Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Mar 1963, p. 4

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BRITISH WAR MINISTER STIRS GOSSIP Great Britain's war minis- ter John Profume doffs hat as he rides in car with his wife, former actress Valerie Hobson én route to the House of Com- mons in London Thursday. enue, chiefly the contributions of workers, employers and the Federal Government. Last year Parliament author- ized the Government to use $25,- 000,000 to bolster the fund in the event of an emergency, but this must be used before the end of the fiscal year March 31. After that date, any emer- gency payment to the fun would have to be obtained by Governor - General's warrants authorized by cabinet. This as- sistance could be designated as a loan, to be returned when the fund is solvent again in the high-employment summer sea- DUNBARTON -- The unem- ployment insurance fund may be exhausted by the end of March but, according to Labor Minister Michael Starr, bene- fits will not be stopped. "Arrangements now have been made to supply the fund," Mr, Starr said at Dunbarton re- cently. 'There will be no stop- page of any kind in the pay- ments."' In February the fund's bal- ance dropped b: $32,357,161 to a seasonal low of $39,442,839 at the month's nd. : At the current rate of decline, the fund will be exhausted about the end of this month. There were predictions by reliable sources late last year that it would be bankrupt by March or reached its peak of $926,800,000 at Dec. 31, 1956. It reached its low point, $19,851,162, at May 31, 962 April. The January drop was $27,- 000. 200,000 the fund paid out $58,741,718 in benefits Heavy winter unemployment, and extensions and broadening of benefit provisions by the Con- Profume, 48, told members of Profume said he had not seen Still Give Benefits If UIF Exhausted son. The fund, started in 1941, MILLBROOK -- The net farm income in Eastern Canada has dropped drastically since 1957. Durham riding Liberal candi. date Russell C. Honey said at a servative Government after it) meeting in Millbrook, Wednes- took office in June, 1957, congday night. tributed to the drain on the] wy Honey said that in addi- fund, |tion to the drop in farm in. In a statement March 7, the|come, the price of things re- Unemployment Insurance. Com-| quired to be purchaséd by the ission said arrangements have) farmer has risen sharply. made to provide "'adequate/ 11 said that one example financial support for the fund). 20° cost of farm machinery should it be needed. ; a {which has risen 25 per cent in The Conservative Government) ih jast six years. tals orien of promised legislation to repait! commodities sold by the farm. the unemployment er has virtually stood still and t insurance) problem. but Parliament nig it some cases dropped since dissolved Feb. 6 for the April 8) election before the measure) could be placed before the Com-| He said the answer to the situation is a sound Liberal e Majority government that will, | mons. ' islati s to hav : The legislation was put into effect an economic policy to correct it, been founded on a report pre-| pared by a four-man committee) of inquiry headed by Ernest C. JOINT MEETING Gill of Toronto, president of the) Mr. Honey spoke to @ joint! Canada Life Assurance Co. The) meeting sponsored by the Mill. report was made public Dec. 20,' brook and Cavan Liberal asso- 1962. ciations. ° the girl in more than 14 months. Miss Keeler twice has failed to appear as a wit- ness in a shooting case, (AP Wirephoto via cable from London) the House of Commons he had been friendly with 20-year-old Christine Keeler whose dis- appearance has touched off a nationwide wave of gossip. During February, and received $26,381,492 in rev- Mug Series Adjourn Pickering Assessment Appeals BROUGHAM More than 500 farm assessment appeals currently scheduled for hear- ings before the Pickering Twp. Court of Revision have been adjourned for two weeks pend- ing new Provincial Government legislation that may be passed within this period Solicitor Jas. McCallum, rep- resenting 482 farm appeals, said he had learned on good authority that a revision in the Assessment Act was now pend- ing that would have a direct effect on the majority of prob- lems now: before the court. Solicitor Harry Newman said that he represented forty farm appeals and suggested that he might be out of the country by the time his cases were called. "We may all wish we were out of the country," replied Mr. Wm. H. Westney, chairman of the Revision Court. The request for an adjustment was granted. The court continued to hear other uhrelated appeals through- out the week. STANDING ROOM ONLY Schedule Use Of Announced | HAMPTON (Staff) -- Premier \John: Robarts and ig BOWMANVILLE -- The fol- Mayor Charlotte Whitton will lowing arc the dates and times speak at the annual Ontario of games to be played in the Mayors and Reeves Convention |Recreation Department's 'Mug! '" Pembroke, Darlington Town- to the stand but he was inform-;value figures had been estab-iseries', All games are to be | is | After Reeve Arthur Blanchard Goslin had been guided by for-| mer decisions of the judge. He said that the increase in farm land assessments had _ not brought them into a ratio car- Pee Wee League -- Game 9,/every year because it might 5.45 p.m. Team 6 vs = 7. |get overloaded in time. -- G 10, | ' Bantam League ame 10 FILE LETTERS | 6.90 p.m. Team 5. vs Cubs, |, Darlington Township Council SATURDAY, March 30 Council Oks hip Council learned Thursday. | said he wasn't sure if he could) Atom League -- Game 4,|Premier Robarts and Mayor! mp. meet will be held in Mr. Elliott suggested that Mr./5.09 p.m. Team 5 vs Team 8.|sion they can use the dump) would bring down a budget as soon as parliament is called, \"We are pledged to balance the |budget at the earliest possible |date,"' he said. Du I I i |dian Tax Foundation, an impar-| | tial group of chartered accoun. 'tants and economists, forecast filed| another PO er geo deficit of : | $800,000,000 for the fiscal year letters from the City of Osh-|Snaing April 3 and that itis the awa, McLean-Hunter Ltd., and) sixth consecutive deficit. a<builder convention commit-| Mr, Honey compared' the ad- tee. |ministration of the nation's af- The Oshawa letter informed fairs with a family that 'con- | i |tinues to spend more than it council of an amendment re-| makes "Sooner or later a | cently made to that city's plan-| crisis will result in the kitchen ning bylaw. / The | McLean.| he |Hunter letter regarded jmeeting here Thursday sub. 25 it will in the nation, |seriptions to Civic Administra.|*#!¢- jtion magazine, and the build.) jers' letter told council of a con-| jvention soon, Dismiss Charge Against Driver PICKERING (Staff) A charge a failing to share the " é - road laid against a Pickering trol officer Archie Hoskin de-| 1a, was dismissed in Picke:- stroyed 30 animals during); : r i March, his report to council] airy Magistrate's' Court, Thurs said ytsterday. | Donald Hanchakove of RR 3, The report also says One| Pickering appeared in Court on rabies suspect was tested, and|a charge of failing to share the |15 female unlicensed dogs pick-jroad laid against him as a re- led up during the month. Only/sult of an accident on Pineridge |two animals were eventually/road Feb. 22. (claimed by their owners. | Windsor, April 3, 4 and 5. Speak. er will be Hon. W, A. Good- fellow, Minister of Highways. KILLS 30 ANIMALS Darlington Township dog con- | | ried by urban properties. He said, that in his opinion, Mr. McCallum had not proved Mr. Goslin's percentage system to be wrong. He asked that the! appeal be dismissed. With the surprise announce- ment by Mr. McCallum that a further revision in the Assess- ment Act would be revealed ¢ Bantam League -- Game 11, 7.00 a.m. Team 6 vs Lions. Pee Wee League -- Game 12,| 7.45 am. Team 3 vs Winner} Game 8. Bantam League -- Game 13.) 8 am. Team 3 vs Winner| Triggers Pee Wee League -- Game 14) -- 9.20 a.m, Team 4 vs Winner) Game 9. | terchange at Bennett road. Interchange Site HAMPTON (Staff!) -- Dar-|posed Bennett road becomes a lington Township Councill will|"death-trap'" at Highway Two}, Bantam League -- Game 15,!ring out if the Department ofjand would be even worse with| \10.15 a.m. Team 4 vs Winner) Highways still plans a 401 in-| added traffic from Highway 401,| "|proof of insurance at the time jof the accident was also dis. |missed against Hanchakove. FINED $50 Eastern Farm Income Dips Sharply - ifriendly basis of mutual trust,' He said the Liberal party, The fast results will please you. | | He explained that the Cana.-| A charge of failing to produce) Mr, Honey was introduced by Gordon Trick, presidént of Mill' brook Liberal Association. Mr. Honey introduced Allan Beer, oney - of Bethany, provincial candi. | date, to address the gathering, He referred to the Canadian, Mr. Beer said that Lester foreign exchange crisis last| Pearson had proved his worth June "when we were bailed out| 48 @ peacemaker and a leader by huge loans from the United | When he served as minister of vont and Great Britain." Hel oped 'an eed Bh: Bry eplored what he termed "'the|son would be Canada's next present anti - American cam-| prime minister, Sot "7 Bicksha CHINESE FOODS "We must. keep our rela- tions with our neighbors on a Under new , KEN SETO, Proprietor Dining Room Service FOR FINEST IN CHINESE FOODS -- for -- HOME DELIVERY free within city limits after 4:00 p.m. PHONE 728-1676 42 KING ST. WEST -- he said. 70 ATTEND Approximately 70 persons at- tended the meeting. FEVERISH, SNEEZY, STUFFED UP? ¢ | When a cold strikes, insist on-- BUCKLEY'S CINNAMATED COLD CAPSULES Only 45c -- family size 89¢, : DOORS OPEN 1:00 P.M. FEATURE DAILY AT: 1:30-4:05-6:40-9;25 | NO SIN OR SPECTACLE TO EQUAL IT! S@DeK.. GOMORRAH ART GRANGER - PIER ANGEL] - STANLEY BAKER.: ROSSANA - Released by 20TH CENTURY-FOX Key ------TONITE----_ Dynamic .. « KAY TAYLOR and the REGENTS Plus: The Top Records | | } | Coming Friday, March 29 MICKY MOORE and the SCEPTRES Failing to produce proof of| insurance to a police officer at the scene of an accident cost a Pickering Village man $50 and costs, in Pickering Magistrate's Court, Thursday. Archibald Campbell of 23 Lin- oln avenue, Pickering, was found guilty of the charge. Const. It said children crossing the|Pickerin Protest Donald Martin of the done the field work but all land| ed that the employee was on|lished by Mr, Goslin, \played at the Bowmanville| many delays, I had to give|judgment handed down in 1960 a members of my staff a i .| SATURDAY, March 23 members voted to send a coun. some y § eee ee rniens tant Midget League -- Game 2,|cillor in his place unless Reeve Solicitor McCallum questioned| ice in Pick- : : the increase of poueanient on the abnesement peaction 15 PiCk-| iiidget League -- Game $,| Council received a copy of "T contend that the block sys-|11.50 a.m. Orphans vs Comets.|briefs that will be used by from $2,300 up to $2,775. "How|tem of valuation is in error," asked the lawyer. be done on its own.' | Atom League -- Game 5, 1.30 CAN USE DUMP "The tax on farm land should| "It is my duty to show that|P-m. Hornets vs Bisons. Officials of the Darlington ban, shouldn't it" replied Mr.|in error, and this, I contend, 1|P-™. Royals vs Giants again be permitted to use the Goslin. jhave done." Peg League -- -Game "|| sowniship dump at a fee of $100 that's why I'm here," countered] ments on all farm lands should| Winner Game 3. day. McCallum. be reverted back to their for-|4ONDAY, March 25 Council was told park offi- by his own solicitor, Harold Elliott, said that both he and cluded that properties in the township were under-assessed 1961, a large number of farm properties had been increased, judge, He contended that all as. sessments were fair and on a Mr. Goslin said that the Act, in reference to part-time farmers, Mr. McCallum called assessor Morris Binstead to the stand.|within ten days by the Provin- farms in the RR 3, Claremont|agreed to his suggestion that area, but not in the year under|the entire farm land assessment two w : Atom League -- Game 16 -- aie weeks 11.00 a.m, Vikings vs Winner} The action was spurred by ajroad at that point to attend vacation. 'You asked for | Mr, McCallum referred to a| Arena. lattend the June convention, holiday." #816 Ms, Goslin. | 11.00 a.m, BTS vs Raiders. |Blanchard could go. the Petty farm that had t on|ering sataad thet tse Seek do you justify this increase"|he said, "each property should| 12.35 p.m. Indians vs Bombers.| Whitton. have some relation to the ur-|the Assessment Commissioner isl, Atom League -- Game 6, 3:15 | nownship Provincial Park will "Don't ask me the questions.) He requested that the assess- 0 p.m. Winner Game 2 V5! tor 1963, council decided Thurs- Mr. Goslin, under questioning| mer figures. Pee Wee League -- Game 8,\cials shouldn't get the impres- the County Assessor had con- back in 1954, He said that in leading to 87 appeals before the basis of 30 per cent of value. had been altered. He said he had visited thelcial Legislature, the court review. He admitted that he had|issue should be adjourned for)@ame 1. Game 4 idelegation of residents of the| Thaw's school section, SS No. 1, g Township Police told the court he investigated an ac- cident on Highway 2 at the Duf- C.So2 Litt wer HELD OVER 2nd WEEK | 7,\area who brought a petition to|Darlington are in danger and/fins Creek Bridge, Feb. 23. 'lcouncil yesterday calling for|would be in more danger if the) He said Campbell, the driver council's help in changing the| interchange was built. \of iy of the cars involved, tersection to Lamb's road. 9 jcould not produce proof of in- ' ; : _|BETTER VIEW 3 , Their petition said the pro-| Signed by 20 parents, the pte| see |tition adds that Lamb's road] would provide a better place for) the interchange because it of- fers more vision to the motor-| ists and there wouldn't be as| jmany children. | | Lamb's road offers a much| |better outlet to Mosport as well| PICKERING (Staff) -- Both las being a bypass around Bow-| the vendor and the buyer of an (ALL tHe heart and heppiness of the sway hit? @ OSSSKE CE ESLRSCRCE CE HOMINATES 3 ACADEMY AWARDS Atom League Game 1 \11.50 a.m. Winner Game 5 vs | Winner Game 6. | Pee Wee League -- Game 18,/!" }12.35 p.m, Winner game 12 vs} Winner Game 14. | antam League -- Game wi Track, Field | Group Plans 1.30 p.m. Winner Game 13 vs I ste "Today, 97 per cent of grade| Winner Game 15. who start high school ever finish| eighters go on to high school but; Atom League -- Game 20, | Grade 13, Peterborough's school|in my day it was only 60 per|2.15 p.m. Winner Game 16 vs included properties guidance co-ordinator said here! cent," he said. Winner Game 17. last night. Mr. Moebus said this showed) All Mug Series Games will be Howard Moebus, who handies|the need for more high schools|two 20-minute periods with the Vendor, Buyer Net $10 Fines | Busy Year the ,guidance problems of that/to be built "'at a million and a|last two minutes of the game city's junior and senior schools,| said education's main fault to- day is that it is not catering to the other 80 per cent. He said the new Robarts plan to bring more technical and commercial education into the picture was a beginning to end the problem. Toronto-born and educated, half dollars apiece" and for|stop time. In case of ties, sud-| . : more he more teachers with|den death overtime will be play-| ae hee fg specialized training. irst team scori jcesstul first season De Beecher cite ees aise ed, The first team scoring Sl he East Central Ontario Track ae in wee Se wee and Field Conference, organ- MINOR HOCKEY NIGHT ized by the district recreation Taxes Up For 8 Uxbridge Atom Championship -- 6.30\directors, is planning for an m. Rams vs Barons. even bigger year this summer. Pee Wee Championship -- 7.15|More communities have, indi- '> Wings vs Bears or Cana-|cated their intention to develop jdians manville for traffic from the|@Utomobile were each fined $10 north," the petition continued. |2"4 costs when they were found Said Councillor Mrs, Mar y|Suilty of failing to notify the Budai: "Our duty is to interfere|uthorities of the transaction. if one person's life is not safe) Douglas Windle of RR 1, at this point." ng rac appeared in Pick- She proposed having all mem.|°"28 Magistrate's Court Thurs- bers 7 Comnelt visite the two|@3¥ charged with failing to no- corners -and decide for them-.|'/¥ the authorities of the pur- selves and then notify the pro- chase of an automobile. He was It was standing-room only re- cently as an estimated 135 in- terested ratepayers and specta- tors filed into the township hall at Brougham. In an effort to speed up the s, the Chairman sug- ted Mr. McCallum to be as lef as possible. He expressed concern that a total of 600 appeals were om the court docket and only one had been completed. -------- Mr. agony porgenge boos e members that ad no inten-| tions of reviewing each of «| Aut m t M V 482 appeals at length but said) Oo a 10n a Kalmen Vizely appeal in detail | TAF : an Vizely appea il, | it would be regarded as a "test M ] d P ] case" by the court. 1S eda u 1 Ss In three other lesser appeals, held over from a previous|Nly 20 per cent of youngsters} agenda, the court reserved its decision. They owned by Harry C. Hamilton,| Don Mills; E. W. Wheeler and Fred Stiver, both of Agincourt but with small holdings in Pick- ering. Twp. An appeal on behalf of the Austin Rest Home near Clare- mont was also heard. The spokesman objected to a charge of business tax since the prem- ises, he said, had only four boarders and no doctors or ben yr eg oy The he ed that they had no jurisdic-| yw, oeb, Rigise, |Mr. Moebus was addressing the tion in such matters. Bowmanville Men's Canadian| QUESTIONS CONTINUED ;}Club at its March meeting at! The attention of the court|St. Paul's United Church. was returned to the Vizely ap-| He said juvenile delinquency peal and solicitor McCallum re-|Comes after a student has left sumed his examinations of Mr./School and can't find a job, Goslin. With respect to bushland, the SITS AT HOME Assessment Commissioner said| "He sits around home loafing, that he allowed no reduction| and hasn't got any money," said whless it is property that can| Mr. Moebus, "so he takes it -- be described under the Act as #d that's where it begins. reforestation. Mr. Moebus told members of "Solicitor Elliott argued that|the club how the New York in the Act, this matter was, not|Board of Education was en- clearly defined. deavoring to end delinquency. "Tt doesn't need to be," re-|. He said high school students) plied Mr. McCallum. "mr,|in that city take school - work) Gbslin has stated that he| Courses in which they study for) made no allowance." ja few months then are sent to) Mr. Elliott questioned Mr, | factories for working, later re-| Goslin's ly and was told turning to school again for more} that. no allowance had been) Study. made. "Apparently I under-| He said this helps students to stand Mr. Goslin better than his|8*t used to holding down a job solicitor," said McCallum. if they should leave school. "Did you examine the Vizely Mr, Moebus added that the bufh?" asked Mr. McCallum. | "¢ry lowest-educational level ac-| I looked it over and thought/©°Pted by employers in these} it' was ry nice bush," an-|ighly - mechanized times swe! the havessment Commis-| Grade 10. And it won't be too long be-} fore they're asking for Grade! Mr. McCallum said he hoped| School Areas STOUFFVILLE -- Eight out of thirteen public school sections|P-™. Maroons vs Generals. in the Twp. of Uxbridge show increases in mill rates for 1963|\P-m. Midgets vs Mt. Royals. according to a tabulated report! m, Tigers vs Flyers or Pir- es, of Council. Glasgow (SS No. 6) has the greatest one-year hike with a 1963 rate of 23.7 as compared to 16.3 mills in 1962, This is duc| mainly to the erection of a new} two-room school which will be} completed in the spring. The rate is up by 74 mills. Quaker Hill (SS No. 2) also| shows a sizeable increase, going| from 26.3 mills to 32.7. | Lesser increases are evident! lat SS No. 1 (Uxbridge); SS No.| 4 (Webb); SS No. 5 (Fifth) Line); SS No. 7 (Goodwood); | SS No, 9 (Garibaldi); SS No. 11) (Pine Grove) and the Separate ay th Tate. slen Major, Siloam, Roseville, | : : $ Mt. Pleasant and Union No. 13/2¢ 4 public meeting in are down from last year, Mt.|2rougham_ Hall Plan Meeting To Discuss Arena Need BROUGHAM --The question of an artificial ice arena and a | recreational centre for the Twp. the evening, March 28 at 8 p.m. "lan active track and field pro- Bantam Championship -- 8.00) gram for all age groups. Midget Championship -- 8.45|summer's program will be held Juvenile Championship -- 9.30) office next Tuesday. All Championship Games will|tor John Thorsen, of Cobourg. aired before a recent meeting|be two 20-minute periods on| Others expected to attend are Mar. 27, with the last two min-| Wayne Ring, Colborne director; jutes of the game stop time. In|Doug Rigg, case of ties sudden death over-|Murray Walker, of Peterbor- jtime will be played. The first ough, and Jim Ward, of Osh- team scoring a goal wins the awa, along with Jerry Lowless, | |of Pickering will be discussed on Thursday incl 'fing (fined $10 and costs vi 1 government h 8 5 ines. tis salted cg James Davy of West Hill was fined $10 and costs for failin Deputy - reeve Harold Mutt!to notify of the sale of the said he recalled a_ petition! yeni "some years back" to have the anicle. interchange put on Bennet road for safety reasons. | Peal eon yore nse j | ans and New- He favored finding out if the|roundianders prefer lager beer DHO still intends to go ahead|while the rest of the dominion with the interchange plans. downs its ale, says a brewers' All councillors agreed it had|istributing company. been a long time since any word was heard from the government on the matter. The first meeting of the direc. tors' committee to plan the in Cobourg, at the recreation Committee chairman is direc. of Bowmanville; | 4 \¢ STARTS STONITE Elvis PRESLEY Singing! Loving! Swinging! "KID Cobourg's track and field in- structor last season. It is hoped to standardize age grouping and events for meets to be held this summer, and make advance plans for a Sse- ries of meets, culminating in the district .championships at the end of the season. | 2nd and 3rd AIGA WITHOUT LEGAL FEES NO BONUS 1 MEET and HEAR The Honorable WALDO e lown ithly payment Mr. Goslin was sure he had observed the right bush. Mr. McCallum referred to farm properties in the southern portion of the township and compared its per acre land value with that on the Vizely premises. Pin-pointed for refer- ence was the Harold Mitchell, Pratt and Petty properties. Mr. Goslin said that record of sales from 1953 to 1960 in the area of the Mitchell farm show- ed an average of $502 per acre with some as high as $1,000 In reference to the Pratt farm, traversed by three hydro Hines, Mr. Goslin said that one acre had been deducted for each tower. Mr. McCallum then call- Od assessor, Mr. Wm. Gliddon 12," he told the 'group He said he made a tour of a Peterborough factory, and spoke! to the foreman, a man with! Grade 7 standing. On asking what educational) level would be needed to do aj job in the shop, the foreman re-| plied: "Grade 10 at the very very least." Mr. Moebus also warned) claims that automation replaces} as many jobs as it takés, may! be leading students astray. He said any jobs created by automation to build machipes are bound to be highly-skilled tasks requiring a good deal of technological tra'ning Situation today @ when he was attending. He compared the high school|Grove (12.0) 14.9 Pleasant (SS No. 12) has the} ; biggest drop, slipping from 30) Al! interested ratepayers and mills in 1962 down to 24 mills|°TSanizations in the municipal: in 1963. jity may attend. No school building serves this|. The Project has been the| section but the children are|SUbiect of discussion on vari- transported out of the area daily|0US occasions within Council] by bus. and Recreaiion Committee) SOURTICE e} HIGH SCHOOL A break-down of sectional|meetings but this gathering is rates throughout the township|the first move towards a start} rates { \Fri., March 22 Uxbridge area (29.1) f ; , (28-1). 3 ; . 4 i} for those with transportation Quaker Hill (26.3) 32.7; Glen|available ice is in the arenas uifficulties please phone 623- Major (10.0) 9.5; Webb (300)|outside the borders of thell 7292 for FREE TRANSPORTA- 33.9; Fifth Line (17.6) 19.9;|township and both rental andi} TION to this meeting. Glasgow (16.3) 23.7 |transportation costs have be-| ELECT. Goodwood (22.8) 23.7; Siloam|come quite high. A number of| G ie ick: d (18.4) 17.6; Garibaldi (17.4) 19.2;|natural ice rinks have been Roseville (15.7) 15.5: Pinelestablished in several commu- arnet R ckar' ' in Durhom Durham Progressive Conservetive Ansocietion MONTEITH Minister of Health and Welfare 'on such a program. 305;| At the present time, the only Mt, Pleasantinities but these | (30.0) 24.0; Union No. 13 (16.4)|too dependent 114.6; Separate (18.0) 26.5, projects are on winter lweather conditions. punt for prepayment OR e@ disc GALAHAD" IN COLOR -------- ; ADDED THRILLER! Ablaze with Real-Life Drama! "Incident In An Alley" BIG CAST e no legal fees SUPERI COUNT LI All-Canadian loaf company 17 Simcoe St. N. 725-6541 Open daily to 5:30 p.m. Saturday to 12:00 noon Wednesday to 8:00 p.m. Other evenings by appointment 17 OFFICES IN ONTARIO ADDED SATURDAY MATINEE "Bugs Bunny" Jamboree 1:30 P.M. ONLY mcaroe | BILTMORE > AMERVYN LEROY prooucnon + tase wpe pty", + Die ot Cheropagted ty domme Music by Jule Styne + Lyrice by Stephen Sondheim + Directed by Mervyn Leltoy » Scrvenpley by Leonard Spigeigans Book by Arthur Leurents « Bated upon the Memoirs of Gypsy Rove Lew TECHMICOLOR® TECHMIRAMA® From WARNER BROS. SHOW TIMES -- 1:45 - 4:10 - 6:40 - 9:00 LLL EE ELLE LLL LEE IT'S BEYOAD BELIEF! TWO BIG rst Oshawa MARK FOREST=CHELO ALONSO] Qua TECHNICOLOR:: SHOWINGS! UNEQUALED SPECTACLE! Unruxori 1ABLE 1HRILLS! A THOUSAND MEN FELL BEFORE HIS MIGHTY SWORDS

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