Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Mar 1963, p. 17

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GIES re even, + ES Nigi ww, cn enaetes PNM EEN TH Yeti COREE. 25--Apt. & Flats For Rent (26--Rooms For Rent 7--Real Estate for Sale 27--Reol Estate For Sale 127--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale a THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, March 19, 1963 19 wilderness, 2000|\PRINCE ALBERT -- Two-bedroom frases NORTH, near four corners,|AJAX -- private, three-bedroom Wamga- ; Se a, 'TEREE-ROOM furnished i» of alow, modern conveniences, ga-|three - room »| low, large room, near Shop- 132. Articles for le Ziose to hospital and Motore. Sait work.| contracted sngene on weliny, SinOD. 6 eee Wie Hot rage! viare ot Contact George Skeld.|stove, three-piece bath, private en- Ping Centre, schools and, churches. 4 hg couple. 965 monthly, Available "rorti| meee : +l cation hex 344, Oukawh: i trance. 725-1932 until 6 p.m. ste . payment, Telephon : Lie es -|§50,000 FULL PRICE for this ioury 'Blt wa bal siiawe Ber nichoacetboaners TOWNLINE EAST -- Five-room un-|DREW STRFET, 45 -- Nice, clean|old eight-plex. All rented, excellent) adjoining pt STATE LIM furnished, upstairs apartment, private|room in quiet home. No housekeep-|tenants, ail two bedrooms, two with) each, terms. 728-2628. CARL OL pad $75. per month ope olljing. Central, Gentleman, abstainer|dining rooms. A top quality invest- heating. 728-256 nly. T 728-4594. ment. ae full ---- A Mr. Di | 728-4678 amnon s yc Salons NEW HOMES REALTOR ia pisos STREET -- three-room apart 27 eal Estate For Sale hood, Limited. Puce ee. See $12,785 is the full price for a new bun- REALTORS : hie _ BEE O main floor, adults, Private "|FOUR - ROOM bungalow, Pickering|galow to be built in Grandview Gardens. 'or a complete choice ofi/new 723-1133 SHOPPING CE! / on bug line. Telephone 723-9507, Beach, nine miles from Oshawa. $70\/Only a limited number to be sold at 912 homes in 4 top subdivisions $14,900.00 ond here's what THREE-ROOM furnished apartment,|monthly. Reliable tenant only. Tele-|this price. Call Bob Stevenson, S. D. 623-5 : WINDSOR AVE. --= needy Sect aat os ae ni with cooking facilities. Private bath-|phone 723-3166 after 6 p.m. Hyman Real Estate Ltd., 728-6286. "DOWNSVIEW PARK" po ho i ag ae ond toon riisoge' Foom, couple preferred, Apply 44 Que-/eu Tate Avenue, 302; Bungalow, four|N NORTHWEST. NBA in resale, 6 per cent 16 Temperance St. : f 'oom | i Fagen tia bec Street. rooms and. bath, finished - recreation | mortgage, brick bunga- ""GOLFVIEW HEIGHTS" in excellent condition, huge yeors old, an oturing BROOKLIN, one-bedroom apartment in| room : oil heated. $2,500 down. Tele- lovely Sondion, lange lot, Taxes Bowmanville kitchen, recreation room, two large living room. with fire- ail Taclitien, clase| phone 725-736. : "peas acca "BELLA VISTA GARDENS| | cor garage, paved drive. Only | place and broadioom Built- ° sea and shopping. Parking sree, PRIVATE. 4900 Gown, full peice 10.408. - 728-7997. oe $7; na le om ps age ett ; | $12,700. with $2,000 down. in Lrenigrs -- separate ied i _ s . 4 $ yovdiong : fi 'ad - . a FIVE Hin 686-9611. nee |{00 ft tet Tie flones, oll heat. garage. |port. Northwest area. 'Large let with| giuminum. storms. and | GREENWOOD HEIGHTS" | sary st. -- 7 room, two ie Oy re oi fren ag Seaway Motors a Sas West, Whit: - by. 668-5893, SPECIAL th lor apart-|No agents. 725.3385 none '| screens,, ¥2 acre lot. Close With down ments as low storey brick home, large liv- A bath all on main ih AEROS) ment, Ideal for couple. Plenty of park- : ph Bosco, Koornneet, 72-) 'to No. 2 highway just west of : 595.00 as . ing and dining room with | . Rage He rat coe room | 1986 CHEVROLET, a real steal at $545, iy, $79 monthly, refrigerator, stove i- = one : 2 i es $595.00. itch Opf wale Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas Weet, Whit-| o, eluded, Call 723-4245. FOR $2 800 EAC H | Business -- opportunity, Oshawa, good value 'with ule brogdioom, modern kitchen, with Ber << 3 pack both "rk CAMERA and NEWLY DECORATED two-bedroom ! storey store, close to uptown, a able ot of} $1,000. og Pry Call, Bob : recreation room, 2 car gar- 2 bedrooms, laundry room, in Pri- parking, Equipped for butcher shop,| Johnson 728-2 S entrance. chips age. Close to High School. separate furnace room then a, rotate, Gana wabiee welorers. 2% te enw Oe pon lke LLOYD METCALF A real family home. Priced step out to a patio at back, a ers ance aren ce a eas et Sict| aaa roan. | Real. Estate Limited |S SURPG0./ehr tips Mire woe anyon akon eke Seep eee TWO-ROOM furnished apartment: large Bosco, Realtor. : 15 x 20 ft. garage, good 2 | 40 King Street East, 728-4678 | BROCK ST. EAST oe a t_ more 'can you OK for, [TTS Seaway Motore, $00 Dondas Wast.| cei: ling "heties Avsaahin Tage 1. Y, ACRE LOTS AJAX -- $1000 ean falasem bamais|" ford. Hons etostedl oA - : room, two storey red bric Le va; central. Telephone 728-9028. 2 low, full basement, three-piece bath. Whi 5893. large lot. $12,500.00. Call home, close to oll _conven- ALBERT STREET 1051 PREFECT nice transportation for NORTH OSHAWA -- Three-room baee- Crataly Tlepheee We teary nitet's| | Ron: Hatherington. 623-3697 LLOYD REALT Y poe A ones ile oka Lome 7 room brick family Tee: et; Wale, Game ment apartment, $65 monthly includes) In the City of Oshowo, ex- p.m. at Ajax om, | or 623-5212. : fomily heme,: Low. down bob. home with' 4 bedrooms, full me ment, ask: ice $11,00' 'dini . |1958 CHEVROLET %4-ton pickup truck, tisbnone' rans AMF § PM) Collent opportunity for build- INSUL BRICK Ae ' LIST WITH LLOYD pein a abe hisand ee Caer a al hastttes wide bor, two fone geen, Ar condition. Seen -- . ? ' lepho: .m. 725-6017, eeann orivale ore ooo i cor iad MS dal seit Fg HOME with liebe. goenin ad donc THEN CALL YOUR MOVER for this three bedroom bunga- and garage, All this for only | 555 GabittAc sara dan, 27/000 contained washer, dryer, one child wel;| C0" nado bear ete > shop, nicely landscaped 1 low, immediate possession. peers ryt y "pa ; term come. 728-1719. Miller 725-1186. W. T. 5 room, 4 piece bath, Pro- acre lot with fruit trees, ex- FOUR BEDROOMS N.H.A. Mortgage for the approximately $3,000. Telephone 728.2797 sar piling TRACERS would Tike ose of, two 'adies| Lamson Real Estate Ltd, pane Gas Heating, 3% acres, cellent for retired couple, Call balance. : Giavabiae : -bedroom ay . a i i Bb coe" North Cioed. bot sarvicne °26-"627 TWO BUNGALOWS LEFT FOR 3 miles West of Brooklyn, 728-2548. Lovely 2 storey home in im- 52 ACRE FARM -- located AIR CONDITIONED doer standard pig es Excellent shape, a . p.m. : ; : moculate condition through- Five room bungalow on Pat- | $150. $150, Telephone 723-4759, MODERN one- and two-bedroom apart." $700 DOWN $700 Asking Price $11,500 $9,800.00 -- $1,000. on out. Centrally located with .) -- 36 i 40 er ricia Street ---2 bedrooms, |i9s¢ FORD, four-door, light green, commie with Mente, wall to wall broadioom, stove.' <c, Cortier and Petry Cres- WITH TERMS 4. bedroom .home about deep lot, asphalt drive and Only $25,000.00 . dining room, large kitchen |white wall tires, radio, good running refrigerator, laundry facilities, avail- fie: iba . years old, large modern kit- garage, oil heated. $11,-500 y F 00. and living room, finished re- | condition, $450. Telephone 728-9095, Gra able immediately. Telephone 728-5282. | cent, very attractive inside, Telephone Brooklin chen, oil heating, Y2 acre Full Price, Call Irwin Cruik- GRANDVIEW VILLAGE -- creation room, well landscop- | 1955 CHEVROLET sedan, good runner. del ed jphliledanb euau 7 phone Bill Millar 725-1186. 655-4829 lot, close to school, 623- shonks now at 728-5123 or New 3 Gad 4 badégom homes ed and drive paved. Asking Special Se. ee Auto Sales, King 'floor. Apply tobi Apt, No. 1 after- $$$ 5212. 728-5205. * being built by H. Kassinger Price $12,000.00 -- Sub; ~ i: re noons. : W. T. LAMSON | 'in this beautiful location. stantial down payment re- aha, fale 0a Pe cay be ed 725-0632, ROSEHILL BLVD. .2 -- Attractive, | WHITBY COMMERCIAL properties for sale. Call the office for "EXECUTIVE HOME" Prices from $13,400. with quired. sonable offer, Telephone 723-1713. odes bad Water: Rleeicie rahe, vettian ac ee ss PS a eal ESTATE SALE N.H.A. financing. + 1960 V.W. deluxe, A-1, whitewalls, heat- aah N ats fan, radio, etc. $1,000 cash or best tndentrance. "Garage, #100. monthly RANCH bungalow with attoched gorage, built on a large lot on After 6:00 P.M. call: OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE 25-2997. | ny et ; DIAL 728-4678 852-6619, after 5. Ask for Jim.|SPRING and fail top coat, brown Henry St. L shaped living and dining room, fireplace, modern | Yes the living room is large Charles Naylor at 728-2857 1956 VOLKSWAGEN, A-l condition, new|Shiffer - Hillman, winter coat. blue, mcHELOR apartment, three rooms GUIDE REALTY kitchen with built-in. oven and stove, 3 bedrooms, oil heating, | enough to entertain in. Sit- Wes. Elliott at 728-0581 starter, battery and'tires. $475 or 'near-|Cromble. Size 40 - 42, Like new. 728- and bath in new apartment pbuilding. | wuafed on Sommerville Street. & ; & John. Kemp Dick Barriage | est offer. Bey 39 Sandra Street Kast,|5!81 after 7. I ' COCHRANE ST. -- 3 bedroom brick, old English style--Owner | Approximately 1,300 square | 299 King St. West 723-1133 | Joe Maga Lloyd Metcalf | Telephone 7a and soalinnine oe tena $75 monthly. 723-1424. LIMITED : furniture SP transferred, anxious to sell. Call Audrey Moore 668-4088 or feet with. 2 bathrooms, Rea- © | ae Ken Hann Jack Osborne | 1984 SoneLAC tear door sedan, snow appliances. by gon Pa NEAR ing centre, self: Y 668-5853 : Pret Partie 4 "a sonable down payment requir- tires, wheel discs and skirts. Block "723-3271. three-room apartment. Equipped. Suit-| |.G,A. SUPERMARKET -- ed. Coll Bill Johnst wet W Shatzmann heater, custom radio, Best offer. 725-3260|50u' dee be apace. Pdechons kenie:| Priced at. only $16,900. for . a ey 1957 DODGE Regent sedan, washer and dryer, See to appreciate. Telephone 728-8282. ' cde akat fully 2 storey fomily home on Athol Street, 10 rooms well built, in.e 728-5123 or 728-1066. REALTOR 28--Real Estate Wanted transmission, original 41,000 miles. New Peleotgar ree etn Sy gy Recon PARK Road South, three room unfur-| te ey en equip. good area, garage, FIVE-ROOM bungalow wanted tm Bart| $109 down, Taso" 'msde and out.|teed." Chester's Service, Blackstock, nished apartment, Private bath, laun-| equipped w \ ' t : : CLOSE TO B k Bid Whitb ern district of Oshawa, Have ¥ No 986-4926, ary facies Roig a Available April] ment, good lease, to inspec BROCK ST. S.--2 storey house, converted into 3 opts, oil heat roc g. itby | dealers, please, Telephone 7 1961 STUDEBAKER Hawk, power . elephone call now. er! 4 $ 4 ae j ST. CHRISTOPHER'S packel V8, four speed, all extras, one GE VACUUM cleaner, cylinder OT Ee ote wk | oe ee AND RIDGEWAY 668-3338 selling: Your Home 623-5860, tr Teese avai on rr. in antenna y -- . . . between 5 and 8 evenings. frontage, Ritson Road South, penned ANE Bick Retail a aivuee $10,900.00 PRICED TO SELL, A MUST ? 1954 BUICK two-door, hand top. Motor|QNE Electrolux Vacuum cleaner and iN NEWCASTLE = bented, one bed. $2,650. each. i SU » Brick Bungalow 6 years old, oi eating, port- ' WHITBY. CENTRAL 1; Wi h and body (at shape, Radio, bg: 4 ew room apartment, private bathroom, : ly finished rec. room, aluminum storms, low heating bill, Call Try your down payment on : 1 , ist it offer sells, 668-5126. bees AWNINGS vas. seaty Say fe ge ink, 12%2% NET INCOME -- Audrey Moore 668-4088 or 668-5853. this tidy, 3 bedroom brick $9,500--Originally $10,500. nates. SIMCOE NORTH -- Three rooms, veil.| !f you invest your money in home. Oil conversion with Cute 2 bedroom bun- GUARANTY trio, automatic tranamesion rea gb | lev Cleve Fox, ald Simove North. contained apartment, refrigerator and this triplex. Located in good PINE ST. -- large brick 2 storey house with extra 2 pc, wash- fon for comfort in summer. golow, 22 ft. living room, wheel discs, new 1963 licence Plates;| VACUUM cleaner repairs, "all makes, stove in kitchen. No children. Tele-| northern rentol area, There room -- 6 rooms. $95.00 monthly carries P. & |. Call Phyllis You may dine in a separate stone fireplace, oil heated, TRUST food condition $1750. Bien ccood Orono|Free estimates. Parts, a phone 725-0191 are three 5 room apartments McRobbie 668-5853. room off kitchen, for better water softener, extra large areaneen ee in very good condition. All ; : . relaxation. Enjoy a tidy home 68 x 162 ft. lot, $2,500 COMPANY OF CANADA CAR RADIOS", TO Gey Oshawa's Finest opartments rented. Very We hove Farms, lots and business properties for sale. Call for with loads of closets. A deep down, 1 mortgage at 75.00 dash, Complete good mortgage for 612% Information. with aerial, $59.95. k - lot offers safety 'for your monthly, taxes $211.00. Im- Call Now Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond West. super value, 725-6511, pai n children to play, Call to-day iat session. : Osha Office, oe LO- OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE or you will miss a chance of psi eee eres at 728-1 653 ens ee, ae ae ane aie 111 Dundas Street W. _ three-room o- a lifetime. Ed Drumm at 728- g " 4 itt " J e $13,500., 5 room solid brick AFTER HOURS vd aged q | WE buy, sell and pening dp 0 min. from. Downtown partments with separate ent 5123 or 725-9345, ' ' Pag q considered, $945 or -|niture or anything The -- ronces, 2 bathrooms, 2 kt, | 218 DUNDASST.E., WHITBY = 668-5853 dinthg room, picture window, |--CIL COLLINS 668-0716. ieee, wis Leer erate Sack ne |. ee vis belnee terse Peaete TWO BEDROOMS compact kitchen with built-in hofi | d k seat bells, back-up lghe; arm reste;|GUNteld aotossveraiod Ase od Spacious grounds gage. $8,500 fridge and stove, good size Sc 0 le -A er miles, Tes.esie Le és bedrooms, plus 3 room well make OFFER! Seven-troom Prestige location CENTRALLY LOCATED -- | Suitoble for older couple, finished basement apartment, Over A Quorter Century of 196 CHEVROLET, two-tone blue, radio, pe be dismeatied, situated Whiby. "Apply : : Attractive 6 room ranch with | well kept, oil heat, garage, gorage and workshop, beau- Reliable Service be appreciated. $695. sitike'a BA Service Da in ea ER AN 4 Private balconies double attached garage. Well terms can be orranged, call tifully landscaped, be ae can tion, Raglan. 655-3528, MOBILE Lge hunters look in Elevator service planned living room with cozy Bill Horner at 728-5123, purchased with very reason- Have YOU a HOME 1956 BUICK hardtop, completely auto- everyday. If log burning . fireplace L- REALTORS -- 67 KING ST. E. able down payment. ona r Controlled entrances weed Seiny resem, read | LLOYD REALTY You. Want SOLD (Ses < s. itenen i . $18,500 -- But owner says, ise OL DEMOBILE. 'iwe door hardtop, ifully finished 25 0] 725-7732 (OSHAWA) LTD. "bring an offer', outstand- excellent 40,000 original int ca Diagestg aoc 125-4] Ing, solid brick DUPLEX |We Have Both CASH |sues. sowmanvitte 623.736 Paved' porte recrea 101 Simcoe Street North 1. A 1953 HARLEY Bases rebuilt motor and all faved parking fireplace. located on Main street in & Term Buyers peering 'aaat : MODERN 4 bedroom home on forge lot, 2 baths, mony extros, Oshawa, Ontario whitby, 2 complete comfort- between 3 and 4, 723-2763, Don Howe INVESTMENT PROPERTY ---- we will consider your present home os a trade. able apartments, 2 4-pe For now or future building, at P Y H Fo t pow MORRIS Oxford OPEN EVERY EVENING bathrooms, hot water oil r Courteous and Evenings 723-9692 present: good store and 7 BRICK BUNGALOW, 3 bedrooms, new furnace, lorge lot, $10,- Pants . fimish; mechanically very 'good. Needs heated, 78 x 132 ft. lot, Efficient Service little body work. Telephone 728-6094. |DINNETTE silte, table, four room home on property. Good 700.00 ond name your own down payment, Call Ron Dropak and | doubl . $170.00 buffet. Natural color, Howe and Peters Realtors | [gcetion on Simcoe St. N. sisal monthly income. Call us. to PHONE 783-2265 or dition. 'Phones . Open to all offers. $9,200.00 -- Just listed this 2 bedroom -bungelow 'close to bus a 5. SNELGROVE | | inspect and make an offer, 9 till 9 OF HONEST Cal's Furnkure and KINGS COURT BUSINESS LOCATION -- 2° service, paved drive on paved street, fenced yard, finished ri We have a number of homes After 9 P.M WILSON BAT T ERY stores ond family home on room, aluminum storm ond screens. co. LTD, for sale from. $1,000. down agi | ile from. $1,0 ae Fen bias SALES AND SERVICE APARTMENTS carer location. Store squip- | $12,900.00 -- 4 bedroom brick completely modemized 'with REALTORS needa Mewtetinaeeceiime dm Ge ie. eee ore 641 Cromwell Ave, ASas Daal Bacolient Si fae small bar and 134 acres. Terms. Call Joe Crawford 623-3672. 43 PARK RD. S. 668-3338 or 725-7420. Steve Macko ... 728-5868 (Corner Park Rd. & Bloor St.) Open ' --------| Henry Stinson .. 725-0243 DIAL 723-3512 2.30. 9.90. Telephone 7280181 someone. $14,900.00 -- Centra] Park Blvd. N. beautiful 3 bedroom brick 723-9810 JOHN oe, | Reg. Aker 725-0201 AMAZING deals on health juice extrac No Leose Required. INCOME HOME, NORTH bungolow with builtin stove and oven, finished rec room and | | tors. Man: akes to choose i ' } | 9. * RENAULT- Trades 'also accepted. The Corals Cy : laundry room, aluminum railings and fenced lot, only 2 years | 725-8761 |29-----Automobiles For Sale Telephone 723-7688, bs Abereximotely 10. miles WEST AREA -- Asking only oid | | PEUGEOUT-AUSTIN x from Oshawa $14,500. for this 2 family | : | | Radio, awhile well cee pore Ports and Service igh AD gine heen at: 263-2294 or home, Sage in wey 2 | $13,950.00 -- Inspect this 7 year old 2 family home in beauti- | $2,000, DOWN Realtors LTD. Insurance | $1050 or closest offer, Telephone STATHAM 263-2695, é Opposite large Shopping Centre | stoves, refrigerators, T.V. ful condition, 2 kitchens, 2 baths, garage ond extra large lot Owner trovisfeted, 'must sell; 167 Simcoe St. S. bsnl a NE SELLING furniture or appllanced® near schools, churches, etc. | one ond ee oe between Oshawa and Whitby. Call Rolande Tierney 725-5207. | one owner bungolow, clean Office Hrs. (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) [cages automat "Rag, WE" ar B.A. SERVICE We'll buy it for 9 ae "elephone L One Bed $73 | basement. Loads of cup- | LIKE A COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE with city. conveniences, bus and well cared tor, fully de- MORTGAGES Can_be financed. (725-8132. | RITSON ROAD AND KING |Store, 24 Prince Street. 728-9191, arge eeeer boards. Call now to inspect. line and schools, This attractive 3 bedroom bungalow has all corated, storms and screens, > Two Bedrooms $79 | 1931 CHEVROLET coupe, ae we: Olds-| 723-4733 and 723-7712 B. F, Stores -- Tires, Bat- this ond more, a finished rec room with bor, stone fireplace, | TV antenna, nicely landscap- Arranged, Bought & Sold |mobile powered $625. Will accept trade. 4 NORTH EAST SUBURBS -- i / teries, tele- " , Telephone 725-8752. KELLY DISNEY vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. broad! I 'oom and dining room, It drive. | ed lot, 3 bedrooms, family s Custom "built 6. ream | french recital bata! Sa bndhs dak ° ining room, osphe dise kitchen ahd living fob: BUILT-IN STOVE & OVEN PRs new motor, USED CARS |HAVE you furaiture or sepliances for TELEPHONE bungolow with attached gor- A REAL BUY at $13,900.00 -- 3 bedroom brick bungalow with | 6% N.H.A, mortgage, a call If you are wanting those l phone 7as-blen chee b S yay ion. Tele- 409 BROCK STS pee wir by peo ages yy AJAX WH P 2001 age. 1,320 sq. ft. of excel- gorage under, all schools in area, very large kitchen, tiled bath- tonight can be the answer. mtn inet make o hore bai NEU Bie MeL VIS ae WHITBY 668-4991 South, 725-5181 oF 725-6457, . lent living space, cal] now to room, lovely view. Call Earle Allen 725-7782. worth while, now we've go | ; them! Each' room decorated | lates, Telephone 'Bowmanville ézuase.| CO" Bought and sold What's My Line? 26--Rooms For Rent inert OWNER TRANSFERRED -- Inspect this exceptional home in $10,000. FULL PRICE -- with good taste. Sodded ond ae a ee ee lable paid off 3 ¥ COMFORTABLE room, continuous hot) JUST LISTED--6 room stone Beau Volley without delay, exterior trimmed in Colifornia Red id Gems with 4 team fenced back' yard for 'the shift, good condition New licence Nikpae op or coe Buying and selling used fur- woiet, close to Four Corners and bus) and brick bungalow with at- | Wood, thermopane windows throughout, extra bath with vanity, house and large barn, niee children. This home is only |plates, radio, whitewalls, T ways Top Quality niture and appliances. For stop. Gentleman preferred, Telephone) tached garage. Exclusive finished family room 151% x 24 ft. with open fireplace attach- level land, located: on. Town 5 'yeors old and can be |725-9807. your needs phone. Te5-0003, __..| North West 'Area with 1,232 ed gorage, nicely landscaped with rock garden ond hedged and Line Ra, N purchased under good terms, | 1954 MERCURY, cheap transportation, | The Home Of Valley Creek Furniture ADELAIDE EAST | = - clean, 'furnished sq. ft. of living comfort. fenced lot. For more information. please call 725-4701. caer asking just $1,500 down, | iuns well, $95. Seaway Motors. 200 Den-| bedroom, weekly; a wo-room | y das Street West, Whitby. 668-5893. fe 6 apartment, private® bath, kitchen eup-| 4ome only 6 months old. | Coll Mr. Ratcliffe at 725- eee sf Good Used Cars 728-4401 or call at the store -- boards, stove, $10 weekly, 723-7797. | $4,000 down. -- -- ' Sane s $11,900. FULL PRICE 6544, 16% Bond W room, alove and refrigerator, 'closets, TOWN LINE SOUTH--Good | a" = : : Sree pores te em, $12,000 TILDEN Before You Buy TELEVISIONS te |e ore areiow "with Pine 6 room bungalow, fully |- Value packed six. room dup- CAR AND TRUCK Give Bill A Try Rebuilt sets, oll makes Guor- ALBERT STREET, 497 -- Two furnish- : e | @ O | ¢ a eG l completed for comfortable lex, featuring oil heat, two anteed. One yeor warranty ' ed bedrooms, newly decorated, private Neg eo t gird nice. large living, just 3 years old, bathrooms, garage, close to RENTALS BILL WHITTICK ee tube. We also shower, in private adult home, near| rev , completely decorated, alu- schools and shopping, best (All Makes and Models) ple id ; bus. Telephone 728-3323. Se | BIBRETON -- roan home | | é ; minum. storms and screens, of tenants, only $1,500 CALL 625-6553 MOTORS LTD. McKeen's Area ros cg ots awe are] on large lot with modern kit- TV tower, $1,600. down, 6% down and low monthly terms. 14 Albert St. Used Furniture 426 Simcoe $. three, Private bath. Telephone 728-3814,| chen, 3-pt. bath going for | [ | } | e N.H.A, mortgage on balance, | Call Mr. Gower ot 725-6544, 146 BROCK ST. N. 725-5181 or 725-6457 OLIVE "Avenue, 973, jHant Novietneping| only $4,900. Full price. payments $92. per month DUPLEX -- $12,900 YOUR VOLVO DEALER WHITBY T ONLY $5,300. FULL PRICE vig tied ag Meine I brick hom JAKE & BILL'S Vacuum Cleaners ; eges. Telephone 723-1832, i L liabl H in itby. Two family ric e, OMAWA able King "Bier Eaal| FOR THIS 4 ROOM BRICK Over A Quarter Century Of Reliable Service spotless condition, Adelaide GARAGE BGSA741 otk 668-4025 FILTER QUEEN weekly rates, rooms, single and double,, HOME in good condition K IS FOR KING, also for Kassingér. You too can hot water heated, television. Telephone : Ave., near hospital, 2 kitchens, GENERAL REPAIRS and New & Used Machines 723-9761. complete with oil furnace and live like a king. If you have Kassinger design ond $1,400. DOWN 2 bathrooms, separate hydro, AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE SPOT. CASH : Filters 12 for $1.50-- | 66 pe; both. Must be sold, see build you a new home in Oshawa's finest Estate Bungalow bargain, 5 rooms, | meters, garage. Only $2,500 ; PAID FOR ATTRACTIVELY this one. today. --Beau Valley. A call to this office will start you | 3 bedrooms, clean 'condition, down, Let me show you this 449 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa 30 for $3.50 FURNISHED ROOMS oe on your way. my decorated, stone ae | home. Call Mr, Rankine at 728-0921 or dete iad oe 4p Repairs at low factory rates. For full I I 1121 Planter, inspection without 725-6544, es id Fitti : 'hr erent Hagliet goktapnars ace gate 2 NEW HOMES -- 2 -- $800 DOWN--- 5 room | obligation, | |__ aah ee 2 BUYING OR SELLING DODD MOTOR SALES | Nylon Hose, Old Fittings $9.95 Call Spreaen 5 ond a Om. | Open daily 9 a.m. to-9 p.m, brick and stone ranch bungalow. ee oom $2,000 DOWN TED CAMPIN 314 gees AR each ie FILTER eau SALES saleee | Hollywood kitchen 19' long features MA 0 x * ( awa 82 PARK RD. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED CUPBOARDS and relltop counter tops, 3 bedrooms. $700. DOWN Everything for, the family . 323 King Street West 728-7582 NORTH | Reolters, 16 Simeee St. S. | - master bedroom 129" x 11/6". 4 pc. ceramic | N.H.L. rasole, 6 roém brick | from @ lorge kitchen for MOTORS. 30----Automobiles Wanted _ j | tile bath. Deep dry basement, oil heating, and split level bungalow, a grand Mom, 6 14 by 32 foot games 1086 OR i857 Chevrolet or Pontiac =i BOATS MOTORS | double sHding windows. N.H.A, financed, Monthl Opportunity to step intd your room for the. younger set to 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA i Ya%. IMMEDIAT own home where the owne tw for Dad' ust East of Wilson RbGd) [phone 'rassomee" vo7s Conaition. Tele t : ts $81.72 P. & I. at 644%. | n where ner a two cor garage for $ u! WHITBY CLASSIFIED POSSESSION. : hos tronsfered, cor and boot. Just eight 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 CAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want care ON DISPLAY years young ond near Done- for wrecking. Highest prices paid , HOT WATER HEATING -- You will love the low siaseo ka wich von Collegiote. The price? |* acer Nar nt A lg cath yi gho ' sweeping lines of this spacious 6 room brick ranch . Why only $12,700. Better bd ! 100 CARS WANTED Rak Evinrude, Valve Rare SEPTIC TANKS eienned, prompt serv-/FOR RENT -- One - bedroom self bungalow with attached gorage. 1,200 sq. ft. of Older 4 bedroom brick home call. now, : 4 OMC. 88 Mailers fee on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut| contained apartment, heated, $55. Ap-| living area, featuring huge hollywood kitchen with in beautiful condition, com- $3,000 DOWN Buying a New Car? oe i gh tal rw Ay ote hous i. Say, 200 Brock Street South. cupboards galore --- double closets in the 3 bed- plete ook & tile floors, mod- ' : Sell your used Car to Ted" Open Until 8 p.m. tent, Beth | ------ rooms --- 2 lovely washrooms -- one on main em in every respect, 4 A three bedroom brick bung- gale, $200. Phone Ajax WH|22FOOT pI jlastie awning in A-1 condi- trailer, with 10-toot dining sy . Talk "Cash" to the New pom cash tion, psec ih ede eurteitis and floor, ond one located between the charming family piece tiled bath ond 2 wash- alow with wood burning fire- e MARI NE _ i ; tui heating, recreation room and TED CAMPIN MOTORS Storage & Suppl Ltd. drapes, stove, refrigerator, washing fa-|cantile Dept. Store. 321 Brock Street ide torae itor: living tay oabe'. Cuntes IN LOVE WITH A . eed ------ . : landscaped lot with over size attractively landscaped. Al F aay age ger MODERN two- Sedecons Sataraiahed, This value packed 7 room home with garage should i CERT. N NEW CAR? $ ALL CASH $ DRAPES pet mosthiy. Adults preferred. Telephone nice features in this Kassinger built home. Early family and first time offered BUY If NOW WITHA phone 7250000 afier 6 p.m. vepecitiy, Sete eran actees, Piling] 1S YOUR PRESENT HOME too small, too lorge, too | Separate entrances, Used Furniture, 35 Dundas oot, Wane for the first time, in Grandview Village. Prices $1 3,- choose from, Grierson St, apartment availoble imme- 668-8001 Expertly Installed Need immediately, ladies and SERVICE STATION | DRY GOODS Good income, part time. | People REG, AKER ... 725-0201 STEVE MACKO 728-5868 of commercial -- properties REALTOR LOAN vert THE BANK OF MOTOR TUNE-UP AND Times Classified 360 King St. W evenings GENERAL REPAIRS " ' Car Dealer and "SAVE"' es | Al BOSOEREY metal brackets. Suitable room and the children's rumpus room. 6% mort- rooms, 'notural fire place, place, forced hot air oil FOR RENT -- Bachelor apa: for store front or summer cottage. Mer- Central! located, 723. 72 55-3641 H f H garage. entraily located, -4494 Res. 5-5574 Brooklin, Ont. 655-36 eer ee ee es, Pas, 3 YEAR OLD SPLIT LEVEL located in the East End a : ; , centro! location, % ms ears, art hn terrier. paved parking. Free. use of dyer, $45 sell quickly. We would just love to show you all the nate bane fe pp gh sn ed Bh sc ly A igh 'ail curls over back. Answers to| monthly. ; Mam» A ES possession may be obtained. for sale. nage a te ten: Tene -- lene rel ed Modern Designs FOR RENT -- Bright twobedroom|DRRSGWAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, r Fh EE agli Mga aerial : PARE |. lonial, Provincial apartment, Available ist of May. Tele- mitiraly om XK AKKK KKKK NICOLS MOTORS LTD. Aer Flach! Patiarri ea ® specialty. Mrs, Toms. 668-2372, old? -- If so, let H, Kassinger build you a new one. 2 bedroom b lows, 2 t self-contained, double garage : : |BUY, sell or exchange used furniture! Kossinger will be building in the low price range, ba A ead Hd : and beautiful garden. Lower xX 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY Custom Made AVON and appliances, what have you? Goold| d Mieklond "A ou 4 on ighlan ve., one on diately. " r} a) cA debi scuay sale. Baiaed ve 31--Automobile Repair M-and C fe ae Herat Grea' with | Snes For Full Details, Call 723-2265 --- Open.9 to 9, Sot. 9 to 5. PAUL RISTOW a my HOUSTON'S GARAGE ambition to earn money. Business After 9 P.M, Call We have 0 good sélectién ¢ BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- Write: Sing the Praises BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 | HENRY STINSON 725-0243 ey ee nee ee | enn a. HERES PLETE BRAKE SERVICE 74 CELINA STREET P.O. BOX 512 | Timerce a 3 PHONE 723-7827 Free Parking Call 723-9810 or 725-8761 1 : 7 KING ST. WEST a OSHAWA Ads. 52¥4 Simcoe St. N, NOVA SCOTIA . 723-7822 (Continued on Page 18)

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