Tourist Gains Helped Balance Of Payments told! WORKS LIKE SUB : tario Doctor With Nursejriesicy AUCKLAND, NZ. (AP) -- A to a question by| scientific team working off New] . : Rep Flown To Gogama eee ger eT Meant@-|Caledonia in the South Pacific TORONTO (CP)--A 'doctor|\Dymond said official reports he|4as found that the beautiful and a nurse have been flown|had received conflicted with|shelifish pearly nautilus varies from Sudbury to Gogama to as-\news reports of the outbreak.|its buoyancy in the same man- sess the seriousness of an in-| The medical team will assess|ner as a submarine. It pumps uenza outbreak in the isolated|the situation and stay in the|water in and out of its shell northern community 60 miles|Gogama area as long as needed|just as a submarine fills or em- southwest of Timmins, the On-'Dr. Dymond said, legislature was SSS BR Seas 8 Ss ee is: Mi OTTAWA (CP)--Big gains in tourist income helped to shave Canada's balance of payments deficit to $848,000,000 in 1962, a drop of $134,000,000 in the year. _-It was the third consecutive decline from the peak deficit of $1,494,000,000 in 1959 Figures released Wednesday by the bureau of statistics showed that with Canada earn- ing slightly less on trade due to a reduced 1962 trade surplus, the over-all decline in the cur- rent- account deficit occurred entirely in non - merchandise ' transactions. The deficit on non- acd ag al dise iransactions dropped by $152,000,000 to $1,033,000,000-- and more than 70 per cent of the decline came from an im- proved tourist situation, plus lower foreign-aid payments and less emigration to the United States. Canada's tourist-account » def. icit went down $110,006,000 to $50,000,000 from $160, 000,000 in 1961, Biggest gain came as the 1961 tourist deficit of $24,000,000 with the United States swung. over last year to a sizeable surplus of $90,000,000, 'the first surplus Canada has had with the U.S. since 1951. CREDIT DOLLAR PEG The switch was attributed to last May's pegging of the Cana- dian dollar at 92% cents in terms of U.S. funds, and the reduction to $25 from $100 in duty-free goods Canadian tour. ists can bring home in any four- month period from the U.S. Meanwhile, Canada had an overseas travel deficit of $140,- 000,000. This was only slightly more than in 1961. On the capital side, Canada financed the current - account deficit with exceptionaily large inflows of capital in the second half of the year following the mid-June exchange crisis. In the first half of the year, capital outflows offset most of net $273,000,000 outflow of short. term capital and the net income of long-term capital was cut tc a bare $11,000,000 as against $334,000,000 in the last half of 1961, With the year half over, money began to pour back into Canada with more than $700,- 000,000 of it in long-term forms --producing a@ year-end oe of $718,000,000, about $72,000, less than in 1961, The full saan s inflow of short-term capital was $337,000,000 as against $421,000,. 000 the previous year. The long-term capital--mak- ing up about 85 per cent of the current - account deficit -- in- cluded $525,000,000 in direct in- vestment, some $10,000,000 more than in 1961. This was exceeded only in three other years--1956, 1959 and 1960. PAID FOR TAKEOVERS The bureau estimates that as much as a third of this direct investment was for take-overs of Canadian firms and inter- ests, and for refinancing. "This was an unusually large proportion, such inflows being more than four times their size in 1961," the bureau said. Most of this money went for takeovers of several oil compa- nies and a retail food chain, but there were also 'significant amounts" to buy major inter- ests in manufacturig compa- nies and commercial real es- tate, About $190,000,000 of this di. rect investment came into Can- ada in the last quarter of the oa October to Decem- er. With the American and Brit. ish shares of this direct invest- ment dropping slightly to 60 per cent and 20 per cent, respec- tively, other overseas countries doubled their investment in 00) Canada to about per cent of the $525,000,000 total. In security transactions, more than seven-eighths of the whcle year's net capital inflow of $282,000,000 came in the fourth quarter, The total com- pared with $306,000,000 in 1961. BAN CERTAIN SOAPS PORT ARTHUR, Ont. (CP)-- An immediate ban on the sale of mineral-based detergents has been passed by the Lakehead council, A report from the lo- cal medical officer said such detergents could not be broken down in sewage treatment plants. Mayor Waino Laasko said: "Many people in southern Ontario are drinking water, which is, in fact, mild deter- gent." pties its buoyancy chambers. RETAILERS TO THRIFTY rest and eve "Vinyl" 723-2294 21 SIMCOE S. ZeLLLERS CANADIANS Save on De Luxe Strollers BUY NOW AND SAVE! SPRING OUTINGS ore a pleasure with this de luxe stroller! Sturdy plated tubular metal frame and ac- cessories; adjustable foot-rest, back- other high-price features. matelasse up b AT @ Satisfaction Guaranteed @ Z\, 3 * eat Credit Plans To Serve You JUST SAY CHARGE IT! SHOPPING CENTRE | OSHAWA , 723-2209 ACADIAN CLEANERS Odourless Cleaning Shirt Specialists @ Pick-up end Delivery 2 Ste in Service @ Same Day Service Vaults on Premises PHONE 728-5141 299 BLOOR W. the inflows. The result was a FAMOUS STORES FROM COAST TO COAST Reitman Wa fashion news: SPECIAL OFFER Li Yes, there is a Frigidaire Refrigerator exactly right for your family, be it big or small. Want luxury--or utility? Quick freezing in the freezer section--or simply frozen food storage? It's yours--in the Frigidaire line. Frigidaire way. LOOK AT ALL YOU GET FROM FRIGIDAIRE Removable door shelves for easy cleaning; magnetic safety seal all the way round the door; cross-braced doors that never sag; raised food compartment to save stooping; acid-resistant porcelain interior; door seal is concealed for added beauty; coloured exterior at no extra cost. ------------- ENJOY THE LUXURY OF THESE ADVANCED FRIGIDAIRE FEATURES: @ Big capacity. 15 years ago you needed 8 refrigerators to store the load shown above. Thanks to Frigidaire engineering, today's outside dimensions have hardly changed. ™ Complete freedom from defrosting in both the refrigerator and the freezer. i Safe storage for perishable frozen foods like ice cream; no thawing You use your refrigerator more than any other appliance so it makes sense to get the best -- Frigidaire, the acknowledged leader. Even the least expensive model is built the famous To suit your needs-- to fit your budget--Frigidaire ' bock BEER Instant Ice Service gives you a constant supply of cubes. Ice Ejector empties ice cubes into storage bin in 1}4 seconds with no fighting, no tugging, no running water. Safe Meat Storage in the Flow- ing Cold Meat Tender. Nearly 10 Ibs. of fresh meat kept safely up to 7 days without freezing. Right at your finger tips--up to 150 lbs. of frozen foods, in Roll-to-You freezer baskets and on the freezer door. Easy way to keep vegetables crisp--thanks to wide full-depth durable hydrators of porcelain enamel. FRIGIDAIRE i=s PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS BUILT BY CANADIANS--FOR CANADIANS See the Frigidaire model that's made for you--at your dealer's now BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCES 668-3707 118 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY 668-3707 EATON'S of CANADA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE For the first and last time this year you can now get Dow Bock Beer If you know what Bock beer is then we need say no more than, "hurry out and get some." If you don't, you've a lot to look forward to. Bock is a Spring beer that tastes like no other beer you've ever enjoyed--tangy and unforgettably flavourful. In the true "Bock" tradition Dow brings you this new brew to celebrate the coming of Spring. In keeping with original customs, Dow Bock Beer will be available for one month only (if it lasts that long). Ask for it today. OUD snewerv (ONTARIO) LIMITED pe ee SCSSSEaRSES QRSSVOPSLUS 2ceeeesse 400 needle, 15 denier, in proportioned ten; . in-a wide, wide choice of shades. Sizes Bye12. ing pei famous Sub on @ taleners most popular hose. FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY REITMAN'S: 29 Simcoe Street South Oshewe Shopping Centre OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9:00 P.M. 725-7373 725-7373 HOME APPLIANCES (OSHAWA) LTD. 725-5332 90 SIMCOE ST. 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