Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Feb 1963, p. 9

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AT A RECENT meeting of the Ukrainian Professional and Business Ladies' Auxil- dary, Mrs. Erast Huculak, seated right was elected president. Seated left is Mrs. TONITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES and standing, left to right, are Mrs, Peter Zakarow, past president, and Mrs. John Dut- chak, treasurer. Absent from the group is Mrs. Harry Pele- shok, vice-president, "Birds," SA HOME LEAGUE The Salvation Army Home 'League meeting was opened by Mrs, Frank Buller, with prayer by Mrs, John Dixon. Mrs. Willlam James the announcements. Mrs. George Beard read the minutes. Mrs, Major Fred Lewis was in charge of the devotional period. Mrs, Major F. Lewis took as her topic, "Birds." Mrs. William James read a poem, and nine members read portions from the Scriptures dealing with Mrs, Major F. Lewis gave a made away on Saturaay, February 28. Mrs, George V, Lee was pre- sented with a gift in apprecia- tion for her work as secretary in 1962, A birthday greeting' was sung for Mrs, William Col- Mins the oldest member, who! Tuesday, February 26, Miss Millicent Luke was the guest speaker and was welcom-' positive thinking and undefeat- able goodwill. Mrs, Benjamin! Jacklin thanked Miss Luke for' her message, ed by Mrs. Collison. Her Lenten| message stressed the need for| §j celebrated her 88th birthday on! fsa « THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, February 28,1963 story, illustrating it by pictures. Members were reminded of the World's Day of Prayer, afternoon and evening, March 1, at Centre Street United Church. RUNDLE PARK AUX, The February meeting of Rundle Park Ladies' Auxiliary was held in the clubhouse re- cently, The president, Mrs. Albert Crowells, presided, Mrs, Thomas Hobbs read the secre- tary'syreport. Mrs, Mary Mec. 'Mrs. Refreshments were served by Lloyd Annis and Mrs. John Callison, Mrs, Leonard Fisher is a' pa- wa in Oshawa General Hos- CENTRE STREET UCW The regular mothly meeting of Centre Street United Church Women was held recerly in the chapel. Mrs, Fred Graham pre- sided for the business period. Secretary's report was read by Mrs, Dean Peel. Mrs. William Connefl gave the financial statement, for appointed, 13 The Eleven members were /present. Lunch conveners e March euchres were The St, Patrick's Tea and bazaar is to be held in the clubhouse, Wednesday, March It was decided to hold Night of Cards in April to aid the building fund. Neighborhood Associa- tion meeting will be held in the clubhouse Sunday, March 3, at Dearborn gave the treasurer's report. Flower report was given by Mrs, Earl James. The World Day of Prayer service will be held on March 1, in Centre Street United Church, at 2.30 p.m, and 7.30 p.m. The East Unit will have a St. A SOUTHERN SIREN Patrick's Tea, on Thursday, March 14./There will be a home baking sale ard a hot supper served, Friday, November 29, was the date set for the bazaar. This will be a combined effort of all three Units, SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT -- Mr, and Mrs. F, C, Nauss wish to announce the engage- Glowing Swim Caps Pretty, Practical Safety Feature Basically, a bathing cap is a bathing cap. It is simply some- thing you wear to keep your hair dry while you swim, That is the principal of the whole thing, What fashion and manu- facturers have done to this sim- ple wave-saver is something else again! Now. you can have a cag that glows under water. So that you can take your ball-point pen, dive under water to some quiet cave and write the story of your glowing cap. To be serious, these new caps glow on a dull day or under water, They are based on the same principal as the fluorescent helmets sup- plied to airmen and parachut- ists. Neon color is sprayed on to the rubber cap base to make the colors unusually vivid and full of. vitality, These caps were principally designed for skin divers and water skiers, Skin divers who are operating in weedy or mur- ky water can be readily iden. tified by other members of their group, Water skiers going at a good pace, who fall off their skiis usually submerge for some seconds, seconds that seem like hours to those watching for their re-appearance, but now with a glow cap they can be spotted just as soon as their SPRING Set | MEN'S HANDSOMELY TAILORED SUITS stil...69.5 With Your Choice a TOPCOAT or SPORT COAT heads rise above the surface of the water even on dull days, These are not utilitarian caps -- far from it, they come in startlingly vivid tones of pink, yellow and orange and are made up in the most frivolous styles. Glowing colors will be added as trim to children's caps, too, a boon to mothers who like to keep an eye on their offspring among the hun- dreds at the beach, Sohn Ovens, 0.2. OPTOMETRIST 8 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA PH. 723-4811 ment of their daughter, Donna Charlene, to Mr, Raymond James Abbott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert James Abbott, all of Oshawa. The wedding is to take place on Saturday, July 20 at 3.00 p.m, in Northminster United Church, AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Land- er, 380 Thornton road north, will be at home to their friends and neighbors on Satur- day, March 2, from 2.00 to 5.00 and 7,00 to 10.00 p.m., on the occasion of the 83rd birthday of Mrs. Lander's mother, Mrs.|= Elgin VanVolkenburg. p.m, Refreshments were served by Mrs, Gordon Tromley and Mrs. Albert Crowells was the winner of the lucky cup, CHRIST CHURCH (Evening Guild) February ieetings of Christ Church Evening Guild were held in the Church parlor with the president, Mrs. W. M, Mil- ler, presiding. The secretary, Mrs, Stanley. Gales, read the minutes and treasurer Miss Winnifred Dr ayson reported on finances. Mrs. F, G. Know!l- er gave a report on the presi- dents' meeting and Mrs. Gar- net White reported on the Par- ish Council meeting. The conveners for the May sale to be held May 8 will be: Mrs. W. G. Jackson, sewing; Mrs. Gordon Leslie, dolls; Mrs. Stanley Gales, novelties, The pot luck supper for all groups will be held Wednesday, May 29, Volunteers to assist Mrs, Gor- don Leslie at Hillsdale Manor, March 7 will be Mrs, Frank Sturch, Mrs. Clarence Corbett and Mrs, Edward Salmon. The Evening Guild will con- tinue to hold meetings on Thurs- day evenings during the Len- ten season except on the even- ing of March 21 when a film on the Church Progress will be shown after the Lenten Service. A presentation was made to Mrs, Richard Evans who retir- ed as Guild treasurer, The members were asked to note the following announce. ments from other church Donald Sadoway, secretary, --Oshawa Times Photo Mrs. Erast Huculak President Ukrainian P&B Ladies' Auxiliary The February meeting of the Ukrainian Professioal annd Busiess Ladies' Auxillary was held in the home of Mrs. Harry Peleshok, with the presi- dent, Mrs. Peter Zakarow pre- siding, After repeating the Lord's Prayer, the minutes were read by Mrs. Robert Starr, and the treasurer's report by Ms. John Dutchak, Nominations and elections of new officers followed: President, Mrs. Erast Hucu- lak; past president, Mrs. Peter Zakarow; vice-president, Mrs. Harry Peleshok: secre- tary, Mrs. D. A. Sadoway; treasurer, Mrs, John Dutchak; sick list convener, Mrs. Ste- phen Mandryk; phoning committee: Mrs. George Boy- chyn and Mrs. John Chmara; directors: Mrs. Joseph Olinyk, Mrs, Harry Peleshok and Mrs. George Boychyn. The outgoing president thank- Mrs, Cyril Clark conducted the worship. The theme of devo- tions was "What Is Reiigion?" Mrs, William Dearborn read the scripture. The Reverend W. G. Dickson gave a talk on the first part, of the Study Book, "The Word and The Way". Refreshments were served by Evelyn Goodwin Unit. SRD PARENT COMMITEE The monthly meeting was held recently at Mrs, A. D. Mor- rison's home, Mrs. Jack Rise- borough presided and ten mem- bers were present. Mrs. Archibald Dewey read the treasurer's report. Mrs. William Wilson gave the loal assoiaction report. Because the annual meeting is on the next meeting date, March 19, it was decided to change the date to March 26. A discussion regarding the banquet was held. Guide House will be booked for Friday, April ed the members for their sup- port in the past year, and wished the new executive the best of success. Mrs. Erast Huculak in her in- augural address assured the members that she would do her utmost to continue the good work, and called on the mem- bers for their co-operation. The guest speaker, Miss Holly Armstrong, from the Toronto- Dominion Bank gave an inter- esting talk on banking, Refresh- ments were served by the host- ess, The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Z, T. Salmers. Well - known to audiences from church groups, social clubs and women's organiza- tions, Mrs, Lloyd Akin will address the evening session of the World Day of Prayer in Centre Street United Church tomorrow. Mrs, Akin and her family have made their home in Oshawa since 1953, coming from Kingston, Jamaica, Her subject will dwell on the value of prayer. 364 Wilson Rd. RUDY' $. -- 728-7027 Oshawa's Only EXCLUSIVE HAIRSTYLING FOR MEN ' November 23, the Christmas ba- zaar and tea, The group will cater for a wedding on April 27. Mrs. Brough reported that Mrs, James Burr is ill in the hospital, The members were re- quested to attend Corporate Communion an Ash Wednesday at 10.00 a.m. Mrs, L, E. Saun- ders, the program convener was in charge of the remainder of the meeting. Mrs, Saunders introduced her daughter, Miss Carl Saunders, who was selected by the staff of Donevan Collegiate to attend the United Nations Pilgrimage of Youth Tour to New York City last summer, The tour was sponsored by Corinthian Lodge, IOOF, Miss Saunders gave a talk on the tour amd showed many slides of the tour, During the trip she visited Fort Henry in Knigston, the Seaway at Cornwall, Montreal and the United Nations Building in New HOUSEHOLD HINT In stitching a bias seam, stretch the material as much as possible' while sewing or stitches are likely to break later, 5. Mrs. Riseborough thanked Mrs. Morrison on behalf of the members for being hostess, Re- freshments were served by Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. W. C. Dart. ARVILLA McGREGOR WMS The Arvilla McGregor WMS of Knox Presbyterian Church met at the home of Miss Mil- dred Davidson, The president, Mrs. George Hamilton, opened the meeting. Mrs, B, E. Montgomery gave the treasurer's report. The wor- ship period was led by Mrs. B. D. McGregor. Hong Kong Diary was the BOWMANVILLE = SCARBORO Curtains, Dropes, Blankets, Ruge OSHAWA'S ONLY UNIONIZED SHOP 723-4631 50 MILL ther Shop e@ Holrstyti featuring: irsty' @ Hair Colouring @ Hele Pleces @ Trichology @ Perms groups, The Martha group will have their study book the fourth Wed- nesday of each month, The Dorcas Group study book will ibe the 4th Tuesday of each month and the 2nd and 'Tuesday (when one occurs) will be a social meeting. The Busi- ness Girls WA will serve break- fast each Wednesday morning Sth theme ofr the evening study. Mrs, J. N. Heath presented a colourful description of the city, its people, their life and work, their problems and the vital place of the christian church in this area. Miss Madelaine Sinclair closed the meeting with prayer. The hostess served refresh- ments. York as well as many other points of interest in New York. On the return trip she visited Valley Forge, Baltimore, Wash- ington, Gettysburg and Niagara Falls. Mrs, George MacGregor thanked Miss Saunders on. be- half of the group. Refreshments were served by Mrs, T. A. Farrow and Mrs. during the Lenten season, after the 7 a.m. communion service. The Naomi Group will have ST, GEORGE'S GUILD (Blvd. Group) James Keays, the social con- veners assisted by Mrs, Alden WIN buys a British Worsted styled with Dunn's distinction that can't be equalled Ridgen and Mrs. Orval Magee. The next meeting will be held March 25 and will be a work meeting. TO Ansus-GRaypon CARPET COMPANY 282 King W. 728-958) RUG & CHESTERFIELD CLEANING Our experts will clean your carpets in your hore or in our plont The monthly meeting of the Boulevard Group of St. George's Guild was held in the parish Hall on Monday evening, with 18 members present. Mrs, J. G. Brough, group leader presided and opened the meeting. A short business meeting was held and the following dates were. announced: Septem-! ber 25, the annual fall luncheon; SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED !! Any Meke or Model @ Reasonable Prompt Service WARNER WILLIAMS SERVICE CENTRE 17-B BOND E. 725-3531 a guest speaker at their meet- ing Tuesday evening March 12. After the business session Mrs. Stanley Gales was auc- tioneer for a penny auction, Refreshments for the Febru- ary meetings were convened by Mrs, Kenneth Aston, Mrs, Stan- ley Gales, Mrs. Frank Sturch and Mrs, Art Day. The next meeting will be March 7 in the church parlor at 8 p.m. P.M.A, CLUB The Pleasant Monday After- noon Club met in the Legion Hall for the weekly 'meeting with Mrs. R. G. Collison pre- siding. Deepest sympathy was expressed for Mrs Melville Bradley whose husband passed ZELLER S RETAILERS Dunn's purchased volume quantities of fine imported fabrics in anticipation of future cost increases. These suits, today, therefore represent the ultimate in clothing value! Fashioned of England's luxurious worsteds, they are ready- tailored with many costly touches to insure proper fit and "hang", And more, you select from every wanted Dunn's style -- designed for your taste, your distinction, Choose yours now, IN CASH ENTER OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE'S MONTHLY FAMILY ALLOWANCE AWARD CONTEST | CHAMPION OF WOMEN'S RIGHTS Montreal lawyer Wilhelmina Holmes has devoted most of her career to championing the rights of married women in Quebec. She says women's rights in the province are based on legal conceptions dating back to the Middle Ages. » (CP Photo) FACTORY CLEARANCE FURS! New Fashion 1963 Styled Furs of the Finest Quality at the Lowest Prices Ever! ManyAt... HALF PRICE OR LESS! MARTEN'S FURS 75 KING STREET EAST TO THRIFTY CANADIANS USE YOUR CREDIT! " Remember! ! -- You get your choice of a FREE Topcoat or Sport Coat with the purchase of any Suit. Priced at 69.50 OPEN FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. DUNN'S TWO LOCATIONS 36 King St. East -- "Downtown Oshawa" and --."Oshawa Shopping Centre" For the reg and young-ot-heart . . . smartly styled footwear in Zeller's own quality brand! Flattering "'flatties for every phase of a young fashion life designed to go easy on the feet, easy on the budget! See them at Zeller's SUEDE CASUAL D -- SMOOTH & STURDY Oxford-style casual with foam rubber sole and heel, Black or brown suede, 3.99 SUEDE LOAFER-STYLE & -- FAVORITE CASUAL with high tongue, mocassin vamp overlay. Cushion-soft foam rubber soles end heels, Rich brown color, a 3.99 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 723-2209 @ SIMPLY CASH YOUR FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUE AT THE CENTRE AND ASK FOR FREE ENTRY FORMS @ DEPOSIT ENTRY FORM INTO BALLOT BOX AT FLAG POLE IN THE MALL @ ENTRY SELECTION THIS MONTH WILL BE i. ON FRIDAY, MARCH Ist, AT 7:15 P.M. ( , DOWNTOWN STORE 723-2294 Opposite Hotel Genosha

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