srs seg : a a a ae Ti FEC OG ROWE SF OVE UY OFF 79 COP NP BY +6 . sited, km Beet Mtn in, Ania fale. inl he aieh ie 7 . _@ Orono Units _| ELECTION SPOTLIGHT free hg re sont mame menace aaa Coast Provinces Seem 3 'diy (ieee esse Flour Bombers e227 att is ' ey | Hold Meeting | Quadra Riding [iret ce mal ea Be Court e Wide Open For April 8) x oss. Considered PC arrest et oma cero an ay ee ee i k turpath, 1% pounds of flour in each and home of Mrs, Len Pears. Kay and Emil Schafer, a na' the Hobbema flour bombers although his victory m ar ginjwon for the Tories last June by|Chapman opened the meeting. polled 2,103 for Social Credit. | 5 cleaned up Tuesday by the/then took off. es. The same Liberal|Roli call showed 11 members) VANCOUVER (CP) -- Van-jernment which opposes Canada| wis, Steeves joined the CCF |federal transport department. They bombed the main PRINCE ore Ne ey AND coherent, "David M. Dickson, pr ry and 3 visitors. Visits to|couver Quadra constituency cuts|joining the nuclear club. | when it was formed here in the| 1¢ report weg Robert Earl(twice, scoring direct hits im The smallest province has been|Fredericton lawyer, is hopeful. |the sick and shut-ins totalled| across the heart of the city to| The area of comfortable|i9395 and for 11 years Tepre-| Morrell, 25, of Hobbema, Alta., front of the store, Then called the Maine of Canada. Shelburne-Yarmouth in Noval four, the sea, then mushrooms homes that today comprises|senteq that party in the legis- teas been. ned. (408 In: court fae buzzed a nearby Until last June, as P.E.I. went,|Scotia. Conservative Felton Le-| Mrs, Chapman gave a report|through Point Grey residential) Vancouver Quadra has been|jature, In 1961 she attended the] jow flying plus $54.30 costs. Pas- ice to drop the o' bags. so went the nation. But in June|gere won by 497 over his 'Lib-|on the Valentine Tea and moved | district. : considered a safe Conservative) jpp founding convention in Ot-| senger Allan Johnston, 36, from| The fifth time, the plane was PEI. returned all Conserva-jeral opponent, F. T. Armstrong.|a vote of thanks to all the ladies} It is the riding of: External|seat for nearly 50 years. Only|tawa. nearby Ponoka was fined $300|at an altitude of about 45 feet tives even though the rest of the| ATLANTIC CONCENSUS and a special thanks to Mrs./Affairs Minister Green, central|once in that time has it sent a -lfor dropping articles from anland one wing hit a dragiine. country divided more evenly.| Concensus of a group of Otta-|Chas. Miller, convener. figure of the group within the|member of any other party to SERIALIZE THRILLER aircraft in flight plus $19.70|The plane crashed. Fisheries minister Angus Mac-|wa political observers on prob-| Mrs. Long gave a aS Progressive Conservative gov-|Ottawa. A British mystery thriller|costs. ; Johnston told RCMP later: Lean and external affairs parli-lable party standings in the)port of the Fresbyisfal \ireh|.. . a... ___|,,1n 1930, Angus MacInnis took| starting on CBC-I'V April $0 will| 'The incident occurred Oct. 25|'Morrell and I compete i . amentary secretary Heath Mac-/four provinces, with last June's)ence held Highlights of the|t sick and shut-ins numbered|the old riding of Vancouver|ne shown in six episodes. last year over the community'flour-bombing contests. quarrie are expected to holdifigures in brackets: Liberals 21 Bowmanville. Highlights South, running in a depression their dual seats in Queens. This|(14), Conservatives 11 (18),|convention was an address siveo Mrs. Merle Gilbart gave a re-|year as Independent-Labor. In is one of two ridings in Can-|New Democrats 1 (1). by the Rev. hides on ©\port on the UCW meeting at|1935 Mr. Green took it back for ada, Halifax being the other,| Outside possibility seen injgave the group oe rm Bowmanville, Mrs. W. Robin-\the Conservatives and began an| poli thinking. where voters cast two ballots.|Social Credit activity is two orjfrom Korea and one *lson gave a reading "Why thelunbroken period of 37 years in| OTTAWA (Special) -- Of all|Kings and Prince, the two|three northern. New Brunswick| Christian Church -- a sseq/Brook Dried Up". the: Commons. In 1847 redlses: ; the areas of Canada, the Atlan-|other island seats, are up for|ridmgs with a large French-| Stella Carson ee the Word| Mrs. Long took the Bible|bution created an additional rid. FOR tic previnces offer Perhaps | ve grabs. Hes Poe arta sure of/ speaking eh oe ae ~ ae was" dealing with the|study from the Word and Theling Vancouver Quadra, in the : most intere: legrol one and could get A Tomorrow--A review jue-| ane ' Way. = m eneral area and Mr. the coming federal election. gts yerypng™ th ifs bec. yeh okay a. gave an ex tia Tyrrell opened Unit 3 iaen pinanirant his tight hold WHITBY -- WHITBY TOWNSHIP -- OSHAWA While other areas seem to be/split 6 to 4 in favor phaoret yey "| meeting with a call to worship.|there. ; more or less commited to alerals lst ume but four of the] vores peaTH cellent mediation and (hove irs, Halney ' K charge of (Nel Tn recent years the Liberal THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 8 P.M. pear cre Couree. OBO .| SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--Ex-|««jy Adventures with God", [devotional using the theme) ,ary has done best against Mr. = Soviiees g Bf osgfevot be think' the Liberals, Poca ecution in the gas chamber was) Unit 2 met at the home of io Roll call showed 13 Green. For the April 8 federal HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL, WHITBY tion of Newfoundland, seem to|one and perhaps two more, |voted by a ire Tuesday for) rs Alex Watson, with is mem-|P Mca" Drummond took the|*lection the New Democratic be wide open for anyone's tak-| NOVA SCOTIA -- Presents|Iva es tite: fine a towel ee ee Bible study Book The Word and| Party; mpking hath ge Come and bring your questions to be answered by ing. It's a two-party race, un-|the most interesting single pro- =_-- os the nomics in thelr The leader, Mrs. M. Tamblyn,|ine Way. Mrs. Tyrrell asked for bid, = nominate -, oF cluttered by the splinter parties.|vincial picture. Standing at dis- = wall F the verdict is car-|Pened the meeting by explain-|<iogestions for raising some othy Steeves, a yin ys vet. Only in Cape Breton South|solution was 9 Conservatives, 2/basement. tie e-wageing,| 12 gthe Lenten season, observ-| money and several ideas were|€Ta% Campaigner on the Provin-| HON MIKE ST where Malcolm MacInnis won|Liberals and 1 NDP. Liberals|ried out, i. ade} (a th re ed in Christian Churches bY} gicscyssed, cial scene. She is enrwervingty ° for the New Democrats in 1962,|have high hopes of reversing|#4- year - 0 +f orp sles "old|fasting and penitance. It was decided to have a tulip| °Pposed to Canada becoming a} Pn is expected Fv -- Ho this gy Pe aan Datied oil be the fist hus-| After some discussion it was|tea in late May or early um ggg' wed "also are. going| e1 1 eviation from the|pear to have a ¥ Taga ; A $ arranged. § older partes. Ghance of picking up a feas|Band, and. wife to di, in, San|declded to have a home baking)The nex! mecting was arranged | ivy va seasoned candidate EVERYBODY WELCOME Of the 33 seats in the four ee They were convicted of murder|April. Mrs. F. Tamblyn reported| about the district for mission Grant brgesieverr: given} ---- paige "th boa Be gi ges Oeics TO WATCH after 11 weeks of trial. sending several cards and visits|study this year. izer and executive secretary fo: won 18, the Libe: a ast June.| Ridings which are likely to Chiefly, ian Ny 'Liberal edge oll pega of any general 4 are: Rage ag 1 dled ene Prince in P.E.I. where Con- more of the votes, 411,962 to|servative winner Dr. Orville 407,453 for the Conservatives. |Phillips was elevated to the Sen- NEWFOUNDLAND -- Where|jate and Lorne Monkley is run- premier Joey Smallwood is|ning for Tories against Liberal still the biggest single election|J. Watson MacNaught, a Sum- force, the Liberals elected 6|merside lawyer. and the Conservatives 1. James} York Sunbury in New Bruns- McGrath, the only Tory, is fight-|wick where Chester MacRae meee ne 3) eee". rain, oir 2 e2,ee| Solina Youth hang on to St. John's East Atten ds Rally RCMP Asked | A+ Guelph To Investigate By GLADYS YELLOWLEES SOLINA -- Mrs. Don Taylor Stolen Meat was at the organ for the church service on Sunday morning in OTTAWA (CP)--The RCMP|the absence of the organists, eaid Monday it has been|Gladys Yellowlees. asked by the federal agriculture} Harold Yellowlees attended department to investigate anjthe Jr. Farmer's Conference in epparent theft of canned meat/Guelph on Saturday. held by the department. Sympathy is extended to Mrs, They said they are looking|W. E. Tink on the sudden death for an employee of the depart-|of her sister, Margaret, Mrs. ment who had authority to ship tg Chapman on Sunday, March Progressive Conservative Ontario Riding 2 "mis Fad ported Phe pe sak tees poe. er. at ne A Hits, Pena ev rone. Mr. rs. Wes Hills, ~~ wee Bes hee Howard and Jame were Sunday dinner guests. parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Cook's forty-ninth wedding an- niversary which was held at the Mr. Bob Blackburn were Sun- Discovery of the apparent/day guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. theft was made by local police] Qvenden, Oshawa. who checked reports of low-| Mrs. Frank Westlake, §&r. price meat for sale. visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom West- The federal agriculture de-|jake, Bowmanville. partment is believed to have} Mr. and Mrs. C. Johns, Bow- had 1,000,000 pounds of canned| manville were Sunday guests of meat in storage across the|Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome country. and family. THE MOST AMAZING SOLE IN NATURALIZER HISTORY evailable in: % Y% Y- THE thie f i . CORNELL cake arena ito: be ordered. 16.99 aun 10 days) the amazing sole . .. S e ba bed IT'S A COMFORT CUSHION SOLE TREATED TO BE ( ; : , ( ; é ; sees WATER AND SCUFF RESISTANT, IT'S A SHOE S (fs ac 0 lm THAT MAKES WALKING WONDERFUL AGAINI ITALIAN-INSPIRED COLORS AND LEATHERS IN : SMART STACKED WALKING HEELS DAVIDSON'S ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 7 ewes St. 725-3312 OSHAWA, ONT. 140 BOND ST. WEST, PHONE 725-6501 6-