ee OG Ng gp OPED DALES LO LLL E LS | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, March 1, 1963 ey for by the tex payers, he Addressing the annual dinner of the Traffic anc Transporta- tion Association of Pittsburgh, Hoffa Assails Ayes Tete | JFK's Brother IPoor Shape Kills : Fined $25 Ajax Strikers HUNT AND BAILEY FRESH AT START Reporters Walk Twenty-seven miles from Bow- manville and a little Jess. than 11 weary hours after its start, the Oshawa Times' 50-mile trek to Toronto's City Hall was over. Allan Bailey. and Bernard Hunt, Times' newsmen, were knocked out of the hike by sub- zero temperatures, At one point in the sojourn the mercury dip- / ped to 8-below zero. | Bailey limped his last 50 } yards past the Ajax turnoff on Highway 2 and 20 miles from the start of the walk from the Bowmanville town hall. Hunt, 100 pounds lighter than his partner, trudged another seven miles to the outskirts of Toronto. Bailey quit his trek at 3.45 a.m. and Hunt pulled up at 6:30 a.m. The pair left Bowmanville around 8.15 p.m. Bailey was forced to quit when his legs seized up as the pair stopped at a gas station outside Ajax. "TI plodded my way through Pickering, Dunbarton and final- ly came to rest at the edge.of West Hill in Scarboro town- ship," said Hunt in a long dis- tance interview, Bowmanville Police escorted the pair from the town hall to the town line as they left the town at 8 p.m. last might. The two hikers had letters from Mayor Ivan Hobbs of Bow- manville and Mayor Lyman Gif- ford to present to Toronto mayor, Dongld Summerville, when they arrived. Hunt delivered the letters to Mayor Summerville after he was driven to City Hall by Mc- Call at 7.30 a.m. Pace Slowed By Ice On Cheeks By BERNARD HUNT I am disappointed I had to quit the walk. Although I knew I wouldn't make it, I was sur- prised at how much the cold| could affect a person. | Allan set the pace as we set out from Bowmanville. As can be seen from our times, we slowed down considerably dur- ing the second 10 miles. The first 10 miles were com- pleted in two and a half hours: But the second 10 took us near- ly four hours to walk, My feet did not bother me as much as I thought they might. With three pairs of socks on, together with my ankle high boots, both feet gave me very little trouble. The cold seemed to affect me mostly in my legs and face. Shortly after leaving Osh- awa, my legs started to feel weak, During the haul from Whitby to Ajax, I could feel the strength draining from them. Each time I took a step, a Sharp jab of pain went up through my leg into my side. I knew then I was nearly finished. From time to time, I had to stop to remove ice that kept forming on my cheeks. At one point, my ice-coated upper eyelash stuck to the lower lid and I spent about five minutes trying to get my eye open. My walking partner and I did not compete against each Ajax (Staff) -- A fine of $25 and costs was imposed upon an Ajax man when he was found guilty of failing to yield the right of. way, in court here Thursday, Ulfred Harms Harders of 64 Harwood avenue received the fine as a result of a charge laid against. him when he was involy- ed in an accident Jan, 28, Constable F. Gallivin of the Ajax Police Department told the court he investigated an acci- dent at the Harwood avenue - Sation road intersection, Jan. 28. He said Harders vehicle had been proceeding north on Har- wood and made a left turn at Station road when it became involved in an accident with a lyghicle proceeding south on Har- woed, Safeguards For Negroes WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres- edented powers to safeguard Negro voting rights, including referees to rule on voter quali: fications as soon as a_ regis- trar's impartiality is challenged in federal court, Other federal action, no mat- ter how speedy and how dras- tic, Kennedy said, can never correct abuses of local and state power to curtail Negro civil rights. The president, outlining his first qaivil rights program to Congress, added: "It is necessary instead to free the forces of our demo- cratic system within these areas by promptly ensuring the franchise to all citizens, making Kennedy Asks | AJAX (Staff) Strikin |/UAWA local 1000 (Ajax) end- \ed their eight-day strike last |night when the 300 members ratified a three-year contract with Canadian Auto Trim Ltd. Another 300 workers at UAWA 195 (Windsor) also end- ed their eight-day strike when they agreed to the same con- tract. Both locals struek the Ajax plant and the parent company L. A, Young Spring and Wire| 'We let four workers go back Corp. in Windsor on Feb. 20, |to work Thursday so that the Grievances centred on better) company would not lose a big working conditions and increase! order with Ford Motor Co.,"' in wages. | The four workers went back Local 1090 President 0. Ve-|to work because 'we knew that verka said last night that the|the Local would ratify the new "union is very satisfied with! contract," Mr. Veverka said. | the changes, guarantees and in-| Both plants supply the major | ereases,"' bee? industries with cotton GET PAY HIKE pads, seat and door covers as The three-year contract, dat- bl ck eats osddetinat the whole bonus system. The contract also sets out some new job classifications as well as comprises in other job categories, he added, Mr. Ve- verka said, both plants start- ed. back to work at 7:30 a.m, today. The night shift will be back on the job at 4 p.m, "The strike did not hurt the company or union" Mr, Vever- ka said last night. jing from March 1, calls for in-/GOT LITTLE SLEEP jcreases in pay, life insurance, I Relations between the com- sickness benefits, pension plan,|pany and the union were de- jand a 60 percent hike in retro-)scribed as "very good" Mr. Ve- | active pay "over the last offer) verka said. made by the company just prior} Negotiators on both sides got to the strike." /little sleep during the lengthy ident Kennedy has asked the) One of the main beefs was,settlement. meetings. President} Other vote U.S. congress for unprec-jover the company's incentive) Veverka said he was able to\cseem to have jsystem for piecework. 'The|catch half hour' naps during the {union claimed that scheme re-|negotiations which went on at | sulted in an 'unfair division" of| 40-hour stretches at times. |pay because of the type of work) "My wife did not see me for | done, \two days at one time,"' the Mr. Veverka said that the union local president said. new contract calls for the union| Members of the union will be {and company to make a study|given their strike pay this Sat- |towards a possible overhaul oflurday, he added. Vote List Padding Days Said Gone By DON HANRIGHT jthese will stem from inadvert- General Robert Kennedy Thurs- day night and said the U.S. gov- ernment has had him under constant surveillance for two years, The leader of the 1,700,000. member union said: "One man has assigned a spe- cial elite corps of 23 deputy at- torney-generals to work his dic- tates on me, I wish you could have been with me the past two years when I have been kept under surveillance week in, |week out for 24 hours a day." This surveillance is being none of the parties have that kind of dough." The same source feels certain that some impersonating will again be done on April 8, but on nothing close to the scale of the old days, He recalls that once to protect themselves against telegraphers by using indelible vot to brand: known Liberal voters in advance. Goon-squad tactics may also jbe less apparent in this elec. tion, it is felt. These cost money PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Team- Back To Work 22 the Liberals in one riding tried] | Hoffa also denounced compul- sory arbitration in labor nego- tiations. ORDER YOUR TICKETS Now « See: girls» pageantry « stage and poo niacs © weaedonl © cata Gia featured at the sensational 16th ANNUAL jtoo. - hustling tactics| disappeared al- together. WAS FAVORED PLAN A favorite system in one area} years ago was to. slip an al-| ready-marked ballot to a person} |who would enter the booth, drop} jit in the box without ever using the pencil, and collect a saw-| |buck outside the door. i Then there's outright bribery.| The extent of this may never) |be known. | Another tale of elections past) is of a political organization! which distributed a large. num- ber of refrigerators in a certain rural area. The recipients acknowledged their gratitude with their bal- CANADIAN NATIONAL - SPORTSMEN'S SHOW EXHIBITION PARK -- TORONTO MARCH 15th - 28rd (exeept Sunday) PLUS NORTH AMERICA'S FINEST SPRINGTIME EXHIBITION OF HUNTING, FISHING, BOATING, TRAVEL, CAMPING, COTTAGE AND Pe twice (oxcept Sunday) 2:15 --8:15 p.m. -- Evenings and Prices venings Saturday (herigees See ation tickets Res. Seats $1.75 Boxes $2.25 (includ- ing ad to the leas Se ye 3 ~| -- matinee (except Saturday) Rus! seats -- a Children 4 (Plus Admission to mission to build j, at asaaults 7 thar ete fom lam ilam, other during the walk. How- ever, I'm sure he was waging the same psychological battle within himself as I was. OTTAWA (CP)--The story is told here of the time the late Prime Minister Mackenzie King, taking a breather from an election campaign, went for a stroll in a cemetery. ence--such: as listing American citizens--rather than a deliber- oe attempt to break the law. ost such errors are caught ; ; ye corrected before . voting| prt Pcs ood png Mgr ay. jators. They were stuck with the} What remain in voting-day|balance. . | malfeasance are the notorious TEMPTATION "goon squads" with a record TO A 1000 AND ONE WOMEN! it possible for their elected offi- cials to be truly responsible to! all their constituents." | : | The president also called for I kept wondering who would|federsi help in ending school have to quit first. Allan is 8lsegregation and requested a large man and I thought he|four-year extension of the Civil| The day was pleasant and all would cave in before me- Rights Commission with ex-|Went swimmingly until sud- But when we pulled into Osh- panded duties. |denly a look of horror came nag Hodltiy still quite} on ~ over a local party worker a few f n revise my) j j calculations about what dis-| ee ee oe tance he might last. ORDER YOUR TICKETS NOW 'Write (encleatng cheque or money order) to The National lots. Alas, about two weeks after) the election they discovered) Canadian Sportsmen's Shew EXHIBITION PARK, TORONTO 4 HAR The Unbelievable | Heavyweight Folds | After 20 Mile Haul By ALLAN BAILEY (Staff Reporter) _My planned 50-mile walk "with vigah" from Bowmanville town hall to Toronto city hali ended at Ajax early this morn- ing. ville to Oshawa. A leg cramp I had fought! Walking at night has its haz- from Oshawa finally took its toll.|ardous moments, too, Between It was impossible to walk an-|Maple Grove and Courtice, a other inch. jcar passing another almost) My partner in this ridicules browses tragedy to our trip. sical fitness stunt, Bernard) "Watch out, Bernie!" I yelled,| unt, bowed out at 6.30 a.m. I/and we both dove for the ditch. of force and intimidation in wishers, including Mayor Hobbs|coffee which we drank on the Montreal, and impersonators, also followed us to the outskirts| way. We kept him hopping. Next of the town in their cars. |I ondered a hamburg and Bernie We set a fast pace of about/had some cake rolls, which I a four-miles-an-hour for the first/helped him eat. leg of the jaunt from Bowman-| It was so cold, frost was |forming on my moustache and | eyebrows, and my feet were be- ginning to get sore. We reached Whitby, after being greeted! along the. way by friends. | But after we left Whitby, we were on our own, Just the two of us, with Brian following in) SAMSON MIRACLES o-™ WORLD COLORSCOPE AND THE St kk M k i |man turned to a colleague and|the "telegraphers," as they are ; oc ar, e lsaid in an agonized, audible|Called in Quebec, though they J s quite amazing how far he | whisper: the by no means confined to walk. . 1 aan , jthat province, , | "Migawd, what if the Old I weigh nearly 100 pounds D A 8 | inion i i less than he does. But he walk- own gain rte Bp heen hendwtones| ore may be pity hl ot 'his ed 20 miles. How many 243- oom is Otoctiall Gaze) sort of thing on April 8 than at pound men can do that? e esday Gone--or at least no longerlany time in decades oa I will have another bash at noticeable--are those days Of] 'Phe reason has nothing to do! the trek. It has become a chal-| TORONTO (CP)--The stock Voting the cemetery. Enu-|with morality, sources say, It lenge to me. I will try the walk| market was down again Wed-|™eration checks have been de-lis 9 case of financial nec sit a week from tomorrow, pref-\nesday 4s the tndierial index| "eloped to the point where dead : sessity. Shiv a tie aeveian, ine the indus : |men usually are spotted on the| Telegraphers, for example-- Neo I 4 that | Slipped to its lowest mark SINCE] jit |men and women who pick a ' A "pach Ourlh 'Aiso 1 recommend that any-! Jan. 3 during moderate trading.|" °° : f ing li had to quit at 3.45 a.m. The car just missed us. Ourjhis car jone wanting to try the walk) : The same applies to ia rom the voting list and ' Banking issues appeared tOjroims of list vedeing in the (Use it to identify themselves at miles isn't bad for a 245-pounder|weren't much good in chat in-|dog in the neighborhood heard' ;), , br , e por | ances are very good an east Montreal slipped 1% to a new| View of veteran political ob- or who never walked more than ajstance. us, and if there's one thing! west walk will put the wind] couple of miles. At least my dis-| A little further up the road,|B rnie doesn't like to meet UP/squarely in pro \low of 62% and Royal dropped servers here. uaa : % to a new low of 72%. Nova|SOME SLIPS CERTAIN tance was better than United|Bernie almost stepped on the/with, it's a dog. I cond aps Pod oe ee a States White House secretary,/carcass of a rabbit that was|too fond of them myself, either. cotia dec 4, Toronto- : es Whi ry March 30, record March 13. |Dominion % and Imperial Bank cite ayers ineligible per-| "Tt takes $40 or $50 a day sons are bound to turn up Oto keep these people moving! Pierre Salinger, who only com-|lying on the shoulder, of the ; pleted six-and-a-half miles. _| highway MAKE POOCH BOMB Co. of Canada| Commerce 1%. the lists for the Apri ion,| | Included in 24 new e lists for the April 8 election,| trom poll to poll," said one vet- But in most cases it is feltleran observer. "In this election A 15-minute rest in Oshawa| Brian came up with a: sure-| JFK SETS IDEA didn't do either of us much/fire "pooch bomb" . . . an elec- lamong. industete! | Walker-Gooderham slipped 5g to ~ ~ = - MISS BUTTERCRISP OF 1963 The 50-mile walk was revived) pood, except to get warm from| tronic flash unit for a camera.| recently by U.S, President John|the 'near - zero temperature,|ONe flash and the dog was long) Jamaica Public Service Ltd., 55%, Huron and. Erie 4 to 59 common 15 cents, April 1, rec-/and U.S. Ford one point to 4544. The most delicious Bar-B-Q Chicken you've ever tasted. Half Chicken 1.35 Quarter Chicken 95c ¥. Kennedy as an inspirational) When we left, after I had con-/80ne ord March 8. Main list gainers featured Im- Above Includes Home Made Chef Salad (Individual Containers) effort to promote physical fit-|<umed a cup of coffee and three, We 7 «le A wat oulders, sidewalks and , m ness, His borther, Attorney-Gen-| classes of ice-water, our legs|stavel sh Maple Leaf Gardens, common|Perial Life, ahead 7 points to 30 cents, April 15, record March| 189 and Eddy Match, up % to + +» Golden Brown French Fries... 2 Home Made Scone Rolls WHOLE BUTTERCRISP : eral Robert Kennedy finished| were starting to stiffen, hips| Snow in the distance I covered the 50-mile trek in 17 hours, 50) were aching and my left leg|. 1 tried and failed . and 0. a ew an at On index industrials dropped CHICKENS (3 Ibs, and over)... 2.25 | HAVE THEM READY minutes. muscle began to tighten. judging from the way t teel this National Lead Co., common 1.24 to 586.19, golds .38 to 90.85 PH. 725-0907 WHEN YOU CALL Bowmanville came up with a morning, I'm not quite sure it cents, March 27, record/and base metals .96 to 195.88. CARMICHAELS' BAR-B-Q royal sendoff for our 'Laure |NEED FOOD was such a good idea, As far as\y- rch Western oils gained .14 to 115.22. PARK RD. SOUTH (Just North of 401) Not making excuses, but 20|white signs and flashlight) It seemed as though every| should walk from west to east.| set the day's lower trend as the polls--don't do it from blind dedication to their party's| cause, | \COST TOO MUCH Gala, Fun-Filled DANCE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION 90 CENTRE STREET, OSHAWA Saturday, March 2nd FEATURING DOUG WEEK'S BAND DANCING 9 - 12 P.M. -- 2.00 PER COUPLE Foundation Ltd., common 12% cents, April! 19, record March 29 lows) issues, walked on. pavement, At the eastern limits of the|I'm concerned now, a 50-m lel Mar were led out of town by the|city, our pacer, Brian McCall|walk is like taking a trip to the" police cruiser and ambulance tolof the Times' .Ajax-Pickering|moon, and I don't ever intend the wail of a siren. Several well-|bureau, brought us some hot! to go there. Port Perry Death __DEaTss Ruled 'Accidental | By THE CANADIAN PRESS and Hardy" walking team. We} Hd Nova Scotia Light and Power| Volume was 2,986,000 shares \Co. Ltd, common 20 cents,/Compared with 2,907,000 Wed- ~~} April 1, record March 6, nesday. Noranda showed one of the Shawinigan Water and Power major base metal losses declin- Co., common 25 cents, April 11,/ing % to new low of 315 ann record March 15. }Hudson Bay Mining eased %. ALL COLOR WEEK-END PROGRAM! Ottawa--Brig. Daniel Everton |Dewar, 74, who rose from pri- vate to acting major-general PORT PERRY (Staff) -- A coroner's jury, Thursday morn- ing, attached no blame in the} death of James Cairns, 78, who) died beneath the wheels of a} eoal truck Dec- 28, in the Ree-| sor Fuel and Lumber Co. yard) on Scugog street. Chief R. J. Cameron, of Port Perry, said that he found Cairn's body near the rear of a} three-ton dump truck in a lane between a workshop and the scale house in the company's yard, Charles Fudge, 28, driver of the truck, said that he had load- ed one ton of coal on the truck and was in the process of back- ing about 90 feet to the scales when he felt the vehicle rise as, if passing over. a lump. He stop- ped, he said, and drove ahead When he looked behind the truck, he said, he saw Mr,| Cairns lying there. | He said that he had used the! truck's two side view mirrors to guide him as he backed up| and he had not observed Cairns| at all. He said he noticed Cairns walking along Water street,|\during a long army career. east of the lumber yard, while' London -- Rear-Admiral Sir he was loading the coal Kenelm Creighton, 80, veteran Gordon Reesor, proprietor of of the First World War sea the firm on whose property the battle of Jutland and of U-boat- accident occurred, said that|versus-convoy actions in the| Cairns was in the habit of visit-|se-ond World War. } ing the planing mill two fe aren ieee oi week. Nor-| Patna, India--Rajendra_ Pra- mally, he said, he walked along sad, 72, close associate of Mo- Scugog street, to the south of/Mandas Gandhi and one of the the buildings and then walked architects of Indian independ- directly into the planing mil],/¢nce; of pneumonia. which was attached to the) Cincinnati, Ohio--Eppa (Jep-| scale house on the west side ofjtha) Rixey, 72, a lean left-| the lane. handed pitcher voted into base- Both he and Fudge said they|ball's Hall of Fame only last had never observed Cairns walk month. Res head on any previous' Chicago--Benjamin F, Lewis,| san Ons. Eye alderman and a Democratic _ Both they ag ge Constable| party Negro power in Chicago's| Cameron said that Cairns was!city council; by shooting very hard of hearing. Burlin . gton, Ont. -- Gordon) Dr. Geoffrey Beatty, Oshawa | sathilowliat, sail that Catrns Douglas Yewen, 30, who of the : as a pilot in many parts of the had died of shock due to inter- Worid after obtaining his li-| cence at 17, DIVIDENDS nal hemorrhage when his chest was crushed. The jury ruled death was acci- dental and added "they jury finds no negligence on the part of the driver of the truck." PLAZA | FEATURE TIMES: 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30 -- Last Show 9:20 p.m. A PICTURE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY /~5 Pa Svs NOW PLAYING PLUS COLOR CARTOON PHONE 723-2843 20, CinemaScoPe Secuxe "=" Yao TOL } Pes 20th Century-fer rogert WAGNER STORY OF : JEFFREY HUNTER ESSE JAMES HOPE LANGE Cini PEE covon vy oc tux Today ™"' Sunday "SNOWFIRE" in Color PLUS -- 3 CARTOONS Added Saturday Matinee Only! EARLY-BIRD MAT. SATURDAY @ Show Starts 12 Noon ----TONITE----_ From Club 11 Hamilton NICKY MOORE and the SCEPTRES Plus: The Top Records ----| By THE CANADIAN PRESS |Haffey is to appear today be-| R. L. Crain Ltd., common 12 fore Chief Justice J. C. McRuer|cents, March 30, record March in the High Court of Ontario to 8. support his application. Fanny Farmer Candy Shops) He is to contend that the pub-|Inc., common 30 cents, (US| reo MACMURRA ve ! Lawyer Applies To Restrain -- a prejudice tne farm-|- CBC Program lA scale of striking ushwork- | ers raided a settlers' long-cut-| RONTO (CP)--The lawyeriting camp Feb, 11 in an) "gepresenting 20 farmers oo ~-- bed entorce = : ; i .|blockade og shipments to a renin) ae hia the strikebound Spruce Falls ing bushworkers in Kapuskas- se Company in ing; Ont, filed application) "me settiers apparently Thursday for a court order re- opened fire. Three strikers i howing és ' | straining the CBC from sho were killed and nine wounded.| a television program about the! tT onty settlers now are free on| incident. ,.|bail pending a preliminary] The program, on the CBC's| hearing while more than 240) Close-Up series, is scheduled! strikers have been charged with for Sunday. lrioting. The strike ended Feb , Defence counsel M. Joseph |16. | tells the truth about whisky Water (plain or sparkling) is your most reliable guide to the whole truth about any whisky. Water adds nothing, detracts nothing, but reveals a whisky's true natural flavour and bouquet. Put Scagram's "83" to the water test and you'll agree--to be that good with water, it must be a superb whisky and a more salis- fying drink with any man's favourite mixer. Mexico City 26 Days by Bus March 23 - April 17 inclusive Monterrey, Guadalajara, Acapulco, Taxco: Pueblo, Patzcuaro, Toluca, -- places visited during 17 days in Mexico. Coll 745-7182 or write: Mrs. A. W. Nelson, 364 Parkhill Rd, Peterborough Coming Friday, Mar. 8 "The Lincolnaires" PELEASED BY BUENA VISTA DISTRIBUTION CO FNC @1967 WALT OISAEY PRODUCTIONS. FEATURE TODAY; 2:35-4;55-7:20-9:45 faneed rt rear swore net aig SRE rs