B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Februcry 18, 1963 BACK AT THE BEDSIDE f@re these graduate nurses who were among the group of 25 taking a refresher course ~ at Oshawa General Hospital for the past six weeks, di- rected by the co-ord'nator of in-service education, Mrs. E. D. Stewart, left, assisted by Mrs. R. B. Oldfield, right, clinical instructor in medical nursing. The nurses, left to Refresher Course For Graduate Nurses Proves Highly Successful Undertaking each of Joy Brinning (nee Eastman), right, are Mrs. A. R. Gar- rett, Mrs. C. A. Carter and Mrs. C. F. Litster. --Oshawa Times Photo Baked Custard Low In Calories How long is it since you've sizing Up Tots' Ry ELEANOR ROSS Fashions for girls and little girls are quick to follow the new silhouettes mother herself wears, But there is one notable ex- ception. While mother has been discarding her duster robes, in favor of slimmer lines, her little daughters cling fast to the flat- tering wide-hem duster. Quilted robes this winter flare in grand fashion from slender) little shoulders. It makes sense for the duster to remain an item in young wardrobes because this unfitted silhouette gives grace and charm to young figures that haven't yet shaped up. Another welcome advantage is that these robes are easy to give as presents for birthdays and other special occasions, You don't have to wonder whether your favorite little girls have grown fatter or leaner since you saw them last. A duster is sure to fit, even in approximately the right size. For the chilly mornings that will be with us for quite a while is lyet, the quilted nylons, espe- cially the floral prints: are de- lightful. It's nice to know that glamor-| ous as these robes look, they| are candidates for the washing) machine treatment, as are the quilted challis robes. | Even the tiniest tots have Sprinkle with grated nutmeg, if desired. Makes 5 servings. Each serv-| 81 calories; Clothes Gets Easier And Easier their specially styled quilted robes and lounge sets. One ex- ample includes plain black pants with a short, flaring, quilted top in red. Perfect for the just - learning - to - walk age, practical as well as pretty. As for the tiniest ones, well they are doing all right with the introduction of the nylon stretch coverall. Friends and relatives selecting gifts for the baby just can't go wrong on fit with these. The medium size fits a new- born until he weighs 22 pounds and the large size grows with him until he passes the 30- pound mark--the little giant! This new idea in baby wear should prove a blessing. How many mothers in the past have sighed over the pretty little gift garments that were too big the first year and too small the next! And how many babies have started out with an elaborate wardrobe--but not a thing fit- ting them to wear! chine washable and dryable. Don't dismiss this merely as a practical item, because plenty of fashion is involved. STYLISH ASSORTMENTS solid, candy stripes or waffle- pattern pastels. Some sport em- broidered animals; some go in we eur on " toes, , Should you shop) for a gift for a new baby, on can't go wrong with this choice. Electrolysis Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair. Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF wilt be in Oshawa ot the Genoshe Hotel Feb, 18, 19, 20, PHONE 723-4641 fer appointment on these detes Ladies! Be First! Do your decorating early. Let us show you the latest in fashionable decorating ideas, using the home finest paints and the very tatest wallpaper patterns, ASK FOR YOUR FREE COLOR SCHEME PRESTO DECORATING SUPPLIES FRESH AS A DAISY! For Sustaining Energy and Tops in Health Nutrients... MILK is the Best Value! NOW... YOU CAN SAVE with GUERNSEY GOLD 2% .»» COSTS 4c LESS distributed exclusively by Dairy Limited QUALITY PRODUCT DIAL 728-6241 "AT THE STORE OR AT YOUR DOOR" the end ofjity for experience in 7 : pd A | abs dies Retreeher Comes for the pale services, medical,|Class of 1950; Mrs. Irene Carter ron analy cane Seas ceatein: te ane aes graduate nurses which has been|surgical, obstetric and paedia-|(nee Redman), Class of 1944;| 04 can be dressed up for|5 prone catheligirate | conducted at the Oshawa Gen-|tric wards. During this time the| Mrs. Marion Carter (nee Trew), parties . eral Hospital. head nurses endeavored to give|Class of 1944; Mrs. Elma Col- . : 17 seubaene tard The course was planned for the ourses information regard-|quhon (mee Hogarth), Class of properly prep cus 19 BOND WEST 723-4922 uate nurses who wished to ing hospital equipment and come familiar with hospital]ward routines. routines and recent develop- ments in nursing procedures and medical treatments. Twenty-five graduate nurses en- rolled and for three mornings weekly for the past six weeks there has been perfect attend- ance. Each morning the nurses were assigned to the nursing care of patients for two hours. During the remainder of the morning, instruction was given in the lecture room through lec- tures, demonstrations, films and ather means of teaching. All nurses have had opportun- the Co-ordinator of in-service education, Mrs. Joyce Stewart. Mrs. Stewart was assisted by members of the. medical staff, teachers of the School of Nurs- ing and the head nurses, It is hoped that a program of con- tinuing education for all gradu- ate nurses may be carried out by means of weekly lectures. Those who attended the Re- fresher Course are as follows: Graduates of the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital -- Mrs. Dorothy Allman (nee Wright), Class of 1943; Mrs. Amanda Bell (nee Matthews), Class of 1933; Mrs. Pin Up Instruction Tags; Avert Wash-Day Disaster The wash day problems of grandmother's time have pretty much disappeared -- only to be replaced by a set of modern ones. Gone, of course, is the labori- ous hand - washing task and the bending over washboards. Gone is the sorting job that took most of the first hour on Monday; or trim and need special atten- tion -- will not get lost in the group that can be washed any- time, anywhere, under any con- ditions. Since the tag telling you how to wash is even more important than the tag that tells you the fibre content, the wash day in- formation board is a necessity. 1925; Mrs. Ruth Connelly (nee is a delicate affair and velvety Symons), Class of 1941; Mrs. The course was directed by|Raye Delvin (nee Clark), Class of 1934; Mrs. Blanch Edwards (nee Goyne), Class of 1935; Mrs. Florence Litster (nee Kerr), Class of 1950; Mrs. Margaret McLean (nee Rose), Class of 1946; Mrs. Neta McNaught (nee Pearce), Class of 1932; Mrs. Wilma McQuade (nee Smith), Class of 1940; Mrs. Ruth Mosier (nee Bickle), Class of 1936; Mrs. Helen Neil (nee Gibson), Class of 1943; Mrs. Muriel Nesbitt (nee Thompson), Class of 1932; Mrs. Helen Nichol (nee Batty), Class of 1930; Mrs. Veda Norton (nee Ewers), Class of 1933; Mrs. Marie Popham (nee Way- White), Class of 1946; Mrs. Lil- lian Williams (nee Dickson), Class of 1930; Mrs. Erla Wilson (nee Watson), Class of 1948. Ottawa Civic Hospital -- Mrs. Pearl Ferguson (nee Shaver), Class of 1939. Victoria Hospital, London -- Mrs, Eleanor Garrett (nee Foth- ergill), Class of 1941. Ontario Hospital, Kingston -- Mrs. Ethel Love (nee Somer- ville), Class' of 1936. Toronto General Hospital -- Mrs. Elizabeth Murdoch (nee smooth especially good for chil- dren and invalids. Use of low heat in cooking is a cardinal rule. Too high a temperature can cause the eggs to curdle or separate. It's advisable to cook custard sauces and puddings in the top of a double boiler over boiling water. The custard should be stirred constantly while cooking, and should not be permitted to boil at any time. If you've been trying to curb your calorie intake, you'll be especially pleased with this recipe. eggs teaspoons sucaryl solution cups skim milk, scalded ¥% teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla Heat oven to 300 degrees F. Lightly grease 5 custard cups. Combine eggs, sucaryl, salt and vanilla; mix well. Gradually add scalded milk, blending well. Pour into custard cups to within ¥ inch of top. Place cups in a pan' of hot water; bake about 1 hour, or until silver knife in- serted near centre comes out Fawcett), Class of 1945. clean. Serve warm or chilled. 2. NICKEL IN WORLD MARKETS...JOBS FOR CANADIANS Wes 2 Stntle for you. The teacher was absent from her class of sixth-graders for only a few minutes and returned to find 1 them all sitting quietly at their 4 deaks. Astonished, she was trying 4 to find the reason and singled out one particularly mischevious young fellow for an answer. gone, for the most part, isjIt is easy to set up, easy starching. Only delicately em-|to maintain and can make the broidered pieces of sheer nylon|difference between a once- hosiery are hand washed. The) washed - never - to - be - worn - homemaker's problem today is|again garment and one that will that there are almost as many] give full measure of wear and rules for washing garments as| pleasure. there are for making them. Because of the wide variety AKES of man-made and natural fab- a HORSE HISTORY rics, and blends of both, most| EDMONTON (CP) --Mrs. manufacturers attach washing|Phyllis Connelly has made instructions to their products.jequestrian history by being But in many cases, this taglelected the Canadian Trotting follows the price tag, the fabric-| Association's first woman direc- content tag and the wrapping|tor. She shares her interest in paper into the nearest waste-jhorses with her husband, Wil- paper basket. The homemaker|liam Connelly, and her six chil- reads the instructions, forgets|dren, all enthusiastic riders. them and, come wash day, she's in trouble. , A realistic solution is some method of keeping washing in- structions close at hand. One feasible suggestion is a board above, behind, or at the side of the washing machine. The board can be- any size and almost any material. Beaver board works well b it is soft and cuts easily. The other Tequirement is a package of mapping pins, available at any stationary store. When you buy a garment, read the wash. ing instructions, then post the tag on the board. If you wash only once a week, sorting the laundry may still be mecessary. By referring to your information board, however, you can quickly group the gar- ments which cannot be bleach- ed or which require special temperatures. Problem clothes -- those that have buttons, belts 2nd and 3rd MORTGAGES WITHOUT LEGAL FEES " --No Bonus --Discount for Prepayment --Low Monthly Payments --NO LEGAL FEES SUPERIOR DISCOUNT LIMITED "The Fastest Growing All- Canadian Loan Company" 17 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-6541 DAILY UNTIL 5:30 P.M. _WEDNESDAY UNTIL 8 P.M. SATURDAYS UNTIL 12 NOON OTHER EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT 17 OFFICES IN ONTARIO "Well, it's simple, m'am," he re- plied. "You told us yesterday that if you ever left the classroom un- 4 attended and returned to find everything quiet you'd drop dead. Folks who have used our cleaning are the best testimony we can find to convince you we're ready to earn your patronage. All we ask is that you gather up a few gar- ments and give us a call. Our dri- Edgar's Decor Centre | BOB EAKINS - and efficient plant will do the HEADQUARTERS FOR | ARTISTS' : SUPPLIES OL CLEAWIT SERVICE 2° 725- clad SS 39 KING ST. W. OSHAWA BIG SAVINGS ON... ae RICHARD HUDNUT il SHAMPOOS RINSES . IN NEW PACKAGING | JOO OL (= , \ ON 6.4 oz. ECONOMY SIZE ONLY 7o% RICHARD HUDNUT EGG CREME SHAMPOO Made from real eggs to beautify hair as it cleanses. In two types: for Dry hair: for Normal to Oily hair, How Canadian Nickel is helping to preserve Rome's Colosseum RICHARD HUDNUT CREME RINSE Creamy fragrant rinse adds glossy salon type finish to all types of hair. Eliminates tangles and snarls. ee After centuries of exposure to the elements, the enormous Colosseum recently began to show signs of serious RICHARD HUDNUT CREME RINSE'N SET A unique conditioning rinse with "setting action." deterioration. Immediate repair had to be made to preserve these famous ruins. And Canadian nickel helped. ESOC SoA, Nickel stainless steel bars were skilfully inserted in the stone to act as invisible but constant reinforcing agents, Why nickel stainless steel? Because it is strong and corrosion resistant. The growth of nickel FREE DELIVERY markets at home and abroad helps strengthen Canada's economy and helps provide jobs for Canadians. a nis eye DRUGS 28 KING STREET EAST THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED 55 YONGE STREET, TORONTO