Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Mar 1963, p. 8

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er et halerbedbeseiesieatiehammenaten (Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, March 14, 1963 UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES the minutes. SA HOME LEAGUE Mrs. Major Fred Lewis open- ed the Salvation Army Home|Mrs. John Poch, League meeting recently. | Mrs. Frank Buller presided at the meeting, reading the list of sick members and friends. Mrs, William Saunders prayer. Mrs. George Beard read the Fellowship Group, also the said Arthur Ferguson, prize. Refreshments were sefv- ed by Mrs. John Peaker and ST, STEPHEN'S UCW (Nellie Dearborn Unit) The Nellie Dearborn Unit of St. Stephen's UCW met recent. ly at the home of Mrs. Ferries Jr., with nine members Mrs, William James made the| Present. ¢|announcements, mentioning the M St, Patrick's Tea to be held at|™'S. the Citadel, Friday, March 15, In the absence of the leader, Aylmer Ward was in charge of the business meeting. sponsored by Hasty Notes and stamps were Alex Mrs. "SOCIAL NOTICES AT HOME Mr. and Mrs., Irwin South- well, 377 Beverley street, will be happy to receive their rela- tives, friends and neighbors, at their home on Saturday, March 23, from 3.00 to 5.00 and 7.00 to 9.00 p.m. on the occa- sion of their 30th wedding an. niversary. _ AT HOME Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Vice will be happy to receive their relatives, friends and neighbors at their home, RR 1, Ennis- killen, on Saturday, March 16, from 2.00 to 4.00 and 7.00 to 9.00 p.m. on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary. MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey McCon- key announce the marriage of their daughter, Ella Marie Young to Mr. David Charles Peters, son of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Peters, all of Oshawa, The ceremony took place Fri- Serve Waffles. For Quick Meals - Treat your family to a ae ful of hot, crisp waffles, them for breakfast with crisp bacon or sausage. For lunch t: cheese waffles topped wit creamed vegetables and for a glamorous dessert, top golden waffles with vanilla ice cream and frozen strawberries. PLAIN WAFFLE RECIPE Sift 2 cups pastry flour, 14 teaspoon salt and 3 teaspoons baking powder, Combine éne and two-thirds cups milk and one-third cup melted butter with 2 beaten egg yolks. Mix liquid into dry ingredients just until moistened, Beat 2 egg whites until soft peaks form and gradu- ally beat in 2 tablespoons r; beat until stiff peaks form, Fold egg whites into batter. Bake in preheated waffle iron, without opening until no steam escaped. Yield 5 - 7 inch waffles. Serve at ence with honey or maple syrup or as si uggested day, March 1, 1963, in South-|above, For variety, stir 1 cup i sent to a church member ill in ' y regen a ace ca : e the hospital. Business discussed ; "|was the Daffodil Tea and Ba- ae and refreshments serv: war on ia the als i ve|tribution of flowers at the time a a ae i of a death o r illness in the sive Scripture por-|8Toup. Le She introduced the guest] A total of 19 home and hos- i |speaker, Mrs Walter Branch,|Pital calls were made by the | who gave a talk on her visit to/members since the previous Russia. - |meeting. Mrs, Major Fred Lewis thank-| Mrs, Alex Ferries Jr., based ed Mrs. Walter Branch on be-|her devotions around 2nd Tim- ~ \half of the Home League and|othy, Chapter 3, verse 16. | |presented her with a small gift.| Her meditation was on What '| Refreshments were served by|the world would be like if we the Cheerio Group. | didn't have Bibles. -- March 19, the guest speaker) Mrs. abate . pa will be Mr. Harold McNeill, di-/ Mrs. Stephen Saywell conduct- : rector of Simcoe Hall. ed a Bible Study using posters| Fur hats from Canada be P " ked'"',|Came popular in England in the gra PARENT comm, --_|catiled, "Where resus Walt" |mid-igits but cost the equiva: The March meeting of the 9th illai nd Mrs.\ent of six month's wages for a| Parent Committee of the Girl Leva icon ner hy in read-| Skilled workman. | Guide Association was held at|ing passages of Scripture and (SANITONE) : SPECIAL the home of Mrs. Adrian Hill)tgiq of the different homes/Mrs, John Kellington gave a| with the president, Mrs. Jack) nore Jesus visited and thelreport on sick members, Mrs.| stavice sag Oa ggh or impression He left with the dif-| Frank Gravelle reported on the| The Mother and Daughter ferent people. president's activities for the op Spagtlihen Ce eld May cke| A social half hour followed| month. ' ote ane now available from Mrs,|with Mrs. James Randall's) Mr, William Redpath, of the, '| group in charge. 8th Oshawa Robers, .gave a! works on a 12-volt car battery |Alyn Elliott, : showin tri | : : 4 ' g of the Scouts' trip to) by plugging into the cigar- The next meeting will be on aa a hy abi Bernioda sit August. Mr. Red! the Royal Academy of Danc- ette lighter. These are also|April 1 at the home of Mrs. | ; : ; 151. Bi j path made comments about the| available for operation with|Leonard Jackson, oor ae Ferg ret, Wiha trip. Mra. Frank Grovelle thank! Co-Ordination Is Trend | i .| street east. | | conga padi Re |Street United Church was held ed Mr, Redpath. At Housewares Exhibit [propane gas wher l | oa | New electronic defrosters are CALVAR in the chapel, the Unit attending By ELEANOR ROSS kéep hot breads fresh. And\q : €) The Calvary Baptist WMS| ice led by the " esigned to make freezer-refri- F Hy | the Lenten service led Sy Big improvements and even|there's a low-boy ice cream pee ae Guan Humidity| meeting opened with the sing-/Reyerend W. G. Dickson. A R ; *T.M. REG. new versions of old fevorites as|freezer equippec with a can de-|ingicators are now "colormet-|i@8, of favorite hymns and pray-| reading was given by Mrs, Just in time for spring painting! There's a | 5 well as completely new gadgets|signed to fit in most refrigera-| nic.' indicating changes by col-|<, by Mrs. Niven Aitken. Mrs.!Teonard Rogers, "When Flow- good stock of whites and all colours but they're regularly --that's the capsule comment onjtor freezing compartments. ors as well as by the usual fig- William Reddick and Mrs. Wal-|ers Grow". going fast at this special Canada-Wide Sale the recently held semi-annual ures, ter Milis led in prayer. The business meeting was pre- price. Come in early and be sure to get exactly minster United Church, with the|of diced apple or 1 cup of ker- Reverend John C. Porter offi-/nel corn into batter before fold- ciating. ing in egg whites, FRONT-END ALIGNMENT ALL CARS | 95 on JOHN BEAN PHONE 728-6221 ar e . an Visualiner for appointment Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service Se GENERAL TIRE TIRE OF OSHAWA 'UNITED IN MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Nino (Danny) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Colacicco are seen after their Lorne Thompson, Burketon, recent marriage in St. Greg- and Mr. Colacicco is the son ory's Roman Catholic Church. of Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Cola- | The bride is the former cicco, Oshawa. Gladys Jean Thompson, HATS CAME HIGH ASPIRING BALLERINAS AWAIT THEIR CALL Royal Academy examinations are devised for the one-class- a-week pupils and ballet is regarded as a part of educa- tion. The syllabus includes de- portment, character and na- tional dancing with a know- ledge of their social setting. --Oshawa Times Photo Sharon Kennedy, 6, daugh- ter of Mrs. Gerald Deline, and Renee Erman, 6, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Richard Er- man, study their "pointes" while awaiting their call to perform for the examiner for ing, Miss Lydia Haggett, who was in Oshawa last weekend. The little girls, wearing the prescribed examination tunic of white with royal blue braid, were among 38 students tak- ing ballet examinations. Miss Haggett explained that the CLEANERS and LAUNDERERS OSHAWA ~- PORT HOPE WHITBY - COBOURG BOWMANVILLE - SCARBORO Curtains, Drapes, Blankets, Rugs OSHAWA'S ONLY UNIONIZED SHOP 723-4631 50 MILL ) $34 RITSON RD. S. 728-6221 _ attend the meeting at the Osh-/nirs. Ace Abbott gave <he treas- cessories and lawn equipment,|¢*tinguishing charcoal outside| HoT HEADS awa Central Collegiate Insti-|yrer's report; orders for greet: keynoted manufacturers' _list-|the cooker. To keep our "crowning glory'|*ute on March 28 a 8 P.M. Jing cards were taken by Mrs. 'ings of products introduced. A good blender comes|at its most glorious, one manu-|When two"films on cancer will/Teonard Rogers, card conven- From what we saw, products|equipped with a "'texture guide" /facturer is offering a head- be shown. er. The Annual Fall Bazaar was listed as housewares are as var-ito help determine the exact/heater donnet for special scalp| Mrs. Jack Dugan closed the| discussed with the three units «fed these days as a homemak-|mixing for the best flavor. treatment and. conditioning. A| meeting with prayer. joining for the one event. er's chores! So let's see what} Wood has moved back intojnew magnifying 'ens has been CONNAUGHT PARK AUX rummage sale is to be held we'll be buying this year for|bread boxes. One unit combines|added to the bathroom scale for| mye regular meeting of the March 26. the house and yard. bread storage area with a spice|extra-easy reading of correct Connaught Park Tedine Auxil-| SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX Remember how happy wej|rack and pull-out cutting board.|weight. i wee 'ad eee in te Distrles Committee were when the modern pressure} Fondue gourmets will be in-| A bath vanity cabinet offers soo Abas with the president,! 'Th thly meeting of Dis- cookers came on the market?|trigued by cheese and meat sets|three-view mirrors to makel|mrs 1, G. Clapp, presiding. |tri 'Comintite for Sonat Moth. But some experienced difficul-lin colorful vitreous - enameled/hairdo and makeup easier and) 2" 7" PP » | trict reer tee fo held in the ties and there were a few acci-|cast iron, complete with brass| more enjoyable. There are stor-| Roll call showed 13 members| ers Avil larch Hae oo IN te dents. There's a big step for-land copper alcohol stoves and|age chests behind each mirror.|Present -- including one new erent Ae a t Mrs George ward now with the introduction|fondue forks with walnut han-| Store-away centers for the|member. Miche sags 'ain a 8 of a new model that maintains/dles. home and yard were shown to| The secretary's report was|Fitches, presiding. a limit of 15 pounds pressure| Cold food and drink lovers|store buyers in a variety ofjread by Mrs. H. G. Dick and Minutes were read by the with no adjustments required. |will welcome a bantam portable|styles and colors, incuding an|treasurer's report by Mrs, John) secretary, Mrs. Fred Taylor. Something new in the kitchen|refrigerator that operates onjoutdoor storage shed with a/Poch. Mrs, H. J. LeFaive was Financial report was given by is a biscuit barrel designed to'1l0-volt house current. and also'tinted plastic finish. the winner of the' lucky draw!Mrs. Roland Kinton, treasurer. National Housewares Exhibit, BARBECUE UNIT Keeping oversitilne nice end Mrs. Arthur Alloway brought! ijoq over by Mrs. Aubrey what you want. Wallhide Rubberized Satin 300 When cook-out time rolls '"|the message from Hebrews 10. A th poacsay Mh atone trend to co (around again, look for a new|Mamdy for a standup bath is| Next week will be a Mission-| Weeks, in the absence of the Finish is Pittsburgh's top line of latex paint for interior use. Rolls on easily, completely wash- i .|the objective of a new shelf ar- F president, Mrs. Leonard Gold- ordinates in housewares, hoary A ong her -- = rangement that fastens to the oe SETS: | smith: Mrs. Claude Llewwelling ranging from matched cooking|°U ae cog arg aces ana|shower head, embers were reminded tOiread the minutes and roll call; and serving pieces to bath ac- draw able. Brushes or rollers come clean under the tap. You can also make a big saving on matchingSatinhide Trim Enamel. BRING YOU THE MOST COMPLETE DRAPERY SERVICE AND VARIETY IN OSHAWA...! %* Newest fabrics, custom made, by the yard or in ready-to-hang drapes. ' 2a: ier aR teed Ce em Bie EE TA ee ee ewan oot %* The lowest prices, in line with quality, service and satisfaction. % Experienced, qualified decorators assist you in your selection... OF os Walthide g Rubberized Qtin Finish Latex Type SLIP COVERS -- BEDSPREADS -- CUSTOM MADE DRAPES -- TOP QUALITY DRAPERY HARDWARE -- MAKE WARD'S YOUR HEADQUARTERS IN OSHAWA... "Decorating Oshawa Windows Since 1919" Choose your new draperies from WARD'S large stock of fine materials, including these easy care fabrics. Fibreglas Arnel Weatherbar Fibregles fabrics are es practical as | The true "EASY-CARE" fabric . . . Weather/Bar they are b Mel a' Arnel and Viscose is fabric tested they're woven of very fine glass for performance and wear . , . makes" fibres, Fibregles febrics have quoli- wonderful drapery fabrics. ties no other fabrics possess. @ Lifetime no-iron guarantee The 'Sun 'n Suds" tag on the drap- eries you buy assures you of com- plete satisfaction . . . beauty, prac- ticality and easy care, You can wash as you will, self-Insulated Drapes ° + @ completely new concept in drapery fabrics by "Daimor" .. . saves precious heat . . . require no lining . . . bora the sun in summer + » « bers drafts in winter, Thanks to Arnel, these fabrics require @ Dirt never penetrates Fibreglas fabrics 80 they're as easy to wash as your crystol. Lifetime of weor . . . fade resistant, fire proof and moth proof; mildew proof and rot proof. Life-time of loveliness . . .. the glass fibres hold colors truer and longer than other fabrics. Economy , . . fibregias fabrics are not costly . . . require no lining . . . addi- tional insulation in beth winter and summer less care and they are less costly in upkeep. Not only do they look fux- urious, but they retain their good looks. Hand or machine washable. Dry quickly with little wrinkling. Resist shrinking and stretching e e @ Iron easily with wool setting. © e 'Excellent shape retension through re- pected washings. @ Sunlight resistant. Absolutely draft proof Waterproof . . . prevents discoloration due to condensation end mildewing. Colorfast . . . retains true color for the life of the drapes. Preshrunk . . . retains full shape and dimensions for full life of the drapes. Dry Cleanable . . . and hand washable for real convenience, @ Complete washability . .. wash es you will, Guaranteed. colorfastness to sun, laun- dering and dry cleaning. Permanent shrink-resistance. Requires minimum of igoning. Satisfaction even with tumble drying. Fabrics pre-tested to meet rigid per- formance specifications by Courtaulds (Canada) Limited. @ An all-Canadian made product. Also Save on Matching Satinhide Trim Enamel NOW 9, 45 WHITE OR A QUART WHITE OR YOUR CHOICE OF EXCITING COLOURS wal COLOURS OSHAWA Bathe & McLellan 81 King St. W. Jackson & Raika@ Hardware Harleigh Supplies Oshawa, Ltd. Oshawa Shopping Centre Oshawa Wood Products Ltd. WHITBY Beaver Lumber Co. Ltd. 419 Dundas St. E. BROOKLIN Mitchell Bros. | oT 31 Simcoe St. S. WAND % Phone: 725-1151 500 Rosslan¥ Rd. W. Resslynn Plaza Provincial Tire Co. 259 Simcoe St. S. - Oshawa Shopping Centre COURTICE Oshawa Wood Products Ltd. Peacock Lumber Ltd. ASHBURN RAGLAN 328 Ritson Rd, N. R, J. Batten Roy W. Brown PICKERING M, Cichun Trading Post R.R, No. 3 Raglan

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