10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Pebrusry 28, 1963 xg at ee ee 2-8 Beal MR. AND MRS. NORMAN GIMBLETT Ruby Anniversary Attended By Family And Many Friends Mr, and Mrs. Norman Gim-| blett, Columbus, recently cele- brated their 40th sedding anni- versary at their home, Mrs. Gimblett is the former Olive Brock, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, John Brock and Mr. Gimblett is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gimblett. The couple was mar- yied February 10, 1923, at Brooklin with the Reverend E. W. Rowland officiating. ' Mr, and Mrs, Gimblett have three daughters, Mrs, Frank G6impson (Margaret), Mrs. John Mediand (Jean), Mrs. Gilroy (Helen) and one son, Ray. They also have 13 grand- aa and four great grand- children. When receiving the 250 --_ Mrs. Gimblett wore a mink bro- cade satin dress and a corsage; of gold carnations touched with ruby. Assisting the couple in receiving were Mrs, Frank Simpson, Mrs. John Medland, Mrs. George Gilroy, Mrs. Ray) Gimblett and their husbands. The party table was centered with a three-tier wedding cake who was bridesmaid we : flanked by ruby candles in cry- stal holders. tea were Mrs. F. C, Davidson, Mrs. Everett Mount- joy, Miss Beatrice Mountjoy, Mrs, Walter Holliday, Mrs. Mel vine McCabe, Mrs. Nelson Ham- lyn, Mrs, Ernest Burrus and Mrs, Russell Gimblett. Serving were Mrs, Leslie Gor- don, Mrs. Robert Gatchell, Mrs. Bayne Gimblett and the Misses Nancy and Connnie Simp- so, grandchildren of the honor- ed couple. Miss Barbara Mediand, Mas- George|ters Billie Medland, Philip and Douglas Gilroy were in charge of the guest book. Mr, and Mrs, Gimblett re- ceived many gifts, flowers and cards of atulatios from friends and relatives, Among the guests was- Miss Beatrice Mountjoy of Oshawa, at their Out of townn -- were from Lockport, New York; Dixie, To- ronto, West Hill, Newcastle, Orono, Bowmanville, Enniskil- len, Brooklin and Oshawa. Large Attendance Enjoy Dance Held pri Gordon received the guests, Gay Valentine decorations de- picted the theme of the dance, with floral and fern arrange- ments. Ted Taylor's -orchestra rovided the music, with Bryce rown calling for the square dancing. Mrs, Robert Lean won a vase of flowers as a door prize, A wrist watch was won by Mr. Bruce Down as a second door prize, Other prizes were won by Mr, and Mrs, Russell Best, Mr, William Graper, Mrs. Wallace and Mrs, Earl Holmes, Mr. Rose, Refreshments were served by the committee, under the con- venership of Mr, and Mrs, Wal- Among those seen dancing were: Mr, and Mrs. E, Mur- doch, Mr, and Mrs. J. Cincurak, m\Mr, and Mrs, J, McKeen, Mr. é and and and ter Spratt. and Mrs, Walter Davis. Mr, Mrs, William Rosnak. Mr. . Anthony Zurawell, Mr. At Oshawa Airport - large crowd attended the annual Valentine Dance of the jappy Club, King Street United Church, held re- cently at thé' Oshawa Airport. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Souch, club "|presidents and Mr. and Mrs, Hawker, vice-presidents and Mrs, George Boychyn, Mr. and Mrs. William Nicholson, Mr, and Mrs, Seymour Big- wood, Mr. end Mrs, Vernon Os- borne, Mr, and omirs, Kelvin Edgar, Mr. and Mrs, Eric Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lean, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Cook, Mr. and) Mrs. Glynn Pearse, Mr. and Mrs. William Graper, Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Forrester, Mr. and Mrs, Hugh McLeod, Mr, and Mrs, James French, Mr. and Mrs, Frank McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hopps, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Flintoff, Mr. and Mrs, Everett Graham, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Smith, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Hawker, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Souch, Mr, and Mrs, Cyril Powell, Mr, and Mrs, James Jackson, Mr. and Mrs, Colin Williams, Mr. and Mrs, Paul Hermansen, Mr, and Mrs, William McLeese, Mr. and Mrs, Irvine Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Taylor, the Rev. erend and Mrs. Wesley Herbert, Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Gomme, Mr, and Mrs. Glen Han. cock, Peterborough; Mr. and George Harding, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cooper. Smales, Mr. and Mrs, Howard t Design Winner Offers Advice To Homemakers "Buy a few good pieces of furniture and make-do until you can complete the suite," is the advice of Luigi Tiengo to young couples starting out to furnish a home, "Once you have bought furniture you are stuck with it because takes courage to throw it out, even if you dislike Mr, Tiengo, who was in Osh- awa yesterday recently received the award of the Ontario So- ciety of Interior Designers, pre- sented at the Canadian Furni- Mr, and Mrs. Bryce Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spratt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Milne, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Pilkey, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Holmes, Mr, and Mrs. Chester Robinson, Mr, and Mrs. James Bell, Mr, and Mrs. James Hare, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Brown, Mr. and Mrs, Ted Danniels, Mr. and Mrs, P, A. Tresise, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wray, Mr, and Mrs, George Twiddy, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mowers, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hambly, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Suddard, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Murdoch anc tore Len hy tis Rigen ory pete produce furniture today grouping 'on furniture, and better than in Using 'a Spanish influence Mr, es 3 when's day, Mr pea 0 Tiengo has added a slight decor- Trerseplntecns ative touch to slim-lined furni-|commented, which is all the ture in yng om more reason to select good This is for those who find con-|basic design, temporary furniture too bare," he explained, "and in a compli- mentary setting adds warmth and {hterest to' any rooms." Coming from Adria, near Ven- ice, six years ago, Mr, Tiengo quickly found work as a design- er for a Canadian furniture manufacturer, "Now, I realize that there are very few design- ers in Canada," he said. 'Most manufacturers copy from a New York sample, This may be cheaper, but it is not good econ- omy. New York buyers will never purchase a Canadian copy of their own designs, but there is 'an American market for orig: inal Canadian design. Canadian craftsmanship and. quality are respected and in original design would be sought after by dis- criminating buyers." Technical advances in manu- HOUSEHOLD HINT Children's sleepers can be re- juvenated after the feet are worn through by sewing a pair of socks onto the garment. Women's World Day of Prayer Held At CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH 22 CENTRE ST. Friday, March! 2:30 and 7:30 P.M, ALL VEGETABLE ' ; Blue Bonnet Margarine makes everything turn out right! On vegetables, toast...in all vegetable Blue Ted poy cov sol pron gd that makes good things taste great! dey, enjoy the nutritious goodness of Canada's favo maryeiee » Mrs, B, Von Minden, Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burrows, |others. . O. H, Fischer, Mr, . Gary Bayliss, Mr, . Gyles Harrison, Mr, . Lorne Crowells, Mr, . Lloyd Harding, Mr, . Arthur Winter, Mr, . J. M, Coles, Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. K, Backus, Mr, and Mrs, L, Millson, Mr. and Mrs, R. H, McLeod, Mr, and Mrs. Dale Berry, Mr. and Mrs, James Powell, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Down, Mr. and Mrs, J. Hurrie, Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Down, Mr, and Mrs. John Brin- ning, Mr. and Mrs, John Lemon, Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Down, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Pearce, Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Brooks, Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Bickle, Mr. and Mrs, Lioyd Coverly, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Herron. Mr, and Mrs, Francis John- ston, Mr, and Mrs. James Mc- Gregor, Mr, and Mrs, Ray Hart- ley, Mr. and Mrs, J, Hunt, Mr. and Mrs, Ronald S'block, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Perkin, Mr. and Mrs, John Jeffrey, Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Wragg, Mr. and Mrs, George Perkin, Mr, and Mrs, Hector Thompson, Mr. and Mrs, Reginald Jones, Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Lehman, Mr, and Mrs, Donald Duncan, Mr. A. Burton, Miss P, Crawforth. Mr, and Mrs, William Fore- man, Mr, and Mrs. D, K. Buchanan, Mr, and Mrs, Wil- liam Stirling, Mr. and Mrs, Wil- and and and and and and B & PW Clubs Light Candles At International Luncheon The annual international; Juncheon of Region § Canadian Federation Business and Pro- hundred and twenty members attended from Peterborough, , Oshawa, Bowmanville and Port Hope. A significant indication of the international scope of the mem- bership was the presence of five nurses from Oshawa who bave come to Canada from the Caribbean: Florence Smith Ruby Atkinson, Jamaica; Sage» Dominica; Phillips, and Cleota Johnson, Trinidad. Mrs, Muriel Clarke, president ef the Port Hope club, presided and Mrs. Mack Holton contri- buted two solos, "The Lord Is My y, and "You'll Never Walk Alone". A candielighting ceremony was conducted by Miss Lesley Ward of Port Hope, regional ad- visor. Candles short, medium and tall were used as 8 of the various statures of the federation, The short candies representing the associate mem- ber clubs, the medium the na- tional organization and the tall the international. The ceremonial, which has been in effect since 1941, im- in countries as specific candles are Yghted by members chosen to assist in the ceremony. Mrs, Maude Baylay of Mea- dowvale, guest speaker, has re- turned to Canada after spending At 95, Still Claims Riel Was Right (cP) -- Mrs. Cumming celebrated her} S5th birthday still insisting that Louis Riel fought for the cause in his illstarred of 1885, Born Feb, 4, 1868, of white end Indian parents at Fort Qu'Appelie, Sask., when it was called Cherry Island, Mrs. Cumming rolled bandages for' the Metis rebels of Riel when she was 17. During the fateful battle of Batoche Ferry, where the rebel| movement was re five and a half years in the United States and has previous- ly lived in all of the Canadian je hig se except Newfoundland. . Baylay spoke on "The re- sponsibilities of individual free- dom" and challenged her hvar- ers to think about the precious freedoms. "Even in the privi- lege of voting we can differ without fear," she said. "We must obey the laws of the land the international regional meet in February, 1964, would be held liam Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs, Allan Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Ayre, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Bradley, Mr. and Mrs, Russell Best, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Leask, Mr, and Mrs, Ross Law, Mr, and Mrs, J. Anderson, Mr. Can "Harmless" Drugs Be Fatal? drug, taken in addition to another, can cause severe illness, even death. In March Reader's Digest, a doctor who is a specialist in the field of poisons tells why. Read "What You Should Know About the Drugs You Take", one of 38 articles of lasting interest in March Reader's Digest. Get your copy today. GLecorr SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON RD. S. OSHAWA © SPECIALS FOR THURS., FRI., SAT. © DOLLAR DAY SALE NOW IN FULL SWING oe SEE TIMES AD FOR WED. MAR. 6th. Would you appreciate an expertly-fitted suit, carefully hand-cut to your figure? Additicnal Special Values MAXWELL HOUSE wk 75 COFFEE SWIFT'S Beef & Irish STEW "= 39° SWIFT'S JEWEL 57° SHORTENING 2 SWIFT'S GEM MARGARINE 4 x= 89° 12-02, 47° SWIFT'S PARD DOG FOOD '=c-," 2 "ws 25° SWIFT'S PREM Beef Grevy TINS COME IN AND MEET "MISS SWIFT" our LUNCHEON MEAT Demonstrator This Weekend at Glecoff's. SAVE UP TO 24.50... All year these suits cost 69.50 and 79.50 each 16-02. PKGS. % Magnificent ALL WOOL cloths %& Over 300 smart patterns % Choose your own suit-style hurry! SALE ENDS SATURDAY at 6 pm. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 174 RITSON RD. S. OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. FRIDAY STRETCH YOUR $$$ AT GLECOFF'S eatin measured lengths & 3 lovely shades, Sizes 8¥-11, jlntroductory Offer! --L0a SEAMLESS MICRO- MESH NYLONS 19° REG. 99¢ SAVE 20¢ PR Reilman OUTSTANDING SPRING COAT FEATURE! A tremendous value In laminated orlon and Jersey knit, one of the modern, miracle, crease- resistant, warmth-without-weight fabrics. The easy lines, 94 sleeves, large saucer, pearised buttons, piped interest, all combine to make this a fashion winner anywhere, anytime. Navy with white trim er beige with brown trim. Sizes 8 to 16, PRICE! sparkling new overblouses WWEASY-CARE COTTONS either in gleaming white accented with Swiss embroidery, or in many-hued spring prints, Take your pick from our flower-fresh crop, which have wash-easy ways and unending staying power to remain fresh & cool looking... A&B, sizes 10 to 18, C 12 to 20 and D 12 to 18 29 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH 725-6221 © Oshewe Shopping Centre 725-4361 © OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9:00 P.M. eee tee eT Late etis feIYtt: