Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Mar 1963, p. 15

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--_ ran ahs pips PS atl net ES Lt EDA tit EIEN IY a eer ne on Ppa ge ar oe Saggy cwt? paipeninen pee torr é etn eae aoe one te ¥ partinted "lon nee ebony ea sehen eS 9 gga ORR AS a a 17--Male Help Wanted 18--Male or Female 23--Wanted To Rent |25--Apt. & Flats For Rent {27--Real Estate for Sule /27---Ree! Estote for Sete: [ra we Estate for Se THE OSHAWA Keone Mareh 23, 1963 15% : OUTL sell that truck fast and i) Are You Hungry Write Box We Sehawe Times. iter to "appreciate, 'Telephone 72-6082 cere enrememees| POMS 1G EMPLOYEE [Pot menatsacm cette Seem] pO WnGVIEW PARK" [ex mn Se fen Mens on Desires Te Rent Unfumihed [Seamer A ino. Telepbone 3 Behe nate] BELLA VISTA GARDENS" |FETER Fessema ration, Bowmanville [Prats vale. WA800 soon me TRAINEE essary. Top earings for | Witting TS'PAY: Ur TO |Betutity Stone tiga" ise Sein A ee pier] With dow povmann ox tow ES" ERS Stn som Bom Sac eet BUNGALOW tie Tange, resigerstor, washing acai] $1290. RANCR STYLE, prick, choice . gos wove the first day with |KINGSDALE Ayenis, OM: Brick home. FEATURES palesman. Help Wanted SOUPEE with two children desires| VEAR shopping centre salt conta ine e ; ; ere Ama roar paneer et | ene | AAS NEW HOMES _|ESK" Suy"ideP Du, Saes|27--Real Katte for Sole reaching an shifted For a complete choite of new FARETRONT psa. See Bie AsAK -- petvate, wicve-bisttborn | Erased "A Dial Fin Wh PARK pa a ie room whfor cio Sx rooms, to bavioomi hones in. 4 top. pubdivisions oo oning fos x woh stable ial large aon -- % als fastest sellin a -- : ra ; in i TEULALER Avehuh = cen eloaal polls one ge on the shetiet, Moving To Oshawa |farstenes, 'upstairs apartment, privete|iow. tall 'sastnienty" threc piece "GOLFVIEW HEIGHTS" | aig jgalow, four rots cy 'oaths este We need additional sales | 3 or 4 Bedroom Home prefers path, at Ajax 942-2004, 10 lew the, hnchen, Gino bedrooms, din- INSURANCE staff. Dependable car nec- | obly with Recreation Room, | GIBBON STREET -- three-room apart | oe DOWN -- Fall "pce Bb Roar "GREENWOOD HEIGHTS" [ine ee te ns osm, formas, 5 i Salcanae Asaeee e right person. Telephone : ATTRACTIVE, four-toom heated apart- Weer 'an ised Fag sds One wi ife sold her | Blackstock FOR SALE » biemngee = 4 Permanent posts | for appointment. WRITE BOX ment, including hydro and water. Elec: CALL wise housewife so! r Claims ond sales sup+ : ties. Private bath and entrance, west loeation 5 . ALF the following advertisement {five lovely AT sciimmaneramic.ee | Whitby 668-3501 902 Se "Rw Bd. [Roy eer ans] LLOYD METCALF | ce, Iolowes, cdvertsonent [rm | AReRACES conditions" ond ; j ROOK WHITBY -- Private sale, bungalow, six Real Estate Limited ner Joreenae! 20 Mery. $69 benefits. Starting prone 20--Room and Board Oshawa Times TO . im apartment puting, om preter} Pood ret a or fopage wx! 40 King Street Eost, 728-4678 eu room, Waite, sh obout $4500. Age 25- 30 SONTAG INK, Themen Rewa| TELEPHONE TORON nnd shopping. Parking area. Peet . om and worKhop. $840 DOWN sale, $14,000, 'Telephone ' years. All replies treated [south at Bloor Street. Telephone se BELMONT 1-7310 Hy. AVSDRDIO DONS 1.' Breet EE eced: gavanes paved' VUE ber | o confidentially. Please write on. lSTo A ag Pr DUFFERIN STREET. Whitby -- Two|fice at fe Fe per, cent NMA mont Ralp h H. Vi ckery Custom built three bedroom = ving full details te EULALIE, 235 -- Furnishen room for|24---Houses For Ren' bedroom apartment 2 ae ae, Aliens brick bungalows floated with rie Bisrnet Manager. centlemen, riie Tuc, elms 1.008 er EAR, xa -- Fh $85, month, eee after 6.30, Whitby 060-b6H lives; Atv. 4 aan fo WHITBY WHY NOT GIVE US A CALL: mt vers, Whitby : 4 AL ESTATE is pri P Co-operators SL ee | $00 monthly. Possession April" 1. Tele: ei: 4 FOR: SALE 4 etry ee Henry St. torge seven room BILL MILLAR oe share, | Phone 723-4461. ies ; e ar Insurance Assoc, [born tor sentieman, wiling ve shares ---- [heat oa, bE! seks ton aa | Die eS $12,800 bungolow, four beeems, | TELEPHONE 728.1186 - | 286 King Street West |G£08E To DOWNTOWN and Northlea yard, $85 monthly, 'Vacant ere | Se x bag A Bah on House, newly decorated, with principal. 1 storey brick Call Howard McCabe at S.D. meh Ser poate W. T. Lamson decd GM, Qiiet home, good meals. Gentle-|Por appointment telephone _728-0675./CELINA STREET, 91 -- Basement. , i : 1 Hyman Reo} Estate Limited, plus two powder rooms. Built rey men 'preferred. Telephone 726-3643, 29/Ask for Mr. Kelly. Footrest < apartment, of tonvem.| . NeW roof. It is centrally lo- 6 room home in excellent con- Real Estate Ltd. , Oshawa Figin Street East. | WOO REY "house Por yent. Tele.lences, Parking. Suit couple. Apply 203} cated in the business section dition -- Harold Street. In stove ond even in modem F i GENTRE STREET -- One toons, Scitk| siake aoe be Stevenson Road South. of Newcastle neor the four , 728 6286 : kitchen. Wall to wall broed- 18--Male or Female board in clean, quiet home. Home| five. ROOM eine aan 0 Opry WARY STREET -- Furnished beamt| corners. Price $3,500.00. Home ond Income -- ory oe: loom and fireplace in living Telephone te- Help Wanted nee Lunches packed. jperson, 44 Colborne Street East. ting room and Kitchen, range amd re-| Cash on closing. Closing bec Street, 10 rooms, -- 'oom. Fully finished. recrea- : frigerator, near hospital and down-|- date to be arranged. Inspec- storey brick, 2 cor garage. TO uae FHREE oF four adults wanted to pick Tr jate ged. Inspr : : dl cucumbers for half the return from five| DOUBLE room, twin beds, and Hadi pROOKLIN, Sveroom house, aM coe lee' VOnen Preterred, 'Telephone TH) sion of propeny may Be dr Returns $150.00 monthly. in- tion room with fireplace. 'ie acre crop. Possible earnings $1000 to/room for three young men boarders.| \oniences, $75 monthly, Available April |. eae ae erriamaveneebnaae i , . | eee ear ARE cg. 0 os + a leaving 5 rooms for Double garage. Must be seen axon, |Clean, Dutch home. Five-day THREE clean unfurnished yooms, thira| ranged by contacting Mrs. come, ] omens. rei teoglieses 'Telephone aches packed, thee minutes walk! |i Apply Howard Colby, RR 2 Uxbridge,) ior, heavy duty wiring, TV outlet, $90 rp abe Allen, Oroho, Phone owner. to be appreciated, | from four corners, Parking. Telephone monthly, Adults only. Apply 143 vem | 214 ARLINGTON feos to share, $7.50, two blocks from|S."N,. 19 and 7 Highway. Clarence C.|@Partment, kitchen and bed-sitting| ¢/0 W. K. Lycett, Orono, Ont. $11,900 or best offer will be ' D CALL WHITBY 2 P.M. until 5 PM. REQUIRES |$14 EAH for seven days, for two gen- |25--Apt. & Flats For Rent | MYRTLE STATION house two bedroom| Street, Ritson Road, South, near King , . $.S. NO. 10 OOMERS wanted, light housekeeping Tye ee earete 20 CENTRE BTREET, 10 -- Tworvom| |ESTATE OF ELIZABETH LARKIN | Sy. 134 storey brick, 7 roms. H $10,000 DOWN TOWNSHIP ee PATRMUlans LemEmIMY | Cook, daria Smtiem, ec eee een eee. AY Solicitor for estate. conuuered, ; 7 ve. 7 | | 3 year old 5 room bungalow 2 PM. to 5 P.M. QO |tlemen, willing to share, single beds, Governor LLOYD REALTY on Nipigon street. Attrecti 668-31 19 * jcentral. Telephone 728-3396. A vp. 5 UTR, | Be. re J ipigon str e' po tive 7 EXPERIENCED [OSHAWA BLVD. | private Sntte: ae ; brick with stone trim. Toilet 0 TEACHER 222--Storage Space buif-in cupboarie, hydro included, $50. Mansions: Apts. LIST WITH LLOYD in basement, and other ex- P PLAR and Garages | cow es THEN CALL YOUR Moyen [ee ee KI NGSMERE Duties to begin September | orive AVENUE, 106 -- Store for rent,| nares a toes Private, or 110 PARK RD. N. $13,000.00 FULL PRICE Newcastle -- 5 fertile octes STREET PORT PERRY GARDENS 18 x 44, adjoining space if désired. Suit-| | fl Appt bo' A No. 1 afte: qualified to teach grades |able most any Bueinean, $80, monthly: | |noons. ee if , se E : Ba ith full Rin retry LOR gh Rigomtcrn $13 900 1 to 8. In one-room rural .| Telephone fee ____| ELGIN EAST, 16 -- Threexoom apart-| VY believe that Governor xtra lorge bungalow with fu MAY alt ' Four reo, 2 doths, at- " : ini i- Featuring 1963 layout BUILDING, | ' . size separate dining room. only. $49.00. Offers economi , school. Apply in writing | or og Sone oe cage yg Sos Neat ay vai wehvete, 1. Da can ping oss Three large © bedrooms weh cal country living. pi eal -- ait ink milk Two storey brick home, lorge Many oth po se models. p.m. 1362. Sy *. 2, ee a stating experience, salary | WAYNE AVENUE, 52 -- Five-room,| the most outstanding fea- Tie papto lig wre bas 2 brand new bungelows 6n | with us at this showing. a ig a orear" East re hadeonyy Sok expected and name of last FOR RENT self - contained apartment, Telephone) tures in the City of Oshawa. an office downstairs with a Trembley St. 5¥2 rooms -- Directions: South on Wilson ee ee ee eoe, tum fright nd follow ties ¥: CEMENT BLOCK 720-8006. oad i walkout basement. Only $2,- ph eb = at + 30 bt Sin ak hg ae Poplar room, large kitchen, Second the signs. ; BUILDING 70' x°32' \ |apariments, second and third 'Hoors,| FOR INFORMATION 000.00 down and $80.00 per SAA WNeiet Eka UR Ri re eee Thee ee oe ee, FS 8 SECRETARY-TREASURER Sins gore ea $25 and $35. 'Telephone 723-9592. month, Call 'Bill Jonhston at PS ae eee eet bath end sunporch over front S D HYMA' SEEET wiv Foricned 728-5123 ot 728-1066, ay S D. HYMAN Paap ne i nate GORDON BRENT porking space Cnaes ante tian Gomme] 7 A-M. to 9 P.M. Penciny vend mete |, Ue See ete. | ae Useful os factory, ete. for one gitl, $12 weekly. Telephone 84 OSHAWA BLVD. N. Pig {ae cia hong j erty DRtTE, TIVE Nes hee 323 King Street West ' 728-6015. TELEPHONE Rood. If plonning to build, REAL ESTATE LIMITED iti R. R, NO. 5 : : cellent condition inside and , Dial 723 2563 MONET AVERDE bcd He Bex Immaculate 4 bedroom home don't miss this opportunity, 28-6286 i 86 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. | foun, Morceswom unturaamed base] Cobotiald Aker | with lage kitchen and dining Silk i ggg oh a 20 | Estate Wented ied : ment apartment, Private entrance and 1 - room. Extra deep lot with | % ona ake. jet ti street, ea New Offices bath, Telephone 723-4788, asphelt drive, and garage. SALES HELP | In Medical Center jsmiz, ign sti, Wy anems: Abn LIMITED veyron rimér'es Ralph H. Vickery GUIDE REALTY | GUARANTY mare SSS between 5 and 8 ee only $2,600.00 down. Call 46 King St. Wet, ' 23.22) Bill Johnston at 728-5123 or . ; 7 WANTED 21 ] Simcoe Street S. bcbg me Suit : connie, mena or 7 3 65 728-1066. Phone 8-9571 LIMITED TRUST Will, pa or fe Rig elite A wt Available: July 1963 Seok teu eee = 26--Rooms For Rent Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited EVENINGS ONLY $14,500 -- for this COMPANY OF CANADA rma near Townline, T Te: MALE or FEMALE Can be finished to suit {Self-contained two-bedroom eat, eee Genesee saath pred 1OT Simcoe Street North : wisi son ies excellent income property, SMALE home wanted in west end. We F ili il , pil o Paved Parking, Use 0 a Oshawa, Ontario W. Irvine 8-2868 6 rooms for owner ond 3 Call Bill Collins have ® cash buyer for @ ome or twooe or appliances, oO Early Tenants. 728-2633 am : amen 3 DIVISION STREET -- two nicely) -- OPEN EVERY EVENING -- 5. Lehan 8-9326 room apartment on second 728-1653 or 668-8716 pean agra g 3 eng a x heatin as heatin PHONE 725-5132 |two - Room Tarnished ~ apart double or single.| ~~ floor, private entrances with Ea halter 723-1181, 16 Bisnede ' 9 9 ing. % large kitchen with sink and |General only.:T 72- 2 bathrooms, 2 driveways r Siding, Roofing. Hing room. Avaliable April 1.) 2 ot een = FUTURAMA vice eomiten a | oe Score Seer ees =| -- HOMES ANNOUNCEMENT | mresnasteace | COPEN | Schofiel: ri: Ss 2 = 4 4% a room,|COLBORNE EAST, 57 -- Large bed- ul ition, In- . Over A Quarter Century of Car etlowonce end salary. People Rouen taameae ; leitiaess same. ets reat bame, Due to the many requests for new homes in the ee Priaceel uk iw Reliable Service re TR : Sing the Praises s gentleman near North GM plant, Suitable fer) vicinity of Oshawa Shopping Centre, Mr. Leon only $8360 per month. Call H YOU HOME ai CALL MR. ST; JOHN ot Odhewe after 6 p.m. and weekends. bisestens DEAN VENUES a ogee Wallis, President of Futurama Homes, has pur- today for full particulars. ave a a ? private home, kitchen privileges, laun-| Chased a limited number of lots in this area, EXECUTIVE HOME -- On You Want SOLD =: gsemeahieessconeerial Times Classified : : KINGS COURT Te "or a King St. East, 2 storey brick rh rn . WHITBY 668-2387 | Aas. APARTMENTS SakW START oo Wiec aaa We are also pleased to home with 21 ft. living room GLENRUSH We Have Both CASH ith fireplace. . Lor . a Se come. : announce our new, ate ding rami, Soraily. ane & Term Buyers 22--Sto Space 22--Storage Space AJAX . 4594. : and Garages For Courtéous and 728 - kitche: ith load: f = and rages THREE LARGE ROOMS, ype TRADE IN YOUR boord "4 These quo 4 sized STREET Shopping Efficient Service clothes closets, 4 pc. bath Rench style home with at- No Lease Required. wie, Chi Chit welcome, 45. ho college dem 3 PRESENT HOME POLICY bedrooms with cedar-lined : ; ond 2 pc. both with finished s from Oshawa cuvace -- at -- Fe yan FOR INFORMATION, CALL OUR EXCLUSIVE AGENT. ¥& recreation room, hot water gare tens: ony sie 90. OS Seger ARE YOU IN NEED OF Onset lage Shospive Cone |S OM ICED BOCCC) REALTOR ag ge RS ce sited | Ww t ibbons, north 6n | near schools, churches, etc, [OSHAWA MOTEL, King Street ast est to G s After 9 P.M A MODERN OFFICE? L iin Tuephone ra 833 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Sa ae | | a re ° : ae --| Nairn ' , ill McFeetérs .. 1 7269 ) "Two Bedrooms $79, | ATTRACTIVELY "| _TELEPHONE 728-7377 Domenie see |S. D. HYMAN | se ace: ZabseE FURNISHED ROOMS a family is this 2 storey ae ' A Reg. Ak 725-0201 TELEPHONE * WHEN CRAFTSMANSHIP. IS APPRECIATED Si tae ine emt]. REAL OSTATE LIMITED ea._Aker Available in private home. | ME ini iz ' We have available a suite of AJAX WH 2-2001 Call between' ond 7 p.m. Reena ee Eicken sed oh 3 bedentcra 728-6286 offices totalling approximately 82 PARK RD. CONSULT ae A Weed Bt. 1000 square feet .. . Air condit- MODERN 27---R encased Sale | JAMES O'MALLEY Low = Must be seid --~ 2 OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS ioned, bright and served by ele- ra CONSTRUCTION LIMITED, tage on gir, Good VLA ee Po RAVINE LOTS elle renwty Son' sie." | SHIFT DRESS AND RAJAH COAT vator in The Times Building. Quiet LOCATION =< We hve s : Residential Street Available for the home of large 2 storey well kept' Convenient To your choice overlooking the We are also specialists in fomily home. 20 ft. living % ; ; + 'oom with fireplace, te CONTACT Park Rd. North Se ee ee home, office and store remodelling |: Minin WiBac forsily canon: and King St. West Paluaen MeeKINnOn St 5) P. for Oshawa and District 2-4 pc. bathrooms ond | 2 8 i Hymon Real Estate Limited, ' pc. ond three bedrooms are THE OSHAWA TIMES REASONABLE 728-6286 OPEN HOUSE tang Call today "fore ASK FOR T. L. WILSON met rey RO (Continued on Page 16) 4 q , Approximately 10 miles : t | ' ' t 1 i { { | ; | { { details, PARKWOOD MANOR) IMMEDIATE vabelbarsay Se Se oie ' D MANOR Seporate dining room, Holly- APARTMENTS POSSESSION ROTH CONSTRUCTION room, |S ree vied bedrooms, js ini sement, 4-pc, bat! WHITBY CLASSIFIED eee ony 140 sown Model Homes For 1963 | iit stsatange"i mediate' possession, SEVEN ieses bocted housh 0 sont,|FOR RENT: Lobes torah Three' bedroom bungalow, Pleasingly Different and Located in Prestige North- ADELAIDE WEST---$21,500 central. One two children welcome. | gentle: dult he n poard a I i 'oom, ° S ' ei preci 302 Byron Street North. Avail-| tional. "Telephone 668.3916. ee is ] HE DIPLOMAT - . -- living , com west Area. full price for this extra fine able April 15. |HOUSE Wanted in' Whitby, with th pletely decorated -for you. wae ick ranch home in Directions: Follow Rossland Road West and turn 2 blocks rug brid four bedrooms, by M jh é North West area. Custo) peg! L etalon ohet tae veut Geeta! |atter 5 p.m., eatgaa Terephone| WHITBY DELUXE APTS NEAR STEVENSON ROAD North on Glencairn Street, turn one block west to Westdale built, 3 years old, yeren trea" Furniare 215 Dundas East, Whit- [LOOE -- Wilts, aa wth, beeen a --ALL ELECTRICAL HEATING Call DA and you are there, forge foes: i a 9 garoge, |Tail curls over back. Answers to --SWIMMING POOL a VE SMART OPEN 1-30 UNTIL-8 P.M. : -- gn = t ned F amp", child's pet. Reward. 668-4402.}--ELEVATOR -- HI-FI ' INN this well kept and beautifully Expansion Sale '|von went -- Bright two-bedroam|--WALL-TO-WALL DRAPES TELEPHONE 725-1186 Heliiieon thy hg Me Bgetaqatin apartment, Available ist of May. Tele-| | --BROADLOOMED CORRIDORS JOSEPH BOSCO Realtor pleasure. See it for yourself, 1963 Aluminum, Boats |2222 200 after § pm. _| AUTOMATIC BUILT-IN STove| CASTLE HOMES ! VARIETY STORE AND Southined mpastinebt, heated, $95, Ap | Soe yt AUNDRY ROOM TELEPHONE 728-7377 SNACK BAR -- Simeoe St 8 ft. punt ...+++.. $116 [ply Mr. ayy 300 Brock. Street AP] FURNISHED LOBBY 4 £0- hack wih ae epee, 12 ft, Cortop':..::: $179. |pamemamiwer eats -cocte-aeseees| '2-3 BEDROOMS we eee ee 14 ft. Fishermon ... $279 | alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting ped. Asking only $6,900. 8 specialty. Mrs, Toms. 668-2372. aaah ys AND full price. Good lease on i FOR RENT: room apartm. - property. Special monthly. E, Rvecsmake included. Sony Street, Pickering. Chureh CALL 668-5601 NORTH - WEST AREA -- TRAILERS. pe gold SEPTIO ° TANKS cleaned, prompt serv. AFTER 6 668-8560 ' $13,900 full price for this ~ winch, hub caps signal lights, |sieet Woe Whity soot AS LOW AS $840 DOWN tat ee tie 1 r . U H todm, 3 bedrooms, recreation nes a eve omen * Fines 6%% NHA FINANCING ream: Call tovdey for fl $149 LIVER TO YOU eek porticulors, 1942 siventine" rent | enahed grovel mcr, ot | Park Lane Apts. THE HOME OF THE WEEK ee a ae run gravel, stone, sand and . room with carport -in Hill- TRAILERS 2 only. Sleeps 6 " 5 i * i adults, chesterfield, Ice Box, top soil. All sold by weight. 10 min. from Downtown Charm, comfort, spacious, and quality-built. Our. two storey split levels and bungalows feoture crest Drive. This tri-level double bunks, foldi toble. CALL 668-3524 clay brick, 3 or 4 bedrooms, prepaid services, forced air oil heat, vanities, ceramic tile, vinyl home is whot you are look- AM O; ° / §595 Sawdons' (Whitby) Attractive two-bedroom suites. asbestos tiles, storms and screens, sodding, plus many other extras. These homes are situated ing for, large kitchen separ- arma rigina Pg eI ernie EE ene : HOOT 'N HOLLER from public, separate, high and secondary schools within easy walking ate dining area with extra : a - Spacious grounds ai f hones I large living room, Call today 1963 CITATION CABIN oapimited ; eer ee -- rom transportation and shopping as well. pray ili Fly PRINTED PATTERN M399 SIZES 10-20 nay 13 ft. equipped, Foals ond Sulldies Seeettes haben Ali models on Taylor Avenue will be open all weekend for your inspection. Come on in. For full particulors call 723-1121 The shift fap ibe telah pe pat yh ay $1,125 nr omar chia ag EXCLUSIVE AGENT OE SN A gether a costaipe Upon which otfeman Printed Pattern sovd : AVON . wasted caer : After 9 p.m. Call you can build your fashion is available in Misses' Sizes 10, 15 ft. equipped, sleeps 5 Cocitrollederitroknes 725-6544 Roy Flintoff .... 725-3454 | reputation! Both are shaped 12, 14 16, 18 and 20. Size 16" i Need immediately, ladies : Steve Zurba .... 728-0569 to a high, proud bustline by dress requires 2% yards 39- $1,275 he R a Garages : JOHN A. J. w Leon Monitius . 725-8068 | Harmay -- both are easy -- inch fabric; coat requires 234 in the Rural area with : ; Tony Siblock ... 725-4362 through the midriff for a sup- yards. Send ONE DOLLAR™ "| ambition to-earn money. Fone Soe Irene Brown .... 725-3867 | ple fit. Need we say that the for Printed Pattern M399 to WILDE RENTAL Good income, part time. : Jean Peacock .. 725-4330 | dress is a snap to sew, and The Oshawa Times, Pattern" Write: Don Howe ne si anda ee yet the coat is uncomplicated. Dept., Oshawa, Ont. (Ontario SERVICE AND SALES eon puna - +++ 733-7330 | Printéd Pattern M 399 is one residents add 3 cents -- 3 1415 Dundas E. Whitby P.O. BOX 512 Evenings 723-9692 LIMITED -- MORTGAGES -- REALTORS oh of the most elegant choices for tax). Please print pjainly* GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Easter or for town and vaca- your name, address with" 668-3226 eas OSHAWA * | Howe and Peters\Realtors 'Realtors -- 16 Simcoe St. S. tion travel later on, Choose zone, style number and size." a 5, ERR en"

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