Sige gf! ! Crippled Children At Camp Subject Of Poignant Film cmon Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 rippled operated in Ontario, was highlight of the March m of Sunset Heights Home an . Association held recent- The film told the story in Ontanie THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, March 22,1963 7 Hazards Of Domestic Poisons Revealed To Parents By Film A film entitled 'Poisons for a Day" was shown at' South Courtice Home and School Asso- ciation for its March meeting. This portrayed a day in the lives of the doctors and. nurses in the Poison Centre at Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto. The urgency was impressed on the members to keep poisonous items out of reach of children and irresponsible people. Mr. Garnet Goyne welcomed the members, The financial report was given by Mrs. Arthur Paats, showing a balance on hand of $29.74. Ten dollars was' sent to the Federation for Founders' Night. Mr. Robert Storey's team won the banner with 19 points. A letter was received from the school board stating that permission must be obtained from the school board before anything could be purchased SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. David Arnold Henesey, Oshawa, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Carol Maureen, to LAC to enjoy a summer iday in one of the five ca operated by the Society in last month, tario. Views of the five c: show-| The junior room prize was money|won by Mrs, Jack Mountenay's report on the skating pa: for the schoo! and that a lost or stolen would be treai on its own meris. It was decided there would be an inter-school field day in June. The teachers will plan the events; the Home and School will co-operate and have a treat for the children. Com- mittee in charge: Mrs. Fred Wright, Mrs. Garnet Goyne, Mrs. Jack Morton. Mrs. Nora Hornich hoped that. all parents would attend the music festiy: Ajax early in May, mn Miss Dianne Cookmen's,Class would compete. Mr, R. Storey thanked Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright for the skating party Grades 7 and 8 had enjoyed at their place. He then told of special trips which are being planned to take school children to Upper. Canada Village May 24 and 31; Ottawa, June 20, by train. Fur- ther information may be ob- tained from the teachers. The April meeting will be the 8th at 8.15. The speaker will be Mr. Z. J. Salmers. Mrs. Wesley Oke, Mrs. Lena Penfound are in charge. Mr, Fred Wright introduced Mr. Storey and called on him to show the film. Mr. Herbert ed the time, effort a that has been invested in these] class, while Mrs. P, J. McLean's.~ camps so that each child could|room was awarded the senior provided with properly|room prize. t supervised summer training and| Next month's will be _ further opportunity for physical|/held on April 1 with children therapy. throughout the school perform- Miss B. Hanna, District Nurse] ing. . rm for Crippled Children, answered "Retrechiousite were served by questions regarding the film. |the mothers of Mrs, Robert." Rowland's room, will find opportunities for mak- ing new and interesting friends. Where job matters aré con- cerned, excellent' headway can be made through a comprehen- sive and well-planned pi 'f you launch it now and fol- low through consistently, Ad- vancement, with corresponding' monetary reward, can be expe- dited by expanding your sphere of activity and showing a will- ingness to assume additional re- sponsibilities. Best periods along these lines: the balance of the cur- rent month and early April, mid-June, late September and mid-November. Do avoid speculation in late April, mid-July and October, however. A child born on this day will be highly resourceful and inde- pendent and will have marked powers of perception. Mrs. Robert Brandt is con- vening a night of cards at Hillsdale Manor on behalf of the Y's Menettes, the dis- taff side of the Y's Men's Club. Proceeds of the even- ing-will be donated toward the Simcoe Hall new boys' club. THE STARS SAY | By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Don't make drastic changes now--especially in the a.m.-- since most projects, if already launched, should run quite smoothly. Avoid anxiety, since nervous tension could cause you to make foolhardy moves, caus- ing trouble later. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, the year ahead should bring great happiness in your per- sonal life. Domestic, social and romantic matters should prove highly stimulating -- especially during late April, early "August and late December--and there MR. AND MRS. Delmar Adrian Neimann are seen af- ter their marriage in Munster United Church, Ottawa. The bride is the former Judith Carolyn Hobbs, daughter of Pupils Demonstrate Skills At Home And Schooi Meeting The highlight of the recent)gene gery aetebn or ad meeting of the College Hill|wid, David Johnston. The time- = argo School Association|KeePer was Ronald Parfitt and the scorer, Ter! Nicholas, was the pupils' demonstration sf ds These teams were well match- of their skill at oral arithmetic|/ed as the score showed a tie. and a quiz. DINITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES| 'ican cers cane), 2taeycrntet le 4.) primary reading and the transi- egan the program by reciting)tion to the junior division, "A Bit of Green," wearing a Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth L. Hobbs, Ashton, and Mr. Nei- mann is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Emi! Neimann of Hali- burton. --Photo by Andrews, Ottawa. coe oS ees MARRIED RECENTLY in the Salvation Army Citadel were Barbara Jean Rankin and Robert George Clarke. The bride is the daughter of SA Major and Mrs. Marsland Rankin of Vancouver and for- merly of Oshawa. The bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert George Clarke, Oshawa. The bride's parents came from Vancouver for the ceremony which was conduct- ed by her father. The newly- weds are making their home in Oshawa.--Photo by Hornsby © WEDDING PORTRAITS @ WEDDING ALBUMS by Greland. Studio 21 ATHOL ST. WEST 723-3680 ST. GEORGE'S GUILD April 25 will be preceded by Mr. Howard Brown intro- Russell (Westmount Group) Mrs. Cecil Rowden presided at the regular meeting of o George's Women's Guild held Westmoreland Group of in the parish hall recent There were 21 members pres- ent and two new members wel- comed. Mrs,.W. H. Steer read a poem called "A Dream of Spring". Plans were made for the 'Mammoth Bake Sale" be held in the parish hall Saturday, April 20. dinner at a local restaurant and bowling and members will meet at the park at 5.45 p.m. Refreshments were served by Mrs, Wilfrid Ogden and Mrs. Roy McDonough. A bon voyage cake made by Mrs, William Haight centered the table in honor of Mrs, William Reed, who with her husband -will be leaving shortly on a visit to England, Mrs. Haight and Mrs. Ogden also presented Mrs. Reed with a rose corsage, gift of a ly. to on large green shamrock. The oral arithmetic was di- rected by Mr, Gary Minacs with the following Grade 6 pupils taking part: Susan Lang- ley, Patty Gulenchyn, "Frank Hatch, Dan Chinn, Dey Stark, Tom Hurlbert,. Walter Karas, David Westlake, Rosalie Lampa, Terry Haas, Sandra Stacey, Cathy Sciuk. Mr. Robert Goddard direct- ed the quiz which included sev- eral "curtent events' questions duced the program. Mrs. Dotiglas Langley presid- ed at the business meeting. Due to Easter holidays it was de- cided to change the date of the next association meeting from Apri The will Mrs. Room Grade 6, Mr. 1 15 to April 22. nominating be Mrs. Gordon Stacey. call was room. committee Harold Nugent, Mrs. Ronald Lenover, won by Gary Minac's and Alfred Koopman, Royal Canadian Air Force, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Alfred Koopman, Toronto. The mar- riage is to take place on Satur- day, April 13, 1963, at 3.00 p.m. in St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Oshawa: ENGAGEMENT F/L and Mrs. Malcolm Edward Mills, Ottawa, an- nounce the engagement of 'heir daughter, Diane Christine, to Machie thanked Mr, Storey for presenting the film and for the interest shown in Home and s through travel (possibly in late July and - or December), you a strong likelihood that, School. a. HOUSEHOLD HINT Wax the outside of your ice cube trays or place a piece of wax paper under them and they) won't stick, LADIES COMPANY 728-9581 It was leamied with regret of the death of Mrs. T. J. Crothers in Toronto who was at one time president of the group. The next meeting will be held on April 19 at 6.30 p.m. in the form of a pot luck supper with Mrs. Walter Branch as guest speaker. Refreshments were served by Mrs. W. H. Steer and Mrs. Mary Stauffer. Slides of Eng- land and Vancouver were shown by Mrs. Richard Turner. The next Guild meeting will be held Monday, April 1. BATHE PARK AU.X The Bahte Park Ladies Aux- iliary held its monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 19, with president, Mrs. William Haight, presiding secretary and treasur- er's reports were read by Mrs. John Fisher and bingo report given by Ms. Wilfrid Ogden. The annual hockey banquet will be held on March 30 with Mrs. Cleve McMann as con- vener. Mrs, Delbért Olmstead will convene a penny sale on May 28. Mrs. Haight introduced Mr. Delbert Olmstead and Mr. An- drew Hucul who spoke briefly on plans to complete the building, which at present is a basement where the meetings are held on Eulalie avenue. A canvas of the district was suggested to raise sufficient funds to commence the building of the upper floor. The Auxiliary meeting Mr, David Reginald Henesey, son of Mr, and Mrs, David Arnold Henesey, Oshawa. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, April 13, 1963, at 3.00 p.m. in St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, telescopic umbrella and a bon voyage card. Mrs, Reed ex- pressed her appreciation to the members. Mrs, Byard King, Mrs. Gil- mour Rutherford and Mrs, Rob- ert Gow are patients in the Osh- awa General Hospital. JR. CASTLE CHAPTER The Junior Group of the Castle Chapter Alumnae held its March meeting at the On- tario Ladies College, Whitby, re- cently. The senior cha guests and eac' brought a friend. The program was presented by Miss Dorofuk, an interior decorating consultant. Many beautiful and varied color ar- rangements were shown featur:| ing wallpaper. A gift certificate] was won by Miss Helene Yuille. Mrs. R. Leo Gray thanked) the Junior Group. | Social hostess for the evening| were Mrs. Harry Taylor and/ Mrs. J. J. Fox of Oshawa. S.A. HOME LEAGUE Mrs. William James, secre- tary, opened the meeting of the Salvation Army Home League. Mrs. Major Fred Lewis an- nounced the Home League Quarterly will be held Monday, March 25 at 8.00 p.m. when two! films will be shown and re- freshments served. } League of Mercy will be hold- ing a bake sale at the Citadel on Tuesday, March 26 at the Home League, The mmutes were read by, Mrs. George Beard, Mrs. Frank} Buller led in a song and offer- ed prayer. | Mrs, Charles Langfield intro-| duced the guest speaker, Mr.} Harold MeNeill, director of] Simcoe Hall, who gave an ac-| count of the work being done} there and showed slides of the) work and activities for all ages.| Mrs. Major Fred Lewis ex-| pressed the appreciation of. all) present, Mrs. Frank Buller thanked Mr. McNiell. | The Cheerio Group was in charge of refreshments. Next week Mrs. William} Saunders and the Sunshine Group will be in charge of the) meeting. | Ne beby sitter, no car fore mi von Mr. Bernard Experienced Hair Stylist Of Leading Toronto Salons _ FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS 725-6854 with two teams from Grade 7 and Grade 8 competing. Team 1 included Sharon Thompson, David Usher, Danny Froud, Richard Chryk. Team 2. in- cluded Geraldine Galka, Eu- Refreshments were served by Mrs. Walter Spratt assisted by grade mothers for Grade 3 and Grade 3 and 4. The lucky cup was held by Mrs, Frank Ward. BROADLOOM, DRAPES, TILE, AND SPRING DECORATING IS EASY AND ECONOMICAL DURING WARD'S were member DRAPERY FESTIVAL You will save money when you choose your new draperies from Oshawa's largest stock and most reasonable prices. Ready-to-Hang Fiberglass Drapes In luxurious solid color, herringbone weave or 5 delightful patterns. THREE LENGTHS IN STOCK TO FIT ALL WINDOWS. COMPLETE WITH HOOKS 45" FINISHED regular width fits up to 48" track DOUBLE WIDTH fits up to 96" track Solid Color 7.98 pr. | Solid Color 15.98 pr. Patterns. . 9.98 pr. | Patterns . 19.98 pr. 63" FINISHED regular width Solid Color 10.98 pr. | Solid Color 19.98 pr. Patterns . 11.98 pr. | Patterns . 23.98 pr. 95" FINISHED double width triple width 25.98 pr. | 22" 39.98 29.98 pr. | 44.98"* for Severe Winter Death To Birds Ground-feeding birds have been particularly hard hit this winter and the Lake Erie Dis- trict reports that one Conser- vation Officer has already come upon three dozen dead quail in the past few weeks.| Food is buried out of reach and} sometimes the birds become| frozen to the ground or buried beneath hard-surfaced drifts. "Snow came early in Decem- ber in many places," this Dis- trict reports, '"'breaking down bushes, small trees and crops under a heavy wet blanket. This soon froze and buried much na-| tural food out of reach of most forms of wildlife. Only squir- rels, mice and animals capable of tunnelling beneath the crust! -, teach the vanished food Double Width fits up to 96" regular width Pr 12,98 PATTERNS 14 GR a pr. four widths for 16 ft. 51 98 i) track pr. 59.98 ™* READY-TO-HANG | SOLID COLOR DRAPES @ lined complete with empire hooks @ four excellent weaves @ heavy quality slub satin @ heavy boucle weave with lurex threads @ textured rayon and cotton weave @ horizontal stripe antique satin @ choose from gold, nutmeg, white, oyster, parchment, green, beige, aqua, rose, pink. UNLINED SHORTIE DRAPES BOUCLE, CHROMESPUN & tc pink, gold, turquoise, green. Upholstery cleaned the safe way! © puraclean "flower fresh" cleaning © NOsoaking, no shrinking! NO ruinous scrubbing! | Colors come alive! J for FREE esimne() call DURACLEAN RUG AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS OSHAWA 728-8518 es. "Since then there have been! yj }---3 too few mild days to lay bare| Secor the ground. For most, it is dif-| = ficult to remember a winter so severe and unrelenting. There was nothing approaching the usual January .'thaw." WINES "RIGHT AT HOME" Fish, eggs, and cheese dishes, in fact all Lenten meals can be wonderful with golden- hued, medium sweet, Chateau-Gai Sauternes, And before the meal, serve your favourite Chateau-GaiSherry.Chateau-Gai Sauternes and Sherry will make your Lenten meals more delicious. Plan to enjoy them today, rown, 54" FINISHED LENGTH 1Y% width for 72" rod for 96" rod 6.98 pr.: 10.98 pr.. 13.98 pr. LINED SAILCLOTH SHORTY DRAPES Ideal for bedrooms, family room, recreation room, or childrens rooms predominating colors of rust, gold, brown, turquoise, green, rose, melon. 1 width 2 width WINS TRIP DAUPHIN, Man. (CP)--Ber- mice Blackburn, a 16-year-old 4H member from here, has been awarded one of nine se- nior exchange trips from Cana- dian 4H members in July. Her exchange will. be with a Nova Scotia member. 2 widths for 96" rod 25, 95 fi PAIR .... 54" FINISHED 1 width for 72" PAIR 1 width 1% width for 48" rod, 12. for 48" rod, for 72" rod for 96" rod 9.98 pr. 15.98 pr. 19.98 pr. PATTERNED DRAPES New colors, new patterns fully sateen lined.- Florals, abstracts, leaf -- 95" FINISHED 2 widths 3 widths 4 widths 48" track 96" track 144" track 192" track 6.98 pr. 33.98 pr. 51.98 pr. 69.98 pr. 2 widths PAIR 1 width for 48" rod 16.98 pr. 18.98 pr. 22.95 pr. 4 widths for 192" rod 69.98 pr. 58.98 pr. 78.98 pr. 68.95 pr. 92.95 pr. 33 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 725-1151 aintivge LIMITED TIME OFFER If you are not'now using NATURAL GAS WE WILL ALLOW You $250 OFF THE PURCHASE OF A FORCED AIR FURNACE AND RENTAL WATER TANK, #\--" FOR FULL DETAILS CALL 728-1352 § co. LTD. 51.98 pr. 38.98 pr. 45.95 pr. Don't take our word for the savings and variety. Come in and see for yourself how reasonable drapes can be LIMITED CANADA'S WINES OF DISTINCTION