Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Mar 1963, p. 5

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ee es | AILEEN HALL SAYS -- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Merch 29, 1968 § WHITBY and DISTRICT 'Titerais Attempting Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West mangas Hong v0.30 Ty Frighten Voters oe Mal Aileen Hall, Néw Democratic\economic chaos in which We are Party standardbearer in Ontario| plunged at present. \Riding charged Thursday night) But any government must : Ithe Liberals, are attemptifig tojhave the courage to govern. If | |"frighten the votérs into voting|Diefenbaker, instead of boxing - |for a party they would not nor-|with his own shadow, had pro- mally support". ceeded vigorously with the na- Before some 400 NDP sup-|tion's business, the opposition porters assembled in the Ander-|parties would have had to sup- son Street High Schoo! auditor-| port him. ium last 'ight, Miss Hall) Remember that the founda- charged the Liberals are fright-|tions to old age security and ening thé voters to "avoid hav-junemployment insurance were ing another government as in-|laid as @ result of the pressure effective as the Progressive|of two CCF members, who held Conservative government in the|the balance of power in the last federal. house". House of Commons in 1927, at "Liberals," Miss Hall said,|a time when neither of the other "are calling loudly for stable|two parties was able to form a |government, as if that in itself/stable government. |were enough to mend Canada's| Good government requires a ills. What is needed is good gov-|strong and effective opposition. ernment -- and the two are not} In fact, the difference be- necessarily the same thing. tween the Communist and the "Under the Liberals between|Democratic systems is not 1949 and 1957, we had so-called|merely that' we elect our gov- stable government.- The results|ernment every few years, but |were a complete indifference tojalso that we have @ choice, A \the welfare of the Canadian peo- fecent Globe and Mail editorial ple, an old age pension increase| Pointed out that it would be easy of $6, bringing it to a total of|for a Conservative to vote Lib- $46 and the infamous pipeline|eral, because there is no phil- : es ' |scandal which shockéd everyone ign gig nadlndaideg the : RTE? , é: } 7 a campaign meet- underway chatting with Stan (second from left) and Mrs, |with the obvious disregard of|'wo parties. Therefore, at the} Fh Rag a Sage Rg Ii at ike Henry Gireet High Martin, Mayor of the Town of Stan Martin. Mr. Starr is the \both public interest and parlia-|present time in Canada, we) BOUQUET FOR MISS HALL FROM SUPPORTER labor mainister addressed a School, Mr, Starr (left) is Whitby (right). Also in the Progressive Conservative can- |mentary democracy. have no real choice, so long as ; s reed thering of his sup- shown before the méeting got picture are Mrs. Mike Starr | didate for the forthcoming "The seeds of Canada's pres-|We stick to the old idea that two) Wearing the traditional High School. With Miss Hall date Arthur Williams, Some large gathering federal election, April 8. jent high rate of unemployment|Parties will always be the ones| green of the New Democratic 8 Shé accepts her bouquet is 400 attended the rally. --------~! were sewn during the do-nothing| With any power. Party, six - year - old Renata former successful CCF Candi: --Oakawe Times bed | me | f Liberal stability," Mi It doesn't really matter which Liberal Platform Is | CWL Executive [Hall said, saber peg "lone forms the government and| Hill, RR 2, Whitby, one of the | Attacking the Progressive|Which the opposition, as far as| Party's staunch supporters, | Meets In Church Conservative government, the|the ordinary Canadian is con-| Thursday night presented : Hoag candies said se line to lie ome grep yet NDP Candidate Aileen Hall | An executive meeting of St.|ly, Diefenbaker's overwhelming] 4ed to the doctrine of free enter-| yit ; Attacked By Starr st eter ren wa np mh ran cnoi|W,* aa bug i MARCH IS held in the church meeting room| proved a disaster for Canada. | dictatorship. party rally in : Wednesday, March 27. Mrs, A.| "He accomplished more in the| It has been said that a gov-| RED CROSS An attack on the Liberaljand vetoed any further discus-jeral good time boys want to J. Miller, in the absence of| four months in 1957 than he didjernment is only as good as the S d P | election platform and a defence'sion." step in and claim the credit." (president Mrs. D. Newman,|in the subsequent four years,"|Opposition, and this is true, New anara eabody MONTH @f the Progressive Conservative) He said Mr. Pearson was gét-- Mr. Starr outlined e¢lection|was in the chair. 'Miss Hall added. Democrats are essential to Par- | government were features of ajting desperate at this stage of| promises that had been kept by, father L. J. Austin, spiritual; His stable government, Miss|liament, whether in government Thomas G. Agar given by Labor Minister the election campaign and was|his party and there were still/qirector, was also present. Mrs.|Hall said, was the one which|or Opposition, because they have Starr Thursday. hurling charges at the PC party.|many things to be undertaken. |'T Hughes, Girl Guide convener,|hid from the Canadian people|@ distinct program and a record T B M ied Mr. Starr was guest speaker) He ty Pages ave ap- eeud' poonninen Clarseraaen aor that Guides and ire. the critical Conadian foreiga . Kenge -- and] LO De Warr | : itby's|Proaches and new charges, nies are busy taking orders for/exchange position until after an|fighting against injustice. ! oS ecet tish Fo ge Me Mr. Starr joked, '"'but thesejand take other measures t 0/Girl Guide cookies. Seation eka beak fought. Everyone is agreed that the 19 The announcement has been| Due to the recent outbreak of flu we were i charges are only charges tha'/build up Canada. March 19 Guides entertained) The interests of the Canadian|New Democrats in the 2th Par-|made of the engagement of unable to canvass any large part of the boty fae ef ante =_--e Mr. Diefenbaker is lying, 'and. He said that new jobs would|a: Fairview Lodge and provided ¥ people may well be better|liament were the abjest, most on J. Fees' daughter of Mr. Starr sald that the élec- that is an old trick be created, the tax structure/refreshments for elderly resi- r A served by the government with|har@working, and it . Alice Peabody of Troy, Town. 'Your local branch urgently requires The labor minister also re-/would be overhauled, a pro-|\dents, March 18 two Leaders at-|a narrow majority or even ajstructive group. Parliament|/New. York, to Mr. Thomas G, fi ial help of all residents and we tton campaign had been ig futed Liberal charges that Can-|gram of urban renewalitended the District dinner in mainority. As the Minister of{eeds quailty, not quantity, |Agar, son of Mr. and Mrs. ee a cedea te th Ga inchs, chat, ada has a 'sick and stagnant|would be undertaken hag a na:| Pickering. Labor said the other evening in Matthew Agar, Brooklin, On- ask those who have not been approached by ¢ , : ;/economy'. He pointed out that a|tional agricultural policy would) yrs R, } a ' fi tario. The wedding will take : ; ; He predicted that the Page favorable trade balance had|be laid down. The speaker also cinvenar advined Liat tat ate pone ag cen F prin WHITBY place in Wynantskill Methodist a canvasser to make their donations at any party would make no gains in'been reached and that the econ-|Said that more vocational train-|were made to remind members|Otherwise it cannot survive. | Church, New York. Miss Pea- of our local banks, all the provinces. -- omy was on the upswing. "Weling would be provided and lof the annual meeting to be held| The NDP will support a gov. DAY-BY-DAY _ |body. attended Averill Park Pe Bigg oat " that the are now entering the greatest|portable gy plan would be} April 2 in St. John the Evan-lernment which shows its inten-| a ig bye ge - ; a es ha itter experi-\period of expansion that theé/put into effect. gelist parish hall, {ti ' ployed in the credit office A ence of Liberal rule and that)country has ever seen," Mr.) The Progressive Conserva-| yirg C Carter reported for jegisletion yogi Rueay: tne CONFERRING" sponrpemery Note: toa var: ee on bs pri eta eee Quebec's present love affair/Siarr told a cheering audi-/tive Party, under the leadership| welfare convener that she spent| pany, Menands, New York. Mr. call be made at their homes please call... with Social Credit did not offer|ence. of Sir John A. MacDonald made} iwo hours at the immunisation |_ Fathers of Cubs, Scouts andjAgar attended schools in Brook- any hope for the main oppos- "We found a sick and stag-\Canada, Mr. Starr ended, and clinic. HAVE WEIRD IDEAS [Rovers are invited to learn|lin, Whitby, and OCVI, Osh- ig) Ci . f rf also that a needy family) yaNOCOUVER (CP) -- | i i tion party. Mr. Starr > stated) nant economy and we have built/his party will continue to build|in the parish badly needs a ré-\,. (CP) -- Soméejabout the workings of the|awa, and 'is employed at La Seren, Oi uh held "Now te ablCaman ney. [era tae tae satis loom, Ga Commi, alan rvecaten Ween Mp, K, Lannay ....8-2650 or 8-8068 re ee i 3 eine | Mrs. V, Mallon, visiting con- oa : ; | chairman Haig Burns says heling conducted by Graham Wil- Which would be remedied this 90 PER CENT INCREASE ents' bas sage that six pa-lwas really en when he ten, D strict Commissioner Mr. K. Schaaf .... 8-2712 or year. jHents were visited, nine baby|found that some Californians|from Whitby. This will. take FREE Mr. G. Sehilling - - 8-4193 | cards ; F The avdience heard that the igo 'ae aa al pron yo had thought British Columbia|place at the Whitby Arena, Mon- e ; 5 Have your furnace cleéned prairie provinces had done very| 10 Mas was a state in Central America.|day, April 1 at 8 p.m. sharp. end guaranteed trouble-free an raregomermcere ee Council Refuses = 1.2508 fe mom sine yor purene i pu and were not likely to listen to | id Ves Are. ins Rose" unified fuel oll from Western the voice of Liberal Leader Mrs. G._ Carter, travelling oe he, \ensted ete WH Ce. « |bridge and euch DIAL 725-1212 Lester Pearson. He told the B klin i | mentioned that finals will be ZONE FINAL a cr aon gl that British Columbia r OO evy jheld Tuesday, May 14 in the for the counties of Helton, Ontario, Peel end York | nthe ooagc Sable wk teat parish hall. She asked conveners|| | yy SRE Schoo! T ease . , at) Whitby Township Council 248 mils as compared to 21.04 to have their annual reports in| e Now Open... the Liberals. Wednesday might threw a school f al the outlook was even darker for ills 'i i il) aki > Cot SI j B j esnesday ug brea schoo! mil in 10 oe oidantronmwalaneene hrc) Provinelal Public Speaking Contest || TERRACE eeping Beauties The only stable government] into the laps of the school boardirate, 21.03 mills a' compared|APTil 5. Friday, March 29th, 8 p.m. RESTAURANT Keanna up nwt 'be PC "Gn'e ¢1 seconded vote, coun|" syne | Convention wil be he ANDERSON HIGH SCHOOL |..." Have Awakened! ; : : a "tin © ; F | headed by John Diefenbaker."' baa ae at de ee 'area| os CDA te ae mil in/King, award Hotel, May 22) px | : c wa en , n ' Specidlizing in. . . The labor minister charged|school board budget to the! 1962 a Prizes Donoted By The eve) r] that the Libetals did not fulfilljboard after leatning it repre: yooh Ontario Municipal Electrical Association 72000 . © lal 0 t i N .. The meeting closed with pray-; 'as H ; eci ied the obligations and duties of ajsented a 90 per cent increase plies to' Whitte Teta ake er by Father Avstia. Prey"ll Two Contests . . . Prepered Speeches . . . Impromptu Speeches Southern Fried Chicken Last Fall we filled our Sp ial Control loyal opposition. "They deni-\over the area's school tax levy| milis as compared to 16.28 mill | | REE ADMISSION Old English Style Fish & Chips , , Brated the Prime Minister and/of last year. Pca y : aj : Steaks | Atmosphere storage rooms with crisp, juicy the government in an attempt] Last year, the residential mill ° Separate School jwith the exception of the Brook:| COMPLETE J » Ue Tes Ajax Separate School rate, ajlin area estimates were for-! Wi i to show that they were thejrate for education in the Brook- % " Re | McIntosh. All Winter they lay sleeping, and only patty for the country," he/lin area was 12.44 mills. This new tax levy for the township,/warded to the finance commit- agw OPER TAKE-OUT SERVICE iy GY Ping, : | : : 21 mills. \tee to be incorporated" in its! 120 BROCK ST. N. 668-9056 . baid. lyear, the board's estimates| uae : now we have unsealed the room and find MThe speaker. sata an established mil ate of 23.64 : All the projected school rates;|1953 budget estimates. vue : a ppliera : PPdsition rately obstruct-) mulls for roo ia ec ! s se | them as tasty an ea ul as ever, ed the work of Parliament when| Schools. ! Brooklin Driving Range ' they refused to heat estimates} Deputy-reeve John Dryden) | ' One-Stop b " .|voted against sending the budget! RENA S BEAUTY SALON } mane, 8% VArlous depart eee. He eaid he felt the Dosrdl 14 Miles North of Brooklin DECORATING | Phone for free delivery in Whitby or drop " jhad di thing in its! When I subthitted estimates|iad done everything in its | out in person to our Cold Storage. tor thy dwn department I was|Power to hold the line in estab- | SHOP " ™ told they would not get them lishing its estimates, nN OPEN DAILY | through," Mr. Starr coaliaaed, | So rete to ounce Gor OPENING MONDAY 1 ", a. feagad ot debate." ling tie apeaaal leaching thataee We have lights for Evening Golfing rer ja high school area rate of 15.91 A PR ] L 7 Pi ee Diefendaker promised | mills, as compared to 14.69 mills st budget for the end of Febru." a | | cc " i | Brooklin area rate, 23.64 mills, e ary," he added, 'the House was 2) i fe dissolved before then, perhaps| sags rns ee ae owned and operated by Gals go or guys m PEDWIN SHOES they were afraid of what the! 'Sinclair School rate, 16.69) budget might contain. jmills, as compared to 16.20) RENA VOS Fg Bp Reyer desctib-| mills in 1962. Best shoes around for that Saturday night prom. a whi ad sponsor-| : f | incent' ed and had not been passed by), "Lee i a ole oo oe 5 C ills i They've got what it takes for style, comfort and value. : 4.9 1 The House. He told the audi- oor ae gl ence that the bill would have| Baggotsville School, 7.70 mills, PERSONALIZED HAIR STYLES |] Enough words! Stop in and see for yourself. (1,09 provided for workers who were|as compared to 4.74 mills in Secata Wika) Geit des te ote tes PERMANENTS, TINTING & CUTTING ba Pickoragill, the Liters! Spencer School, 16.6 mills, as| , = » the Liberal) compared to 20 mills in ' ] member, for Bonavista Twilin-| Ashburn rate, 12.18 mills, as} oF SpPOUEMOnt Fal We Are Open To Serve You e, killed the bill although he| compared to 9.48 mills in 1962 f had not uttered a word during 88. No. 8, 19.04 mills as com- 668-4321 Atte 6 fall 668-5915 ® the debate," Mr. Starr, con:|pared to 14.54 mills in 1962. f young ideas in shoes ur MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE 321 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY WHITBY PLAZA © Custom Draperies : wien HY RED WING. ORCHARDS © C.I.L. Paints and Varnishes © FloGloze Colorizer Pelnte Loceted 24 miles West of Whitby on No. 2 Hwy. DODD & SOUTER Open 8 to 5 Daily Except Sunday 107 Pag 3, Whithy PHONE 668-3311 Phone 668-5862 & tinued. "He ended the debate! Dr. Robert Thornton School,| 206 JOMN ST, EAST WHITBY -- L "Mars" e@ Cheroot (Brown) Smooth KEMP MOTORS ae formerly of 620 Dundas E. MOVED TO SUPERTEST STATION Baseline Rd. W. 668-4932 BROCK Evening Shows At 7: & 9: p.m. | WHITBY Saturday Matinee At 1:30 - Official Opening . . . FRIDAY, APRIL Sth GIFTS=PRIZES A130 STARRING EGAN: RICHARDSON BAKER- COE FARRAR: HOUSTON Also COMEDY CARTOON NOVELTY Specialist in... Automatic Transmission Repair ; COLLINS SHOES Also Any Type Of Mechanical Repairs [§] 119 BROCK st. souTH WHITBY 668-3476 OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. Watch for Further Announcement

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