13 Couples Attend | CARELESS DRIVING ure was eng ob age age a oo goatee. | Allan Cup "I figured he was too close), Lots for wore to ged thet those : uncil A roves : inn he was trave tae Lol oon rom mo Co pp . Rip ambi dnd sid Oshawa eache vat pe og way T Seeueht a ul paptatie aed East foe $33,500 Extension (pms; mie T BO -- Goes un ater, Davis told the court he|Of Oshawa said he felt the ac- wun ress sce at] Draws $50 Fine icsicresan iets otlel area ithe r --_-- issi icl- f rs. ss ' ; . fn muon ihe ade pal oar for ngrva Thirteen -- e's An Oshawa garage ye tegsh oi ton 3 phage Rag aol hy "ie said he had essed an. in big tg Hien Oe Rage barrie gl -- ndec gas ivan wl Ag incigded, in the bviaw| ye iUrte" othe "an" lariving here, Jenordny folow-|misged Tn cael he sai. gh grag and puledintleaire of th rand afer te oo funday, Al 7 OA pin wn Counels MOM was the setting up of 4 2erM8lFloyd Becket recy in honor 8 Fe. 2 automobile. 205"), 0108 cote were Tohn Dita anne lane because, Meng holy on the medion aftr lfor the series, aanounced Tue Also included in the Lp vere vot $18,000, just "ena of oa ger th ig poh tr. sor mn of Oshawa, was pon agg igh one * peg po -- ' backing its own length. ae pastes tn the best: fmt ora Pum aad, MM ah Wun" | Seman fn Dav, ol emia newo na butt coco]. AML ARAORTS Maar wo i AN SCHOOL --|Monday April 8; Wednesday, " -|Mr, rs. John Beckett,|Grandview avenue north, was;REVERSED PLOW tions had deteriorated and when| GRENOBLE, France (AP)-- : UNEQUALLED" The extensions will go east Sg 0 age gm setablieh. cues "dead Mr. Dawson|fined $50 and costs. ; Stapleton said et immedi: he applied his brakes the car|A court decision holding the di- oye hee moog pending : along the Base Line to serve| ment of a $4,100 temporary sew-\Beckelt, and family, Maple| Charges were laid against|ately before the collision Ne ha@iwent into an uncontrollable! rectors of ski resorts responsi- 4 for Monday, April 728-7081 the strial lands out to the age pumping station near the|Grove; Mrs. Elva Beckett, Mr.|pim after his car collided with tovereed the gy af tails He skid. ble for accidents in th iI" Woteens April 7 fi ; @ast Town limit. corner of Simpson avenue and|O. Beckett and Arvilla, Mr.|the rear of a snowplow in fog on length pine s t the highway|GOING TO TOURNEY has touched off a wave of res.' eee ' : The bylaw incorporated a re-|the Base Line road. and Mrs. E. Holdstock, Bow-|Hiphway 401 between Newcastle clear a portion of the highway ; i i in front. Davis and Miss Roberts were|/gnations in French alpine re- VE t PAIN aw port from the engineering firm) yj, station, to be contained rire b bag a and the Newtonville cutoff. At that time, he said, Gibbs|going to a badminton tourna- sorts, The cous decision ae DOLLA ON of Proctor and Redfern. in a manhole, will be paid out a read an ' ') Before delivering a verdict in|... jeaming from the cab of|ment in Belleville, the court pores a suspended fine o kett, ne ; 19 BOND WEST In the engineer's report, itlof current funds. a the | case; Magistrate, Ri i-th plow looking behind for| learned. fg lig Big PRESTO 723.4922 | was recommended that a "12) Council felt the temporary sta-| sunday School was well at- eney on the part of the motor- _, "tee ae He told Crown Attorney ae death of a woman skier in an ' i {ach amt acted east (along tne(ioe Was Needed until approvalliended | recently, with Supt.line nupiic to push their INCK @6| gay a's ony» Said he|Devman that although Belleville] svsianche. Involuntary neg: DECORATING SUPPLIES : be constructed east (along theiwa, granted for construction of|q J, Werry back in his leader- ae py ihe an in saw & ca about be ~ 'une was 60 miles distant from the gence wet chanel. , aan ite . m1 good -- the permanent sewage pumping|ship. Some plans were begun\'*" 8% they can. gh digo lanes revdnog iniv-|scene of the accident and he had) ice tation. ; for the SS Anniversary. - : : , AT AINA TTA RI MI Ey ' : Cemetery Rd," oh 34000 cost of the tempor- eur. Bill Begley and Carole,|were Sunda ts _-- at Mr. -- behind the snow- Avoid Disappointment M ARCH SALE oh The 12 inch watermain should|ary station is broken down into|with Mrs. M. Ashton and Doris,|and Mrs. M. Stainton s. : : : biek bu be exteniied east to the Mearns|si 600 for equipment and $2,500\Oshawa, visited his sister, Mr.| Mr. and Mrs. .G Werry and) Then, -- usua" meee A, E. Johnson 0.0, SUMMER HOLIDAY ON ALL ' avenue foad allowance, the re-/for construction. and Mrs, M. Davad, Toronto,|family were Sunday tea guests) after ee i aoe soonest ° ~ port stated. | ,Counell learned that most oflaigo his niece, Mr. and. Mrs.lot Mr. and Mrs, Eugen ejat Ganee te tous. lies on Se OPTOMETRIST Four, s Travel 20 % OFF TONE-CRAFT " int, the watermain|the equipment can be transfer-|A. Dean, Dixie, on Sunday.|sewells, ' 4, Season pel Pc Ha peer / 10 inches|red to the permanent station|Mrs. F.C. Davidson, Oshawa,| Mr. and Mrs, Orr. Jeffery,|a collision. 723.2721 1414 KING E. Polly _resapined, Wy u aidinde PAINTS ' ' i i y i ry, were Saturday tea| Gibbs said he told Stapleton aay lor 0. pee OWRC end OMB. penn he rage a Ta ag Oe uly at x. Brunt's. : when he saw the car that he ey ee rn ee ee Cosi for the 'projects was| broken down into the following| figures: Sanitary Sewer -- 12 inch and) 10 inch asbestos cement sani- tary sewer, including manholes, $15,000. : Watermain -- 12 inch and 10 'tech watermain including valves and hydrants, $18,500. Proctor and Redfern reported that "'these costs are based on 'the unit prices in the contract new underway with Tripp Con- @ruction Company Lid. and in- "eludes an allowance for engin- eering and contingency items." "The cost of the two projects will be debentured. The bylaw now goes to the Ontario Water Resources Com- Council Hears Bid For Country Club -- John K. tablish a Four Seasons Country Club on a 100-acre farm former- ly owned by Ross Heron, and prior to that, E. Nerlich, mear the Cherry Downs Golf Course on Concession 7. Brower said that 'Semly a mh per. year for a husband, wife and children -- in other words, . re , Ae K é q eo : Ty, a : ~ eo rye I feel that our limited mem- ' -- . em } bership will be filled up early o Ae eana 1 a =e ee ce, os t this summer," said Mr. Brower. is \ \ Mr. Brower went on to de- . | / ! eeribe a large building which i i ms ; ' : ' i i will be used for housing riding a ny os TeAPE APE IE Were: horses, with attendant tack RE ERM: ss - on % f ti room lounges., He said there ee would be soccer and rugger Gj ; e : } A fields, a, golf driving range, : te g te ' fi a : iy Lo 4 where members could use the eat a i % : ¥ adjoining golf course at a re- duced rate, weekly barn dances, pienic and camping grounds with 100 or so tables, archery, lawn bowling and tennis. He said that the attractive house now on the property Would be used as a clubhouse, and that later a cocktail lounge licence would be sought. Mr. Brower said that he hoped ; : - ' : it would become a year-round : 1p PRP staiages PC : ' : § : . elub, with sleigh and hay rides. E pe p : Hs ue oes The opening, he said, would is j be the weekend of May 24. "T expect people in this town ship will use this club more than anything else," Mr. Brow- er said, and added that they would co-operate with the Parks and Recreation program of the township to make the baseball and football field available to those who want to make use of them. Horse Owner Found Shot, ie yt : os i ame Al \e W d j 2 i i 3 % iit ® s oe Sea 1 3 a i OTTAWA (CP)--A 39-year-old racehorse owner, found uncon- éelious and suffering from bullet wounds on the steps of a hotel 4 ( I Monday night, was in good con- ¥ iis ee ea Repel, OSORNO, VE ps ea ce dition in hospital here Tuesday. y . Police said James Egan of é : Ae : { TB ms cleteteieiate SSoco suburban Crystal Bay was fuk ee ik Se ae aa ft -- found on the steps of the Des- j : thenes Hotel across the Ottawa| | ee River from the capital's west énd, He had been wounded in the chest and an arm. Early Tuesday, Ontario and Quebec Provincial Police ap- Prehended a man at Perth, Ont. in connection with the incident. Quehec Provincial Police Sgt.- Maj. Julés Arsenault declined to elaborate beyond saying that Police thought "Egan' was shot to settle an old score." Mreé. Egan said her husband earlier Monday had gone to a henes farm to move a trot- = gra fet another farm for ing ; He jater was believed to have y raga i WEST, WH Y, Phin saath ae Been driven by one or more men to a spot on the lower Aylmer road 'where the shooting occurred, and then | left outside the betel. nn