Petereseae Se aeeiiniaenpaneeiaassmmemananmanamein and fia fizv OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 3, 1963 EASTER FAMILY FINERY AND EASTER SURPRISES... AT ZELLER'S TIMELY THRIFT PRICES! 5; § ZELLER S(Q)y "EASTER" JEWELLERY ! EASTER Buy now and "Charge-It!" No Down Payment EASTER OUTFIT! MEN'S SMART 2-TROUSER SUITS ETAILE RS TO TH 1FTY ® Lovely Easter accessories Tremendous assortment of jewellery to suit every taste--Zeller-Priced to save you money. d ' WONDERFUL SPRING VAL- 97 i FOR JUNIOR PETITES UE! Quality wool-blend fab- i Pex V Ge ric, expertly tailored in trad- " itional 2- or 3-button styles with centre vent. Spring shades of loden, charcool, beige in sizes 34 to 46. Be thrifty . . . outfit yourself for Easter! A. Laminated wool tweeds in gently-shap- ed "A-line" silhou- ettes. Spring pastels 4 in sizes 5 to 17, Val- fH ue-priced! WINNERS OF BABY PHOTO CONTEST DOWNTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE MRS. Ff, GENG MRS. F. CONNLEY 309 ADELAIDE STREET WEST PARK ROAD SOUTH Winners of a 8 x 10 portrait of their child IRELAND STUDIOS, 21 ATHOL ST. W. "YOUNG MISS" FASHION HIGHLIGHTS FOR EASTER! 13.77 CRISP LINEN WEAVE lamin- MISSES SIZES B. enor oy ge. ed a buys 'in all wool som fot, QA99 EASTER "HEADLINERS"! shapes. Pastel & Spri brights SHOPPING CENTRE ONLY sizes 8 to 18. "TUXFORD" SHIRTS ZELLER'S OWN VALUE-RIGHT BRAND!-- "Sanforized" cotton broadcloths neatly md' tailored. Crisp white. B Sizes 14 to 17% in ' assorted sleeve ' lengths. SAVE! DRESS SLACKS Zeller's own. "Tuxford" brand! Quality wool blend, expertly ay Oy taiolred with -- single --. 5. = a + ough Py Spring shades, Sizes 2 ated coat. (left), in boxy sil- houette, features braid bind- ing. Navy with white, beige with brown. Sizes 7 to 12. DRESSY SHANTUNG lamin- ated in double-breasted effect. Stitching accents. Beige, blue. | Sizes 7 to 12. Value-priced ary Easter fashion "buy"! FREE ! OON, APRIL 13th, 1963. NOTHING TO BUY! ZELLER'S "CHOCOLATE BUNNY" CONTEST HEY KIDDIES! WIN THE CHOCOLATE BUNNY! Simply fill out the coupon in yee Zeller store and deposit it in the balot box. CONTEST ENDS SATURDAY DELICIOUS EASTER SURPRISES! "Picture pack" chocolate Bunnies, chocolate mesh bag, cream fruit- and marshmallow-filled Easter coher list Low Priced "Goodies" for the Small Fry! 29» 69 and delicious Easter baskets! For everyone of your GALA EASTER GIFTS VALUE PRICED . . colourful ie ham check and plush bunnies; 29" standing and 23" sities A REAL NEWEST SHAPES in crisp straw cloth! Such flattering styles in a bevy of fresh Spring colours! Come,: try them on... all are delightfully budget-priced! 3.99 10 6.99 STOCK UP! NYLON SPECIAL! REG. 74c! Leg flatter- ing, seamless mesh nylons in sheer 400 needle 15 denier. New Spring shades! Sizes 8Y% to 11. DOUBLE-DUTY! BOYS' COATS reverse from check- ed cotton to water-repellent solid color poplin. Brown, blue, loden. Sizes 8 to 18. "Buy"! 13.88 DRESS SLACKS QUALITY WORSTED in sturdy nylon and rayon blend. Single- pleat tailoring. Spring shades in sizes 24 to 36, 3.99 & 4.99 months. FOR "HER"--Adorably "feminine" nylon suede laminate with lace edged collar. Brimmed matching bonnet. Red, aqua; sizes 9 to 18 months CHARMING COAT SETS FOR TINY EASTER PARADERS! FOR "HIM"--Pert and dressy nylon suede lam- inate coat in double breasted style. Separate matching helmet, Blue, toast. Sizes 9 to 18 9.99 10.99: DOWNTOWN 2 CONVENIENT STORES TO SERVE YOU IN GREATER OSHAWA 21 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-2294 Pe SoRRE EEUU SHOPPING CENTRE 723-2209 ace nese MaCNR