oa a the losing assisted on Aime Rousseau's Manager: Rae Hopkins " Whitby Bureau Office: ~~ | WHITBY and DISTRICT 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-8703 CO-OP CREDIT UNION HOLDS ANNUAL BANQUET Members of Whitby's Co-op Credit Union Saturday night met in the IOOF Hall to take part in the Credit Union's 22nd annual meeting and ban- quet, During the meeting, reports, including a financial statement, were given and James J. Turley; second from left, director of field services for the Ontario Credit Union League, addressed the gather- ing. With the speaker are, left to right, John. Bakker, president, Whitby Co-op- Credit Union, Thomas Sey- mour, treasurer and D. R. Davies, secretary. ~ --Oshawa Times Photo DURNO'S-SUNOCO TIE Fleming's Shell Takes Best Of Three Series Fleming's Shell walloped Ot- tenbrite's Men's Wear 10-3 Sun- day afternoon to win their best of three semi-final' Whitby Mercantile Hockey League ser- les two games to one. In the second half of Sun- day's double-header, Arena Sunoco and Durno's Garage battled to a 3-3 tie. They will play again next Sunday after- noon to decide which of the two teams will battle Fleming's for the league championship. Fleming netted two in the first period, six more in the second and another pair in the final stanza to make a run- away of ther contest. Bill Lundmark, Bob Fawcett, Harvey Roberts and John El- lig each scored a pair of mark- ers. Mac Rowland and Ken Harris were single goal getters. Bob Moffatt scored twice for Ottenbrite team and goal to complete the Ottenbrite scoring. In the second game, Arena Sunoco took a 1-0 lead in the frst period and a commanding 3-1 lead in the second. Durno's Garagemen came on Whitby Women Join In World Day Of Prayer Once again the women of Whitby join with women of many nations, in observing a Day of Prayer, Friday,March 1. The theme for this -year is, "More Than C--uerors' It is fitting that the order and content of the service has been prepared by Christian Women in Korea. Who more than they are "More Than Conquerors"? St. Andrews Presbyterian Church is host for the after- moon Service beginning at 3 o'clock. Mrs. John "cbson of that church is in charge of all arrangements. : Hebron Ohristian Reformed Church is host for an evening Service at 8 p.m, This affords @n opportunity for those who find they cannot attend an after- Moon appointment, to praise and pray. The speaker for the day is, Miss ,M. E. Bone, Dean of Women of Ontario Ladies' Col- lege. This annual event has been the means of sharing our large portion of Christian Literature|+} with women of many lands. Col- fections are used. It makes pos. sible translations and also Braille and Talking Books for the blind. Bibles are made avail- able to many in other lands as UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES strong in the final stanza to tie it up. Jim Everett scored the lone goal in the first Period on a fine passing play by Lynn Mid- dleton and Gord Luke. Charlie Sawdon took a pass from Keith and Al MacDonald early in the second period to tie the score. Gord Luke scored twice in the second frame to give the Shelimen the 3-1 lead which ended the period. Jim Everett was credited with the assists on both of Luke's scoring plays. Mike Gray scored on a pats. ing play from Elmer Tran 'in the final stanza to put the Gar- agemen back into the game and iran scored the equalizer from Roy Bechman and Mike Gray FIRST GAME SCORING REBEKAH LODGE The regular meeting of the Benevolent Rebekah Lodge 132 held this week in the IOF Hall was opened in form by NG Sis- ter Mary Churchyard' assisted by VG, Sister Gwen Halton who reported for the sick committee. The guests of the evening were Sister Flossie Ball DDP of Oshawa East, Sister Mar- garet Browning DDP of Osh- awa West, they were introduc- ed and welcomed. Sister Lil- lian Harper was also welcomed as Noble Grand of Maybelle Re- bekah Lodge who with the staff very ably conferredthe Re- bekah degree on three candi- dates by initiation. Bro. and Sister Barr were wel- comed into Maybelle Lodge while Sister Louise Hill was welcomed as a member of Ben- evolent Lodge. Scripture was read by Mrs. M. 24th Annive Visco Greenwood Chapter IODE en-' joyed a pot luck luncheon prior to holding the 24th annual meet- ing in St. Mark's United Church _|hall recently. Regent;~Mrs. F. W. Browne presided and spoke briefly thanking all for their co-oper- ation and help during the year. The following reports were read. Secretary, Mrs. G. A. Welsh read bylaws, and reported that nine general and four executive meetings were held, the chapter had representatives at the an- nual Provincial meeting. Treasurer, Mrs. Geo A, An- derson mentioned a successful year, all commitments were met and a balance was on hand. Educational secretary, Mrs. F. W. Marsh mentioned that 12 book. prizes were given locally, that 75~IODE calendars were given to schools, public build- ings and members. Awards of $100.00 nursing bursary, and $25.00 war. memorial essay. Framed portrait of the Queen and a Union Jack were present- ed, donation to Lucy Morrison educational fund and gifts sent to adopted Northern school, Public Relations. Much co. operation was received from the press. Citizenship. Mrs. J. A, Ander- son mentioned that donation was given to Canadian Scene and a family was assisted. Services at home and abroad. Mrs. A. MacLean announced that 36 articles and 53 pocket novels were sent to Provincial Headquarters, a wreath was placed on the cenotaph, mem- bers assisted at Fairview Lodge for Senior Citizens. Christmas baskets were given and Day Camp held in July. Echoes. 100 per cent subscrib- ers with three gift subscriptions -- Membership, Mrs, H. T. Fal- laise reported four life mem-' Beadle, the Lord's prayer was repeated in unison. Mrs. G. White spoke on the first chapter 'What is Relig- ion" from the study book "The Word and the Way'. A ques- tion and answer period follow- ed with a very enlightening dis- cussion, Mrs. A, Reynolds was appointed program convener. Mrs. T. Brandon presided over the business portion of the meeting, reports were read and approved. Mrs. R. Crawford re- ported on the: visiting commit- tee. Plans were discussed for the forthcoming Spring Tea and bake sale to be held at the Church, Friday, March 29. Mrs. R-. Crawford was appointed ticket convener, The meeting adjourned and lunch was served by Mrs. M. Beadle and her group. The A gift was pr ted to Sis- ter Harper in appreciation of her work. All other business con- Shell, Londmark (Elliott) 5.15 Shell, Fawcett ( 18.20 SECOND PERIOD Ottenbrite's, Rocsseay (Moffatt) 4.05 Shell, Ellis Shell, Roberts (Rowland) Shell, Rowland Shell, Lundmark (Harris, Elliott) Shell, Roberts (Ellis) Shell, Harris (Rowland, Haire) THIRD PERIOD Ottenbrite's, Moffatt (Brown) Shell, Ellis (Mitchell Shell, Fawcett (Lundmark) Oltenbrite's, Moffatt SECOND GAME SCORING : FIRST PERIOD Sunoco, Everett (Middleton, Luke) SECOND PERIOD Sawdon (K, MacDonald, A, MacDonald Sunoco, Luke (Eeverett) Sunoco, Luke (Eeverett) THIRD PERIOD Durno's, M. Gray (E, Tran) Durno's, E. Tran 6. 7.16 13.57 14.4 16.07 18.50 7.25 11.02 12.27 16.54 14.25 Durno's, > 115 6 1 13.35 2.40 e closed. practice will be held Wednes- day evening Feb. 27 at 7.30 p.m. os\in IOOF Hall. A social hour was enjoyed by all present with dainty refresh- ments served by the February committee. Benevolent Rebekah Lodge will sponsor a euchre night Fri- day evening, March 1, in the IOOF Hall at 8 p.m.,there will be prizes and refreshments will be served, ST. MARK'S UCW UNIT 6 St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 6 held its monthly meeting at the Church Tuesday evening under the (Bechman, Gray) 11.15. leadership of Mrs, T. Brandon. WHITBY BOWLING NEWS WHITBY MEN'S LEAGUE | County Bowl were the winners) of the third section led by some} fine bowling by Doug Rowden| who rolled an 871 triple with sin- gles of 309, 284, 278. Triples over 725: Dick Adams 805 (279, 268); Ron Bragg 785 (309, 298); W. Bick 781 (284, 274); E, Jordan 776 (288, 254); M. Jordan 768 (296, 278); .D. Dafoe 755 (262); R. Pascoe 742 (283); P. Scott 740 €279); B. Newstead 739 (309 291); D. Allen 727 (338). Singles over 260: L. Bather- son, 297, R. Reeson 287, A. Sa- manski 287, A. Knibb 286, A. Hepburn 276, G. Deeth 273, M. Slessor 271, J. Izatt 270, C. Pee- ters 264, G. Schmidke 261. Points Won: Credit Union 1, Abner's Esso} 2, Mel-Ron 2, Legion Old Sweats 0, IAM 2, Mowatt's BA 3, Sil- versmiths 3, Red-Wings 3, Coun- ty Bowl 2, K of C 1, Ottenbrites Simpson Wood Products 3, Post Office 1, Legion No. 2, ' ae No. 2, 0, Andrews) 0. E LEGION SUNDAY NITERS Men's High Singles -- S. Al- derson 284, J, Mcivor 210, D. 7) well as to Missjpns in our own land. Rodd 229, H. Strathdee 270, A, Mayall 204, D. Rowden 268, 281; WHITBY PocKeT with--CHUBBY CHECKER BROCK Evening Shows Start 6:55 & 8:25 | Last Complete Show At 8:25 Girl-Trap to Steal a Million! M-G-M presents a world of thrills In. WoRLD in MY ALSO -- SECOND ADDED ATTRACTION "DON'T KNOCK THE TWIST" ---- MARI BLANCHARD K. King 249, B. Bragg 204, 241; M. Mustard 262, E. Brush 225, 228, 265; R. Bragg, 283, 337, D. Marks. 204. Men's high triples --S. Alder- son 652, D. Rowden 744, B. Bragg 686, E. Brush 718, R. Bragg 818. Ladies' High Singles -- M. Mc- Coy, 181, 214; M. Connelly 189; M. Miles, 195; J, White, 193; J. King, 184; M. Holley, 184, 195; D. Segryh, 200; A. Mayall, 193, 211; C. Rowden, 210, 219; J, Gates, 193, 188; J. Richard- son, 175, 216; D. Sheehan, 206; D. Mclvor, 176, 184; H. Gerrow, 188; M. Strathdee, 180, Ladies' high triples -- M. Mc- Coy, 552; M. Holley, 520; D. Segryh, 511; A. Mayall, 576; C. Rowden, 582; J. Gates, 541; J. Richardson, 543. ST. JOHN EVANGELIST MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE Team standings after Febru- ary 18 are as follows: Witnits 3, 20; MeFelts 7, 19; Hot Shots 5, 16; Flashpans 2, 14; Six Seven Ups 2, 12; Go-Getters 5 12; Jokers 4, 10; Bombers 0, 9. Triples over 500 -- Ladies: Aline Veitenheimer 739, Lor- raine Bronshewski 694, Doreen Kehoe 688, Fran Schatzniang 635, Agnes Sandrelli 628, Fran Ottenbrite, Nellie McCarroll 572, Marg Carter 562, Diane Pascoe 549, Betty Steffler 555, Helen Sicoli 546, B. Robinson 544, Edna Bedard 541, Theresa LeSage 539, Ann Nettle 522, Mary Canzi 516. Men -- Jim McCarroll 722, Jimmy Smyth 672, Bob Ed- wards 639, Ed Samanski 636, Clarence Hendriks 654, Al Tay- lor 629, Harold Forbes 624, Tom Carthew 570, Bill Goverde 541, eg Bedard 535, Frank Sicoli Singles over 200 -- Ladies: Aline Veitendheimer 323, 228; Doreen Kehoe 295, 216; Betty Steffler 265, Bernadette Robin- son 249, Fran Ottenbrite 248, 209; Lorraine Bronishewski 248, 243, 203; Agnes Sandrelli 238, 4)208; Fran Schatzmann 230, 207; Nellie McCarroll 230, Enid Pitts 228, Marg Carter 224, Diane next regular meeting will be held in the Church parlor Tues- day, March 19 at 8 o'clock, OHW NURSES' ALUMNAE | The reguier meeting of the Nurses' Alcvmnae, Ontario Hos- pital, Whitby, was held in the Senior Nurses' residence re- cently. President Mrs. Edna Harris presided. Plans were discussed for the annual dinner and dan to honor the graduating -- class. The event this year will. be Friday, May 31, at the Genosha Hotel, Oshawa. The date of the spring rum- mage sale was decided upon. The sale will be held Satur- day, April 6, the place to be announced at a later date. Monday, March 4, meeting will be held in the ECT wing of the hospital and will take the form of a Games Night, At the close of the meeting lunch was served by Mrs, Jaynes. WHITBY K, OF C, The regular 'meeting' of Whitby Knights of Columbus, Council 4895, was held Wednes- day, February 20 at St. John the Evangelist parish hall. The meeting was opened by Grand Knight Frank Canzi who asked Father L. J. Austin to lead the members in prayer. After the regular business of the meetihg a talk was present- ed. The first in the 1963 series of the special education program was read by Brother R. Morris. The talk dealt with the indi- vidual Communist and his con- nection with and influence with- in the party. At the close of the meeting, refreshments were served by Brother Vic Scott and his com- mittee. Wednesday, ,March 6. ST. JOHN'S WA St. John's Anglican Church WA held its Monthly meeting Wedpesday, February 20, in the Sunday School hall. President, Mrs. E, Vallant, opened the meeting with a hymn and pray- er, Rev. G. Nicholson gave the Bible reading. . Articles for the bale to be sen to Toronto headquar'ers will be on display in the Sunday School room and afternoon tea will be served, Wednesday afternoon, Pascos 218, Edna Bedard 216, Theres LeSage 214, K. Semin- sky 206, Men: Bob Edwards 340, Jim- my Smyth 289, 231; Jim Me- Carroll 284, 250; H. Forbes 252, 206; -Ed Samanski 246, 223; Tom Carthew 248, Clarence Hendriks 237, 235; : Al Taylor 227, 213; Frank Sicoli 224, Tec Hughes 223, Ed Dochuk 212. High Triple with Handicap Ladies -- Aline Veitenheimer, 766, Fran Ottenbrite 722, Betty Steffler 705, : : Men -- Tom Carthew 729, Al Taylor 728, Jim McCarroll 722. High single with handicap -- Ladies -- .Aline Veitenheimer 332, Betty Steffler 315, Fran Ottenbrite, D. Kehoe 298. Men -- Bob Edwards 349, Tom Car- Pp. The next meeting will be held Viscount Chapter Marks ford. bers, two deceased. Get well and sympathy cards were sent. Telephone. Miss J. McKay re-' ported many calls made. Social, Mrs, W. D. Leathers arranged all tea events, The Standard was present at all functions, Prior to Mrs. A. Ingram announcing the slate of officers, councillors and' con- veners for 1963 Mrs. J. M. Rob- lin presented the Regent Mrs. F, W. Browne with a large pot of yellow chrysanthemums on behalf of the members in preciation of her interest. Officers for 1963, Honorary Regent Mrs. D. E. Carruthers, honorary vice Regent Mrs. F, H. M. Irwin, Regent Mrs. F. W. Browne, first vice Regent Mrs. A. Ingram, second vice Regent Mrs. J. A. 'Anderson, secretary Mrs, Juby, assistant secretary Mrs. J. Speers, trea- surer Mrs. Geo A, Anderson, as- sistant treasurer Mrs. J, Roblin, educational secretary Mrs, F. W. Marsh, echoes sec. retary, Mrs. G. A, Welsh, ser- vices at home and abroad Mrs. A. MacLean, standard bearer Mrs. C. Purdon. Councillors. Miss J,- MCkay, Mrs. S. Osborne, Mrs, H. Doner, Mrs, S. Murdoch, Mrs. A. Stur- gess, Mrs. L. MacFarlane, Mrs, .G A. Welsh, Mrs, R. G. Lang- Conveners. Membership Mrs. H. T. Fallaise, Citizenship Mrs. A. Ingram, world affairs Mrs, N. Cormack, social Mrs, W. D. Leathers, public relations Mrs. F. W. Marsh telephone convener Miss J. McKay. Mrs." Morrison presidént of a Scouts And Cubs Attend Services At St: Mark's -- The boys and leaders of the 4th Whitby Boy Stout Troop and Wolf Cub Packs "A" and "B" worshipped with the congrega- tion of St. Mark's Sunday morn- ing. The colors were received by elders W. E. Davidson and C, Freek. Rev. A. M. Butiler's mes- sage to the boys was entitled "The Longest Way Round Is The Shortest Way Home". Glen Gartshore the Member of the Ontario Older Boys' Par- liament for the Ontario South constituency spoke to the con- gregation about the Christian purpose and work of the Par- liament which met for five days in December. The flowers in the Memorial Vases were placed to the mem- ory of Alex Musselman, It was announced: there is a M. great need for good used cloth- ing for overseas relief. Each year the United Church of Can- ada sends 160 tons. The need is continuous and the congregation of St, Mark's is requested to contribute toward the 1063 ship- ment. : Good books, fiction and non- fiction in English and French are also required for African THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Februgry 25, 1963 § St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church was the setting Saturday, February 16, for a double ring: ceremony when Sandra Doreen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Smyth, Whitby, became the bride of Alan Francis Taylor, son of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Taylor, Oshawa, Father W. P. Douglas offi- ciated at the ceremony. Mrs. P, Wilson played the music at the organ. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a street- length gown of white peau de soie taffeta, lily point sleeves, scooped neckline with irrides- cent sequins, bell shaped skirt falling into soft pleats and bustle back accentuated with self bow. She wore a pill box headpiece with irridescent se- quins and a bouffant veil and carried a bouquet of red roses. She was attended by her sis- ter, Miss Anne Smyth, as maid of honor and bridesmaid, Miss Enid Pitt, who wore similar gowns of peacock blue peau de soie satin with scooped neck- countries where literacy is in- creasing but where there is a great lack of .good literature. Books on any subject are re- quested, Books and clothing may be left at the United Church Hall t any time. GENERAL ELECTRIC SALES & SERVICE Provincial Chapter was nomi ated for Naticnal councillor and Mrs, F, W. Browne as Provin- cial councillor, An executive meeting was called for Monday, March 4th, at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. A. Ingram, 117 Pine street. FREE Have your furnace cleaned free you pur Rose" unified fuel oil from Western Oil Co, DIAL 725-1212 Serving Whitby, Oshewe end surrow area, @ FREE PICK-UP @ FREE DELIVERY Independent Sales (Whitby) Ltd, PHONE 068-2081 wedding! shea: Double Ring Ceremony nites Taylor, Smyth. line, 'elbow length sleeves and-- overskirts. Their bou-"™ quets were gold chrysanthe--- mums and blue iris. pat Jack Bouckley acted as best b man and ushering was the" » brother of -the bride, oe Smyth, For the Fleetwood. Hoo m, Oshawa, the « mother of the bride wore a' ' street - length goldmetallie . th dress with accessories and a corsage of yellow roses, She was assisted by the bridegroom's mother who." chose a navy blue sheath dress» with matching powder blue ac." Cessories and a corsage of red... roses. . For their honeymoon trip te" Niagara Falls and points w. the bride left wearing a yellow, double knit dress, grey and'. live green accessories and an orchid corsage. Mr. and Mrs," Taylor will establish residence in Oshawa. ow DECORATING For FREE Advice and Color Schemes in your Home or in |. our Modern Store. dl For Doy or Evening Appointments DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron St. $., Whitby Doys PH. 668-5862 Evenings PH. 668-5066 Your Friendly €-I-L Dealer Crown Attorney Urges Charges Against Cops OAKVILLE, Ont. (OP)--The Crown attorney of Oakville said Friday he has written to Mayor William Anderson and members of council, recommending that three police officers be charged with making an unlawful ar- rest. Peter McWilliams said he wrote the letter afier town s0- licitor Elmer Moore advised Police Chief Frederick Oliver at a meeting Friday that charges should not be placed. Frank Marcantonio, 18, of Oakville accused three police officers of, slapping him and throwing him into a chair at the police: station. We read a statement contain- ¢ ah, N LV canadian Nati the w of the we 4 Cy U \/ J / a free under 5-- \/ mA Vy J eee half fare N | NA fa ay rr y ing the accusations to Magis- trate K. M. Langdon last week, and the magistrate dismissed a charge of drinking under age against the youth. The magis- trate said the youth's complaint should be investigated. Mr. McWilliams said he to¥ the solicitor and police chief the officers should be charged and a public hearing held. He said he decided on the letter after Chief Oliver did not place charges. March 6 at 2.30 p.m., after which the bale will be packed PORT WHITBY TEXACO Pete Hubers, Prop. FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY General Repairs Dunlop Tires 668-3471 100 VICTORIA W. (at Brock) YOUR... PANTS - SLACKS - SKIRTS Cleaned FREE with a minimum of $3.00 worth of cleaning mea metab * Surrounding Areas PH. 668-2582 for a driver to call DANDY CLEANERS Blair Park Plaze-Whitby FISH and CHIPS and GRILL WE FRY HALIBUT ONLY TABLE SERVICE TAKE-OUT ORDERS FREE PARKING SPACE Try us once and You will be pleased Open 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. BLAIR PARK PLAZA Dundas & Lupin Dr. Whitby under 12 MERCURY AUTO BODY COLLISION-CUSTOM BODY WORK MODERN EQUIPMENT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED COURTESY & SERVICE 324 ASH ST, PH. 668-8522 24-HR. ROAD SERVICE and shipped. It was mentioned that a num- ber of the Girls' Auxiliary are attending weekly confirmation class held at St. John's Church and are also busy with Mission study and competition work. It was agreed that $100 would be sent to Diocesan Branch, Toronto, also a $25 donation was given towards a new piano. Members were reminded of the Women's Day of Prayer to be held Friday, March 1, from 3 to 4 p.m. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church and. the evening service at Christian Reformed Church, Ruth WA members were in- formed that future meetings will be held in the afternoon from 2 to 4 p.m. The meeting closed with pray- er and lunch was served. The next meeting will be held Wed- nesday, March 20, from 2 to 4 .m, WHITBY GARDEN CLUB The February meeting of the Whitby Garden Club took the form of a social evening, when a goodly number of members and WwW. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Funeral & Ambulance Service You don't have to play a sport to be a good sport 110 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-3410 CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! é SPORT This Programme Presented By The Local ' Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! Weekly Evenis! | CALENDAR -- of -- GOOD SPORTS Support home town sports, HOME TOWN SPORTS Support the local suppliers of FUELS and BUILDING SUPPLIES 24 Hr, Burner Service SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED 244 BROCK ST. S, DIAL 668-3524 WHITBY, ONT. guests enjoyed themselves at games of euchre. Prizes for their playing were won by Mrs. M. Gouldburn, Mrs. H. Bayes, Mrs. F, Sugden, F, Webb, Mrs: E, R, Elliott, Mrs, J. Suther- land, 'In the small contest for a Valentine Centrepiece, Miss Marion Crawforth was the win- ner, while in the Novice class for a_ Valentine centrepiece Mrs, J. Crawforth and Mrs. McKelvie took most points, There were two draw prizes, won by Mrs, F. Webb and Miss Marion Crawforth. STAFFORD Brothers Lid. Monuments eo of Distinction 668-3552 Whitby SPORTS HOCKEY Friday, Morch 1, ot 8:45 p.m. Dunlops et Whitby Arena, CURLING Club, Draws at 9 and 11 @.m, SKATING Whitby Arena, THIS WEEK'S EVENTS METROPOLITAN JR. "A" LEAGUE -- Tuesday, Feb. 26, at 8:30 p.m. -- Marliboros vs Whitby Dunlops at Whitby Arena, = Oshawa Generals vs Whitby Seturday, Merch 2, -- Mixed Open Bonsplel at Whitby Curling Wednesdey, Feb. 27, 8 to 10 p.m., -- Adults only. Whitby Arene, Saturday, March 2, 2 to 4 p.m., children 14 years and under, WHITE'S B.P. 616 Brock St. N. Whitby 668-8241 GENERAL REPAIRS Licensed Mechanie Snow Ploughing FREE PICK-UP: & DELIVERY OPEN 7:30 A.M. -- 10 P.M, FOR THE BEST IN NEWS -- While It Is News HAVE THE OSHAWA TIMES DELIVERED 668-3703 Refreshments. were served after the card games were con- cluded, and a most enjoyable evening was thus brought to a close, HI-C NEWS A Potluck Supper and a meeting of the Whitby Hi-C Group took place in St. Mark's United Church recently. Rev. B. Long, of Orono, spoke on the subject, "Existing, or Living." Barbara Brecken- bridge gave a piano solo and Avis Leggett conducted the wor- thew 298, Jimmy Smith 291. GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE Authorized Fina Centre Dealer Tune-ups. Licensed Mechanic Tires and Batteries & Accessories PICK-UP & DELIVERY 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N, WHITBY | ship. ' HOOKER & 1961 FORD COACH... BROOKLIN General Motors Dealer For CHEVROLET--OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS CORVAIR SONS LTD. No. 7 Highway, 3 miles West of Brooklin *1695 655-4811 George H. Rarding Construction Co. Ltd, "General Contractors . "And Builders 411 Folrview Drive, Whitby 668-3566 TRENCHING AND COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE