Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Feb 1963, p. 9

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Not Many Women Are Willing : MR en Nec Rete To Face Political Fireworks OTTAWA (Special) -- Al- 24th parliament, Miss Margaret though women have takén arlAitken, lost her seat {6 a mere Active role in polities for many|male in York-Humber, a To- years, they have made little im-|ronto area riding. pression on th- "'-~<@ of Com-| Of the five women. members mons. Of the 265 mer "--- oflof the last parliament, four ap- the last parliament, only five|pear to have a fair chance of were wotien. Tv:o of the four|re-election and one is doubtf:l. parties did not boast a woman| The two Liberal we--en MPs, MP and only two of the ten|Miss Judy LaMarsh and Mrs. provinces were represented by|Isabel Handié will benefit from women members. any swing in political sentiment So far, there is little intica-ltowar their party. Miss La- tion that the situation will be|Marsh, member for Niagara much different in the next par-| Fails, 'had a better than Bi) liament, Women MPs are as|vote margin ove: her Conserva- vulnerable to defeat ag their|tive opponent, also a womatf, in male counterparts, Last June,|June, Mts. Hardie, who repre- one of the few women of the|sented the Northwest Terri- bs tories, was hard-pressed to wit Korean Child Choir\tzi'tt °° °% et «ual Delights Audience |posimister general and "ioe postmaster gener fg- g i ualence time mertber for Hamilton Cedardale United Church|West, may fetain hér. seat- for members and 25 Junior Ohoir|the Conservatives, An MP since members of the chutch journey-|1959, she won in June by. about ed to Toronto last Tuesday eve-|1,700 votes. Mrs. Jean Cassel- ning to sée and hear the Worla|man, MP for Grenville-Dundas Vision Korean Orphan Choir atjin Ontario in the last house = Massey. Hall, 4 comifortable margin of _ The S-voice choir consist- 4.000. It is interesting to ooee. ped Ps ae pro eg from however, ee ve ~ co : séven to een years of age,|men were ing for the priv- were an honor afd tribute tolilege of opposing her on behalf cr PO NIA SATURD AN : . 2 . Sal acs a kee _, ey * and -- the thy nc party in the cot- ELE MISS LO AT AY D CE ) jebrated its tenth anniver- William Clancy (1952-54); (1960-62). Mrs. Patrick Rob- | hearts capacity crowd. |ing election. ; By popular 'ballot Christine Stankiewicz is seen, top left, Irene Salowski and ey Aye cmmge nig fire Os se omcintly, Assisting Mrs. Mrs. Sideey Sheridan (1954- exis (1958-60) was unable to Hundréds were turned away| 'The third Conservative woman| Stankiewier was elected Mise waiting with the other candi- to Christine are cake when St. Gertrude's James Noonan, president, 56); Mrs. Angus Neil (1956- be prescnt. from the performances on Mon-|MP, Mrs. Margaret Macdonald) Polonia at a dance organized dates ¢ t the final announce- Catholic Women's League centre, are left to right, Mrs. , 58) and Mrs. Walter. Branch --Oshawa Times Photo jday and Tuesday evenings for|of Kings, Prince Edward Island,| by the Polish Alliance Branch ment, In the front row are lack of accommodation. appears to be the most] 21 on Saturday night. Miss Lyn ice Mary Zmudski, . ranch and Mss Poona St. Gertrude's CWL Gathers SOCIETIES [urivestse! oe e*tata ely ama, foe ear boast le silént soloist, | only votes and-is fac' &l nation's history. And in the last essor| 8nd a cheque. . LODGES AND who, unable to sing with audible younger and stronger Liberal parliament, Mas. Cz--elman be- gs A gh rept fan Oshawa Times Photo ® voice, communicated her songs nt on April 8. came the 'first woman ever ap-|iast June for the Liberals in To Mark t Nnniversary BETA SIGMA PHI report of the executive meet-|by movements of her hands and| The easiest road to the House| pointed as a patliamentary séc-| Northumberland riding if On- Phi Phi Chaptie ' ing ~~ last week en gece jon ey on a - has 30. of seme for ~-- womeniretary. She was the assistant|tario, losing by 800 Votes, She t of town and|Patrick Roberts was unable to|_ The regular meeting etaled election papers for ceived her hearing by the assis-|appears to be to run in place of|to health and velfare ministetihas been nominated aod scent _ Bd at-lbe present. Sigma Phi, Phi Phi Chapter,|executive re seein: -- *. & hearing aid. The|a husband who held the seat andy, w. Monteith. Miss-LaMarsh|may well. add. to Se" teak tended the social evening mark-| 'The president, who also re-|W48 held at the home of Miss| There w - je 8 ~y a Riv r so repeated Bible| subsequently died. Of the five| win be almost certain of cAb-|strength and beauty in the next ing the 10th afiniversary of St.Jceived a corsage, announced|Ruth Keil. mittee mee nh a a Ell tt, i women in the jast parliament,|inet, or at least a parliamentary|Houseé of Commons. Gertrude's Catholic Women's\that a Day of Recollection|, President, Miss Margarecjthe home of Miss 0 he highlight of the evening|three of them had followed this|secretary post, if the Liberals League last week. would be held in St. Gregory's Russell, operied. the meeting,|Cadillac avenue south. . for the Cefardale Junior Choir|course, Mrs. Casselman, Mrs.|f:rm the next government. The Reverend John Myers!next Sunday and that St. Ger-|Miss Stella Smarz called the The cultural program Am .)was the opportiinity to meet the|Macdonald and Mrs. Hardie. One other woman who is ex- held a service of benediction) tryde's would hold a card party,| |roll and read the minutes in/Spiritually Right" was given by|members of the Korean Choir| While few women i.a and pected to have a better than and later attended the meeting} April 17. |the absence of Miss Louise|Mrs. Francis Fleming. and to hold their hands as they|fewer are elected, those who dol|even chance of being elected is during which Mrs. James) party refreshments were |Thompson. Miss Maureen Com-| The meeting ended with the|wished them farewell and alsurvive more than a term or Noonan presided. Father Myers) .pveq fae the past presidents @rford gave the treasuter's reclosing Ritual and Mizpah. _ |pleasant Journey during their|two, usually gain some recogni SEE eee, thelcut the anniversary cake. /PO*t- ("the next meeting will be held tour. tion. RESULTS COUNT! Ja| - ' | A cheque, proceeds from the|at the home of Mrs. Pame Mrs, Fairclough is the first ng ers = _ be rout annual Blue and Silver Ball, was| Knight, Guelph street. a Margaret Philips, Sis¢er|woman cabinet mialowr in the of their, achievement. ; t 0 -- also that it was fitting at such Couples Club Shows Presented to the Diabetic Asso- LTB NO, 58 a Howard. a time to remember the time, jciation by President Miss Mar-| pe regular meeting of "E'B|.,2he birthday banquet is at 24 RUG & come tenrial® i : : garet Russell and treasurer)y5 55 was held in the Orange|St0tie Park on March 16. Any "HOUR SERVICE 4 CLEANING @ DRAPERY ftort and prayers of the late ; 0. Reverend Francis Mahoney, Educational Film | Miss Maureen Comerford. . NO SERVICE CHARGE Our Pes con will clean Temple with Deputy Master|°M¢ wishing to attend please MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE in @ BROADLOOM the first spiritual director of St. 7 A a The three members wy will| Brother Le, eet ea in ge Ret ye Rags Age ro FOUR SEASONS Gin 4 Meals 0 tes home ne © SLIP COVERS ; ; be going to sdale anor,|the absence orshipfu is- L : por ng yo alga euide/On Eastern Asia March 9, are Miss Joan Elliott,|tress Sister Ruth Gatchell. | with prayer by Chaplain Sister TRAVEL Oshawa & District & pp He introduced the Reverend] gt, Andrew's United Church|Mrs. Allan Fleming and Miss) 'The sick committee report|ive SOR PHONE 728-6201 Real Estate Board | @ UP TERING N. J. Gignac, regional director,|Couples' Club held its Febru- Ruth Kell. Sister Annie Burgess, bg ed il- 8 is'on March 5. ~ who congratulated the CWL on|ary meeting in the church com-/ Mrs, Allen Fleming gave a dred Carnochan, S: ges ae. ce ii en ce an erm Te, Cope i eis, aig rae a enters, eee ia' the years yg wteom. Asia's Rim" are young people) png Sister Elda Howard| - : nder 20 years of age. 'or the ensuing) apes. po vireng Pog bs Presidents, "Mr, -and--Mrs:;--A question and answer period veer, ee * " py Seslegr" F USC) George Tanton, presided for the} followed. The draws were won by Sis. ; rd Carter, repion-|devotional period. The meeting] Mrs. Anthony De Boo sang ' . Mrs. Gregory Ps er, G €10N-| spened with scripture reading|two Negro spirituals, "Swin as al age octane by Mrs. Tanton. Mr. Tanton|Low, Sweet Chariot," andi RUDY'S i "heris South, / §.-- 728-7021 Mrs. 'Walter Branch introduced|'°d !" prayer. "Heaven, Heaven," accompan- Othowe's Only Mrs. Fred A. Gets was oar-lied by Kelvin James at the | r. Tack Guilt rg vo | rator and discussion leader for|piano. EACLUSIED HAIRET VEIN Sass er Sales, Pickering; Mrs. Max-|thé flim on East Asia. The Benediction was given by FOR MIM oe =< 'coleman, "bie, Marie du| Mrs. Getz, a member of Bt. ee coe ee tecruias 9 eto me b "eh MATER VOICE Bouple; rer "De G,. Newmean,| Andrew's and a past missionary 3 } St, Tonn the Evangelist, of West China, and also mis- by Mrs. James Hedge and com-| § Tribology ve Perms +, Mrs. William Saccoc- mittee. Whitey; sionary co-ordinator for St. oe ' + Mary's, Rosebank. Andrew's, brought her person- iT T " There were 11 charter mem-|ai knowledge of the Asian ; bers present including Mrs. Wal-| peoples. aes as : lace Armstrong of Richmond) «on the Rim of Tomorrow" Hil. revealed 50 per cent of the 38 Mrs, John Poltz presented a peopl " | * : ry » Gertrude' w rv : rE : , the had collected, assembled' SEWING MACHINES 9] - QOL A ist as 4 and decorated in a handsome REPAIRED 1! volume to be treasured more and more in time. Ane ane ee 2 Sener UP TO ts. F. G. Flynn presented! } Corsages to the past presidents, WARNER WILLIAMS Mrs. William Clancy, Mrs. Sid- SERVICE CENTRE e ney Sheridan, Mrs. Angus Neil, | 17-8 BOND £& = 725-3531 and Mrs. Walter Branch. Mrs.' peesceecie IN CASH ENTER OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE'S See The NEWEST 1963 MONTHLY ee FAMILY ALLOWANCE | RGM. WH TOR esi AWARD CONT EST | Fa A a th: eontenporory vein, ame et Priced FM, AM radio with provision for adapting to FM Stereo radio, automatic frequency control, Pertormance-proved "'Dual" record * changer with Ronette cartridge diamond stylus. Two 6" and Two 344" speakers. 20 wotts peak music power output (8 watts E.1.A, rating). In netural or Satin Walnut, Mahogany or Fruitwood gen- ulne veneers, ) : "No, | Haven't Got A Toothache!" sa pig ol" Hl SoA ees / |) SEE THESE 2 NEW MODELS NOW AT PARKWAY You'll See The Finest on this het In preperdtion for the goy 4 1 WOR 1 antics I'm obout to perform on our refreshingly Stampering % U ° Br ject cet. e_You oar toate ae HAT J al ey Display of Quality TV and is to clean our is © rantly .. by: 4 ter 'one "Baker Cleaning" job simply digs out hidden dirt and | (i be U : Me War ines cart toer "beber Channa" Cah ha: le Mille | : \ §\ (SOrsss Ai Stereo Hi Fi at Parkway (local agents) to-day! They'll have your rugs out afd back | ; . aie args | | | | Gee? @ 1 YEAR FREE SERVICE "Just OneCall Does Them All" | @ A.C. MERIT PLAN AVAILABLE Model Model Agents for SHes7s ..., 00000 sHea7a .... C990 © OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M, BAKER CARPET CLEANING CO, |] @ SIMPLY CAsH Your FAMILY ALLOWANCE < CHEQUE AT THE CENTRE AND ASK FOR @ Over 75 Years Experience © | silgabiiipated "YOUR COLOR TV STORE" |] @ DEPOSIT ENTRY FORM INTO BALLOT BOX FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY Dab serapstasrcshsen dgsacasies ~ / | @ ENTRY SELECTION THIS MONTH WILL BE : 0s ' ! ag ON FRIDAY, MARCH 1st, AT 7:15 P.M. ; ROSS E. MILLS ; co. LTD. | eosuscon nonin «(ts ON P4R-GAN0 : 918SIMCOENORTH "EVERY SALE FULLY SERVICED" -- PHONE 723-3043 seeneiietimeea

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