16 THE COHAWA TIMES, Mondey, March 4, 1963 s;) THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS f&=j gee tee 17--Mele Help Wanted --17--Male Help Wanted |25--Apt. & Flats For Rent. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY |S" "tase | SHES MANAGEMENT TRANEE Spe ae Required for Oshawa area new save and retrigerator, Close 1 by one of Canada's AJAX -- Three-room_ basement apart Accountants Building Trades Mortgages |TV--Radio. Repairs Y iment, unfurnished, Private, eatratety Ned Accomm, 1 hin Co., Char-|ALL TYPES of building repairs, wol:|pRIvATE and corporation monies to TV TOWERS =A | Top Life Insurance Companies : |phone Ajax 942-2343. wee acon Gordon May 728-0394. |eoaes "and ean Ot ab gic Excellent opportunity for ambitious man with Ineuronce, Ac- pe mg aveece Prlrrita -o< Ag 0 |chased, Drynan and | Mur- counting, Administrative, Professional or Successful Sales back- lights and water su ied, Child rus-|Cartage jy (See heading. "Barristers" Economy and Deluxe : j ground to enter sales management field. C y is long esta- , jcome. Telephone 725: 4IOHN'S Nl AND STOmAGF,| eee { blished in individual and group business and Oshawo area is | CHURCH STREET, 164 -- Bed - aitting rates.) FI RST Priced to suit your budget, i lucrative and proven sales territory. room and kitchen, furnished, utilities. STE RY ETEK SE! PO RE $12 weekly. T my Sauipped a insured. Telephone TERMS ARRANGED AWO } Personal and af aaa interviews will be arranged in Oshowa |TANSDOWNE -- Sussex area, eelle 4 - | "ALL THE DIFFERE! ls on March 11 and | contained lower- duplex. Private en K. Dressmoaking Mortgage MEGNC PGS | Z All applicants will be contacted, phone 7: Sa bx i y EXPERIENCED Gressmaaking, aibers- LOANS | : : -- s ~ Please write giving full particulars te SIMCOE Street South, 786, five-coom Mrs,' Wldridge, 67" Montrave, 1256476 | no, children under 10, Heat 4 : | apartment, -| COSTUMES, 'silerations, "ekiris. "eoats| Residential Property SUPPLY LIMITED ojo J MR. JOHN W. SCOTT eds Parkin. "Arply above pants c A. Butler;) 728-8180 ; iy : F IED bachel pia [ene meet tome, Sam __| Mr. Wotvick. My. Vessey as OF /74 $ 1 Great-West Life Assurance Company som, Hore nad eget, lena ni cuffing. ane . . only. MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL and ply Mrs. Richard, ari olive Avense oc 728-1653 Well Drilling--Digging ; va N! EAR (KworM P.O, Box 393, Oshawa, Ontario 'ea idacinn Aperteames: Set sieve Tes' aimee Street 'North, Oshawa, Ajax WELL DIGGING, deepening, creaming. : ous see 25--Apt. & Flats F R WH 2.0690, Whitby MO 8-4i31. Household R GUARANTY Tile supplied, cement or galvanized. pcohh LAYS EGGS AS 20--Room and Board pt. jats For Rent 'rvur CRESCENT, 154 -- large three- SAVHOND EPAOSSER CA -|Househo! epairs Gordon May, 728-0394, GHA ie ba ge : LARGE AS A HENS WANTED -- Young martied couple de: | 245 P.m. Telephone 723-4533 room apartment. Possession arch sd. Accountant, 906 Centre § Street N Guaranteed Repairs TRUST W. WARD WARRING EUROPE WERE AxD 115 BURROWS sire room and board in friendly home.|CADILLAC North, large furnished bed- . MADE FROM SHELL SLOPE FROM 1GATION | Cail after 5 at 723-7460. room in private home, Parking. Gen-|BACHELOR apartment, drapes, stove, ALBERT HOSMAR ,Chartered Accoun-| Ranges, Washers, Dryers, etc. WELL. DIGGING BY in coma WHS OF iE. Bay AS JRRIA Sia. EACH for seven days, for two|"eman preferred, 728-8706 or 723-4380. |refrigerator, laundry facilities, unfure ANDES TOWARD 1 {CHES. King Street West, Oshi Company of Canada INE bell 4ERRITORY. 4 DifCHESs : : nished. Tele Whitby 668-5940, Telephone T2231 or eeesis, | «=P EDZIKOWSK! } COLES IN 30" TILE aa = ars " \Deds, central, Telephone 725.3506. pray ras pe fance, [MING STREET EAST. 301 -- twos oF abscurnater 114 Rind serete Rect, Ou Repair Service 668-2563-----668-3809 me |PARK Road South, 109, single room Bus at door, Near South General Mo-|iiv" above address. d ee DW, A; C. = 15 Years with Thor WHITBY, ONTARIO or gentleman, Parking space tors. 728-9040. qhide SeaTac mond Burrows, CA. 728-7554 DIAL COLLECT 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST '13--Business Opportunities 16--Female Help Wanted Sf weekly. 'Telephone' 720-1890 N twos apartments, bath and en- j wall-to-wall broadloom, stove, refriger- tense apastmenm, perverts LEONARD JAMES BROOKS. Certified BLACKSTOCK, 986-4342 LO ANS P.O. BOX 329 | eepens cated aa eee FORNTEEED roses for _genileman, alex abd' lauatte' Packtities. Available france ot 0 pmontaly, Includes heat, Public Accountant, vg Pale Osh i : iWoamen's Colame | We're looking for someone iri {Terrace Restaurant, 120 Brock Stre*t|able rates. Apply 235 Eulalie Avenue. |immediately," Telephone 728-5282 acre - | netruction --| Moneys for first mortgages | this community who wants to pela deal srsons, $2 Eee | Vatate able. ADDY 31 Celina Guase | MODERN N CADEMY, B. f € f RELIABLE persons, weekly; tor a PP e | Appliance Service toa Piallee cei Be Interest at 7% aitne. a Pine Aves: Fiohoos Own St Own Coneeperaten general housework By Roget an kas Gaabia robin i eager single | Apart, 2 BEDROOM SEWING MACHINE tune-ups, all mod-|Dow! 424 King Street West. 725-6122. | Open mortgages 725-5363. Z WESTINGHOUSE. dren. Private room. No cooking. Char|Sne CQl it rove eral Motors. home Tore Oa three-room basement els by your Elna dealer, Oshawa Sew-|7i7 LAN MAE MARSH, DEA, 0MA,| No bonus sess i escent kept. Willing to go to Toronto reg live | poked meals, 728-3643. apartment, $65 monthly includes, tele- ing Centre, 329 Simcoe Street South,/Dancing School. Ballet, tap, acrobatic,, No charge for valuations BFENCER AND SPIRELLA | founds: : in, Apply or phone Mrs. Cousins. BM- phone, heat, lights after 6 p.m.\ tele- 728-2391. |presschool kinderdance. Fridays, Satu | Mortgages and Agreements (fan, garments. Individually | designed. Loundromat equipped pire 6-8635 Toronto, 23--Storege Space phone' 728-0376. : ™ { c Registered corsetier. Mrs. J. Hender- _ a oe 7253 ' purchased, jshot, 324 Admiral Road. LAUNDRY and 17--Male Help Wanted and Bashar FAREWELL AVENUE, anaes, ives Close to downtown, eacher, student counse! lor, 1 * : WHITE 1s years' experience, By interview only. | gl ge a eaee hd pale are tehig's Clacuitn caction DRYCLEANING Store WAITER for beverage room, clean cut apartment. Complete new bethroom. Fully broadloomed. a 'i ct now. * . courteous man wi! 4 character M ice big itchen, two bedrooms, iving . Sewing Machines _ |ituste cassons --cisssicat ana ra M. F. SWARTZ eS jWe help finance. Call or write. |references. Apply Hotel. Lancaster, New Offices room, Close to school, High school, Immediate occupancy. SALES -- SERVICE uteralae" ater ume ata] , 2672 King St. East MOBILE ALD CANADA, LTD. |Stams In Medical Center "222: Fe | Coll Women MiG saxophone " MEN wanted, with car, for excellent usic Supplies, imeoe u h 25 BELFIELD RQAD re setet' te "Drees vipers CENTRE STREET, 96 No Furnished TOWN TOGGERY [REG Sota "atat"at © "Oshoxe Soro' | HAIR STYLIST | qiSatetTtetO,ROAD, aes Mate EEE 911 Simcoe Strect S. ETRE sate S| | Tol 7200286 1] LEARN TO ORIVE aa MR. BERNARD | RO 6-7255 By the Sepdat you need. Rawiiehs| gy 1963 ee 942-59 Oshawa Driving School ner arvice® Experienced, licensed and ae esitiah ene nanan hepato! Ss Tents ground lor, children welcome. 5. D. HYMAN Auto Parts DAY or EVENING sais eae ued ioe" Bopp fully equipped offers hair A V @) N EARN 825 on your day off, Apply box! Can be finished to. suit rivate entrance. Garden space. RR 2, REAL ESTATE LTD. Late Models, Stondards appraised. Joseph Hiddink, Phone dressing services in your own 221, Oshawa Times, Early Tenants. Revsanvino 623-2818. SAVE AT WESTERN 'Astoretes Dual Controlled nasinhesedsci home. Telephone for ap- TRUCK a ieee Pom Bodighowe rig 22--Stora Space a Space SERVICE CENTRE OSHAWA AND WHITBY -- |Nursing Homes gir tet BL lia NEED IMMEDIATELY, helpful Pe eee emia Cee tee] PHONE 725-5132 and Garages ond rages 728-0091 Ladies in the rural area Repairs to All Makes cee SUNSET LODGE 725-6854 with orion to eat MAN Wi Onnawa Worth tp to Sf 23--Wanted To Rent bonus, LICENSED: MECHANICS |Money To Loan ___| NURSING HOME |3--Personel money. 'Tease, Re-|house by Aprit'l, Dutch couple, two ARE YOU IN NEED OF 145 King West -- 728-1607 ' Licensed accomodation for {ig you have a drinking probiem, write GOOD INCOME Beery , ,» Fort Worth 1,| children. Prefer east end of Oshawa. "RIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" 2nd and 3rd PART-TIME , we. ients. Lovely warm rooms, rs ' pasion caitlin an THRFE-ROOM apartment, self-contain- TRANSFERRED to Oshawa, Would : Barristers Reasonable rates. WAiSGA 40 Gia Sue We er sa Apply 599 Albert Stree! or (elephone |like to rent three-bedroom A MODERN OFFICE a BOWMAN, David _L., Barrister, Solict Bowmanville 623-5813 _ |ceived. With promise to publish. A. T. BOX 512 728-6010. ; school age. tor, 3% er ret South, 725-9902. 4 Removal of superfluous oie DAIRY farm needs a yore g 23, nag phone 728-8130. 1 E DODDS, Barrister, d Optometrist Marie Murduff will be in OSHAWA Hive in, bermanent work for suitable MIDDLE-AGED women would like « ROnetD STAE : : bg Oshawa, Mar. 4th, 5th, 6th soreen." 'escktia Si Gees Tesseienn Wabicatdned spartnent Ae ' Sod Solicitor, ae ane oe rey WITHOU bats Fe aes ees eel ae anna Motel ON oe on i fiat, wah refrigerator and' stove. 'Tele- ; ne 728-5 : AL FEES Bank 76. Birk Biseat.. tavabesl © thi tes fi tment. We RI | Smart phone Te a ] i rnin LEG examined at sat Dial Tasase7 | ese tk in Dreagatig BOOKKEEPING We have' available a suite of C, Barriste : WINTERIZED house or cottage, ( SSietee, ioney ie tan Other, "I84| _No Bonus es ELECTROLYSIS Business Dedreoms or move for year round occu King Street East, Oshawa. 728-8232. P i ancy. Close to highway, bus service, offices totalling approximatel MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD ws, cae 723-4641 MACHINE | Pecole {ake and grocery store, Semi-tetired| 9 SPP y SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors,| ----Discount for Prepayment; | DODD & SOUTER OPERATOR Sing the Praises i 6 1000 square feet .. . Air condit- } Henry Block, ini i } eee, tee fo De ee. teat Low Monthly Payments PAINTING AND DECORATING 3--Pets & Livestock of Oshawa |ROOM and board in private home for lence, 4029, FOR sale -- two saddle horses. Appi. * : business girl. Home privileges. Close ioned, bright and served by ele- fee SON an re BASTEDO, Barristers, --NO LEGAL FEES Painting, Paperhanging Joe 'Wilson RR <j Port bare, 'Ont. 4 pose cleo be cones ve Times Classified be bus. Write Box 413, Oshawa Times. ' g Yy Solicitors. Clients' funds available for Gyptex, Full Wall Murals BEAUTIFUL snow while Samoyed pup- mediately s private and semi-private pat- | Box 333, Whitby, or call 668-3034 or 725-0893. | ? . di Simeoe Street Spray Painting pies, from champion stock, make won-| Full time employment. For este vator in The Times Building. SUPERIOR 107 BAYS 668-862 females" Megistered. Teles booger interview appointment, paca gy LEARN MEAT | EXECUTIVE NIGHTS 725-7426 LY faymmnal sac = ema. | PHONE 725-4761 REQUIRES THREE OR FOUR | wie i x in: Personal Service PERIRGESE rey ae cham: MR. JACK BATHE CUTTING BEDROOM OME IN (OSH. CONTACT "The Fastest Growing Maguire, Pekin Inn Kennels Reg..Ne. 20 m id te blow | » Wi - fariion Res, sesties Canadian Loan Company MODERN GRILL {pane ines BATHE and | Oihawe pled cpiebna tes Recreation room, by April Ist. THE OSHAWA TIMES %. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici- | | P| | | D I Will BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for | A esire one year lease. ' LOUIS 8. HYMAN, QC, Bai | strain. Apply Mrs. McLELLAN | trict day or evening. Being tor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street North. Office 723-1101. Residence 725-5542. DISCOUNT LIMITED " k . . to purchase. mf S Cc E ST Bar-B- d Chicken, Turke' oe. ee consider option purch Feely george Alger "Bildng 7 King 1 IM (@) ; N. }or-B-Que: icken. urkey Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. formed offering practical Between 4 and 6 p.m. Mon- GREER AND KELLY, Berriatees, Soli- WE DELIVER make good hunter. Telephone 725-8073. RECEPTIONIST chandising: ond: seit < abive: CALL Greer, QC, 7253968. Terence V. Kelly, 5--Farmer's Column Act now. 728-583: 5 - 9 p.m.; Saturdays 12 - citors, 130 King Street West. 728-6246. » 235 Simcoe Street South. Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home SES PgETEN Ty t i in the high! id son omy 725-6541 Mods. Blas end Dears: HOUND for sale, male, 10 months oid, | 81 KING ST. W. raining in the highly pai day to Friday. ASK FOR T. L. WILSON citors, ete., 114 King Street Greer." 725-3887 BA, BCL. 728-5632. WEDNESDAY UNTIL 8 P.M. z FOR SALE -- Two revistered Gamy| AND TYPIST PRACTICAL MEAT 723 391] RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS Hi. APPOINTMENT Telephone 725-3521. Harold H. Stark|feGisTERED Arabian stallion and 24--Houses For Rent GR housebroken. Could --~ field of meat cutting, mer- Residence Phones. J. DAILY UNTIL 5:30 P.M. 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH ; RICHARD B. DONALD, BA, Barrister.) SATURDAYS UNTIL 12 NOON Plumbing and Heating Cows; Holstein Cow' all to freshen in CUTTING and Ki OSHAWA TIMES PA ERNS <_ Nene 3900 bal raw. Tel R | : | | oe lai a laa OTHER EVENINGS BY ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. gg Oe a i aa a aaa mauled NG. wore ae de RETAIL SCHOOL EER, Associate Barristers and Soli! 17 OFFICES INONTARIO _|ing." 255: Simese Street South, |tegistered 4 horse stallion, Palomino! Please state qualifications ree are |BRICK house, food location. available [Stud fee, $50. Bill Leggette, 70 Glo| letter only to 1425. DANFORTH AV | Mortgage loans available. Mortgeaes REPAIRS and remodelling of all t types, |ver's Road, 725-9783 Pe ONTARIO. now. ---- for home two 'g¢ t) new and used materials. Reasonable} , JAMES A. MacDonald, BA, LLB|--- -- F. 795 1534 Mc.| CASH on the spot. Highest prices paid SCHOFIELD- AKER HO 1-7545 rire "References, 'Apply Herman Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- $4,000 | NEEDED oo commercial 1 proper-|rates. Bunker wad tae for dead and crippled farm stock. * Saaes, Taanion. lic. The Commercial Building, 286 King|ty to expand pay g interest on | Te 5 es Collect. Hampton COlfax| a West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client park-|five-vear Pr Write Post Office)ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. aan Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Ltd. six. BOOM brick 1 ouse on a Gladstone ing available. 725-4716 or 725-4717. Box 36, Whitby. Phone 725-3521. Harold H. Stark, Ltd.,|Licence 245-C-63. enue aes. pewig ' | 360 King Street West, Oshawa ated, immediate possess Refer. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILi-|$12.00 -- FIRST MORTGAGE wanted 355 'sieve Street South. Tl WaC Aula For Rent TOOL MAKER _ [ences reauired. "Phone 725-8706. MAN, Barristers, » 64 King Pa eae a : eRe icles For Kew 14--Employment Wanted BUILDING, 30° x 12°, for storage space Street East, Oshawa; R. B. Hum.|stion twenty-eight thousand. Will pay|arL TYPES of repairs and remodel-|------------------______ or light repair shop. Heat, hydro sup- phreys, QC: G. §. Boychyn, Qc;|bonus plus excellent imterest. Box 21l,)1ing, new and used materials. Reason-| Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, |iany would like "jroning in own home:| T ie ne d fi pag gore? ily, 128-4820, Vv. A. Hillman, LLB. Office 721-5177;|088awa Times. __|able rates, Estimates free. Dial) Punch 'Bowls {Reasonable rates. 341 Buena Vista.) © WOFK ON jigs and Tix- Residence, 728-4326; Whitby, 668-2761,| FIRST AND SECOND m mortgages. Sale|723-1193, J. Foley. | | Telephone 725- 6950. ; tures. The usual benefits. FARM HOUSE, ! Roweeate oi vicinity. Six 725-4604. NHA and other mortgage|agreements purchased and 80/4. | Brandy, Wine, Cocktail Glasses late ou i U 3 rooms, ail conveniences. Oil furnace, funds available. Hennick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 Rug- Upholstery Service | Roasting Pans ir wi 4 ton pick-up truck would| Up to $3. per hours for |garage, gatden, Telephone Newcastle King Street East. 723.7232. sah los ery. and delivery work. fele-) »; ht man 3656. a Bookkeeping CHESTERFIELDS LHe chairs 're Coffee Urns Pa cell ca 9g ' BLOOR Street East, 212, seven-room verea Eke new. Get the best for less ' |PETER PAN DAY NURSERY -- Mon. house, Possession immediately. Tele- BOOKKEEPING services, income tax MONEY TO LOAN at Moders Upholderers, 143 Simooe| Sargeant's Rentals |aay to Friday, an or half-day. 501 phone 723-9417, we returns, statements prepared. B.C. Ser- § uth. Call 728-6451. Free estimates. Simcoe Street North. 728-26 APPLY vices, 708 Newman Crescent, Whitby Se a ey ree 725-3338 THREE-BEDROOM brick, large kitch- 668-8252. . bee ields, | --\4 en and living room, Hot water heating chairs, antique furniture of all kinds, 6--Female Help Wanted with oil, garage, large lot, Immediate pry Low Interest re-finished, re-built, re-covered. All RENTALS , clint B X 407 | possession. Telephone 725-7479. Building Trades workmanship guaranteed. For a free| RESPONSIBLE girl or woman for 4 gen-| ~ estimate, call 728-3281; evenings call} eral household duties, live in. Good! NICELY er ee, five-room brick ote or gpa Sas. este. oF 'Valuations Arranged 728-2439 'and a representative will eal.| OF ALL KINDS ee Telephone 728-2503. | OSHAWA TIMES No obligation. Kennedy Upholstering | 3, must "be 'exp eriene FOR 'ALL YOUR BUILDING require. agg od wi ys Available April es hy of General T . « Ltd. cone, aan Sopehe: CUpmeares 5 sus. Residential RUGS, chesterfields cleaned in your SANDING MACHINES -- ialty, Call Bill Vroom, Whitby. 668-4118 City and District home, Reasonable rates. Guaranteed| SCillating sanders, disc sand- | caster, 27 King Street West, Oshawa, PA brick house, $65 monthly, oil heated, YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chimneys if Satisfaction. 728-7057. ers, belt sanders, floor sand- HOUSEKEEPER 'to live in 'and care RT-TIME Sigs ence de mcge tatty cael tage ahd built and repaired, gas linings ins'aited.| Summer Properties |CuesteRFiELDs reuphoistered and| ¢*°- for three children, one school axe, : jbot Street before 2 p.m. rn aie McLAUGHLIN and a iar part-time Bony Apply Hotel er aaa and ge four room insul re-styled. Free estimates. See our) PLUMBERS TOOLS -- ¢ | while mother works. After 7 p.m., 725- | Vacant Land material for re-covering, Dalton Up- ph reh ml ag iia tic 9641 SALES HELP FOR all kinds of roofing, construction | holstering, 75 Charles Street. 723-7212, od eh ds a hg ia cit RUSSELL quartet is lou. Sa george tg eel 6 Fikesbiege CERGTERFIELDG rebuilt, recovered, ee Othe threading: cles, ing for an attractive vocalist. Familiar BLVD eret ntorio Brokers y tion jlike new. hy pay more? Our rates yd ' with dance music. Telephone T . ig Roofing and Construction 725-6937. pene Jare reasonable. Satisfaction guaran-| toilet auger. | Whitby 668-2795, sand WANTED | teed, Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up-| PAINTERS EQUIPMENT -- | 5 brick b I : ead -- sap rienced help in cof- | room bric ungalow, holstery Co., 10 Bond West. Dial! stepladders, aluminum exten- ine' bar id varios Pi co A hy i | SUMMERLAND _ |7223:1. sion ladders, ladder jacks, |rasau, "" "aety Sore. Telephone) Turn your sales ability to | tiled bathroom and kitch- | SECURITIES |Sales and Service steel scaffolding, compress- |HOUSEKEEPER to car wman| extra cash. We need men | en, wall to wall broad- | | | rf James O'Malley CONST. LTD. 723-7122 Oshawa and District Home! ers, spray uns, wallpaper child, five days a week, 9 a.m. to $ ' : 4 | bh OUTBOARD MOTOR saniners horiauling, je Bs Pee, St see, a salary ex- who live in Oshawa, Whit- | toom, oil heated. Close to LIMITED | torches, propane torches. tt Maes by, surrounding areas for | PAI FULL TIME cashier required f , 5 schools, churches and bus. OFFICE AND STORE 112 Simcoe St. North | apie see VIee WELDING: EQUIPMENT ---~ ning work. Apply Mre. Wilson. & evening work, $4 basic | me 5 : LUXURY HITS : RE C OTOR Acetylene welding outfits, [osha Hotel, 70 King East. i . Available immediately. Remodelling Specialists Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 | McCullough Chain Saw 200 amp. electric welders. WAITRESSES required. Apply in per) POY ONd attractive com- By ALICE BROOKS v7 SALES & SERVICE BUILDERS EQUIPMENT ---- [fon Genosha Hotel, 70 Bing Street) missions. : Classified Ad Rates OSHAWA MARINE | cement mixers, finishing tro- reaRNGEO-- aires = Telephone after 6 p.m. Bay pong Ast oly igo 25 WORD: R wels, wheel barrows, electric ly R i sa wanted. Ap- : | chair, bed, Quilt pi F taf- Better diustied ethacs ot tarae results, 1487 tgvbe a. 0031 | vibrator, air compressor; in ee Telephone: Globe & | 723-2825 en satin, cotton, Cher : jack hammers, hand trowels, |SALESLADY, age 25 to 35. with kmowL Mail 725-4473 Mr. \25----Apt. & Flats For R Elegant, easy to do! Join top, : 6 consecutive days P r i Surveyors ical nas air Ansa hn Sefsry"and'ontiningnes Appts oe Py ats For nent lnettee lining-stiteh on reverse : 3 consecutive doys...... é 2.48 ar Lim AND TROLLOPE, Ontanio aanetater plist Twa ret pn aed idan Machine Company, Marskell Rousekeupingonne is Plaga oe Her wl nae, Peas ee Two-Skirt Pattern initi 4 'oti | urveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. ' : wa ; r ransfer; i r a re ee ee tae Helatal A oiming acke 13--Business Opportunities!13--Business Opportunities emplved duis. two quilted pillows. oy ae Oe It not paid within 7 days, charge rate applies. tat aad Sts Cee mortar mixers, mortar boxes, " WHITBY "basement "a1 apartment, partly) 'Phirty-five cents (coins) for| Sew one outfit with the slim 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632, chain hoist, miter saw, elec- . ' § ™:/ this pattern (no stamps, please} | kirt ith the gored skirt Professional listings only, 3 lines per month print, te ae ae ie Val | YOU'LL FID the reliable service peo ; sical sealed bbe are he oi. : . . * " ve ° e Each additional line per month. : "e : TV--Radio Repairs bandsaw, 4" joiner, sand uab e Dealership Available the Classified een makes ee hora! oF a ecralt Vary the sleeve lengths and (Not applicable for roorchrvdion advertisements.) GUARANTEED repairs to all. makes ring tomper, power . : Dept., Oshawa, Ont. Ontario|Mix-match. Ring-collar jacket DEADLINES lironies, 197 Eluett, T2349 Pred | Ot UO: KINGS COURT residents add 1 cent sales tax.|is new, smart. Choose tweed or 5 di ey ' Print plainly PATTERN NUM-/a new blend. Classified Display 2:30 Pg oy prectoled TV TOWERS STAN'S AP ARTMENTS BER, NAME, ADDRESS. Printed Pattern 4852: Misses? Births, memorioms, cards of thanks -- 9 a.m. day of publication. Sharpening & Rentals Ltd - 1963's Biggest Needlecraft|Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. See Lost and Found -- 8:30 a.m. day of publication. AND 9 ' AJAX " Show stars smocked accessor-|pattern for yardages. Cancellations and Corrections--8:30 o.m. day of publication. A j 223 King St. W., Oshawa ies -- it's our new Needie-| FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) in REGULATIONS ane San PI cae in te Uoied Ses Rieeeiin ld oe enti No Lease Required craft Catalog! Suis over, "icons (oo stumps, plewse) for The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- TRIO none 723-3224 : Y¥_sold to such companies as fresh-to-you designs to. knit,/this pattern. Ontario residents Montgomery Ward and Speigels of Chicago on a National basis, . hind Ae ; ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more than Z-BRICK is the newest and latest material to be used in the aiyl 3 ag aad crochet, sew, weave, embroider, add two cents sales tax. Print | one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the TELEVISION |12--Articles Wanted UR: interior and exterior decorating field. To-day Z-BRICK is ex- fer, Oanano |quilt. Plus. free pattern. Sendiplainly SIZE, NAME, AD- price pesca for a single insertion of the advertisement in which SHAW Hine byte ibs ge wide acceptance in the construction Opposite large Shopping Centre 23 cents now, DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. error industr ndustrial, commercial and domestic busin r hools, church eas Send ord ANNE ADAMS, 171 ND ST. ¥: ic siness are near sc! s, churches, etc end order to The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising BOND ST. E. OSHAWA AUTO WRECKING CO. eager to use Z-BRICK. Tremendous product for the do-it-yourself care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- eccording to its proper classification. 728- 6781 market. Financing program available for retail sales. An invest- Large One Bedroom $73 W t Ad D i b tern Dept., Oshawa Ont, i We Caan Of Gach Odveitionmnedie, Tha' ¢ : SEN Atte Wants cars for wrecking. ment of $2,500. is required for initial stock, and profit return ant- ) ion : . f ir vcueds Ie tee sence + stig ad ae Nigh not 'be One wise housewife sold her | Parts for sale, also scrap iron is lucrative with repeat orders, making Z-BRICK a year round Two Bedroom $79 Just out! 304 design ideas Be eek thes dative excioneet in -- ~ actual gas stove the first day with and metals, ete bought business. Small warehouse facilities requiged. Only sincere in plus coupon for FREE pattern tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of psc ald Heh ponte he id ill | ° Open Saturday all day. Phone dividuals DB pied) -- to age andi financial background TELEPHONE Cost-They Pay -- any one you choose in new ' y rey; ur bur- promotionally inclined need apply for jyter iew. = ersonal -S if eny imeccuracies in any form are contained therein, ner (propone) 21 inch, $25 | 725-2311---89 BLOOR E. interview send resume to Box 212, Othapre Times 1 oe AJAX WH 2-2001 cr toe ee ie j