on @ new sid Amvwoy offers one of Can- Prestige location pines end sac $16,990 Mchool bue at door, Terms. 7. Arscott, hae ~-- " a for full or porttime com. beleon! freweer, Sores ssonees ene gee GARDENS Directions: Rossland Rood | gia "DOWN -- Five.room siorey anda| All you need Is the lot. We PU RCHASING mission Sales Personnel Tele- oe Adulte preferred, 'Telephone 725 fren Spilt levels, bungol two pancho target ne hit a will do the rest. # levels, ows, fi 5 ESTIMATOR he 728-7004, Soturday Elevator service APARTMENT -- downtown location.| stories, some with attached Gibbons ond follow the signs. | tord Street. 728-3334 Sn nn nenn-| We have money to loan on Night or Monday Morning. Three rooms and bath, Frigidaire,| garage 5 ACRES complete with five room REQUIRED FOR BUILDING |] 9 Opportunities F Controlled entrances stove. Reasonable rent to. good tenast. é S D HY M AN home at 118 Ceader road. Residential all kinds of properties. AGENT MATERIAL QUANTITY mang pong nl Gorages 8 to 5 p.m. Michael Clayton 725-3801, so iat Arig cel telephone 728-1778, me H C PEDWELL rs *s ; , MODERNIZED 4 bedroom brick, 2 , TAKE OFF. aaa Paved parking Frac tallies ig og oo College, turn right ond fol- Real Estate Limited bathrooms oll' furnace, garage. smail i! ' ohh House plans, apartment build- ~ For 'Transportation vate bath. Parking. $80 monthly. Avail-| low the signs, Srawtord excellent location, tecms. Joe Real Estate Broker Cra 623-3672 Howe and Peters, ings, etc. 'ontract basis. H we MEET" NORGHihhag. - 728- 6286 ; a Sikhs tompenyiet oon are Don Ho ne Gees on on, wee 5. Dy AYAAAN Whioy, Sn wit toc as ower| Newcastle Phone 3856 " Rigen at McCULLOUGH Evenings 723-9692 _|fmtanee, eeune Fos, tne Se id grees ar, oom ames a Oshawa Area, requires ELECTION DAY |GERRARD ROAD NORTH -- Two.bed- Real Estate Limited "OPEN MASSON STREET -- Seven-rcom, two- ' ; LUMBER CO Howe and Peters Realtors |room apartment, party furnished cise. family home. All private, hydro, en- GUIDE REALTY services of a purchasing | . anenes tric range and refrigerator, chester- 728-6286 trance, etc. Plus large recreation room. | MONDAY, APRIL 8th. ONE BEDROOM field, chair, tiled floors, private en- , Really well finished, 500, $2500 agent with chemical ex. | Attention CLARE MeCULLOUGH TELEPHONE © $10. month. "Telephone 1348 fHIS WEEKEND Yen pee re ROMER eros. Limited perience. 728-4688 i APARTMENTS Two; "BEDROOM, unfurnished apart- OPEN toned pei oe, Tee peal ee CUSTOM | BUILT -- ranch 3 , wim LA SALLE iSite Gteipsti soe MODEL Ester) Snag intinds | in, entre. art: % = M ' ie . Please send complete resume GAS COMMITTEE GARDENS |NORTH OSHAWA amodern apes HOUSE Pe scygge Carmen to aes ee a pie with salary requirements te APPLIANCE ROOMS 725-4964 |Stove, "refrigerator, free Washing {acill- Estate), Port Perry. Telephone 65-248! " 9 3 9426 Kee _______|ties. Lockers, paved parting, 728-3377. : Two Bedroom Pane atlas oh A anid INSTALLERS 28-7537 or 728-942 : Two ROOM "apartment furnished "or » p.m. until 5 p.m. : room, fireplace and dozens of BOX 627 20--Room and Board Wellington St. ing facilities, TV outlet, Private en- Brick Bungalow extras, A_ realistic asking «= with ewn vehicle and tools |grgin sTREET, 29 -- Room ana | rece, cnntraiiy leceted.:. Teaphane POP AR A ra Pa fae 75 33 price of $21,500. Clear. pro- to install furnaces, dryers, | board for gentlemen. Single and duuble Apartments aan andscaped lot x 330. et Ob CBRN an ae a : ; perty. May we show you # 7 F RUCTION Very attractive, oil heated etc. Also licensed plumber room. Close to downtown and North ; padi SOM; Sparemeet wih" Dires BY ROTH CONST! o through this home ? : OSHAWA TIMES with. own thick, General Motors, 728-264. Whitby |Kvatletia: May tet 'appar te "nee Gas STREET $8500. YOUR young one will be riding high NEW BUILDING Oshawa Times. : Situated 2 blocks north off 728 9930 RESTAURANT -- Year fein .. | Telephone 668-2387 ion abeton, Tare Seg ie mTBteyetes| One and two bedrooms with |DIVISION' STREET 210, Two rooms and Featuring 1963 layout, | all Rossland West, one block east m money maker, completely " ts N Openinas for Mae aa, balconies, broadloom in liv- | Kitchen, immediate possession. Apply| Mew large spacious bungalows Of Glensatin. equipped. Seats 70 located in ew UP 9 lp PONTIAC INN, Thornton's Roa Ing room, refrigerator, built- tae ee ee ond split-levels, Visit us at a busy Shopping Plaza in @ *- For Y: Men Are Now NSED {South at Bloor Street. Telephone s in Oven and stove supplied. this showing. PRIVATE BUYER thriving community. ae Being Offered by the LICE \o A j | MR lia , Interested in buying a home, INCOME HOME -- $12 900. i: ; 217 CHURCH STREET, for two, ot Phone Pickering 942-2401 | Directions: South on Wilson Osh bate ' 1790, oe MECHANIC ig gnetir secoatea "font om : | LOW RENTAL | te'Fovier cost to Poplar then awa or vicinity. Con poy | full prep for this 8 100m, 2 Air Force south to models. cash, storey home close to down- APTS PHONE 723-3211 town. Low heating costs. bi a WHICH . provide exception- Ce ea ene 22--Storage Space Governor . S. D. HYMAN EVENINGS 725-2539 cae fg cheno ona 2a ally irapnemanng ene oo eady -- ' and Garages M ' Apt Halliday Manor living: room, 2 bedrosme tip opportunity to fringe benefits. ansions Apts. GRANDVIEW GARDENS | with kitchen and living room. ae come tn Bel : OFFICE SPACE es 110 PARK RD.N 620 Richmond St, £, | Rea! Estate Limited REALTOR A KASSINGER HOME in this | Call today. for inspection, IF AP kina Chemical specialty manu- j ; beautiful location can 'be ie Suitoble any small business Applications from married 728-6286 for.as low $13,400, 6 ROOM RANCH BUNGA- between the oges BRUCE LEHMAN or Profession, In the heart of We believe thot Govemor counlit oven G8 piers Ot ené PHONE 728-7377 Faloptied AE NEA. Fins LOW in Brooklin, N.H.A. ree you ore , of. 17 ond 29 downtown. im- hove a Grode 8 edu- Aoproutinatily 350 sq. ft. Mansions are the most lux- ancing. sale. Let us show you this im * you with limited Income now be- maculate three bedroom home»; ; ne aor i . ious epartm and WHEN CRAFTSMANSHIP IS APPRECIATED We have four models now * you are a Canadion Citt- HARRY DONALD fice. tepaieil autos aa most ple sb hi Ing accepted for future va- zen IN YOUR NEW HOME fd ii a ibuach gt ak igh i cae ao or British Subject ; | ' Full inf vite you to compare these per ri rine B the City of Oshawd. cancies, Full information et & youo re physically fit LTD. $50 MONTH tures in homes with any other build- and Taxes, i ' ; ; ees Hy Lonatn * you are single cr let Ol le Deoler F INF | City Administration Bldg, JAMES O MAI | FY ers' homes as to price, wor GLIDDEN AVENUE bie Oshawa Housing Co. Ltd., es Lena sotpn ated storey, 7 room family home OFFER Telephone 723-2138 - 9 the eauivatent of $180.00 Whitby 668-3304 : i with -taxes > This sactiving iain' woking Neng ra 9 A.M. to 9 P.M HG, Chetalensui: CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Grandview Village is located | vith taxes only $174. This @s a technicion in elec- eenice, icotions, ' view St. South. floors throughout, oil heating adneionanon, Pechont: Beaver Lumber In Medical Center and can be purchased on con- : | le We are also specialists in Shinn" pe ae NOW HIRING 211 Simcoe Street S. | Schofield-Aker | | "home, office and store remodelling ' CARL OLSEN ony henge ee MODERN carry mortgage, 0 ld sak devtel Young Men Available July 1963 LIMITED for Oshawa and District REALTOR GRABURN ST, -- $5,500 © 299. KING ST. WEST with $800, down for this.. © con i < A 723-1133 , 8 p> ibd clothing, _ excellent For Future Can a" suit 723 2265 PARTMENTS paneer see 4 -- a . food ond ottractive accom- Management Goo q hea' 22---Storage Space and an extra large lot, Im-. = rade at ensgom | Opportunities |-PHONE 725-5132 |" end Serages Quiet COUNTRY ESTATES ee ir a ae, mediate possession, Stine | Residential Street Relax on your own Country Estate, 10 acres of scenic PRIVATE SALE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY -- «| * an exceptionally generous If you are @ young mon be- | } ; beauty, close to downtown Oshawa, Priced at $3,200. i . Convenient To ' This sound brick building, i ft } T Sa ral to travel pg Peg soon x | ARE YOU IN NEED OF | Park Rd. North he developer has retained an architect to slghan two blocks from Four Corn- Scuukas Conada and a Stile Renan: Bh' are C.M.H.C. approved plans to suit your every require- 31 ELGIN EAST ers, which Is suitable : for |: and King St. West ment. many types of business Very obroad looking for a combined soles @) F @) 4 : 13 brick h ith ine: 8 earn * dignified employment with and. eckniniotrative opportun- A M D RN FFI E? Me ce eee aloe ba gap igh Uy esi Mhagiaya ia walt a cer mee te aenie : REASONABLE RETREAT ACREAGE furniture. Good income home, pate agg yee this over © fur ks pried fiction te canis wal have dor RENTS parking area. Low down pay- ° . no with pay cing: Tom ohebll :oF sire \ Winding creeks through wooded acres is an invitation ment. No agents. Telephone. PARK ROAD NORTH -- 6 WHY not take a few minutes dertaking merchandise -- For Information for years of family enjoyment. Fish ponds and water- room ranch bungalow with very soon to discuss your management training. If you i H | r ini . - peuhe ahne.wtt svete. .| am alotucme chor wt We have available a suite of PARKWOOD MANOR! Too cer ene cate cc 5 tmer Ot apiee 723-3807 Soot ition lanes Saad ae |. See eet Oe en offices totalling approximately APARTMENTS room, 3 nice sized bedrooms, 3 CONTACT vit.ed Successful applicants . TO INSPECT THE ABOVE PROPERTIES CONTACT vie both d te bagels sis THE RCAF MOBILE will be placed after graduo- | 1000 square feet . . . Air condit- 725-7272 "pe. bath and 3-pe. Double RECRUITING OFFICE tion, Write to: | ; 728-9217 HOWARD FORDER NEW HOMES Heeb bin rye : rage. Immediate possession, et es dain, ioned, bright and served by ele- ee PHONE 725-3568. EVENINGS BROOKLIN 655-3853 | For a complete choice of new | COMMERCIAL LOT «. with April 10th, 1963 Beaver Lumber Co. Ltd., vator in The Times Building. GRENFELL STREET, 63 -- furnished F homes in 4 top subdivisions + 5 room home on Wilson Rd. wee ee +P. Box 760 bedroom for, geliman, rating ace NORTH SHORE REALTY "DOWNSVIEW PARK" | Sauth near King East. ood RCAF RECRUITING UNIT Bowmanville, Ont. Telephone 725-8721. : 95 St. Cloir Ave. E,, TIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, main Company Ltd. "GOLFVIEW HEIGHTS" | Priced right at only $14,500. ia" ey oe CONTACT iv Astaire: Telephone Ta. | 112 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, OSHAWA "BELLA VISTA GARDENS") FERNHILL AT BADER -- 35 LARGE housekeeping room, all con-| bedroom britk bungalow sit- veniences, close 10. Mi "GREENWOOD HEIGHTS" agen : MAPLE LEAF TOOL & DIE CO. THE OSHAWA TIMES 'eon tea ne tar at With down. peyments qs low | 39 handy to buy, school end DREW Street, 48, two furnished Toome Central Park North os $595.00. shopping: Large ond walle y finished recreation room, ASK FOR T. L. WILSON [between 2 and'6 evenings, _ CALL Nicely landscaped lot with |FURNISHED room, use ofkitchen and Two year old brick, three bedroom bungalow with LLOYD METCALF paved drive. Early possession. |washing 'machine, Suit two ladies or built in stove and oven, exhaust fan and hood, Finished gentiemen, Telephone 725-8150, ' ' . ROOMING HOUSE AND | OaNAWA HOTEL Si Leia recreation room, 12' x 18" plus finished laundry room Real Estate Limited STORE -- good location for H 23--Wanted | To Rent 5--Apt. ik PL, King Street Eset, 9 x 12', T.V. Tower, aluminum railings front and bce 4 FOR FIRST CLASS MACHINISTS - eecet. 6 Fae For tot pee os $I7.50) Telephone 723. back porch. 'Very nicely landscaped, fenced in yard, peppers ie ge Bee TOOL AND DIE MAKERS faces est a THE DIPLOMAT azsiicaistce=amrms| mens Sa300" Moni' poprans Sta eee | SChofield-Aker |. $6: "regi cae ond Telephone weekdays 8 to 5 p.m, 725-7311 |room in private home. Parking, Tele. toxes. For mere information. leaves a 5 room apartment Local 512. |Phone 728-8706 or 723-4380. Over A Quarter Century of downstairs for owner. Priced AND FIXTURE MAKERS [THREE - bedroom house wanted witt| WHITBY DELUXE APTS, LARGE ROIM in quiet modern nome Reliable Service at only $11,900, See this one now 723-7122 on King St. East with tem- home represents real. value, . '. TELEPHONE Nartieer. porary. entrance. off Grand- well maintained, hardwood iliac ; eee epee apn Telephone TROT | ALL ELECTRICAL HEATING "oe om Telephone Tas ee ae ee Have YOU a HOME : .40 PER HOUR FOR MACHINISTS 5 a pe headin es $8,500, FULL PRICE -- for PT ToscareRHOUN TOR REESE SAN wal" SRSPEL Gms, HOWE & PETERS REALTORS You Wont SOLD | foul particulars to D. Powell, Box 695, Hes- jand one large room with two single home, good ge ad ity TOOL AND DIE MAKERS Peler, Ontario WALL-TO-WALL DRAPES [beds Private entrance. Parking. Apply We:Have Both CASH) Per. "Coltow'te Inspect P.S.1. and O.H. Paid VY by C pany. BROADLOOMED CORRIDORS requires a pablie| AUTOMATIC BUILT-IN STOVE |LOXELY furished" room "far genie: & Term Buyers Insurance cooly fe Holidays . school. Oshawa North." Te aac eY ae fa adn "Ape act Hematite a. y' Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. APPLY 40 WELLINGTON AVE. ca FURNISHED LOBBY ns For Courteous and For full particul I 723-1121 725-5333 res. tw pedrvom hate or 1-2-3-BEDROOMS Sauce tian, Ocnene ae tose BOLAHOOD Efficient Service ro polis psa Suitable fi Parki: Py day to Friday before 5, 728-5111, After 5,| REEDAIRE COURT AND trance." Washing taciitles. Gila. only REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE PHONE 723-2265 Leon Manitius 725-8068 NIPIGON STREET, Oshawa Tot 30x 167 SIMCOE ST., S. 9 till 9 Tom Sec... eae?' call 723-464}. Ask for Mr Glady DUNLOP ST. Telephone 728-2359. uated eeping room AL! i 140 f. Roy Flintoff 725-3454 na, Whitoy® preferred, cher Reem ana "Wigh pohool 1.300. Telephone 73k OFFICE HRS, (9 A.M. TO 9 P.M.) After 9 P.M. Siva Zake Famnees Write Box ®0l, Oshawa 'Times, AFTER 6, 668-8560 MORTGAGES 728-5513 Irene Brown 725-3867 LADY PENSIONER needs by May 1, ATTRACTIVELY '| ~ 725-1726 Jean Peacock 725-4330 RENT WITH OPTION ARRANGED, BOUGHT & SOLD hi 723-2537 ee a a Ge ce wack TO BUY KINGS COURT | FURNISHED ROOMS "735-0243 uf i 723-7183 calls. Walter Ward, at Chestnut aed hydro supplied, $45 panty; Apply pag Stinson .. 725-0243 8 . Lucas Peacock 725-4330 West, Whitby 66 Church Street, Pickerin Bell Telephone Empl . Avalloble. ih private: Kame. $ $ 0 725-0201 ao mer ana ccs. Game Hose tore tee, | A RE MMENTS : | Coil totwomn Bocce 7 poe 960 DOWN $96 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED genes reo slip covers, drapes. Fitting) North, north west preferred. AJAX 82 PARK RD Selling Your Home Realtors 16 Simcoe St. S. -* Toms, 668-2372. Telephone 728-5111 or ofter ' A MUST ?: 28--Real Estate W al : WE CAN 5, 728-5200. By May Ist, gore co. | NORTH Re. Pp E N List With soreaaw am ia canes sia Sine, $08. Four good DELIVER TO YOU . . .'24--Houses For Rent rom' Oshiown '27--Real Estate for Sale three four-rooms, $900 down, After 5.30 ain peational ' THREE-BEDROO GUARANTY p.m, 728-2515. . SCD toraad Boat aa er Crushed grovel (mulch), pit |NEAR O'NEIL Collegiat EDROOM bungalow, hard- + d . Executive type home, three! Opposite large Shopping Centre | Wood and tile floors, garage. Near ES ee pete ' ttages, floor covering run gravel,. stone, sand an bed: dining room, living - room, |schools, church and Shopping Centre. } : 4 eg Me oy refrigerators. will top soil. All sold by weight. lreplace, naiehed srecreation. prem near schools, churches, etc. | $1,000 down. Whitby 668-8218, IS ee e 'a TRUST paragon sg Be Hit ointgg A trade open all 215 Dun- x ble garage asher. and er, re- | FIVE- YEAR-OLD INCOME hor ith * Guide Realty Ltd. Realtors, 16 Simcoe Oey coat, Whitby, Telephone 668-548 CALL 668-3524 phoag on $125 monthly. Tele-) Large One Bedroom $73 ie acres. Thtes spartmesta onl COMPANY OF CANADA Street South: 723-1121. ceennaeinaie P ' . poorer Se 728. income renter at present. * your home. FOR pS lc otalary Sensi a Sue Sawdons (Whitby) 4S ACRES with creck, barn and seven- Two Bedrooms $79 | $6,000 down payment, Telephone 728. Taylor and Farewell Avenue--Featuring custom built homes Call Now ae Tes See berg 8 'Simcoe Ric oie Heat, water supplied, $60. Tele. Limited shosa: perth ot Meshonvia an aired |stt.800 ip The Pall price Yor a wow bone. in a district that is becoming very popular, All homes -dif= 728-1653 South, "7as.tigt Realtors open daily for er -- 8 Bright be bedroom in ne 244 Brock St. S, a age Bed Aad sy eae TELEPHONE jlow to. be built in grandview vans, ferently designed, all clay brick, all the lotest features, ri , : | * ' East. Tele. =| Fuels ond Builders pa din |ivo years. R. Vickery, Realtor 728: ag AJAX WH 2-2001 |aus. oe B ine dy eee Lite] no extras to buy, no hidden costs, Close to all schools and AFTER HOURS ed ' torio 'Evenings Steve Laban 720-0336. 728-6286, transportation. Come see, come save 2 - 5 p.m. BILL COLLINS 668-8716 (Continued on Page 20)