Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Mar 1963, p. 3

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Three car ferries are shown stuck in Lake Michigan. ice outside Muskegon Harbor. The icebreaker "Mackinaw" is slugging her way through the ice from the rear to free ssels. Unusually thick inter has hampered navigation) the CAPSULE NEWS Girls Located, Brought TORONTO (CP) -- Two 13- year-old Toronto girls, whose disappearance last Sunday prompted a widespread \search, were returned home Sunday from Ottawa. Police said Sha- ron Vankoughnette and/Paulette Morey hitchhiked to' Kingston, Paulette's former home,' spent two days there and then hitch- hiked to the capital. Sharon telephoned her parents from there and the two were brought here by bus. PLAN DRIVE KITCHENER (CP) -- Dele- gates to a labor union confer- ence here announced plans for a drive to organize Canadian highway, paving, sewer, water- main and residential construc- tion workers. The 33 delegates of 18 Ontario and Manitoba lo- cals of the Intemational Hod Carriers', Building and Com- mon Laborers' Union of Amer- ica, (CLC) ended their quar- terly conference Saturday. SULLIVAN TRAVELS TORONTO (CP) -- United States television star-Ed Sulli- van will do his weekly show live from Toronto's O'Keefe Centre for the Performing Arts April 28, the CBC announced over the weekend. The program will be seen simultaneously by viewers of the CBC in Canada and of the CBS network in the United States. SUGGESTS PACT VANCOUVER (CP)--A Cali- fornia educationist Saturday suggested a Canadian-U.S. bi- lateral agreement to provide a continuous analysis of the cul- tural and educational relations between the two countries and an attack "'on the minor but ir- ritating problems that some- times disturb us." Howard E. Wilson, Dean of Education at the University of Califormia at Los Angeles, said a non-govern- mental Canada-U.S. committee on education operated for some years from 1945. OPPOSE ARMS VANCOUVER (CP)--Arguing that a "balance of terror" is no guarantee against war, 191 University of British Columbia staff members have urged the federal government to refuse nuclear arms. They signed @ petition addressed to the fed- eral cabinet, leaders and de- fence spokesmen or opposition parties, and B-C. candidates in the April 8 federal election. CRITICIZES FEES PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Dr Loyal Davis, president of the American College of Surgeons, said Sunday many surgeons overcharge for operations be- cause they know their patients have large amounts of insur- ance. The Chicago surgeon, in an interview, said: "Instead of basing their fees on a patient's ability to pay, doctors first find out how much insurance the pa- tient is carrying and charge ac- cordingly." YOUTH Is WYANDOTTE, Mich. (AP)-- Police in this Detroit "suburb said Sunday night a 16-year-old high school youth admitted Home K HITS REBELS MOSCOW (AP) -- Premier Khrushchev has branded the Soviet Union's rebellious intel- lectuals anti-Communists who threaten to undermime the So- viet system. In a speech to about 500 writers, artists and other intellectuals at the Krem- lin, Khrushchev pilloried Ilya Ehrenburg, 72-year-old leader of the liberal forces, in terms reminiscent of the 1957 con- demnations of the late poet- author Boris Pasternak. POPE THANKS K LONDON (Reuters) -- Pope John has thanked Nikita Khrushchev for his congratula- tions on the award to the Pon- tiff of the Balzan Foundation Peace Prize, the Soviet news agency Tass reported. The mes- sage expressed the Pope's wishes for the Soviet leader's happiness and the welfare the Soviet people. FIND NEO-NAZIS BERLIN (AP) -- Police re- ported Sunday night uncovering a neo-Nazi terrorist group after an explosion killed a West Ber- lin student apparently trying to make bombs. The police said they found a suitcase contain- ing 12 pounds of plastic explo- sives and fuses and neo-Nazi pamphiets in the apartment of the dead student. NORQAY CLIMBS qay, the Nepalese conqueror of Mount Everest with Sir Ed- mund Hillary 10 years ago, was on a team that reached the summit Saturday of Mount El- brus, highest mountain in the Caucasus. Moscow radio re- ported that the group of climb- ers, which included a Russian, a German and a Ukrainian, left an ice axe, the symbol of moun- taineering friendship, at the 18,- 481-feet summit, RIOT INJURES 14 AUSTIN, Tex. (AP)--A riot that erupted at a Negro dance on the east side of Austin early Sunday left two policemen and a dozen other persons injured. Police estimated that 1,000 per- sons participated in the 45- minute mass brawl which started when officers broke up a fight on the dance floor be- tween two Negro youths and handcuffed them. TRAP KILLS WIFE NEW YORK (AP)--A young husband maddened by jealousy told police he set up a booby trap in the family car to kill his teen-aged wife. The. trap worked with deadly precision, blastng the woman to death. The wife, Gloria, was "sitting in the driver's seat of the sedan-- her husband, Pasquale Delle- Tose, 27, beside her -- when blasts from a 12-gauge sawed- off, double - barrelled shotgun ripped through her spine. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY BELLE VERNON, Pa. (AP) Mrs. Calliopi Patrikousis cele- brated a birthday Sunday--her 109th or perhaps her 113th, since nobody seems to know for sure A native of Greece, no record "y says she LONDON (AP)--Tensing Nor- 12.15 a.m. An AjaXpolice con Stable spotted the K Pickering Village Fire ment, building. Owner of the cleaning busi ness, Glen Small, said that mos delivered on Saturday. " The two fires gutted Pook terior. No windows were bro by the blazes. ing Village Fire Chief Rober' Scott said. of her birth exist, but her fam- least 109. K AT CONFERENCE LONDON (Reu-ersy -- Soviet Premier Khrushchev and other Soviet leaders are taking part in a two-day conference of workers of the Russian feder- ation which opened here today, the Soviet news agency Tass reported. ISOTOPE STOLEN International Spring Fair. GUARDS DEFECT to West Berlin Sunday. OPRY STAR BURIED tended funeral services Sunday for Patsy Cline, 30, Grand Ole Opry singer killed last Tuesday in a plane crash in which two other Opry stars also died. Miss Cline got her Singing start in . Winchester clubs when she tumed profes- sional 'at the age of 16. EMERGENCY DECLARED LIMA (AP) -- An emergency has been declared in the fiood- ravaged Peruvian city of Ica, 155 miles south of Lima. The army took over control of relief supplies and medicines that were rushed in Sunday to avert the spread of disease among the estimated 40,000 homeless. Eight thousand persons were re- ported ill, 11 were believed drowned and dozens injured. JUDY OFFERS FEE LONDON (AP) -- Judy Gar- land offered her fee for a tele- vision show Sunday night to a special fund to help the thalido- mide-c rippled babies. Lady Hoare, chairman of the appeal fund, made the announcement. A spokesman for Associated Re- difusion said Judy's appearance on the variety show, 'Sunday night at the London Palladium," was the highest paid so far but he mentioned no figure." e in the furnace room and called in the The fire department was call- ed back to the scene at 6 a.m. when a unrelated fire broke out in another part of the frame of the dry cleaning had been n- n The Ontario Fire Marshall's office has been called in Picker- VIENNA (Reuters) -- A dan- gerous radium isotope was sto- len Sunday ftom the Vienna BERLIN (Reuters) -- Two armed and uniformed East Ger- man border guards fled together WINCHESTER, Pa. (AP)--An estimated 5,000 persons at- here A group of 10 third grade stu- dents were taught to be "read- ing detectives" Saturday morn- ing at Dr. S. J. Phillip Public School. Their teacher, Dr- Russell G. Stauffer, director of the read- ing study centre.at the Univer- sity of Dela~are and editor of the 26,000 circulation "Reading Teacher," led a two-day read- ing workshop sponsored by the Oshawa and District Council of the International Reading Asso- ciation. The method employed by Dr. Stauffer involved reading a certain portion of a story, then putting questions pertaining to the outcome. DISCUSS FINDINGS : After they examine the evi- dence, the children are encour- aged to discuss their findings' New Reading Method Is Cited By Speaker arriving at the same conclusion as the author. "This method can be used in a variety of subjects including history and science," Dr. Stauf- fer told 62 Oshawa and District public school teachers during a question and answer session after the demonstration class. "It encourages creative and curious thinking and within a certain span of time smoother oral reading can be achieved." 'Divergent thinking is intro- duced with limited information, where all kinds of possibilities are reviewed. Convergent think- ing occurs later when new evi- dence is made known." He added nothing is wrong in using the emotions to arrive et a conclusion. DON'T TALK DOWN on an even level with students. "Do not talk down to them," he said, "rather get on your knees and be face to face with them.' He cautioned, "'be sure pupils are not familiar with the story used in employing this method." When asked how could a teacher be certain the pupils are familiar with the vocabu- lary, Dr. Stauffer explained: "the meaning of a word is largely determined by the con- text in which it appears, The meaning of the letters are in the same way determined by the sound content in which they appear." He indicated children are mentally alert and did very well in the demonstration classes. They are a reflection on the competent work of teach- ers and parents." Teachers were advised to get CITY AND DISTRICT $200 DAMAGE Percy James Daniels, 54 Rit- son road south, Monday, con- tacted The Oshawa Times to report his car had sustained $200 damage as the result of an accident, Friday morning at King street west and Park road. TO ATTEND RALLY Fred Smith of Canadian Tire leaves for a week of exciting festivities in Toronto at the big- gest Canadian Tire convention ever held. Two bundred and! twenty independent Associate members will attend. A Prod- ucts Display will be held dur- 150 selected manufacturers of automotive products, suppliers to Canadian Tire. They have been allocated space to exhibit their products to Associate Dealers with technical person- nel on hand for instruction pur- poses, 750 people, including As- ciate Dealers, Home Office Personnel, and their wives will attend this exhibition called "Products Parade", being held in Canadian Tire's recently completed warehouse -- Can- ada's largest -- just under 1,- 000,000 sq. ft. LETTERS PATENT The latest issue of The On- tario Gazette contains the in- formation that under The Corporations Act Letters Patent have been issued to the follow- ing Oshawa and district firms: Lake Vista Ratepayers Associ- ation (Oshawa) Incorporated, t Rotary Club of Pickering, with head office in Pickering. CALLED TO LAUNDRY The Oshawa Fire Department, Sunday reported eight rountine ambulance calls, Fire fightets were called to King Koin Laun- dry to investigate trouble in a spin dryer. THREE HOME PERMITS Only three single family dwel- ling permits were issued during February, according to city building reports: Mike Deboski, Chadburn: street, $10,500; P. Johansen, Law street, $15,000; P. Motolko, Don Mills, Ontario, 000, ing the evening of March 13 by $9000 CIRCUS POSTPONED Due to a forecast of high winds, the annual Flying Cir- cus which was to have been held at the Oshawa Airport Sun- day morning was postponed. The event, sponsored by the Oshawa Flying Club, was to have' provided airplane rides for the crippled children of the district. Weather permitting the circus will be held next Sun- day. NDP Group Plan Drive An appeal for help met with an overwhelming response Sun- day, March 10, when 150 mem- bers of the New Democratic Party met to lay out the plan of campaign for completing organization in Ontario riding. Miss Aileen Hall, New Demo- cratic Party candidate' in 'the riding, spoke to the meeting. She congratulated the mem- bers on the large turn out and thanked them for being willing to undertake so much work on a voluntary basis. Allen Schroeder, Miss Hall's campaign manager, also com- mented on the enthusiasm evi- dent in the riding. John Brady, who is responsible for poll organization in Oshawa, and Sam Blower, responsible for the remainder of the riding gave instruction and advice to their workers, Signs and car stickers are 'under the control of Clifford Pilkey, riding president, .who reported on progress in their production and distribution. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, March 11, 1963 9 Gloyd Hircock, 21, of Osh- awa, gets : welcome foot rub from 21 - year - old Donna Gillis as 20 - year - old Marg. McLean looks on- He had just completed a 50 - mile walk from Toronto City Hall to Bowmanville in 11 hours, seven minutes, Hircock's time was one hour and 36 minutes BREAKS WALK RECORD. less than it took Bowmanville Taxi Driver Phil Wilson to complete the trek. He arrived in Bowmanville late Saturday afternoon.Oshawa Times Photo 38 Lose Lives During Weekend rig ng Buttonea, 8, Elm- vale, when she tobogganed on to a road and was struck by a car near Elmvale. Sunday Airman Paul Logan, 24, RCAF Station Centralia, when his car CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT A Bible lesson om the subject "Man" was read Sunday at the Oshawa Christian Science Church. Scriptural selections in- cluded these verses from Psalms (90:1,16): "Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations .. . Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and t| with head office in Oshawa; The thy glory unto their children." MARKET PRICES TORONTO (CP) -- Churning cream and butter print prices were reported unchanged to- day. The egg market opened steady with receipts adcquate for a light demand. Country dealers are quoted by the federal department of NOT AFFECTED BY ELECTION By ALAN DONNELLY OTTAWA (CP)--Trade de- partment officials say it's busi. ness as usual, despite the elec- tion campaign, in preparation for the six-week 'Operation World Markets," the depart- ment's biggest-yet export pro- motion drive. Leslie Brown, assistant dep- uty trade minister, said the target has already been ex- ceeded on the number of Cana- dian firms that will exhibit at the three-day National Samples Show in Toronto April 2-4 to which more than 600 foreign buyers will be flown by char- tered aircraft. He also expressed confidence that the three-week export pro- motion conference following the election, at which businessmen will sound out export prospects in interviews with Canadian trade commissioners, will be as big as expected. When the April 8 election was called in early February, and later when George Hees re- signed as trade minister to be replaced by Senator Wallace McCutcheon, it was announced that the promotion campaign would continue as planned. Mr. Brown said in an inter- view that since then he has heard of no Canadian business- men cancelling plans to take Trade Promotion _|dium 47; agriculture on Canada grade eggs, delivered Toronto, in fi- bre cases: A large 48; A me- small 39; B and C grades, no market. Butter prices: Camada first grade: Ontario tenderable 51- 52; non-tenderable 5134-5144, in light trading: Western 5114-52 (nominal). collided with a bus near Cen+ tralia. Joseph Dzuimiski, 62, Wind- sor, when the car in which he was riding ran into the back of a stopped transport truck on highway 2 near Chatham. Wayne Stewart, 31, Lindsay, in a two-car rcash in Lindsay. David Campbell, 7, Camp Pet- awawa, shot while playing with a friend in the basement of his home. Mrs. Mary Arding, 63, New Toronto, in a two-car collision in Toronto suburban Etobicoke, NEW HOME SPECIALISTS IMA eal Estate Ltd. TRADES ACCEPTED At least 38 people were killed in accidents during the weekend in Camada, 29 in traffic acci- dents. A Canadian Press survey from 6 p.m. Friday until mid- night Sunday local times showed Ontario with the highest toll of 16, including 14 on the high- ways. Ontario also reported one boy killed in a shooting accident and another death by drowning. Quebec reported 10 fatalities in all, including six in traffic and three by fire. British Columbia had _ five deaths, Alberta three and Sas- katchewan one, all in traffic ac- cidents. Nova Scotia had two fatalities, one by fire and Newfoundland reported a single death by drowning. The survey does mot i slayings, known suicides, or in. dustrial accidents. Ontario dead: Wayne Russell Hornick, 19, of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.; Kenneth Allen Hamilton, 18, of Toronto; sion five miles west of Pem- broke. Odoardo Menichetti, 29, of Clarkson, hit by a car that left the scene near Port Credit. Edmond Reed, 62, Cooksville, when his car ran into the back of a truck on highway 5 near Cooksville. Saturday Roswell Walter Garrity, 28, West Hill, when his car struck a tree 12 miles west of Oshawa on highway 2, Gardo Knuude, 32, Toronto, drowned in indoor swimming pool Kenneth Dombroskie, 16, in a two-car collision on highway 60 near Pembroke. Edwin Klabouche, 30, Orleans, and Denis Rousseau, 33, Cry-| ville, in a two-car collision 10) miles east' of Ottawa. | MUSKOKA RESORTS | Paignton House, Milford Manor, Delawona Inn, Fern Cottage. For information and summer reservations .. . tied Drive Still On the program should continue, regardless of the election out- come. CAN'T STOP IT "'We've never had any doubt it would go ahead," he said. "How could you stop the thing?" Preparations are almost com- plete for the four-part program, in which the samples show and the export promotion confer. ence are the two largest parts. Things will start rolling in little more than two weeks when 178 foreign buyers of ma- chinery and equipment arrive in chartered aircraft March 24 for a week of visits to Canadian machinery plants. WILL BE SAFE IN THE ARMY Ordered to turn in his driver's licence to the state motor vehicles department following an accident, a New York state youth wrote a note to say, "I'm through with driving. I'm going into the Army, where I'll_ be safe," Let's hope he is safe -- but here's a really safe bet: Whether you're going into military service or not, the swift, easy way to sell ar- ticles you no longer need is via Classified Ads. Dial 723-8492 to order. The following week comes the National Samples Show, to. be held at the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto. Mr. Brown said the original target, set months ago, was to have 350 Canadian exhibitors filling 400 booths in the CNE Automotive Building. The latest figure shows 375 last-minute en- tries expected. "We have picked people who don't know about Canada--we want to educate them. At last year's samples show for U.S. buyers, any number of buyers told me: 'I didn't know you made this sort of thing.' " COOPER'S TEXACO SERVICE Quolity tune-up Auto Electric and General Repairs 56 BRUCE ST. 723-9632 410 RITSON RD, N. 725-8033 part on account of election un- certainty. He noted reports that prominent Liberals have said FUEL OIL for automatic delivery by our metered trucks Phone DX OIL CO. 668-3341-42 strangling and drowning an elementary school teacher be- =. ¥ refused Va lend him r car to go on a date. Police identified the youth as Robert Trombley, a car washer who lived two doors from the yic- tim, Mrs. Beulah Sechler, 55. Suns MORTGAGES Ample Funds for Ist MORTGAGES THERE IS A "BETTER DEAL for YOU in | AUTO INSURANCE 1000 New Customers ap ig Agel sone Mri) 1962, Why not investigate ond save money. SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED 360 King West 723-2268 | 2nd MORTGAGES We Also Purchase Ist and 2nd Mortgages N.H.A. LOANS ARRANGED You Will Find OUR SERVICE IS FASTER OUR COST IS LOWER SCHOFIELD-AKER Limited 723-2265 -- 728-3376 After Hours 728-3376 Snes Even if you are a beginner... You'll Dance after 3 hours "= ally owned and operated by a licensee under afi In a Franchised* ARTHUR MURRAY STUDIO You can go dancing after only three hours when you put yourself in the hands of an Arthur Murray teacher. At our gay studio parties, free to all students, you will thrill to the wonderful adventure of dancing the new steps in the Fox Trot, Cha- Cha, Twist, etc. You'll gain poise, develop your personality as you make new friends, $q00 Join the fun; accept a half-hour Trial Lesson. *Each Arthur Murray Studio isindividu- 11% SIMCOE ST. SOUTH LICENCEE: W. MARKS hise by Arthur Murray, Inc, PHONE 728-1681 SKINLESS RINDLESS BACON BRAISING LEAN TENDER LEAN MINCED BEEF TROUD COL GOVERNMENT-INSPECTED MEAT WIENERS CLUB STEAKS C Ib 29 4 29 and Allen Frank Moeller, 19, of Field, B.C., in a two-car colli- 728-6286 323 King Se. W. windshield washers, Check around. We win comparisons. Let's start with the price. Volks- wagen's low price includes things that are often extra on other cars; is air-cooled.) adjustable system problems, (The Volkswagen The Volkswagen fs so well made that even the underside is painted. bucket seats and padded sun visors. Then check the cost of running, Most Volkswagen owners travel a hundred miles on a dollar's worth of gas. You'll rarely need oil between changes and never have cooling Look inside the door jamb. You'll find it's finished like the outside with four coats of paint. Check around. Then come on down and see what we mean, 4 '$1 SN eS ee Ree catenast nie ea ear nearer rare ae SA PHONE: 723-3461 > -SABYAN MOTOR 334 RITSON RD. S.

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