BOYS' BASKETBALL THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Merch 15, 1963 1] Pa Parts And Service Team | OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS _ mmowy ogy Wins Biddy League Title :2?2e°22 Ee seers) DISPLAY AT Kingside 1 - 1, Radio 2 - 3, Joan Reid 203, Myrtle | See Section ond -- North Oshawa 3,| Alexander, Ed , Berwin' Adams, Storie 1} Sunnyside 2 - 4, Bathe 05| inane be ir re te Weeks 202, Wednesday evening in the|the Parts and Service crew) Bastview 1 and 2 splits Fernhill 2 + 0,' Slay sey age pe same Simcoe Hall - Y'. Men's Club of| Were able to quell the tide and) Mires cison -- Kingaide 4-3, Thor-| 'There were nine in the Lemon League after three quarters of the game |ton's 1; Woodview 3, Kingsidé 3 - 1;| again this week. | eee Oshawa Biddy Basketball hey led 25 to 7. Kingside 2-3, Rundle 1 - 1; Rundle 2-0, was over they . League finals, the favored Parts "4, BUSH LEAGUE | Rundle 3 ; X Then in the fourth and final, A newcomer, Marg Shemilt, tops the) win had and Service team walked Off|quarter, the Sportscrew played| list this week, with §35 tollowed DY out |nice. towing. a ates naa cee tent with the coveted laurels by|the kind of ball that they should|"7o9, -- Pat Belmonte 782, Keith (Daler this week with 'a nloe 787 (301, 3 trouncing Bolahood's Sports-|have played for the whole game, | Smith 775, June Lawson 716, John Sharp | 955), ' 6 3 as out sank their Parts op-|715. Lioyd Sabins 713, Chuck Rout 711, | (959, . D. Brown 701 (299), R. haven 30 to 15, -- ; ay : hogs en ban 'abel hris Collins 704, Bud Morris 702 and | Wright (275), G; Oliver 676 (275) From the starting whistle, it)ponents eight to Vie Wikitameon 701 R, Browh 687 (290),-D, Baker 663 (286), i 0 is one sided game a little} 600's -- Ig Clark 697, Marion Ding-| q" r was evident of the outcome as ve oe " rp oe te nan 885, Dave Bowler 686, Rint Sang, | Ht, Glil 650 (268), 8, Bert 059, 8, Huband Parts hit for about fifty per)?! e en PFE 642, 'Tony Romaniski 679, Bob Carter 250 So B. Dove 281 ; cent of their shots in the first] viously. 677, Rich March Ji, 616. Fred KDaP neat 3 ores -- B. Dove 288, B, Holly- quarter and jumped right into|- This win, coupled with the\¢5@° Paul Collins 656, Bd Shemult ss4,|, Points -- Be 4, Zoltan Nick and an eight-to-two lead. Parts and Service 21 to 18 vic- Bill Haybail 653, Rich Forster 643, Jo| 280s Fina t 4, Oshawa Jo : v p 5 Glass 0; T : City. Yi As the second quarter began, |tory in the first gamé, gave|Devideon, 6%, Norm Werks, 32 Dell (NG Way 9: Lan and Lot's & home Parts continued their mastery|them the series and the cham-/ogden 619. Helen Haybali 615, Gord|T%#! Points -- City Yards 14, Len i ori d|pionship 51 to 33 |Reid and Bill Badgley 614, Bette March |4"4 Lou's T Beatty's 11, George's | both in the scoring column an f . +¢|612, Coline Lavaile 603 and Chris Beko |2¥,10. Tony's 9, Oshawa Glass 8, Acme ' in the checking, making the half; Top scorer for Bolahood S| george 601, "\% CNR 6, Zoltan Nick and Dan's Fina * 100, 85, 65, time score read 12.0 2 in favor|Sportshaven was Rajkovic with| 200s" -- Bev Arsenault 201, John Mc. |* *%¢ Nu Way 0. | Add 'em up... 100, 85, 65, 60, $, whi ; scree sto 20, 9.8 and 6 horsepowers of Parts, 13 points, while for the Parts Siting. 230," Less Dixon 254, | Leabelle 85, 20, : : ; and Service crew the top man|sole 24," Jeon Lawton' son gue | That's the power range of the Raaheor's deirtanaves : wane was B, Melynchuk with 11, |Andrews 207, Stella "Seattergood 235, SHORGAS |new 1963 Mercury outboards, cs , in{ After the game, crests were| Caro! March 201, 215, Hank Lawson 229, | Your Mere dealer has the PARTS AND SERVICE bas- Men's Biddy League, are this week, Left-to-right, they itt, president of Oshawa Y's to come to ie, » 484iN| sresented to the members of the|za1 Caneon Heard 21, 0, ehelle Pet | HEATING & ; widest 'selection of outboat . } . e] Ale Men's Club; Bob Bathe, coach; Parts and Service team as well|terson 221, 214, Bill Doreen, George | ilable. He hi Ketball team, 1962-63 cham- shown above, following thelr Sit, Nivant Cononico, "Ray G. Graham, official; A. Fel IT'S TEST RACE asthe Biddy League Champion zs ttn Ba Pp le wanton [the world's most powerful out , y " , : i . Ralahs £9 neat Gay" . BOWIE, Md, (AP)--The Ken-|ship Trophy to their coach by|and Nick Flaminio 218, Rose . | ustrial an | ', _Dions of the Oshawa Y's title triumph on Wednesday of Goddard, oficial; Clem Hew- M, Simny and B. Melynchuck. BOW. O00. FOS the oailthe President of the Y's: Men's|sed Cady Shum aurcrat coca l| gw pm | yet lof two of the horses expected|Club, Clem Hewett. mrt ommercia: | hp fishing motor. The Mere 110 4 ais i, eee nena sie j | \to start in*the $50,000-added| Parts and Service -- Cononico, IN The established, Ge 4 eet BASKETBALL |Governor's Gold Cup at Bowie|5, Felix 3, B. Melynchuk 11, N,| MUFFLERS | Dealer le youtersa. | weighs only 65, nipea as son Ou u | {Race course Saturday, and a|Melynchuk 6, Alchin, Zimny 5.) é INSTALLED |) | He boar ds. SCORES \third is pointing for the Preak-| Total 30, Fouls: 4 out of 9. ~S In Sion | 31 CELINA ST, || See the Mere 850, 85 horse: | 'ness, T, A. Grisson's City Line) Bolahood's Sportshaven--Raj- | power. It's a dockmate to the | | land Patrice Jacobs' Bonjour|kovic 13, Boivin, Luke, Jarvi | * (Corner of Athol) - |} Mere 1000...the only out- Tac eam | By THE CANADIAN PRESS |haye been nominated for the|Naurot 2, Halick, Total 15.1 gy "NG ¢ ~ PHONE 723-7822 728-9441 | board that surpasses it in powers National Association May 4 Kentucky Derby. Henry| Fouls: 4 out of 15. : | The new 1963 Mercurys include ; \St, Louis 114 San Francisco 109|Hecht's Senator B will be Mak-| je Te, 265 hp, 4-cylinder outboard sus Canadian Senior jing a bid for the Preakness at | i Pinilico, May 18 9 . ; the Mere bad and a nee 85 |Montreal 109 Winnipeg 72 in (Biota: Aes Le ae an Teco | 0 h T T T d Uh 4 \S hp, twin-cylinder outboard .... To Ol mMmpic oO 1m | (First game of four-game | $ awa $ op ire ra er , ; | the Mere 350. Like the Mere , |round-robini) Have Bg Manca ag é . 1000 and 850, they hive leo : | and Tailored by 1 } Ni Dome combustion chambers By JACK SULLIVAN jthese events; they like to see|provement, particularly among yee 82 ye wert i) TISH SMALL TRUCKERS ( that squish the fuel-air mixtut® Canadian Press Sports Editor pose tg runn 'af a nanaree the Cinderella events, as a re-| ae gg oh TO = SAM RO to control combustion for The best way to develop field-jyards, four or 12 laps around) .yi: of the Legion's coachin BO cries pena Se 7 KING ST. EAST Whi : mum efficiency. si event athletes in Canada, or any|the track. But the field-event igh; Ta 10 ye ™ Sa ie tank + Hamilton 78 Tillsonburg 54 Ih Brom. A' Letee Selection of Tf ATTENTION More's new 60.hp: Mere 600 other country for that matter,|athletes are the real connois-/P\an. bogie stirs (Hamilton wins best-of-three ; ish Wooll S| eres ne P is to "winkle them out of the|Seurs of the sport, They seem| ternational records set, we can) nitingl series 2 Fine British Weollens : 2 = the most power that you can bushes, coach them and inspire|to be more knowledgeable about| $#Y sly this plan is really pro-)----------_____ 600-16, 6-ply Heavy Service ' 39 ay 4 get for the money and there are : ; inst a $ " ey Dyson, |track records amd so on than|@UC! DOMINION ROYALS & Trades. three new fishing motors «@. them,"' says Geoffrey Dy 1 Dyson, who speaks with the most track athletes na fa tour to alk fe ioack and PHONE OR WRITE Mere 200, 20 hp, Mere 110, 4 Hy] Bh a0 " han? , Ca 650-1 -ply Hea ery ; S i hp, and its little brother, the nervous rapidity of an itchy-fin.| There isn't the glamor thatifield officials, had one parting FOR 1963 MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION eatin Abo Rg Stl we 49 ne ere 60, 6 hp. '| gered man on the business end|tom out. wherever. they are,|Vore, sbout, coaching: d ae : . These add up to » lot of horses of a machine-gun, held court)? : | "Leave the athlete alone. for 'wo hours In "Toronto vie|Somegne has to grab them With owt ride his back. I's noi Club House Under | i ener ee ag Ag Pm with the It isn't easy, but it can bel to see him every| ' Construction © BUDGET TERMS to suit you dune." |workaut, or every week or even outboard manufacturer, All reputation of being a hard-hit-|@one. every month. He doesn't want| } ; | new Mercs have full ting, dynamic, olunt, outspoken) Dyson, head ceach of the AM>lii ne told over and over again| DUFFINS CREEK GOLF & } TIRE STORES e And RED TAPE ,.. We do our own and single-lever control. chap who couldn't resist the) steur Athletic neg By to do it this way or that way.| | prerrenes inancing Only Mere dealers have them. temptation of steoping on offi- ae Gone Britis lym *:!Let him know at the beginning! ay INION See yours today. Now made im yl |teams at Helsinki, Australia| "bat to do, and let him do it COUNTRY CLUB LIMITED | | ROYAL pp DOMINION TIRE STORES LIMITED Canada at new low prices. He turned out io be a friendly,| 14 Rome H think: ith| alone. Afan likable, gregarious chap who me, MO Wes NOW, Wi Me eee ee cen cana-|the Legion's coaching plan, that! oooh, te make the atilets tn BOX 489 PHONE WH 2-3210 i 48 BOND WEST (Corner of Church) 725-6511 INERCOR. Canadians should see results in dian track and field in order. ; dependent of him." He's on a five-year contract as five years or less. | pe we. 88-8 director of the Royal Canadian|NO MAGIC NEEDED 6 hp outboards Legion's sports training plan. "No magic up anyone's sleeve, That's a mouthful but,jis necessary to boost the sport.| | (akira, oe ee summed up, it means he's injIt's in the hands of the Cana-| ; Canada to develop track andijdian people. If they want the field coaching that ultimately) sport developed, it can be done. should pay dividends by lifting)The gospel should be spread this country from an almost-|throughout the country to motn- nothing nation in track to ajers, fathers, teachers and so world power. It will take years,/ on. but he's convinced it can be) 'Canada has a world of talent done jon its doorstep and I think that : in 10 years this country can WILL HOLD CLINICS beat the daylights mong A the at He's going to feel his way along because, as he says, "I'm i gar Wo Mf it puts its jot here to tell coaches what) «Jy five } to do, but to discuss theories) w, Hrsiel desc gp gerd and ideas with them and to hold) -- clinics and see if we can't Riss ip earn velop more coaches with more} know-how." * " The subject of the scarcity of iT pays to know' top field-event men and women came up, lifting Dyson to his voluble best. Why, questioners wanted to know, hasn't Canada more athletes throwing the hammer, discus and javelin, broad jumping, high jumping, pole vaulting and so on? In the 1960 Olympics at Rome, for instance, Canada sent only two field-event athictes -- one male, ome female, In the 1962 ( British Empire Games in Aus- ») tralia, three pole vaulters, a fe- male javelin and discus thrower| your CAR ENGINE IS LIKE YOUR and a male shot-putter went HEART--IT NEEDS CARE AND along. And the selection com-| -- pERiODIC CHECKUPS. Just one mittee was rapped for choosing carbon-coated spark plug can rob three vaulters and cutting nu: even.a 4-cylinder engine of 259% of merical strength of the track its power, It also wastes gas and men, ; ; " "It's labor to produce 'ield- pee cncoaghtch ham event people just about any- peng are 0 ie a where in the world, except in| #ne checked regularly... it really Russia and the United States] ays. And it also pays to check the where they really work at it," pr gl pegs a a yson said, | : "Don't forget, these are the) WithStateFarmMutual. Cinderella events. People in the| Call me today! stands don't know much about Se REMEMBER WHEN .. .? By THE CANADIAN/PRESS Canada's Belleville Mc- Farland's won the world hockey championship at Prague four years ago to- day although beaten 5-3 by Cuochalovalia in the lat | ZEN WARENYCIA game of the five-game round robin tourney. Can- | ene Cen AWs BEYD..1. - ae aoc each finish- | 725-5841 with four wins and one title on the basis of goal STATE FARM joss but Canada won the |, Mutual Automobile Insurance Company averages; 21-7 for Can. \CAN NEA® OFFICE, TORONTO, ONT. ada and 20-10 for Russia, aan ae t Sane Li ae abana Big: a STARR FURNITURE & APPLIANCES / Sport - Division "10 YEARS OF SERVICE". 491 RITSON RD. S. 723-3343 init Se say "MABEL, WASHABLE Jy} ,