ag ne e an Fe eG Se Rie eee: Ain NS Pee NEE RY Try Market Listings | sere a, es, OBITUARIES | Today's Stock CARD OF THANKS SOUTHERN Spy apples, lovely for eat- . king, $2 half bushel or $3.95 . GHERTY PH LLETTE TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS 11 Ne P Ul Net 1 bushel. "Oshawa *Orehards, 725-3445, signa ga - peg er The Canadian Press Stock Sates High Low a.m. Ch'ge| Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge | Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch' CAREY -- We wish to express Olt |G WNINGS, canvas. Prompt service,| 1 General and Marine Hos-| The death of Joseph Collette,| roronts stock Feb. 4 |p 100 $24%4' 2% 244 -- {cal Ed 400 $2044 20% 20% -- %4|Genex 5000 13 18 : fives and friends for kiodness and sym-|free estimates. Chair, table rentals.|pital, Owen Sound, Feb. 3, 1963,/555 King street east, occurred) (Quotations in cents unless marked $./iorq Cda 24) $185 183 3 +1 1c OU Lady 2000 129 120 120 +5 |Giant YK 100 $i2% 12% 19% -- 4 y|pathy shown in the recent bereavement|Cleve Fox, 412 Simeoe North. Robert Henry Dougherty died,jearly today at Oshawa General|# 004 WO x0 --Exaiviteo mange Wal Le a 13 315 318 915 --s |Granduec 745 360 350 350 of a dear mother, Annie Louise ;|COMPACT vacuum cleaner, floor pol-/husband of siaz inn,| Hospital after a year's sickness. |from 'previous board-lot closing sale.) 435 $16% 16% 16% 4 Y{C ig 408 108 108 41 Hier Reve 2000 XB 8 Hillsdale 4 -|Nesriy new. Telephone 728-0000. . W. A. Dubois of/He was in his 74th year. INDUSTRIALS rer 340: Goes 2086 6 , o a ee Hof Lakes 1000 16 i$ Intosh Anderson Funeral Home. poe aT rasp B.C,, and Mrs.| The deceased had lived in Hollinger Carey family. » 18 cuble : Dceiane) - ' oS 100 285 265 «+3 akin Soe eter eee ccelient condition (David Yielding of 'Thornhill;|Oshawa for a period of three 1. et Hees sh, ioe + MY lly KELLAR -- We wish to extend our|T 723-1395, brother of Mrs. J, W. Gilliland)months. He was born in St.| Stock Bales vm. Ch'ge/Horne Pf 400 _ +16 |Home B 100 $1244 124 124 -- *liron Bay thanks and appreciation for! soy" medi , Abitibi Hur Ev $634 + 4/H B Ol G 297 $15% 15% 1550 -- "| Jacobus Marte ip camliet, ietoiaee oe tree nt medium size, Plywood, In ven\of Grafton, and George W.|Mary's New Brunswick. je " e ; Long Point 1000 16 16. 16 x slpathy, and beautiful floral offerings re-/S200, condition, 3 » Telephone/ Dougherty of Sacramento, Cali-| Mr. Collette had worked at Alta Gas z 15% 15% +, Ye) Medal n Soamenith ceived from relati neighbors and -- ----------- i Ss the CNR. i N B ick Ind Accep $23% 25% 25% -- %)N Concord 2675 4% Keeley-F famng frismda,, sis then SMITH - CORON. typewriter, fornia, U.S.A. e ee eee ae aes tee tes ee anand Ce GO 18% 18% Northeal a 20 «20 Kerr Add Rowsell and nurses of 2A, Osh-|new condition, $65. Telephone 725-3746./ 'The service was held in the|@"d more recently was em-| {lim 2pr 6 Int-City Gas 200 1S 225 $12 » Kirk Min awa General Hospital, special nurses|ig~ mim camera, 3 le Switer Funeral Chapel by Rev.|Ployed as a coal miner at Mira-/Argus 2100 1 atc crapagee bo e596 + le 80 Mrs. Poole and Mrs. Meringer; thank.|16, MM canes' mint condition. Tele-B roby, followed by interment in|Michi Coal Company, Minto. Ais C Ppt OB Bie 4 ec Me ee 80 -- %|Ranger 1500 crcl dma calthatentss ~|Greenwood Cemetery He belonged to the Roman gtias Steel 12793 $3714 37 / Inv Syn A 25 56% 56% | Sarcee 1200 « COLLETTE, Joseph thanking Rev. A, .|PIANO, Craig, upright, in good condi- ' : Catholic faith. The deceased! Autofab B froq G pr 100 11% 11% -- %)Spooner 2509 In Oshawa General Hospital on Thurs-|H. A. consoling tion, $250. Telephone 723-9514. | «~The floral pieces were many also was a member of the|Bank Mont : : Jockey c 0 : 1s "a +5 rane Sas 1600 > » * > 1953 i ; B. Jock w J i Sis nach yeas, Delived midvwer of ' Buick, aerial included, $25 or best offer./200 beautiful. Several chequesitinited Mine Workers, New|Bank NS 00 390 390, 300, 5 |LOnt Cem p 100 10% 104 nme great grandfather, James Kellar. Telephone 725-2166 afternoons. were received for the Heart Brunswick. Bell Phone 53% 53% 4 %\Lau Fin A 18% ise W Decalta 4433 STUDENTS A super value, approxi |F und and the children at Chats-| Yo js predeceased by his wife, \BT#!! 167 oe ie ee is 1% + %| 3 +% Ww 48 a): s&sde Ls + + es --The Kellar family. BA Oil $ 30 30 : : t,| MoKNIGHT -- I wish to express my|mately 630 sheets of tetter size typing, worth School, where Mr. Dough-|the former Elsie Marvy Co te, y m7 ges ly wot ge le sincere thanks to my relates, feieseeieneer, (ews print? for only $1.00 AP lorty taught music, took up a ipa agg y Collet BC Forest Mie 1h + 56) 21% 21% -- 14) Agnico ¢ i neighbors for the cards, A a 5 ; se . i 4 {sc 1% Ye + Yel : ents Collette scolers, vidits and enquiries about me while|{1] Dundas Street West. __--_--'\Colilection for the Heart Fund. Surviving are six sons, Pat-lBe ren" 1300 | Mass- 1% 1% orig King Street West. Time of service later.|1, Was a patient at Memorial Hospital, reEMENDOUS savin Smooth top|) Nephews Olarence Burgess of]... k. OL M {BC Sugar pr 710 4 Mass-F rt % B --4 |Arjon 1000 Bowmanville. Special thanks to Dr. H./Tner-a-Pedic mattresses, half - priceiQshawa atid Harold Burgess of rick, Ola, Hazen, Ernest and| ic Fens 3 $5! Molson B 50 30 30 A Arcadia 118900 /B. Rundle, Dr. McKenzie and Dr. Sle-| go9 quilt-top. mattresses, regular # Leonard, all of Leminster, Mass.) puis Net Drug $15% 16% 154% -- %)A Are Bw 4000 DALE, Marie Emily Mullett Toronto attended the funeral |Build Prod yc wh Go Alen 'Pickering Gece Gnd mureing Saft pnd. sect 9-60, alt price $30.75. Flake fea) "OFON'O Atiended Me funeral. Jand Alderice, Oshawa, and two|Burns 50 99% 14 9% | Noranda an Gh ue aie 1000 I ay ee -} *\pillows, 88 cents, bun is, complete se tf 5 id i : 4 NONGas Si Aun 400 390 boy Mari En Ay wee? to mal --Sincerely Mrs. Marion McKnight.'s59° wiison's Furniture, 20 Oburch St.|SAMUEL HAROLD GUMMER (daughters, Mrs. G. Basque Bue 6% 4 Ns LP r50 $224 22 22 Bankene 1000 29 A " | i « % y y ' 5 ¥ ---% years, beloved wife of Walter, William! youNG -- We wish to acknowledge, 5-Market Besket | Samuel Harold Gummer, 71, (Onelda) Oshawa and Mrs. Ww. C 33% 33% + %|Page-Hers $214 21 4) Bankfield 00 New Alger Dale, Bay St., Frenchman's Bay, Ont., jeep i the kindness,|33----Market Baske Coll c died Jans gg,|Nesbitt (Lydia) Fredericton,| 5 50 " May-| a kinesin feta) |e sun lege street, died January 29, , |Can Malt 85 sympathy, cards an au } Hospital New Brunswick, le, Corp f $8% 84% 8% Bibis Y New Hosco 200 122 122 % 8 ; $7 6% 6% --~ Ve Bideop o 1 N Kelore 5000 10% 10 17! a n¢ Ronald of by our relatives, | FARMERS' fin Cobourg General , : 4 ns pty ome a Toronto; | Seas and neighbors at the peseieg a after a coronary thrombosis, |_ The body is at Gerrow 970 $10% 10% 101s. %4|Revelstk pr $20% 20% 2% + %4| Black Bay 5 \N Mylama 56400 20 also survived by two sisters and two] Monvis, Cans Geecal tlonual staff, | Born in Norham, in 1891 he Funeral Chapel. Interment will/C Brew pr 7225 $51% | Rothman $8% 8% 8% | |Bralorne Newnor 16500 18 17% 12% brothers in Resting at the) Reverend. A. Woolcock, Mr. Gerrow) MARKET | 4 Ls S75% 75) 754 + %6/Camp Chib 420 New Rouyn 100 17 7 1 = and 4 | in S r 4 y \Cdn Celan y 4 A} a Geek, Fiat Homme. De ae Gee eee | was the son of the late Minnie|Pe in St. Gregory's Cemetery.|¢ ' 8% $10 9% 10 + %IC Astoria y N Senator 1000 19 19 19 + + ss" = epbUb cyseyBc.aptetspigeBsBedes ets 0 50 Bethim 10750 290 4 290 +6 \Neonex wts 3 31% 21% -- %| Parker 235 285 (285 5S | B-Dug 9100 17% Newconex 71 |Pembina pr "feat de : © Dred Platt and Samuel Gummer, Mr|/Funeral arrangements will' bejc pus, 1% | Sayve 20 240 240 iG Dyno : Nocnietal William E, vi Hwy., (just east of slid y | vi , 9 299 290 No, 2 ah ol a AG, a. en 'Mr. W. J, Young and family | EVERY FRIDAY seh '-. lannounced Jater. C Gas In pr y y Seven Arts $19 10 10 + %/C Malart Norpax 1% U% 1% - 'Thursday. Complete service and com-| ag Aagekigreed his wife, Can G Inv a, «| Sawin S% 20% 20% + WIC N Inca My Northgate 2 505 00 500 | i sillar: m ic 3 8 i ---- %| Shawin + "Wicdn NW OT vars mittal in the y morn: | 'formerly Muriel Audrey Gillard FUNERAL OF C Husky A yi Bere A oe ae ms ic a NW i e ie ary Or: chapel on Saturda; ing, Feb. 16, at 11 a.m, Entombment CLASSIFIED OPENING 12 NOON [and son Donald Gillard Gum- C Imp Bk C f | Erskine Cemetery Vault, Dunbarton. : S | HAMILTON |C Ind Gas y|Silverwd A 100 $12% 12% 12% + "iCent Pat mer, Spencer street, his sister) Th si TO! gtd f \CIL + | Slat Steel pr 100 $16% 2B ie [Cent Pore 5 i | J | e memorial service for\cpR 3 $269 F Steel Can 270 $19%% 19% 19% | Cheskirk , y Pato FOSTER, Ervine RB. ADVERTISING Fresh vegetables, potatoes, Mrs, O. M. Newton, Trenton,| : A BM + 7% 175 17 ss 7 ets | és P nist R ary o Y Suptest ord . 200 $17% 175% 1758 'Chib-K: 5 P At Memorial Hospit Bowmanville, on| | and. grandchildren, Ann and| Hamilton Brown, who died Mon iad pr "4 1 i inpae ha oe Sock wal a Beer » 1963, | fresh eggs, poultry, Ontario | Laurie. |day, babe ye his 68th year, |Cot Cell non aoa trglthd CG Inv 1300 $7% 74 7% ~,§|camb Met 1008 a8 as ener ; | " ; was held at the Armstrong Fu- Con Bid 25 ' Tower 100 205 -205 205 +5 {Con-Key , Pros Air opples, all varieties, flowers, A retired CNR freight agent, noral Home at 2 pat Warnes. (con MS. 5150 a4 T Fin A 35 $14 13% 14 + WIC Beta G | Purdex Harold of Oshawa in his 76th year.; . | phe had served 46 years in Nap-|,. . swe |Con Paper 375 $33% 38% a 100 $14, 14 14. -- IC Discov Que Lab Northeutt. and. Smitn|32----Articles for Sale | honey, Maple Syrup, ete A P*\day, Feb, 13. Con G 220 $197 , 1000 $10% 10% 10% -- %s/C Fen +1 | Qunston Northeats snd Smith /"S Sree eee | ' y Ste anee, Strathcona, Grafton, Tren-| "> Meee Hee Con Gas B . 30 $108\4 10014 10614, 219 c 408 $24% 24% 24% + %/C Marcus 2 |Quemont 725 $10% 10% 19% t'clock, Friday afternoon, 'Inverment| TWO air lined drapes, tulip desta) cin-oe South at Bloor |ton. Belleville, Oshawa, Camp-| 4 Rev. iy Lego ge OfCoron'w 300 200 0 HO -) $30 $144 is 1d IC Mosher iS 315915 4 |Rediors 000 oe oe Pb. ' } Ci ;westm Mi sh> con-) 75 $1 5 1g jas 222 $19% 19% 19% -- %\Con } 'y 1 i : a Bowmanville Cemetery. widths. Telephone 668-2708 Whitby. | |bellford and Kingston, the last| iucted the Servinbe Teteooam te hi 10 $13 hig os Vendomat 150 *s erie % ee lc mexenart ' B tilate 'Athap i000 ee a -------------- 134--Lost And Found ten years in Cobourg. On retire-|S™*'© : ieee Dist se. 4 Walk GW $59% 59% 59% {Con Shaw 7 Roche ° 3 7% % % HUNKA (BUNT) Luke WE buy, sell and exchange used furni.; O°" =OSE "ANG FOO pa . s\R/Was in Mount Lawn Cemetery a ree * fi Weston A $18% 18% 18% + Ye\Co | Sherritt 3 Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen-|ture ur anything you have, The City/Lost -- Lady's folding glasses, pre-ment in February, 1956, 80 CNR Th llbe ' E. For D Bridge $ -- 14] Weston A sie as et He nwest sats Shere : 292 eral Hospital on Wednesday, Feb. 13./Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street|scription, white metal, Marquisette., employees and their families at-, /%¢ Pallbearers were E. Far-\pom Elect: TratlWest A win 150 $10% 10% 10% + %/croino 3000 : Sil' Milk = 1963, Luke Hunka, beloved husband of| South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671./ Vicinity Shopping Centre, bowling, Lob-| ; row, T, Vanderstoop, I. Green-/Dom El wts 900 900 7900 +10 | oS a 6a i eee | 5 33 the late Kathleen Zablonski and father|--~ | yeialty Shopping Centre. bowiliss |tended a banquet in his honor], R. St oN |Dofasco f M m+ %|Wdwd A w 325 315-325 | Daering ; Stand 25% 2% of Mrs. L, Rowntree (Doreen) of To-/ BUYING or selling furniture or appli-|--_'________"_"____/at the Legion Hall. He was a} ay, . Stone, C, Norton and)p Magnes ' ; |D'Aragon 2» ° ronto, Mrs. A, Waskan (Violet) of Osh-/ances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2204 or/WOULD the gentleman who took the! 5 inher of the 'Cobo Rot (J. Brown, Dom Stores E OILS | Deer Horn awa, Mrs. George Kocho (Mary) of| 263- | wrong charcoal suburban coat at Cana-| " ne UU urg hotary) Dom Tar 2 Vi | D'Eldona § F Oshawa, Mr: . Semchuk (Kathleen) |) as, 1 dels aap black peastlenn pel a ae peinaey atternoon. | Club. MRS, J. E, RUTHERFORD aon Text 4 184 y y Alminex 100 pol wl 24} lone 3 3 ad poy of Winnipeg, And Hunt of Montreal! MS, Ludwi Cs c. lease contact for exchange same. _ ' : Me Ve ° Pont 720 $4 Bailey § pr 5 $ 23 23 | Dicknsn 5 c + | ag ad) Willams Hom of Oshawa in bie| chrome, "Includes basa tom-tom.| 725-7563 Funeral was conducted from) 'phe death occurred sudden-\Exauisite | 100 | y %|Bail 5% pr 225 $25 2525 |East Mal +5 @ith year. Resting at the Armstrong | Snare Pi as ro cym! 5 |MacCoubrey Funeral Home, ly at the f ' neste "3 639/ence 2193 SMa + 3, Banff 500 99 899 9 43 | Elder 6300 ' 4 Funeral Home, Oshawa, with service See S Bo Te Bb aLegel Jan. 31 " - e on ee ag (Fam Play 100 $174 W7% l7¥a-- % Bata 1000 5% 5% 5% | Faraday 200 162 162 . in St. John's Ukrainian-OrthodoXx'vopcoat, Harris tweed, man's size goa no nckhateNC ar eae et : uchan avenue, Thursday, Feb.) ee ~ i $. 7 0! ' ' I will not be responsible for any debts ai) hear 'i ,. " ' ghd | W Mine rt Church on Saturday, Feb. 16, at 9.90/44, medium weight, $25; spring coat.| contracted in my name by anvone on}, aubearers were D. Tait, Edj13, of Doris Aileen Nicholson, Willroy eps) a 69 320 4 . | 44, Dis. rien aie baa ae jo call Bs a Conan, ee" reohone ae |OF after this date February 13, 1963,/Harp, E. Mottershead, J. Allen,|beloved wife of Jerrold E, Ruth-| . Wiltsey 20 at the Funeral Home before Thursday) 0,4 ¢ nal " without my written consent 0. G, Johns, G. Dunlop, erford. The deceased was in her! Yk Bear me evening. Prayers will be held in 8 enh wie ___.....|Mr. Fred Hobbs, 1719 Charles Street, Y . . . er! Young HG 9 9 9 Funeral Home Friday, at 7.30 p.m.)|STERO tape recorder, Phillips contin. | Port Whitby, Ont MRS, WALTER WM. DALE 35th year t . Zulapa 1000 17% 17% 17h 4% ental , Ae cid ------ » like new, $320. Five pair/f will not be responsible for any debis x ' , i MARSHALL, Edith Catherine drapes, various sizes, in good condi-| contracted in my name on or after thia| The deat of Mrs. Walter A daughter of Mrs. Nichol-| Sales te 11 a.m.: 1,003,000, rest Katered into ae family, rea ion: used less than one year. Phone| date, Wednesday, February 13, 1963, by William' Dale, Bay street ee and pid pie rt / : dence, Thomas Street, awa,| 72-1374, i aA 2 anyone without my written consent. 7 : , ata sneered | ChHOlson, e ecease was) Tuesday, February 12, 1963, Edith Cath:| PORTABLE Singer sewing machine| Robert Schmah! Frenchman's Bay, occurred born at Orangeville Aug. 2,/ CENTRAL MORTGAGE erine Lindsay, beloved wife of Freder-| with button hole attachment, $85. Tele-| aN erste ~~ suddenly at the Ajax - Pickering re K OO | AND HOUSING tek Sidney Marshall and mother of| phone 725-4689 |General Hospital, Wednesday,|19%8 and received her educa-| Sidney and Cecil of Oshawa in her 60th NOTICE Feb, 13, at the age of 74. tion in Owen Sound, She was| in fact, it actually was a prom- CORPORATION year. Resting at the Armstrong Fu-|883 CASH Singer Sonaows 'biectise eew- per i By STANLEY MEISLER the defence department. Point- ee ee eas: Ie: momntssl at manta, teepionn TT | TO CREDITORS lutte, former Marie Emily| married in Owen Sound Oct. 5, wAESINGTON (AP) -- Is theling to aerial photos, Johniise, AND ruary 15, at 3.15 p.m. Interment Osh-|i¢ FOOT Fibreglass Ru it with con: | |Mullett, she was born in Eng-| \ d ts . to/Present furore in the United)/Hughes of the defence intelli-| 41) evidence indicates that the}; ONTARIO DEPARTMENT awa Union Cemetery. |vertible top, powered by 40 hp Evin-| jland where she married Wai-| * Tesident of Sarnia, prior to/ciates over Cuba based on fluff}gence agency showed how thelpresence of 17,000 Russians in Ons, Witisis Mail Pee ral ig ome oye IN THE ESTATE OF ter william Dale, Aug. 1, 1919,;Coming to Oshawa in 1951, Mrs.|oy° substance? The answer may|Russians had destroyed their|cyba may not be the major) OF ECONOMICS AND Entered into rest in Oshawa, Ontario,|130 Brock Street East, Telephone) WILLIAM McNEILL She came to Canada. in Gio tae was a member ofliie in the secret correspondence |intermediate- and medium-|concern of the. Kennedy admin- DEVELOPMENT Or i tented bathe ak cao Tele | Croditors of the dececsed, [YOAE and resided in:Toronto for arid . a Pe vonage Premier Khrushchev andj range missile sites on Cuba. . listration. The administration] ..1 55 TENDERS, Plain! Se ; [double "speakers, value' 319, Sarriies| who died at Oshawa, Ontario, |Many years. She had lived in the Osh i 0 Med. and a, President Kennedy. | Defence Secretary Robert Ne-|may be more concerned about! content and addressed to the poe poh Byres Ronrood ee te | EOF quick sale, $55; one grey kid fur) January 2, 1963, are re- |the Pickering area for the past |i oe rans iy min =| In the last few weeks of con-|Namara reinforced the presen-|what their presence tells' about signed will be received up to 2: A Funeral Home, COebiwa, lene as. gia" Gen oteaan rerio quested' to send particulars | five years, Mrs. Dale was affill-pnilin Chanter 3 nell Order|troversy and confusion, an odd/tarion, stating, 'I am satisfied|the intentions of Khrushchev. 5 THE FOLLOWING "oan Sirk Friday, February 15) aC 2 opt tian like new, $65. One Sklar davenport,| "Of their claim to the under- jated with the Church of Eng-|) "ip Whapter, Imperial Order] a oma 'has been played in Wash-|that there are no offensive] I¢ Khrushchev, in the secret\#MeRovEmtur" aime PLANTING AT meant Quhawa Union Cemetery. (hia. #008 contition, $90 Telephone 72-1821.| signed. on or before March land, gp vir g casyinkndiomangea | TS [weapons systems in Cuba, and|correspondence, 'made a firm)SCARLETT ROAD PROJECT FP, 6,38, genic Service Thursday at 7.30 p.m.|GENERAL Electric consul television, | , sorter which date | Besides her husband, she, Besides her husband and twoicritics rallied at the U.S. ad-\I- am satisfied of this beyond|commitment to remove _ the| IMPROVEMENT = AND Under the auspices of Cedar Lodge AF |cheap. Good condition, Telephone 7 the estate will be distributed. jleaves a, daughter, Mrs. €,|Sons, Jay and Robert, Mrs.| ministration, crying that Soviet/any reasonable doubt." troops, the administration couldlee. ieee AT OSHAWA PROJECT |CHESTERFIELD, maroon, im good con | Doted at Oshawo, this 8th, |Maynard (Evelyn), of Malton,|Rutherford is survived by her| missiles. and missile sites still) McNamara reported that So-|be extremely concerned about| Plans, specifications o fidenly. Ih Ohare "20 Wadneeday, {Ce suitable for cottage or reerea-| day of February, A.D. 1963, [and four sons, Ronald, fei who lives in Oweniremain in Cuba. The stormlyiet weapons remain in Cuba,|the situation. | edteen ckeww beter eek ana Ser Rea a mee meus nce cx] ancanercowanos, (Rett Daag abd Mam Sorin sc." Grove th amnsraon io eu ica them deem' Rocher sin ena Hs a i : : pa u : . tO bon prin oe ture-siow Ce-|He said they include } Jel! said he would remove thetition Asseciotion and thie Ofna on, .\er, refinished inut and ahi | | Ezei 4 1 : 2 : ada ford And dear mother of Jay and Rob-|tr.,,cefinia a vine) ane | amegeny. ADMINISTRATRIX | Mrs. Dale was predeceased) =2@!dy (Kathleen), both ofifence of its intelligence opera: fighters, short - range missiles!, rer they had completed an as- Onhowe =~ Cente sitions aul Oshawa Office, (Continued from Page 17) Sound; sister of/2¥ Oval coffee table. Telephone 725.| by her solicitors \by her parents and is survived|52"mia and a brother, Walter|tions. land missile patrol boats. Hel nti in a 8 inte sioet ech, {by two sisters and two broth.|Nicholson, of Montreai. | But, in the defence: the ad-laiso said that Cuba had i7,000|senment such as training Cu- sein Eerperaton sOmare: tee , ral from{white, in excellent condition' $90 er! Oshawa, Ont,- [@s in England. There are 12} Mrs. Rutherford" rested at|ministration revealed a concern|Russian troops and technicians,|o,<°__ then the administration <i"? Asctletion can oon Rennenall Funeral Home, Owen Sound,|best offer. 120 Burk or 723-7005. _ eandohildien: ithe Mclntosh-Anderson Funeraljand an uneasiness--not about 5.000 fewer than it had during! nicht be less concerned. A doth af 81000 & sousced kas ment Greenwood Cemetery, Owen! ASSORTED television tubes, brand| |, The funeral service will be|Home until this afternoon. The/missiles and missile sites but/the crisis in October. | At the moment, then, the key|¢eeh set of plans, speciticatio found, For further information, cai! Dew $199. Free tube tester with cash NOTICE jheld in the Sherrin Funeral|{umeral service will be held at/about the removal of Soviet| Then President Kennedy took|,." : ' *|documents, This i le. Telephone 728-6781. be ! On fieagd | : |to the meaming of the current|ali plans, specif |MOUTON dark brown coat size 18. Ex- |Chapel, Highway 2, Pickering,|the Tannahill Funeral Home, /troops. jover for the defence. [furore over Cube may be locked ere 'not received i SIROLA, Amalia leelient condition, $50. Telephone 725-| at 11 am., Sa oh 'Owen Sound, at 2 p.m., Satur-| None of the published corre-| He to is press conference|, # and in good condition on or befor Ratered into rest in the Oshawa Gen-[166. 0 sees TO CREDITORS |Entombment tit be ta ped day, Feb, 16. Archdeacon L, J./spondence between Khrushchev |iast~ 'eoteieg "that the Soviet Ke ---- evn nee andime ce ee eee is63, Amalia Sirola, Delayed wife of the POrjcC Mt, .ce cream cabinel in|) THE ECT ATE GE Cemetery Vault, Dunbarton, |Patierson, rector of St.jand Kennedy contains @ny|miitary threat in Cuba has| CMe: | seeh Sinden ene late Enrich Sirola, mother of Mrs.lAnderson 'street, Whitty esasne, | 'George's Anglican Church,|promise to remove Russian! qiminished and is, in fact, "sub: lp Nereo Germanis (Hermina) and grand-| heavdaacl A : | MARY McNEILL | MRS. F. S, MARSHALL (Owen Sound, will conduct the|ttoops from Cuba. But the S€-|stantialiy different from the} BRINGS TOP PRICE | it of 10% of the Fete Fone mother of Ariella and Cynthia of Osh. ELECTRIC range, modern, bargain: | } oy pains F - ' 4 4 | i aaa, ib ber Tend year, toning the) sie het ane $5; poroeiain| Creditors. of the deceased, The death of Mrs. Frederick service. Interment will be in|Cret correspondence may COn-|king of threat we faced in Octo-| MIAMI, Fila. (AP)--Blossom |Prtetn "ma yg gy ov spring, rn with Funeral Home, Oshawa wee, eatiat tent: hail lamp: some) who died at Oshawa, Ontario, |S. Marshall occurred at the Greenwood Cemetery, Owen/tain such a promise. ber when there were offensive|stable's Glass House, a five- How frude's Church on Saturday, February|CENTILENTAL bed, %, complete with | December 25, 1962, are re- family residence, 220 Thomas Sound Po eas |KEATING LED CHARGE jmissiles and planes present." _ | year-old gelding, brought $42,.) perfor = | Senator Kenneth B. Keating; He added that "if obviously 500 to top the field of 46 horses} mat a.m. Interment St. Gregory's| heedboord, like new; chest of drawers;; ested to send particulars of street, Tuesday, Feb. 12. She! ro Omawe \Yanity dresser with bench. Telephone} their claim to the undersign- had been in failing health for, N.Y.) took leadership of|there were offensive --e racing age sold at Hialeah/cepte Ld mr ein Go eee | ed on or before M 15 ia | ° | (Rep, ) f LOCKE'S FLORIST REFRIGERATOR. Vikings 117 cabic| 1943. atter which vione ita |several years, Tory Campai \the critics during the drama.|found in Cuba, contrary to Mr.|Park Monday. Glass House, |Central Mortgage and Housing Funeral arrangements and | {00 'large freezer. Very good condition. | estote will be distributed | The former Edith Catherine The public listened when he/Khrushchev's pledge, it wouldjowned by Dave Feldman, turfjation. The Me any te floral requirements 'for al! [210 Telephone 72-0044 after «. | |Lindsay, she was a daughter of) pyre jspoke, for last Oct. 10 before|raise the greatest risks, much|editor of the Chicago American,|necesserily eccepted. occasions. - bh sowing machines,| Dated at Oshawa, this 8th, [the late Mr. and Mrs. James| ickoff Seen jthe Cuban crisis he had warned/|greater: in my opinion, than we/was bought by trainer Frank H.| Resicnnt kecitoore P. Nes, OSHAWA SHOPPING |Terms. Oshawa Sewing Centre sap} 9°Y OF February, A.D, 1963 ad au was born Feb. 17,| jthat the Russians were building|faced in October". and the U.S./Merrill for Roxie Gian, Pn Central Morty nd Hous CENTRE Simcve Srost South 135-201: | MARGARET EDWARDS a Vaan s, | |missile sites in Cuba. U.S. re-| would find itself 'again with the|races mostly in Canada. Glass| 'orporation rt 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE [CAI radios. special i963" Ciiev. and ADMINISTRAT a: |. A life long resident of Osh In Two Weeks |connaissance planes found them! Soviet Union toe to toe." [House has been in the money} . $50 Lawmace Avenue West, 728-6555 dash, complete with seal, '$56.9! by her solicitors |8Wa and district she married \there a few days later. 'OF CONCERN' lin 43 of his last 45 starts. Telephone 781-2451, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond West. | PARKHILL & YANCH |Frederick S Marshall, Nov. 3, OTTAWA (CP) -- A political] In his most sensational) put the president acknow- IN MEMORIA j sc aes 8 meee Se South | 1928. source said today it now ap-|charge, Keating told the Senate|ieqged that "the continued pres-| attachment: aaa, Ont Surviving are her husband)pears that Prime Minister Die-|iast Jan. 31 that "there is con-lence of Soviet military Person-| | DINKY TOYS + DINKY TOYS brushes, hoses, guaranteed rebuilt ma- -- and two sons, Sidney and Ceciljfenbaker will officially kickoff|tinuing, absolutely confirmed)ne} is of concern to us." And] | chines. Rentals. Wallace V rv : ; | | Preag re sah wilt, ovine memory of Alice, Call anytime Vg Pk alsa You of Oshawa the Conservative party's cam-|amd undeniable evidence that/ne said that he had read 'al ed away February 14, 1954." "™" |GOING bunting? Get your supplies at! Four sisters and a brother Paign in the April 8 election in/the Soviets are maintaining and| statement of Mr. Khrushchev T Rave only your memory, dans | Denison. Tike diores, 48 Bond Street) Will also survive: Mrs. A, Roney two weeks time. |guarding the medium - range'that these forces would be re- ia cctabie nie Ww : lea Meme ote Ca cee | | (Lavina) and Mrs; G. Lageer| The campaigni lans of | (missile) sites which had pre-/moved in due course or due| y whole life through. pemane pitns 08) } structed in Cub ime."? But the sweetness will linger forever TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, aut. |(Reta) of Toronto and Mrs, W. other national leaders are un-|"i0Usly constructed in Cuba." time, H aver seat Bane omer Sei. licators, chequewriters, comptometers, LOVE Aylsworth (Greta), Mrs. Muriel'dergoing revision and there are! Other U.S, congressional crit-| This was nothing new. Both) Gwynne, son-in-law Ronald and grand- po soap P tuntie Ornes| {Clement and Frank Lindsay, all|indications now that they will--|ies chimed, it, Representative! Kennedy and State Secretary| children Ronnie and Dean Equipment, 137 Brock South, Whitby. the iof Oshawa. contrary to earlier reports --/Donal C. Bruce, (Ind.) said 40/Ruck had referred to this sta-| dRUGHES -- In loving memory of a BUY AND SELL, good used. "furniture| W. d f l . She was predeceased by a + a a good part of their tiene on tenn fig Soviet missiles|tement of Khrushchev before. It| lear father, Everett Wilson, Hughes, bag opr location only, onaertu rother, James of Toronto, who flying from one engagement to| Still remain in Cuba. \was reported to have come in| patted "Away Webrus Pretty's F : . : , padern ; aa 4 | NE is ee eS 1 ee mag ser ee ot aimoee Street: died in 1960, another, instead of going by| The congressional criticism/a Noy, 20 letter from Khrush-| beat sal gi re to clasp his hand nd So . The bod: train going by had' two ORartoter: cay to Ki d H } py face to see, SELLING furniture oi . . e body is at Armstrong Fu-|'T4in. | ae sl iia nse pe onl rdf grid Rel dtr Ca mnter Necks es ane Money Saving neral Home. Memorial service) Mr. Diefenbaker is still pian-|_ 1. Politics. Most critics were) But the letter has not been| -Ever remembered by daughter 'Pat-/Store 24 Prince Sitect, Sanat H will be held Friday, Feb. 15, at/ning to go to London at the end|Republicans. Most defenders)made public. And so it is not| Ticia and son-in-law Bill - - | 5 ; het A : -- TEMS 3.15 p.m. in the chapel conduct- of next week for talks with| Were Democrats. jcertain how firm Khiushchev| qRUGHES -- In loving memory of a SPECIALS . ei etaee ed by Rev. John Porter of Prime Minister Macmillan and| 2. Cuban lobbying. Many ofjmade his promise or whether, | father, Everett W. Ss Ini ged sie ana ge hie sia Hee vise Umeha ia Hughes, who passed away venues Ay VARIOUS MAKES | isted in the outhminster United Church, In-.a Guildhall ceremony on Feb. the congressional critics used 1 verment will be in Oshawa 25 at which he wii be made ajinformation and statistics that) 1962. --Lovingly remembered by wife Mar- D RYF R OSHAWA Union Cemetery, Freeman of the City, ' 'parallelled information and sta') Thomson high requiem mass in St. Ger.|amtiques. Telephone | >L AHNIG SAC vc WITH MORE EXCLUSIVE FEATURES You cam be the first to own these thrilling new models. The perfec- tion in detail, the outstanding finish make Dinky Toys the world's favourite toys. See them now at your favourite Toy Store. DINKY TOYS #277 SUPERIOR CRITERION AMBULANCE This striking miniature is. fitted q with FLASHING LIGHT DINKY TOYS SAOL ANNIAG roof light which the ve- ! hicte is pushed along! Realistic rp blin figures of a driver and attendant rae occupy the front seats. All other regular Dinky Toys teatures --- Prestomatic garet and family. | {tistics issued b: New York) teMORGAN -- ult, loving memory of TI MES 36--Legal i 36--Legal plieie tor the Cuban" under Ker naghan & Co. 5 and grandmother, i os Gp d. The Cuba ¥ Paty it is ee AYN Fab RE-CONDITIONED } WANT ADS A JA x AN D P iC KERIN G coud ike the US, 'government MEMBERS OF THE where ne shadows fall, | | t to its aid. Its publicisti] TORONTO sTocK EXCHANGE ne windows, el atimeataas | sem nron 3 GENERAL HOSPITAL _ restuw in Washington durng| ortrarine pieccr cine | fof Sucre ? ~ will link the broken chain | SEMI-AUTOMATIC lthe drama To | , Suggested Price $2.19 one by one we meet again } --Always remembered by husband Wat- $65 up j Telephone AJAX, ONTARIO Last week the Kennedy ad- | TORONTO - MONTREAL DINKY TOYS #198 ROLLS-ROYCE PHANTOM V windows 0-P-E-N The most famous car on the @on, son Allan, daughter-in-law Ollie! and ic. n a, De a id | on rans -- pee agi Today | ANNUAL CORPORATION MEETING [maior defence against the ent ontario 229° 104 breve dee fal icism m 4 u : ' Pinions nal ri tle en dd as Vouk cc H d NOTICE is hereby given: that a general meeting of the share- No Stairs To Climb away February 14, 1963 lo: Down Payment and a holders of Ajax and Pickering General Hospital will be held at PROOF SHOWN RES. MGR. ERIC R. HENRY, We cannot halt the hands of time. | Enis Tarihs | courteous 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 26, 1963 in the Nurses' Resi- | The highlight: A two-hour ra- 725-4305 Or live in the past H rank : But in our hearts our memories | Cali anytime | dence dio and television briefing by Will forever ast | ad-writer IMPORTANT: in accordance with the Hos; a | | . y t ospital By-Laws, ~--Ever remembered by Roy and Mona PEDZIKOWSK|I { will be happy (1) "Any. person who pays to. the Corporation at least thirty pSHEWCHUK --. In loving memory of SERVICE and SALES j days before the Annual Meeting in ony one year, the sum vole FOR YOUR FAVOR perl igen who passed away Feb. 70 Lakeside Ave., Caesarea | to assist. ' of. $1.00, shall be a member of the Corporation for the 2 --a . "Thy will be done" AL ensuing year." > When one wa sored <s oti ga Cc L cia a | 723-3492 Therefore, those wishing to qualify as a Member of the ' -- Shy Derbane, wert understand, 6-4342 } Corporation for the current year are requested to have their Yy in that better land. | = ee ee ee rm pact fee in the hands of the Secreto later th Mond Guess ta % : c ry no later than Monday, gaiwaye remembered by the Perorak NO.. 1 GRADE ALCAN February 25, 1963 : : FAVORITES poner ax "The presiding officer of every society, organization or' | ALUMINUM SIDING corporation Which subscribes ond pays to the funds of the RIMAR | j Corporation the sum of Twenty-five Dollars in any year, '¢ FOR THE shall be, ex officio, a member of the Corporation for that r NO GIMMICKS -- NO PUZZLES year." MEMORIALS | Just the lowest prices in the industry. (3) 'Every person who has doneted or shall hereafter donate Free estimotes --» Satistoction Guaranteed One Hundred Dollars in aid of the funds of the Corporation in any one year, shall be deemed o life member." MONUMENTS ON_DISP j i K : IN-OUR SHOWROGA Nothing To Pay Until June Members ond. all interested persons are cordially invited to M Se Poe : AWARDS Complete Monument and WRITE TO: attend ens : fe cane een BALLOT IN THE FEBRUARY 16th TV GUIDE ON SALE NOW! DINKY TOYS SAOL ANNIG q@ I hy Meccano does it full jus tice. The exciting new in- novation is OPENING SIDE WINDOWS, Simply slide them up or down. This de luxe model has piated fittings, a liveried chauffeur in the driv- er's seat, and all other Dinky Toys refinements. Suggested Price $1.79 DINKY TOYS #142 JAGUAR MARK 10 { WITH LUGGAGE C trunk lid 0-P-E-N-S Another "Jag" for the young- AUN SAO me DINKY TOYS a a sters' collection. This time the Mark 10 is fitted with an opening trunk containing luggage. Has the usual Dinky Toys extras and the beauty given by the latest poly- chromatic finish -- a grand model, : Suggested Price $1.39 270 Islington Ave. $., TORONTO 18 MAKERS\ OF MECCANO CONSTRUCTION SETS, BAYKO PLASTIC COR. STRUCTION SETS, HORNBY SPEED BOATS, HORNBY CLOCKWORK TRAINS, HORNBY-DUBLO ELECTRIC TRAIN SETS AND DINKY TOYS. AOL ANNI DINKY TOYS $s a I AOL ANN Inscription Service. 152 SIMCOE SOUTH = Canadian Building Products Co. || 2. pb. thanpen, President 'ond Phone 723-1002 57 BONNIEWOOD ROAD, SCARBORO, ONT, Chairmen of the Boord. « DINKY TOYS DINKY TOYS © DINKY TOYS « DINKY TOYS °