New Oral Contraceptive For Men LOS ANGELES (AP)--A new oral contraceptive for men-- cheaper than headache tablets and with no effect on the sex drive--was disclosed today at the American Chemical Society convention, Its only drawbacks: men suf- fer mild nausea if they have even a small amount of alcohol while taking the pills and their eyeballs turn a bright red. The pills, white, odorless and tasteless, were reported by Dr. Carl G. Heller, head of the divi- sion of reproductive physiology at Pacific Northwest Research Foundation, Seattle. He told a press conference that studies with volunteers at the Oregon State Penitentiary showed the new diamine com- pounds stopped the production of sperm in six to 10 weeks and 'maintained sterility as long as the drug was used. Sperm counts returned to nor- mal five to 12 weeks after the subject stopped taking the pills. SEX DRIVE REMAINS He said the pills do not sup- press the sex drive, as do ster- oids currently used in contra- ceptive pills for men. "The diamines investigated probably would not be accepta- ble to men in the Western World because alcoholic bever- ages are s0 widely consumed," he said, "'However, a number of drug companies are working on these compounds to elimi- nate the unpleasant effect. "Men of eastern cultures, who do not consume alcohol as part of the pattern of every day life, probably will be interested. "Sociological studies show that men in undeveloped coun- tries are at least as interested as their wives in limiting the size of their families for econo- mic reasons. "Oral contraceptive pills for women are quite expensive, around $3.50 for a month's sup- ply and probably can never be manufactured as cheaply as the diamines for men." He had no estimate as to when the diamines might be- come commercially available. Lesage Raps Bombings In Quebec QUEBEC (CP) -- Premier Jean Lesage said Tuesday he deplores incidents such as the planting of a bomb in the fed- eral government revenue build- ing-at' Montreal and wrecking of a piece of CNR track at Lem- jeux, Que. "I deplore these incidents," he told reporters following a cabinet meeting. 'I am lost in conjecture to know who could have had an interest, at a mo- ment when Quebec wants to af- firm its pride, its progress--who could have an interest in trying to destroy the reputations of the citizens of Quebec. "T hope that the various po- lice corps will get their hands on the guilty and that exem- plary punishments will be given," Mr. Lesage said that 'places susceptible to acts, of sabo- tage" are being watched by po- lice, A piece of track on the CNR line at Lemieux, 60 miles south- west of here, was found re- moved Monday and a small bomb exploded in the ventilat- ing system of the federal reve- nue building in Montreal. There were no injuries from either in- cident. Hunger Strike Over Daughter TORONTO (CP) -- Leonhard Paap, 45, began a hunger strike in front of the Ontario legisla- ture buildings Tuesday and handed out petitions explaining that he wouldn't eat until pro- vincial authorities found his six- year-old daughter for him Paap says a court order al- lowed him access to his daugh- ter twice a week when he was separated from his wife last year. He says then his wife and daughter left the province with- out telling him where they were going. Peering over a large sand- wich-board sign saying "'hunger strike -- plea for my child." Paap complained: "Nobody of any governmental legal institu- tion is even interested in locat- ing them, and my wife's lawyer has the privilege of refusing to disclose their address." Upper Great Lakes Open Late In April CLEVELAND (AP)--The nav- igation season in the upper Great Lakes area probably] won't be open before the last week of April, the ice commit- tee of the Lake Carriers' Asso- ciation reported following a meeting Tuesday. "We are shooting for a target} date somewhere between April » 20 and May 1 but there may be some activity in the Straits of Mackinac before that time," a spokesman said. The committee reported there still was a lot of ice in Lake Fish Bay, but there had been some déterioration in the last week because of the warmer weather AaP HANDLES ONLY MEATS PURCHASED FROM FEDERALLY INSPECTED PACKING HOUSES Minced Beef--Frsehly Ground All Beef HAMBURG Super-right Brand, Vac Pac ib. 39c COOKED HAM =»57: SIDE BACON =».57: BEEF LIVER +49 35: LAMB HEARTS » 5Be 53 PORK BUTT ROAST 75: 45: PORK SAUSAGE 35. FRESH SIDE PORK Still Meadow Farm, Heat & Serve BY THE PIECE CHICKEN COUNTRY "45: FRIED Cooked and Breaded COD PORTIONS Sea Seald, Ocean PERCH FILLETS SLICED "25: BUY by the CASE and SAVE DURING A&P's BIG CANNED FOOD SALE! A&P CHOICE QUALITY SMOKED, COOKED, PICNIC STYLE PORK SHOULDERS Ou CANADA'S PINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF CUT RIB ROAST TOMATOES 6°-99: CASE OF 24 TINS $3.96 -- SAVE 48c SHORT PRIME ? 6]: Reg. Price 2 tins 37c--SAVE 12¢ Choice Cream Style CASE OF 24 TINS $3.96 -- SAVE 480 Reg. Price 2 tins 37e--8AVE fe A'P CORN 62: Medium Small Reg. Price 2 tins 390--SAVE Be PEAS creenciant 221.37 CASE OF 24 TINS $4.44 -- SAVE 240 99: Choice Quality CASE OF 24 TINS $4.75 -- SAVE 290 Reg. Price 210--SAVE 6e A-P PEARS 52: Libby's Reg. Price tin 87e--SAVE tie 99: | PINEAPPLE JUKE 3100 | 15e Off Deal Reg. Price 75e--SAVE AN EXTRA 60 SPIC & SPAN ie 9 Facial Tissue, White and Pink Reg. Price pkg 29c--SAVE 17¢ FACELLE 4 viscis33 YQ Beef and Irish Reg. Price tin 350--SAVE 5e CLARK'S STEWS 3:5*:1.00 Beehive Reg. Price 870---SAVE 4e CORN SYRUP 33: Gerber's Strained Reg. Price 3 tins 3909--SAVE 3e BABY FOODS -- 4%: siamsdh. Qe Monarch Pouch Pack Reg. Price 2 pkgs 360--SAVE 4e CAKE MIXES 3 >+:049% Campbell's Reg. Price 2 tins 3ie--SAVE 10¢ VEGETABLE SOUP 7 112:imn QQ Fast Relief Reg. Price 93e--SAVE 14e BAYER ASPIRIN 'ri-s::consin 7 Qe Monarch, Regular and Quarters Reg. Price 4-lbs 99e--SAVE 10¢ MARGARINE 4:89 'THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY 7D, FOOD STORES A&P MEANS DEPENDABILITY ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, APRIL 6th, 1963 FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES -- ARRIVING DAILY ASPARAGUS 29: ARIZONA VALENCIA, 5-lb ORANGES Satie wel ane wy AF CELERY HEARTS:=: «19 Bg ya bdl € CARROTS 2 225: DAFFODILS F839. California, Tender, Long Green, No, 1 Grade British Columbia a ie eae aoe eae SAVE, THE 'DIFFERENCE! Family Size CHUN KING FOODS «89% Beef Chop Suey, Chicken Chew Mein, Mushroom Chow Heln FRUIT COCKTAIL 3 204eriw 00 pkg of tt 2 De € Res. Price 49¢ SAVE 10c OXO CUBES MEDIUM CHEESE 2=.45¢ DELMONTE PRUNES Mri 3% pkg of BD rots 2 Se TEA BAGS ris 0 79 RESDAN bento 1.19 Heliman's Spin Blend SALAD DRESSING «tor» 39% NESCAFE PICKLES hori Oe MARGARINE = 4454» 85 22-07 plastic bottle 5 Se SPAGHETTI 2 istorin 39e A&P QUALITY BAKERY PRODUCTS FRUIT C CAKE' Reg. Brie Be' BAVE to each DPE ITALIAN BREAD..:'*> Reg. Prise Be Se-SAVE 4e r4-orloet @ Yc Try Some -- They're Dellolous JANE PARKER HOT CROSS BUNS " 33: Frozen Food Features AéP POTATOES _ Brain BI Sea Brand Price $155--SAVE 60 BREADED SHRIMP 20+:0i01.49 CHEESE SLICES * | 2eerrin 5c Hb eke 5 Qe Soft Rite Aylmer 4 10-fl-ez fins 49: Detergent Fancy Price 490--SAVE 6e Canadian White, Old Reg. Price 500--SAVE és TOILET TISSUE VEGETABLE SOUP box jor 9 Se TREND 24-01 = 39s A«P KERNEL CORN. pl poly bog Bec ; CHEDDAR CHEESE WASCO RAISINS 2. oko: S Ze A&P Food Stores Located at: 1150 SIMCOE ST. N. 17% SIMCOE ST. N. © OSHAWA o 223 BROCK ST. N. OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL ® O'CLOCK FREE PARKING AT 1150 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, OSHAWA AND 223 BROCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY