25----Apt. & Flats For Rent 25---Apt. & Flats For Rent 27--Real Estate for Sale 27-- Real Estate for Sale 27--Keal Estate For Sale | 27----Real Estate For Sale CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN -- Down- three. Hf. d FREDERICK STREET, 108 -- u; apartment, --. room, ead apartment, newly decorated. y 728-7245. Adults only, Heav; iL Close en town, $65, stairs, unfurnished, 'y duty wiring. Kitch. to hospital and down- WESTMOUNT STREET -- th 5 apartment, private ee ee, es $55 306 Avenue. 725-5363. FOUR-ROOM * monthly. | private entrance, unfurnished, oil heat- ing, apartment, main floor, OHURCH STREET, 144 -- bed-sitting Toom and kitchen, furnished. Suitable| parking, close March 1, awa Times, to Four » Write Box 335, Osh- . $i2)/EULALIE AND LA SALLE -- apart- for ang ee supplied. . -- rooms, Bet cosmetic tor, 1 outlet, range, facilities, . Tele young eouple, no children, Parking. 728-9717. | rw. SIMCOE NORTH 408, 1 : RTH 408, unfurnished apart OF, . Would rent room: parately. Close to store and trans- Al NO! ments, one and two bedrooms, range and refrigerator, $85 and $95. Available} %*! pply 216 Chadburn Street. March ist, Telephone 728-3045. GUIDE REALTY Limited, Realtors 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 NORTH EAST -- Exceptional value in this full 2 storey brick. One of the newer homes in exclusive area, with enerous sized rooms. New .H.A. Oil heating. Nicely treed yard, with a depth of FARK ROAD SOUTH, 433 -- two-bed-\96_ Rooms For Rent Telephone 725-3301. 'GRENFELL STREET -- self Private bath. Laundry facilities.| ioRcH STREET, 174 -- two. single bedrooms, private entrance, itle- men preferred. Apply above be 143 ft: AGIVE AWAY PRICE OF ONLY $12,900. If it's a family home you want this one can't be beat, Three-room furnished ent, range and refrig- erator, in kitchen, Parking|M. space. 728-5953. MONTRAVE AVENUE, 290 two |commodation for ARY STREET, north end, spacious, well furnished bedroom, quiet home, parking, ace gentleman, 725-0145. FURNISHED bedroom, | privileges, large clothes Centre. Si ET EAST -- large bed- furnished, Apply 63 Grenfell Street or housekeeping closet, close to uit gentleman. 725-8721. TAUNTON ROAD W.--FIVE ACRES -- and a charming bungalow, with attached gar- age, at City Limits. Beautiful large modern kitchen. 27 ft. living room, nicely finished Rec. room, alum. storms and ELGIN STRE! tes sitting rooms, » ear north GM and Oshawa Hospital, suitable for murees, $8. week each. 725-6881. + for light) LARGE, nicely room, close to Shopping furnished bed - sitting Centre. Suit- able for one or two working girls. Tele- phone 723-4312. ONE-BEDROOM apartment, wall wall broadioom. Refrigerator, free washing facilities. March 1. $79 monthly, Apply 20 Avenue Street, Apt. 2. KINGS COURT and above s js CENTRAL, nicely furnished bedroom Available|clean, quiet man or lady, Breakfast optional, stainer, near bus stop, parking. home, suit refined gentle 725-3870 sink. Private address, RITSON ROAD SOUTH, 887 -- two fur- nished rooms, bed with refrigerator, room and kitchen built-in cupboards bathroom, Apply APARTMENTS [OSHAWA MOTEL formerly Tremed- AJAX dan Motel). | single |heated, television. Telephone 723-97 Winter $15., double $20. Hot rates: rooms, water 61. screens, circular drive, and a 3,500 goal. soft water cistern. This property is different and well worth inspection. BROOKSIDE ACRES AREA-- This house is different, it has the gracious centre 'hall plan, with a formal type liv- ing room, with: natural fire- place. The other side of this lovely entry hall is the fam- ily dining room, a kitchen with dining area, and a = d U the No Lease Required Approximately 10 miles from Oshowa Opposite large Shopping Centre near schools, churches, etc. Large One Bedroom $73 ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH Pp room, p first floor, 2nd floor has 3 bedrooms, with a possible fourth, 4-pc. tiled bathroom. Finished Rec. Room, and at- tached garage. Can be shown anytime at your convenience. 7 ROOM INCOME HOME-- 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms, fire- Two Bedroom $79 TELEPHONE AJAX WH 2-2001 _ Oshawa"s Finest Park Lane Apts. 10 min. from Downtown Attractive two-bedroom suites. Spacious grounds Prestige location Private balconies Elevator service Controlled entrances Garages Paved parking Don Howe Evenings 723-9692 Howe and Peters Realtors MODERN APARTMENTS inchiiiiaitsaesha Residential Street Convenient To Park Rd. North and King St. West REASONABLE RENTS METCALF Real Estate Ltd. 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 OSHAWA BLVD. SOUTH $8,500.00 full price -- and only $1500 down for this 4 room bungalow -- featuring large kitchen -- extra large living room -- 2 good sized bedrooms oil heat -- alum- inum storms and fenced lot. SUBURBAN $11,000.00 -- 5 room bun- galow -- situoted on large lot -- all large rooms -- more land available for, V.L. A. ALBERT STREET Large 7 room -- brick home -- 4 bedrooms -- centrally located --- This home won't Jost. WINONA DRIVE $17,500.00 in north west area -- a choice residential location --- 3 bedroom bun- galow in spotless condition. For new homes in different locations --- contact us for your needs. Some. homes under construction for April possession, OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Jack Osborne John Kemp Dick Barriage Lloyd Metcalf Joe Maga Ken Hann (27--Real Estate for Sale place, very well kept clean home. Close to schools and transportation, One mort- gage only -- good terms. TRIPLEX JUST LISTED -- Located in good area with three five room apartments, ives monthly income of 240.00. All suites rented. Hot water oil heating, 3 sep- orate entrances, 3 meters, double garage. One open mortgage. Vendor will give good terms. 4 ROOM HOME -- Asking only $5,800, Good buy for this clean home, all conven- -iences with oil furnace, taxes only $60.00. Act now. 5 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW with garage, oil furnace, 3- pc. bath and nicely decorated. Asking only $7,950. Full price. INCOME PROPERTY -- 8 room home plus 2 stores. Store presently leased at $100.00 a month. Good buy for someone, must be sold, give us an offer, COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES Wilson Road at King St. Good commercial lot 50 x 120 with five room bunga- low, asking only $14,500. GROCERY STORE -- EXCEL- LENT OPPORTUNITY -- go- ing concern only $16,900. full price, excellent equip- ment which includes 5 re- frigerator units, 5 self serve units, 2 cash registers, 2 walk in 8 x 10 refrigerators, 2 Berkel scales, slicer, cuber, saw, hamburg machine and For Information PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS 725-7272 __ 728-9217 OSHAWA'S FINEST ELECTRICALLY HEATED APARTMENTS GOVERNOR MANSIONS NOW LEASING 110 Park Rd. N., Oshawa FOR INFORMATION PHONE DAYTIME 723-2265 AFTER 5:30 P.M. Henry Stinson 725-0243 Steve Macko 728-5868 Les Hall 728-5513 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Reg Aker 725-0201 Ralph Schofield 728-3376 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED CARL OLSEN REALTOR 723-1133 McLAUGHLIN BLVD. -- Six room brick home in good condition, excellent location. Only $10,900 with low down payment. KNGSDALE AVE. bedroom, two storey brick home, huge living room with broadioom, recreation room. Close to hospital and trans- portation. Only $14,900 with terms and one mortgage for the balance, WARREN AVE. -- Six roems, two storey brick home in good district, close to all con- veniences with a low down payment. Asking price $11,- 500. Five BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY-- We have choice land on 35 ond 115, New High School built on property. Level land with excellent supply of woter. A subdivider's dream. $500 -- Full down payment buys a new three bedroom bungalow with one N.H.A., mortgage for the balance. FARMS -- We have a wide selection of choice farms in this area. For information on these call Charles Naylor -- 728-2857. After 6:00 p.m. call -- Wes Elliott 728-0581 Chos, Noylor .... 728-2857 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1133 _ WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RFNT -- b-ated Three unfurnished, un-|TWO and four-room unfurnished apart- apartments. Private $40 month-|ments, Private baths. One child wel- ly. 840 Dundas Street East, Apt.|come. Tel 668-5700. No. PP Phone 668-8505 be oe ba FOR RENT March 1. Three-room, seif- contained apartment. Large sunporch. Private T 668-4379 ANNOUNCING New Elna Sewin; chine agent, Lewis Custom Tailor, Ser- vice and repairs. Whitby 668-3032. after 5.30. Whitby"s Only Fuel Dealer Carrying A Complete Line of FUEL Blue coal, various sizes; Bar- becue briquettes ond char- coal, Cannel coal, stoker coals; hardwood and softwood slabs; Semet-Solvay Coke; Texaco, Fuel and Stove Oils. by. FOR RENT -- Bedroom for two girls willing to share. Available immediately, Telephone 668-4431 anytime. BLACK cat, small female, lost Friday wee from home, * y. One ear injured. Telephone 668-5643. ia 609 Kent Street COMFORTABLE modern, | apartment, jing, laundry, dryer. Located on plea- i se an . t. John Street West. 668-4728. ' ~ stove, refrigerator, park. grounds. Available for BUY, sell or exchange used furniture| and appliances. What have you? Goold used furniture, 215 Dundas East, Whit- 668-5481 SE | 204 668. SAWDONS' (WHITBY) LIMITED 244 Brock Street South Whitby 668-3524 |DRESSMAKING: jaiterations, @ specialty, PTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Ward, Chestnut Street West, telephone 2563 + Suits, costs, d-esses, No GB" cab other. equipment too numer- ous to mention. This business is located in busy Shopping Centre. COMMERCIAL CORNER -- 7 room home with 17 x 21 store, located on lot 70 x 115, Simcoe St. N.. location. COMMERCIAL LAND -- We have available sub divided commercial land in good well populated area. All facilities -- Price reduced -- good terms. ALL OVER THE CITY and for miles around MORE AND MORE Owners Are LISTING with the BUSY, FRIENDLY office at the BUSY INTERSECTION Every Week More and More Buyers are Enquiring About Those Listings -- We Are S6 Happy Thot Buyers and Sellers Alike have Given Such Enthusiastic Approval to our Location, and our Display of their properties. CONSULT US--By telephon- ing or Better Still Drop in, MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT AT REAR OF OFFICE, Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, Afte: 9 p.m. call: Leon Moanitius. . .725-8068 Tony Siblock 725-2320 Roy - Flintoff 725-3454 Irene Brown 725-3867 * Steve 728-0569 Phyllis Jubb 723-3240 Jean Peacock ....725-4330 Lloyd Corson... .. 723-2537 Dick Young . 723-7183 Lucas Peacock... . 725-4330 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $13,900 Six room ranch brick bungo- low. Large, nicely landscaped lot. 6% N.H.A. mortgage. Monthly payments just $74. including interest and princi- * pal. Down payment open to offer. Hurry, call "Irwin Cruikshanks" at 728-5205 or 728-5123. 5 BEDROOMS $13,900 $75.00 monthly, interest and principal, Very modern brick home. Forced oi! heet, Broad- loom, Twindow, ricny other extras call "Ed Drumm" at 728-5123 or 725-9345. $2,000 will set you up in business. Plus good living quarters, plenty of parking, building only 10 years old. Ask for BILL HORNER or call 728-5123 or 728-2236. Very close to downtown, could very easily be made into duplex, brick home in good condition, one mortgage for balance, Call "Bill Johns- ton" at 728-1066 or 728- 5123. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario --OPEN EVERY EVENING-- GIBBONS AND ROSSLAND ROAD $3500 DOWN BUNGALOW AND STORE $12,500 GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY $900 DOWN -- 6 ROOMS IT'S fun to '|miss: it. Turn back and everyday, read "Personals", Don't/$s00 DOWN to Classified today -- six rooms, four-bedroom, Wa-slorey frame, 1 modern conveniences, \29---Automobiles For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Weduesdey, February 20, 1963 °2} 29--Automobiles For Sale six miles from 623-2183. IMMEDIATE SALE Two adjacent stores on main street, one with 30 day lease, other two years to expiry. Each store has two rented apartments above on monthly leases. Investment shows net return of $4,000 annually SPLIT LEVEL $13,500 LOW DOWN PAYMENT IN WHITBY Lovely 3 bedroom. Landseap- ed, fenced yard, tiled base- ment. WHITBY 668-5328 from present rentals, Parking space, driveway and three garages at rear, Consult us for details. Priced at $31,000 with terms available. LONG BROS. REALTORS PORT HOPE 885-4501 HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 728-1679 FOR SALE OR RENT Six-Room Modern Bungalow Possession February 28th Coll Bill Millar 725-1186 W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. SUNSET HEIGHTS Five Room, 1% storey brick home, gable ends aluminum siding, attached gorage, large kitchen and living room, three bedrooms spa- cious warm basement, closed in sun room and fenced in lot with large trees ucross back. Can be carried for $100.00 per month, Princi- pal, Interest ond Taxes. Pos- session any time, CADILLAC AVE. SOUTH Five room brick bungalow, large kitchen and living room, two bedrooms and hed- ged in back yard. Carries for $100.00 Principal, In- terest and Taxes. JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD Realtors Ltd. Insurance 167 SIMCOE ST, S. Office Hrs. (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) MORTGAGES Arranged, Bought & Sold SIX RCOM BRICK BUNGALOW Good family home, on Drew street, central clean home with 3 bedrooms, oil furnace, garage, asking only $9,500. with just $1,500.00 down. Cali now -- Mr. Appleby at 725-6544 or 723-3398. $13,900.00 This spacious 2 bedroom home combining quality and simplicity plus space. saving kitchen and bedrooms. De- signed for better living. The owner is very anxious to see an offer. Home is only 4 years old with a very good 5% mortgage and low monthly down payments. You are assured of many extras in this fine home. Down payment arranged. Cal Mr. Gower at 725-6544, ESTATE SALE $12,000.00, 7 room 2 stor- ey brick, 4 bedrooms, hot water, oil heat, private drive with garage. Close to down- town. Be sure to inspect, call Mr. Yeo at 725-6544, SUBURBAN Up 'to date bungalow with a walk out basement apart- ment. Two kitchens both modern and two bathrooms. A very large picturesque lot, measuring 60 x 356, bus stop right at door. Perfect for retired couple wishing extra income from the base- ment apartment. Open to all offers. Call Mr. Ratcliffe at 725-6544, FOR YOUR We are also specialists in home, office and store remodelling for Oshawa and District CONSULT JAMES O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 723-7122 740 OSHAWA BLVD. N. Six room brick bungalow, 2% years old, large modern kitchen 23 ft. living room, $1500 DOWN 6 ROOM BUNGALOW Custom built three year old home with many extras, beautiful mah- ogany kitchen with din- ette area, centre hall plan and coloured bath fixtures, POSSESSION FEBRUARY 28TH Don't delay -- Call Bill Millar Today! Phone 725-1186 W_ T. LAMSON Real Estate Ltd. three bedrooms, recreation room 19 ft. x 21 ft. Can be purchased with low down payment under on agres- ment of sale. Possession at once. For information on any of above call Syd. Goodfellow 723-7335, SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED REALTORS Over a Quarter Century of Continuous and Reliable Service EXCELLENT LOCATION 2Ya-storey brick located on Masson Street. Lot size 50' x 134', AN EXCELLENT HOME FOR A LARGE FAM- ILY. 5 bedrooms -- 2 wash- rooms 2-car garage. Paved drive. List price $15,« 000.00 with open mortgage. For further information call Steve Macko, daytime 723- 2265, evenings 728-5868. SIMCOE STREET NORTH COMMERCIAL ZONED 5-room bungalow has at- tached garage, large modern kitchen, good-sized _living- room, 4-piece bath, and oil heating. JUST 11 YEARS OLD. THIS IS CHOICE BUSI- NESS LOCATION. Priced at $15,800 -- reasonable down payment. Phone HENRY STINSON, daytime 723-2265, evenings 725-0243, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR CUSTOM BUILT HOMES IN BEAU VALLEY GOVERNOR MANSION APTS., 110 Park Rd. N. 360 King Street West Free Parking BUILDING LOTS Several good building lots located between Oshawa and Whitby. Having 75' to 90' frontages: price $2,000. terms. 5 ACRE TO 10 ACRE LOTS located in east end on No. 2 Highwoy. For further in- formation, call $. Macko at SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED, daytime 723-2265 -- even- ings 728-5868. PATRICK G. McDANIEL Real Estate Broker Whitby 668-3211 FAIRVIEW DRIVE: This fs an ideal family home in the most popular Whitby loca- tion, -- split level -- fea- turing 3-large bedrooms, 3- washrooms, 2-fireplaces, fam- ily room, rec. room, large landscaped lot, etc. HILLCREST DRIVE: Three bedroom dwelling with at- tached garage. This home has many extras and can be pur- chased for less than cost. Ideal home for young femily. EXECUTIVE HOME: Four bedrooms. This home has many extras and can be pur- chased for less thon cost with @ substantial down payment. NEW HOME GRANDVIEW VILLAGE Did you know that H. KASSINGER Construction Company is building 3 bedroom bungalows with the DREAM HOME look in this beautiful location for as low as $13,400. with N.H.A. fin- ancing and low down payment? If you are in the market for a new home, may we suggest you give us a coll, or better still drop in to our office and take a look at the different clans we have to offer, Choose your lot while selection is at its best. GRANDVIEW VILLAGE is located across from popular GRAND- VIEW GARDENS on King St. built by Mr. H. KASSINGER w GRANDVIEW VILLAGE, PRESENTED BY CARL 299 KING ST, WEST ho is now developing and building $4,000.00 down will buy 1962 CORVAIR COUPE Automatic transmission. Was $2045 NOW $1895 1961 CORVAIR SEDAN Automatic transmission. Rodio. Was $1845 NOW $1595 HOLIDAY HARDTOP Fully power equipped. Was $2765 NOW $2395 1960 BEDFORD VAN Was $595 Reduced to $375 TO CLEAR $245 1959 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR SEDAN Was $1245 Reduced to $995 TO CLEAR $875 1958 OLDSMOBILE HARDTOP COUPE Complete.with automatic transmission and radio. Was $1475 NOW $1195 1957 FORD FOUR DOOR SEDAN V-8 engine, automatic transmis- sion, Radio, Neat as a pin. Was $885 NOW. $695 1957 DODGE TWO DOOR solid brick 9 room home in small village near Uxbridge. Close to store and school. Excellent condition. Can be used as one or two family home. Garage and small barn on Y% acre land. $2,500.00 down payment will buy three bedroom house on large lot and a half in Uxbridge. 25 Acres. Close to Uxbridge, house ond barn need remodel- ling, Good land for garden- ing, hobby or horse farm. Full price $8,400.00. We have good listings on farms and other acreages. FRED COOK REAL ESTATE LTD Call Ruby Staley UL 2-3612 Uxbridge East, which were developed and OLSEN 723-1133 | 28--Real Estate Wanted 28--Real Estate Wanted CONVENIENT PARKING AT : For full particulars call 723-1121 SCHOFIELD Over A Quarter Century Of Continuous and Reliable Service HAVE YOU A HOME YOU WANT SOLD? WE HAVE ALL CASH AND WE CAN AND WILL VALUATE. YOUR HOME PROPERLY, WE ARE PREPARED TO ADVERTISE YOUR HOME AT LEAST ONCE EVERY 10 DAYS. WE WILL NOTIFY YOU EACH TIME IT IS ADVERTISED, EFFICIENT MORTGAGE DEPARTMENT IF REFINANCING IS NECESSARY, PHOTO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE IS AVAILABLE, MEMBERS OF OSHAWA AND Call Daytime 723-2265--Evenings 725-1726 | - AKER LTD. TERM BUYERS. DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD HOWE & PETERS Realtors -- 725-4701 or Bowmanville 623-5212 RESTAURANT BUSINESS, seoting for 41 people, ex- cellent central location in Oshawa, low down payment. COMMERCIAL building with thriving restaurant -- busin- ess and aportments about 13 miles from hawa on a main corner, open to offer. NEIGHBORHOOD grocery and confectionery store in Bowmanville with living quar- ters, full line of equipment and fixtures included in the price of $11,500.00 with terms. 2 GENERAL STORES on main highway about 15 miles from Oshawa with living quarters. DO NOT. MISS THIS OP- PORTUNITY. KING ST. WEST COMMER- CIAL LOCATION suitable for restaurant, motel or apart- ment building with entrance from 2 streets with ample parking. Plans and permit available for modern rest- auront. Further particulars by caling 725-4701 or Bowman- ville office 623-5212. | Once in a lifetime buy. Was $695 NOW? $265 1956 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN One owner, automatic transmission Was $845 NOW $695 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN $45 1951 BUICK $85 1950 FORD COUPE $85 (Continued on Page 24) 140 Bond Street West, 1960 OLDSMOBILE 98 Price This Week 1950: 1962 CORVAIR MONZA SEDAN 102 H.P. engine, automatic transmission. Was $2245 NOW $1995 1962 ENVOY DEMONSTRATOR Was $2445 NOW $1695 1962 ENVOY STATION WAGON Snow Crest White, red interior Was $1945 NOW $1545 1960 ENVOY DELUXE SEDAN Snow white and blue. Was $995 NOW $795 1959 PLYMOUTH FOUR DOOR SEDAN V-8 engine, automatic, radio. Was $1465 NOW $1095 1959 M.G. Magnette SEDAN Custom radio. Was $1245 NOW $995 1958 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE Custom radio, Was $945 NOW $695 1957 STUDEBAKER SEDAN Good mechanical candition. Was $465 NOW $245 1957 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR SEDAN V-8 engine, Was $1045 NOW $865 1955 PONTIAC TWO DOOR Radio, very clean. Was $645 NOW $395 The BIG SALE Oshawa HURRY! HURRY! HURRY' Final Week of the BIG SALE! . On The BIG LOT! Ontario Motor Sales Ltd: EARLY BIRD SPECIAL New 1963 ENVOYS. NEW LIST PRICE $2425 24 Months or 24,000 Mile Warranty 1962 OLDSMOBILE HARDTOP COUPE Full r equi |. Radio, Was $3385 NOW $2995 1961 CORVAIR SEDAN 102 H.P. Four speed and radio, Was $2145 NOW $1795 1960 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE Wes $4195 NOW $3475 1960 VAUXHALL SUPER SEDAN Custom radio. One-owner cor. Was $985 Reduced to $795 TO CLEAR $685 1959 PONTIAC FOUR DOOR SEDAN.' Custom radio, 3 Was $1485 NOW $1295 1958 CHEVROLET: FOUR DOOR SEDAN - Radio. Was $1395 NOW $1195 1958 PONTIAC ° TWO DOOR New cor condition, Was $1145 NOW $995 1957 BUICK FOUR DOOR HARDTOP Automatic transmission. Was $1280 NOW $1095 1956 MERCURY - HARDTOP COUPE Loaded with extras. Was $875 : NOW $645 1955 BUICK Hardtop Coupe $125 1955 PLYMOUTH Sedan $65 1953 OLDSMOBILE Sedan $75 Many Cars Have Been SOLD At BIG Reductions During Our BIG SALE This Is The Final Week Of And These Cars Will Be GOING! GOING! GONE! Well Qualified, Courteous Salesmen To Serve You OPEN 9 A.M. UNTIL 9 P.M." SATURDAYS 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. Telephone 725-6501 sae eRe