Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Mar 1963, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT DETAILS GIVEN A. budget exceeding $2,000,000 was approved by Whitby Town Council this week. The budget of estimates for town expendi- ture and setting of mill rates took place at a special meeting of council, A-total of $140,875.56 has: been| budgeted for general govern- ment, covering administration and maintenance of municipal buildings this year. Last year, $117,711.70 was spent under the same heading, almost $2,000 less than the budgeted amount, Executive and __ legislative costs are estimated at $12,171 and a further $50,000 for per- sonal 'services. $1,700 has been set aside for audit fees and law costs and surveys estimates have risen from last year's $3,537 to the budgeted figure of {budget. Seven hundred and 53 Town's.1963 Budget Exceeds $2,000,000 1962. The town parks will re- ceive a possible $9,625 and the library board, $11,105. The Industrial Commission ex- penditure has been estimated as $11,000. The 1962 estimate of $10,845 for the commission was met last year. The grant to the Whitby com-| munity swimming pool has been) doubled to $1,000. The brass band will receive a possible $5,840, $2,000 mcre than the amount shown in last year's dollars has been estimated as} the town's contribytion to the} Central Lake Ontario Conserva-| tion Authority. | DEBT CHARGES Total debt charges to the) town will be $474,653 during the! covers a wide range from pro-| / vineial sales of scrap. in debenture debt and $3,600 is estimated in receipt from the Dominion Government in lieu of t for welfare are expected to) reach $22,000. Last year the esti- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Merch 11,1963 § government grants to Some $365,064 is recoverable axes, Provincial government grants mates for welfare went $2,000 in| excess of the budget to $18,000, Further grants and subsidies for liquor control are estimated at $2,400 and $8,000 is estimated as receipt for the Children's Aid Society. The county road rebate remains at a constant level with a budgeted figure of $55,263, FIRE PROTECTION F Revenue from the Township of) © { Whitby for fire protection pur- |poses is estimated 'at $1,500.) {Council also expects that $2,000 will accrue to. the town in poll lcurrent year. The debenture| |principal is $231,800 with interest of $230,353, $6,500. RATES REMAIN CONSTANT "LIBERALS DISCUSS ELECTION STRATEGY Discussing strategy for the Norman Cafik, left, nominated er at the meeting a HOSPITAL CHARTER IS PRESENTED Association an incorporated company. The purpose of the company -- to provide Whitby with its own general hospital to meet the ever-increasing need for hospital facilities in this area. Turning over the HISTORIC OCCASIO Dr. J. 0. Ruddy, president of the Whitby Genera] Hospi- tal board of governors, left, Thursday night accepted a provincial. charter, constitut- ing Whitby General 'Hospital Postage, printing and adver- tising estimates remain constant) with expenditure over the past) two years with an estimate of) $6,000. A bi-annual item makes its appearance on this year's charter, at right, ior William Davidson, WGH board of governors secretary. Looking on is Gordon T. Rich- ards, vice-president, WGH board of governors. --Oshawa Times Phot 0 Whitby Gen. Hospital Whitbys' own genera! hospital 'Board Is Now Pein The 18-member un- too-distant future. | official board of directors be- came the official board of gover- i ement was evidenced "0rs. Poti Thursday night,) Dr. Ruddy, in his remarks, when members of the Whitby|reminded members their pur- General Hospital Association/pose was to build, equip and attended their first annual gen-| maintain a hospital to serve eral meeting and elected an 18-/the needs of the people in the member board of governors. 7 as ous : ight's inaugural meet-| He pointed out Oshawa Gen- tne manne an Sisto oceasion|eral Hospital and the Ajax- in this Ontario County town.|Pickering Genera) Hospital And it culminated months ofjhave been meeting this need planning, meetings of interested) and are excellent hospitals, but citizens and the obtaining of ajthere is still a need for further charter incorporating W hit b y/hospital accommodation in this General Hospital Association. gs ead a i i Davidson,| Mr. Richards to' e gather- wi a comoitios sec-jing it is the feeling of the On- retary, turned the provincial) tario charter over to chairman, Dr.|sion that Hospital Services Commis- J. O. Ruddy, last night. |the most satisfactory hospital. Official ,junction with . officials under Health Minister Matthew B. Dymond, MD, to assure that when the need for this hospital's protection becomes evident, it will have been erected and ready to make a ful! contribu- tion to the health and safety of Whitby and surrounding com- munities. All Saints' Anglican Church, Mr. Anderson said, provided the hall for the first meeting of the original "Citizens' Commit- tee,"" Oct. 20, 1960. STEERING COMMITTEE SET Out of that committee, he said, came the "Steering Com |mittee" and out of that commit- jtee came six main committces: |property, industriaj, finance, general management, publicity jand legal. is Council | budget, election expenses, $4,000. | Nine thousand dollars has |been set aside as provision ont juncollected taxes, The estimates Interest on notes is estimated) at $2,590 and a further $10,000 is budgeted, as discount on taxes. The debt charges for last year reached $458,575, a $330 drop from the 1962 budget. The main item of expenditure for the town during the year will be education costs. A total of $704,406 has been estimated for this purpose which includes |for grants shows a drop of $1,250/$347,928 to the town's public) \from 1962's figures with a total) Schools. of $4,750 being budgeted. $2,709| In 1962 almost $13,000 was was budgeted and spent on|spent to finance the operation Planning Board last year, this| of the public schools. A similar year's estimate has dropped|drop in operating costs of the considerably to $913. 'local separate schools is shown. Conventions and delegations) sepa $8C LS accounts for $1,600 of the bud-|"insr ate teen | taxes and a further $1,800 in dog) licences and pound fees. | Last year $2,940 was paid to the town in business and profes- forthcoming federal general election are the three well- known Liberals shown above. Liberal candidate at the Thursday night meeting in Whitby, talks with Miss Judy LaMarsh, MP for Niagara, John Lay of Ajax, defeated by... Mr, Cafik in the race for the» nomination. : sional licence fees. This year a) further $2,900 is expected to be) paid from the same source. Expansion of the town was| mirrored in the $2,604 received| in building permit fees, Council) budgeted $2,000 revenue from| permit fees for 1963. Plumbing) permits also account for $700 of expected revenue, Trailer camp taxes remain constant with $3,500 estimated revenue for the current year, Last year $16,000 was budgeted in investment earnings, an amount which was exceeded by | A charge that Prime Minister Diefenbaker is wrecking his party and country and wants to be prime minister in. 1967, open- ed the Liberal Party campaign Diefenbaker Wrecking | LaMarsh added, "In June of last year," Miss: get, a sum which was not reach- ed last year although budgeted. Another new item of expenditure \this year is the sum of $4,850 jearmarked for the zoning bylaw jand assessment maps. | Maintenance of the municipal buildings takes $23,655 of the budget estimates and $0,625 for {the upkeep of the town garage. Last year these buildings took Last year the separate schools cost the town $49,578. This year the sum is estimated at $46,213. The district high school running costs also show a decrease from 1962's $331,408 to 1963's $310,264. Capital outlay for the current year is estimated at $21,000, in the past year this item account- ed for $45,925 of the expendi- ture, It included work on parks and industrial sewer and water $20,284 and $6,610 respectively. | jand the estimate for the jhas risen to $1,200 in the cur estimates, A rise of almost $4,000 over 1962 figures is shown in fire protection in the protection to persons and property budget. The fire protection estimate is now $40,135. POLICE BIG ITEM Police protection is the biggest item in the committee's budget | "|with $110,961 being estimated for the current year, This shows a $7,000 over last year's total expenditure. $2,000 to the $25,500 agreed upon supply. The fire hall accounted for! A further drop in the county|s309 from last year's figure of $518 of last year's expenditure|levy is noted in the currentigs 990, Miscellaneous hall| budget. 1962 saw a $242,287 levy| accounts for $500 of the revenue rent|Plus $2,434 in supplementary] estimate and $200 from the sale jtaxes. This year's budget notes) $229,384 earmarked for county! | purposes, | Miscellaneous expenses reach| 1,000 this year. Last year $95) |was spent under this heading. jA further $73 is expected to be jused for equipment. The 1062 deficit of $36,290 is|) UNCONDITIONAL GRANT expected to drop to $22,615, | The unconditional grant re- bringing the 1063 bu'get to a jceived from the provincial gov- |total of $2,157,870.65. | REVENUE ESTIMATE | Town revenues for the year is the | breakdown of |$2,500 in rents during the year. $1,628, Investment earnings: are estimated to rise to $18,500 for the current year. RENT GAINS Whitby also expects to gain in Ontario Riding Thursday} night. |force was out of work, The charge was made by Miss| Judy LaMarsh, Liberal MP for Niagara, who was guest speaker at the nomination meeting held to choose the Liberal candidate in the forthcoming federal elec- tion. More than 800 jammed the auditorium of Whitby's Henry Street High School and applaud- ed Norman Cafik of West Rouge who beat John Lay of Ajax in the two-way race for the can- didacy. After introduction by Reeve| of scrap. Anson Gerrow, of Scugog, Miss Approach culverts and sewer|LaMarsh said that non-Liberals laterals will net the town a@niwere attending such nomination| estimated $2,600 and $2,700 re-|meetings, an indication of the| spectively. Last year there was|importance people place no budgeted revenue under|April 8 election. 'psd enraeant ATTACKS LABOR POLICY --_|' She attacked the labor policy) P/oyees. of the outgoing government and force is argued, FIGURES STATIC unemployed," Law enforcement fines, etc. will provide an estimated $9,000 for the town's coffers during 1063 and a further 62,000 revenue from roads. Sewer rates estimates jumped revenue | will go away with the snow?" ance fund on the other, jernment is estimated at $51,075 jfor 1963. In the preceding year this item reached $46,807. ) Town taxes are estimated at|them, but a nice boy i Miss LaMarsh asked why the labor minister stated there were now many new jobs available although unemployment figures remained static, "How can you talk to am unemployed man,' she asked, "and tell him he is only seasonally unemployed and The speaker said that the PC's boasted about employment fig- ures on one hand and worried about the unemployment insur- Miss LaMarsh said that millions of on theldoliars had gone from the fund which had been built up by con- tributions by employers and em- "That fund, held in trust, has particularly Labor Minister|been frittered away for conver- Starr, MP for Ontario Riding.|sion bond purchases," she Miss LaMarsh called him "a|charged. "Labor Minister Starr jnice boy, the world is full of}must bear responsibility for this s the last/outright loss, this bad invest- Street lighting has risen some °*Pected to reach $2,156,962. A/ $1,518,859 plus an additional $15,-| thing this riding needs". ment:" --Oshawa Times Photo... Tories And Canada . : "It is a pretty expensive busis. "Mr, Diefen-/ness,"' Miss LaMarsh argued; baker again said that unem- ployment would be wiped out in|year per man, two months, yet in July and August, six per cent of the labor! the money in his pocket and told "and works out at $14,000 per "It would be better if you put him to disappear, like the The speaker also charged that thé government had made no study into unemployment al- though urged to do so by the opposition, She said that a study made by a Senate committee had not gone far enough to answer the problems, THREE BUDGET ESTIMATES Miss LaMarsh answered charges that the opposition had hampered the PC government during the last session, She said that only three budget estimates had been brought before the House and had not been turned down by the opposition, "There has not been a budget brought before the House for al- most two years," she state: "and the government has spen billions of the taxpayers money without discussion, "This is government by dic- tatorship, not government by democracy," she cried. When Prime Minister Diefen- baker opened his election cam- paign he said there would be a "Now 8.3 per cent of the leber snow," she quipped. she revenue; 000 in supplementary taxes. The total budget means that ja residential mill rate of 70.9 land a commercial mill rate of 78.1 will be set. In residential mills public and _-- separate schools take 18.5 mills, high ; A schools take 14.5 mills and On- Aba t gy igg D a cele-ltario County takes 11.1 mills. day. Her companions "J Cob-| The ote aad 26:8 is the gen- borne Street School and friends|°"2: Te. : ; ; Commercial mill rates of 20.5 wish her many happy returns of| .,¢ designated for public and ' |the day. |separate school use, 16.1 mills Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hep-|£0 to high schools, and another burn spent Monday in Orillia|11.1 mills for the county, Com- visiting Mrs. Hepburn's moth-|mercial ratepayers contribute er, Mrs. Elspeth MacDonald. 30.4 mills to the general rate. | "These committees did the| She stated there was dry rot|jaTURAL RESOURCES necessary and onerous work re-| in the Cabinet and disaffection) Tye assembled Liberals were among Progressive Conserva- told that Canada has great nat- tives. "The popularity contests! ia) resources in material and are over," the speaker said.|neople, Miss LaMarsh said the Without leadership 19 million' people cannot make jobs for people can do nothing." \themselves nor can the govern "TI like Mike Starr," Miss La-|ment but it is the duty of the Marsh added, "'as you like him, | government to create a climate but do not vote for him, for if)in which he economy will flour- you do then you support John! ish. Diefenbaker. "There are many problems to PRIME MINISTER IN 1967 _|face,'" Miss _LaMarsh pointed "You will support a man who) Ut, "there are men over 40 who ill bri hi d his|Cannot get work, men put out of country. down," the. audience| work by automation and the in- was told, 'a man whose over.|flux of unskilled workers com- riding ambition is to be prime! ing through our open doors to plan of slum-clearance if his party was re-elected. Miss La- Marsh said, "if there is goin to be such a plan he dream it up between the time the House dissolved and he made the speech in Toronto." Miss LaMarsh promised that portable pensions and an old pension at 65 years of age wae be introduc if the Liberal Party was elected. She added there were many ideas in the party which had been simplified during the last four years which would be used during the next session, In conclusion Miss LaMarsh by council as has the $2,105 bud-| geted for insurance, a $300 rise. Dog control has now reached $6,050 from 1962 expenditure of $4,706. | A customary item in the bud- get, which was not expended! last year, is the $50 payment) for sheep killed by dogs. Traffic) control estimates have been set! at $6,010. In 1962 the estimate) a 100-bed hospital is | MOTION TO ADJOURN |NO PERMISSION | t | But, before the meeting *got| But, he pointed out, by get. quired in the formation of any underway, Councillor Desmond|ting a charter, the association|such large organization" as a Newman moved it be adjourned] still does not have permission|hospital. We probably. all real- until tonight in order to permit|to build a hospital. He said thejize now an initial expenditure of people in attendance to attend a|charter permits the laying of/over half a million dollars. for| Liberal nomination convention.|the --_-- work, oaeee mon-|buildings, land, equipment and ue ies a getting preliminary|personnel will be required, Pc gpnqere oD gchar tage |planning completed. There will be a total expendi. andless of which party waal But, Mr. Richards said, itjture of several millions of dol- holding it (he was careful not|1°eS not mean OHSC will pay|lars when the hospital is com-|for this purpose was $4,600, of grants, He suggested WGHA/plete," Mr. Anderson pointed|which $4,114 t t bh mention ried party name) is must collect some $400,000 be-| out : ee pesonatr p thay caper prt fore it can approach OHSC to! Included on the board of gov-| SANITATION BUDGET prea ad should yi attended| atch this amount and get per-jernors are: Dr. J. O. Ruddy, Sanitation and waste removal b aid fe attending the "hospi: mission for a hospital. president; Gordon T. Richards, |>udget has jumped $20,000 over} rf Slee He added he was confident|vice . president; William David-|'@5t year's estimates. $97,850 WHITBY PERSONALS Town solicitor Hugh T. Nichol this amount could be realized suggested Mr. Newman's mo- tion was out of order. He said of the association's ship. member- A Ander- the association's son said people for almost three; Wilson, Dr. F. years have "been working be- hind the scenes, giving quietly of their days and nights in con-/Stanley W. Martin, json, secretary; G, A. Anderson, T. M, Browley Edward Rob-| Was estimated for garbage col-| through hard work on the part/son, treasurer and directors:|/¢ction and disposal last year.|spent last weekend 'n Niagara| New York, They were! he sum also covered: sewer Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormiston) | Falls, R. Gordon Grobb. Dr. Kenneth|@sposal, sludge disposal, main-|guests at the Red Coach Inn. |James J. Ottenbrite, Madge A. A. Cuddy, John Dryden, Mrs. Florence E. Fal- laise; John G. Goodwin, Mayor Hugh T. |Nichol and Leo Steffler, repre- senting Oshawa and District Labor Council. Court Rules Car Was Insured Magistrate Crawford W Guest Thursday ruled a car owned by a Toronto youth was insured and dismissed a failin, to produce proof of insurance charge. James Harry Gamble, 19, 246 Wilson street east, told the court the $20 unsatisfied judg- | | ment fund fee had been paid| by the vehicle's previous owner. Gamble said he purchased the vehicle the day before he was stopped on Brock gy south by Town Constable Eric Erickson. He said at the jtime, he had not compieted changing the ownership over notification had been given all : WGHA members of the eg. Ps G augural meeting and at that). 2. A time, there was no mention of| any political meeting. Furthermore, Mr. Nicho]) pointed out, should the meeting) be rage to another date.) it would difficult in view of} . the forthcoming federal election| Woman Fined $20 to arrange a meeting date when eq. : there would not be a pellticall For Failing To meeting of some kind. | NOT POLITICAL MEETING | Allow Roadway Gordon T. Richards, vice - president, suggested the annual). Mrs. Laura Beachamp, 926 meeting was not and should not|Brock street north, was Thurs- become a political meeting. Mr. |day fined $20 and costs or Richards reminded those in at-|three days, when she pleaded tendance they were at a meet-|guilty before Magistrate Craw- ing to discuss a proposed hos- ford W. Guest to a charge of pital--not politics. failing to willow one half of the Dr. Ruddy ruled Mr. New-| roadway to an approaching mo- man's motion out of order torist. Mr. Newman left and went to, Town Constable Fred Baker Henry Street High School,|told the court the accused had where some 800 Liberal support-| been involved in an accident ers were attending the nomina-/09n Palmerson avenue, near tion rally. Brock street, Feb, 10 One of the first duties of the Constable Baker said the ac. members was to approve a by- cused had been proceeding north law constituting the Whitb yjon Brock street and turned left General Hospital Association. It/into Palmerston avenue. She received unanimous approval, |28ain turned left into a service station lot and when she did, ELECT GOVERNORS \the right rear fender of her car The second duty, both of|struck the right rear fender of which were urged by Mr. Rich-|another vehicle, | Constable ards, was to elect a board of|Baker said. BROCK Evening Shows Start 7 and 8:30 WHITBY Saturday Matinee at 1:30 -- a THEY FOUGHT FACE TO FACE or SIDE BY SIDE! RANDOLPH C JOEL SCOTT: McCREA ALSO -- Exciting Second Feature "A DOG'S BEST FRIEND" with BILL WILLIAMS -- ROGER MOBLEY into his own name. According to the accused, the 1962 ownership permit which he jbad at the time showed the $20 fee had been paid. Constable Erickson said the accused did not have an insur- jance certificate when he stop- |ped him on the night in ques- | tion. | His Worship said he would give the accused the benefit of ithe doubt and dismissed the charge. WAS GOLF CHAMP KIRKCALDY, Scotlend (AP) |Willie Auchterlonie, 90, winner of the British open golf cham- pionship in 1893, died Wednes- |day. Auchterlonie, one of the most famous players in British golf, was the professional to the |Royal and Ancient Golf Club at ISt, Andrews for 28 years. is iS oe and sewer construc- on More than $2,000 remained at jthe end of 1962 under the budget estimates. The current year will |see a possible $117,605 expendi- jture on the sanitation and waste removal program. Twenty-seven hundred dollar have been earmarked for the| construction of sewer laterals! this year. | A $10,000 special project on |Dunlop drive undertaken by the Works Department is among the items on the public works (subsidizable accounts) budget. The estimates include a further $101,930 for construction and maintenance. PUBLIC WORKS The total public works budget reaches $164,945 for the year. It made up as follows: Side-| { |W last year's expenditure of $9,305. A downtown project, $2,000, |which was not included in the! |1962 estimates, $5,610 has been| jcalculated as expenditure on storm sewers. The tree program | budget has risen by $1,000 to |this year's $2,550, | | In the past year $210 was |Spent on approaching culverts. 1963 will see a possible $2,935 expenditure which council pass- jed for this purpose. The esti- |mates for engineering and over- heads remains * fairly constant jwith a $1,150 increase over! | 1962's $20,350. | Administration of social serv- ices for 1963 accounts for $1,075. jIn the previous year $175 was |budgeted and spent for this pur- pose. Last year's estimate of |March 2. ; . ages 4 tenance, pump stations, capital) _ C. Hobbs, Richard P. Mathews, | rom Georme, edn of Mr. end Mrs. | {Lloyd Hicks, 637 Brock street| north, is confined to his home| jwith the "flu, His companions of} |Palmerston Kindergarten and} | friends wish him a_ speedy) | recovery. David, son of Mr. and Mrs. orman Gibson, is celebrating| his third birthday today. His| friends wish him many happy| returns of the day. | | Mr. and Mrs. John Middle-| jweek and Mr. and Mrs. Paul) |Hendriks, of Toronto, were last! |Sunday guests at the home of! |Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A.| Hendriks, 300 Cochrane street. |N William Dalby, 208 Warden Wilson avenue, is celebrating] his birthday today, 4is friends wish him a happy birthday, alks $12,910, an increase over) The many friends of Mr. and|Centre street. He said the ve- Mrs. Fred Broome, Street, congratulate the celebration of wedding anniversary 700 Perry} them' on their 4ist! Saturday, ! BRINGS FINE PRICE HOUSTON (AP) -- Lester Goodson, Houston auto dealer, said Thursday he has sold a quarter horse to a California rancher for $100,000, one of the| ;was involved in an accident at minister in 1967." |join the fabric of our society. Miss LaMarsh said that Labor| Ice ToBlame For Mishap ment from the day it took| Years in the House of Comm "Tf Mr, nese was to ng said Minister Starr had failed in his|that unemployment was deplor- department. 'Unemployment is|@ble and he wished to do some- the greatest problem in Can-|thing about it," Miss LaMarsh ada," she stated, "and has been|Said, "I would not be talking the weakest spot in the govern-|like this tonight. In my three said that the candidate would need the support of all Liberals. "AS an example you may use the -phrase chosen by the De- partment of Labor," she ended, "* 'Don't wait for spring, do it now'." power." The audience heard the speak-| " er quote the prime minister as|Ployment. saying in 1957, there would be| MUNICIPAL BURDEN no unemployment, a stand that) he still maintains. Court Rules; Magistrate Crawford W. Guest ruled Thursday after- noon icy road conditions were the cause of a two-car crash February 13 and dismissed a failing to yield the right of way applied his brakes, but I have heard him do nothing jbut deny that there is unem- Miss LaMarsh also said that {the Winter Works program was a burden on the municipalities the| and taxpayers, She said that 89 fenders of the two cars came|per cent of the cost of the pro FREE Have your furnace cleaned free and guaranteed trouble-free all winter, if you purchase "White Rooe unified fuel oll from Western 0. DIAL 725-1212 charge against Keith Alvin|into collision. Nagy, 1021 Centre street north. Witness Stanley Redfern, 200 told the court he estimated|Sovernment. |gram is paid by the municipal- Town Constable Gary Winter|!ty and the remainder by the One-Stop Stewart street, told the court he|damages to the Redfern ve-| hicle at approximately $150 and| $200 to the accused's vehicle. | He said the road was "very slippery'"' and it had been snow-| ing at the time of the mishap, | Nagy said he saw the Red- fern vehicle as he approached, the intersection and applied his' brakes. But, he said, due to) ice on the road, he was unable! to stop in time to avoid a colli-| sion, \ His Worship said he had no! doubt icy roads caused the) jaccident and dismissed the GENERAL ELECTRIC the intersection of Palmerston avenue and Centre street on the day in question, Mr. Redfern said he had been eastbound on Palmerston ave- nue, when he saw a_ car approaching from the north on SALES & SERVICE Serving Whitby, Oshewa end surrounding cree, @ FREE PICK-UP @ FREE DELIVERY Independent Sales (Whitby) Ltd. PHONE 668-2081 hicle was coming at a steady speed, which he estimated was approximately 20 miles an hour. According to the witness, he "fully expected the other driver fo pull up and permit me to have the right of way as I was! on the right.' charge. a DECORATING SHOP Custom Draperies Broedioom and Rugs Wallpaper and Murals C.L.L. Paints end Varnishes Flo-Glaze -Colorizer Paints DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Phone 668.5862 Mr. Redfern said he could , see the other vehicle was not} going to stop and therefore At sea and ashore! highest prices ever paid for a} quarter horse, The horse is Bar| Depth, a jet black racer that} won $51,540.92 as a two-year-old | last year. Goodson said the buyer was Truman Johnson of| Riverside, Calif., a savings and) loan executive and owner of the) Cifcle Lazy J. Ranch. e@ Commercial end industrial Sites @ Leasebock @ Development Paul Ristow REALTOR Simcoe N. 728-9474 i H } | | i 52Y ' $20,000 for direct assistance was| exceeded by some $2,600, the! budget has now risen to $28,000. | Expenditure of $200 for the| training school is noted in the! budget report. Charity drugs, | funerals, etc. account for a fur-| jther $600 of the social services | estimates. j | The Ontario County Health| Unit receives a _$12,799 total) from the Town of Whitby. RECREATION SERVICES Recreation and Community jservices estimates show little) jdifference from the figures for FOR RENT New Ground- Opposite Town Parking Lot EACH 400 SQ. FT. Apply: BOWMAN 145 BROCK ST. S., Lam = Floor Offices AVAILABLE NOW PALM BREEZE (Very Light) & GIBSON WHITBY, =D womenars cece! RUMS | NAVY RUM WHITE CAP (White)

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