Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Feb 1963, p. 24

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or after this date February 13, 1963, Ae é % N 11 Net IS pod. condition tion, 'Telephone 6oa-30, Mr Fred Hobbs, 178 'Charles Street, MRS, F. 8, MARSHALL at Walton on the Wolds, Leices wORy The Canadian fee Stock Sales High Low on. ch'ge Stock Sales High Lows.m.Ch'ge| Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge GUN (old antique) wanted, Also old|Port Whitby, Ont, The death of Mrs, Frederick|ter, England. Toronto Stock Exchange--Feb. 18 _ | Aita Gas w 25 815 615 815 +10/Pmbina p xdl00 $50 50 50 Hollinger - : he} The deceased was a resident) (Quotations in cents unless marked §, lg Con xd $19% 19% 10% me ue 48 pos cartridges, Telephone 725-8183, Oshawa. S. Marshall occurred at ti ced 4, is he ..| SOUTHERN Spy apples, eed for eat. femily' residence, 200 Thomas/of Oshawa for 42 years, coming|z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex 346% wh or $2 half bushe Penma: Bay cooking. S" oe 10 96% «654M Jonsmi \ 1. hi $3.95 f . She Canada 62 years ago. Prior|tshts, xw---ix-warrants, Net change is $3% 23 3%+% ® = ee Ochawe Orcnaedar 725-3448, Well, street, Tuesday, Feb. 12. | on rs wae bare or toiael Ge Wil.|{™ Previous board-lot closing sale.) 0% ou 0% $874 87% 87% K | Pi had been in failing health f 'ing sie is ie ama ga yaa We sine toto | MORTRIRLS s aoe ore eee eee i Where Would The former: Edith Catherine] He ma e form gio Te + WIE fer na arpet een rer ar fn the late Mr. and Mrs, James|Jersey, June 29, 1908, 280 Si Sl 41 are ane Ws. 6 Lindsay and was born Feb, 17,|, Mr. Scattergood was a mar-/Ais pit, 30 23 hest type, 15 cubic ft. P y -- He leaves his wife and two service 7% 7% 7S 37 74% MK UM + % Chair, table rentals. several years. im in n ao (eva va K , 11 Net wired Lindsay, she was a daughter of| Caroline Edith Farewell at New Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| Ba isher and carpet sweeper, combination.| ' ar oh Nearly Ses or best olter, excellent condi 1903 in Oshawa, ket gardener in Oshawa. 100 $29% 29% 20% 723-1995, eee _etseres___ OBITUARIES Today's Stock Market Listings | a S$3eefas + M gisSzdex By s Bysats gee res SsSedes gy tleL weeo me hth $10 «10 «10 +h $29% 2% + Y/I * StL se pease 8 - Segessesssss 3252222323833 oBsugsassengslugssisedss 8B sSese s 3S = POP cooler, ice cream cabinet, in| Asked why he imse A life long resident of Osh- sons, William amd Wilfred, all A F se IE y es ey oe | d district, she married , : 4 5 . 505 hester, N.Y, police | awa an strict, 8 of Oshawa and six grandchil- Kedereon St Street, 'Wwnitoy. "660-3876. SS ne ite abeanery |Frederick S, Marshall, Nov. 3,| aren. toc. ar el medium size, plywood, In very stealing the contents of | 1022. ri ie e '" food condition, 'Best offer. 'Telephone se repteter, on itinerant | Surviving are her husband], A!8° 80 Mig So * -- tl eclines fads ater ¢ pam See thief nade it all clear. and two sons, Sidney and Cecil Fibrin 9 af : le fer) fons, F oy Sa akin ne. halen tesa| "Where could 1 go on lof Oshawa, The body is at Armstrong Fu-| TORONTO (CP)--The stock|¢ a8 FBSo¥ +41 =" s 8 3s = a = 2 si new condition, $65. Telephone 725-3746, 'a ; . i¢ MM camera, 3 lens, turret head,| $!-14?,"" he complained. Four 'sisters and a brother neral Home. Memorial service iron ---- ee yo St magazine load, mint condition. Tele-|' 1 you'd like to go places but |also survive: Mrs. A, Roney held Thursday, Feb, 14 lay 6 Loan lea cate lack the wherewithal, there's |(Lavina) and Mrs, G. Lageer vi ye goghes "chapel conduct.|P&ce slowed considerably with 400 r : S214 aha Bik --~ 33--~Morket Basket no _need to complain. Place | (Reta) of Toronto and Mrs, W.|oq by Rev. F. G. Ongley of St,/2 S°p-ff in speculative activ-|¢ ™ $14%6 14h 3%6 -- Ho a Classified ad to get extra | Ayiswerth (Greta), Mrs. Muriel George's Anglican Church, t™-|¥. : $0 $% 5 5 = hh FRESH GRADED work for extra dollars, or tO |Clement and Frank Lindsay, alll jo, ent will be in Oshawa| Banks were the major weak-|C Husky a a N sell the no longer used op- | or Ocha a ening factor with Nova Scotia 375 ; $e a t going! ig reeaatll Union Cemetery. down 1%, Montreal %, Toronto-| cr, Ww $18% 18% 16% QUALITY EGGS Pliance and get going! She was predeceased by a or D . aad Chaiitaa i ue i 7 FO One wise housewife sold her |pbrother, James of Toronto, who a Gonna Gute ive a = - "% Cdn "a $10% 10% iol R SALE the ; ithe i 'chastonart on i A Fu Fogo service for Mrs.| Algoma Steel Distillers-Sea. ¢ A 43 $100 % oe ng adverti § - . * Wholesale only. Delivered o stove, Gurney) four bur- ey +g Socucint cetviak George Carey who died: Satur-|grams, Walker-Gooderham and ae Se a i iy OILS twice a week, ner (propane) 21 inch, $25 [win he held Friday, Feb, 15, at|day, Feb. 9 in Hillsdale Manor|Dominion Foundries and Steel Asamera 2080 115 15 MS 9 E Gradi Station | 3.15 p.m. in the chapel conduct-|Was held Tuesday, Feb. 12 at/all declined in a %4-to-4 range.|€° 225 $23 Bail S§ p xd 2100 $23 23 3. ult gg Srading at he ¥ : 2 p.m, at Mclntosh;Anderson| Among the few gainers were ; Catalte 100918 18 . (Doreen) of To- ed by Rev, John Porter of Cal Ed 210 $20% 20% 20% » Rowntree | EPHONE : Saatan Sint hurch, In-| Funeral Home. Abitibi, ahead %, and Interpro-|¢ 250 C Oil Lay 1000 iat iat 121 Mrs, A, Waskan (Violet) of Osh TEL Southminster United Church, 7 1 ies ule oes . George Kocho lary) NDERLAND 267 terment will be in Oshawa] Rev. Harry Mellow of North-|vincial Pipe Line, up %. 1% 184 ule ge 1 i ae Fe erg ome SU Union Cemetery. minster Ceied phos rere ; MP gece ge Med «4 hE Bhs 870 965 aes Pi ed the service, terment was/1. 0 -79, golds . 98/2 + ; 300 380 pean nae Towne CLASSIFIED ADS | LUKE HUNKA (HUNT) in Oshawa Union Cemetery. and base metals .84 to 196.86.) "eek B24 124 124 howe = laces teaieg spares Bee The death of Luke Hunka| The pallbearers were Frank|Western oils rose .26 to 113.96,|i 910 $54% Sid 5a¥e -- 4 335 395335 +8 Vicinity 'shopping Centre, bowing, Lab-|29-----Automobiles For Sale (Hunt) 631 Howard street, 0c-/Mills, Dan Cockerton, Carmen|Volume was 3,940,000 shares|ranty F 0 $254 354 3514 7 Wiese eile a ik laws, liberal reward, 725-4276, sada Pa EE ~| curred Wednesday, Feb, 13 in|Tripp, Herb Hughes, Frank|Compared with 6,143,000 Mon-|mect Mig 150 76 76 7% --1 |Pac Pete wc50 63 620 620 --2S LOST [German Shepherd pup, vicialty Repair Your Car Oshawa General Hospital after|Stevens and Ivan Erwin. day. Fleetwood #15 $34 Ford Cda xd 25 $162 i 182 vy Ol is i iss Rio 'Algor Centre Street, light brown and black, U Canso vt 500 1 . Prayers will ot » light 728. 340 1 7.0 p.m,)|February 8. Reward, Telephone }- ral Home Friday, at P 3183. 125 Pay only for use of tools, ji) years of failing health. Fr Pete pr 100 340. 340 +5 |W Decalta 7600 124 190 123 +2 |Rix Athab garage space and mechanical | He was born Nov. 2, 1869 in Gatiaenn 150 $33% 33% 33% -- % Ryanor 5500 i ! hed 72 |Slivmaq 3250 27% 27% MARSHALL. ae Oo PURSE, beige leather with pearl clasp. supervision. Clinic |Szerpanci Sokol Galicia, U- V el Ma o1n GL Paper 300 MINES 8 Miller eS Entered containing i 6 J GNC ed -- 4| Siscoe Thomas, Street Lattin. bu Lou's Garage Clinic | kraine. ess V Guar Tr" "73 $38% 4 Peri ae bs tn be a oes, 300 3 and mother 955 DUNDAS STREET WEST The deceased was a resident Hardee 800 4 Advocate 380 80 es WOULD the gentleman who took the Whitby 668-2893 ic Oshawa for the past 42 ° e H Smith pr 220 $44 eee oe th ek ea bg on ggelgy ee Blagg Eber jyears coming to Canada 55) i t Of M steries ~~ oo My Ang. Rouyn Us WM UM + HiT | Please contact for exchange of same. . lyears ago. 1s Vy rf : Ane SR 7 i - | 785-7683. Student Quits |" Mr, Hunt was a charter mem- Ind 230 83 os AC" Gop io aa 0 : , lber of St. John's Ukrainian Or- Taaea th pod nk r 26--Logel i aa thodox Chnrch and acted as| HOUSTON, Tex. (AP)--The/ing, Equimalt, »BC, Dee. 2, inland Gwe Be eo Bankfield % % 2 a a qearuana one soe rf S server during the mass. Marine Sulphur Queen is not the » wi aboard. , 5 , [Bi Wert' Mies tee an an ans Sater Wedneedas, Februsry 13. 1963, by Liberals To | He married the former Kath.|first ship to vanish at sea. | June 14, 1918, the U.S,S. Cy.|{mt Nickel sat wa lac a eS W Mine it pi Wiis Taras 4 anyone without my written consent,-- leen Zablonski who predeceased} Maritime history is gener-|clops, with 309 men left Barba-|int Util pr 100 : ~ Wr Hare 2 2 2 ns Robert Schmahl. s him Oct, 8, 1953, ously sprinkled with reports of|dos and was mysteriously lost. bp ca ct 700 Young "HG ac Wey the | ANGE OF NAME ACT, Join N ) Surviving are four daughters,|ships that disappeared, leaving] On July 13, 1923, the Mallory|Labat 275 : 3000 oh Zenmac 500 23 3d CH : |Mrs, L. Rowntree (Doreen) To.|no trace of crews and passen.| liner Swift Star, with a crew. of iGal ten" ad 12 Belen to it cs aia R.S.O, 1960, CH. 49 OTTAWA (CP)--Richard S.|ronto, Mrs. A. Waskan (Violet)| gers. 33, left the Atlantic end of the 00 6 Comber, 23, president of the Mrs, Geoge) Kocho (Mary) all] Will the Sulphur Queen join/'@nama Canal and passed be.|Lels ' Pebsial Bae tak University of Waterloo Liberal) o¢ Oshawa and Mrs. J. Sem-|the list? yond the horizons of man. Lo tan ae 8 425 425 Thomson the application of FRANK /Student Club, says he is re-/chuk (Kathleen) Winnipeg; two The 15,000-ton tanker, with The French freighter Mon- t : e000 r fahie HEGEDUS, residing ot 488 |signing from the Liberal party/cons) Andrew Hunt, Montreal cargo on liquid sulphur, left ique, with 120 crew and passen. Mm b =K Re Kernaghan & Co. King Street West, in the /to join the New Democratic! ang William Hunt Oshawa- as . gers, sailed from New Caledo.-|\ 250 : " 00 ; B » Feb. 3, Clty. of _venewe, tp cheree. party, well as 19 grandchildren and.13/Norfolk, "Var ag titted cor|nia 'Aug. 1, 1953, and the sea M : Ye ianinhe da dod his name to FRANK NAGY, ° i : ; ; 50 Comber told reporters at| great grandchildren. _|Claimed her : $12% 12% 124 : uae TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE ie ae tear HBA ib ceational Liberal council! Also surviving is a sister, Mrs, [serch poige tra Mt ro Nov. 7, 1872, the brig Mary a Ms > c . " OPERATING DIRECT LINE jus ed ot the Court [meeting Tuesday, "I have est sh Robes * siigg fea failed to reach port at noon last|Celeste, commanded by Capt. | mia. $00 185 - TORONTO MONTREAL House in the Town of Whitby |confidence in the party and i redeceased are a daughter, /Thursday, has not turned up a/Benjamin S. Briggs, left New| 3 $31t6 Site on Friday, the 15th day of its leadership." He said he has) Ann Gelech who died in 1956] trace, York for Genoa. |Nat Drug $15_ 15% 15% 500 265 10 725 1104 March 1963, at the hour of |been a member of the policy vibe a son Michael Hunt who There were no aircraft, no ra-| A month later the Mary Cel-|' ua i |GF } ONTARIO 4a 10.30 o'clock in the fore- committee of the Canadian Uni-'died in 1954. : dio communications when the| este, her cargo of alcohol intact,|No NGas cd sp $18% 18% 18) 4 360 No Stairs To Climb noon, versity Liberal Federation for Mi bead body is at Armstrong City of Glasgow left Liverpool|her sails set but 'limp, was|Nor Phone 100 $94 9% 9% r RES. MGR. ERIC R. HENRY. DATED at Dihwwa, dle lit [four Fears Gal 8 onetime can. /Tuneral Home. | Faneral serv! oc onuadalnkia in Maron tesa [found Becaimed 450 tatine West|Ont 'Store 100 400 400" 400 ° : 725-4308 didate for the national vice- ice will be held at St. John's 1 . 'lof Gibral c Se 1 ry es ee presidency Ukrainian Orthodox Church oat passengers. and crew. aso Feit A Bef! rn tind ay ; Satur + 9°91 '|The liner vanished. LOUIS S. HYMAN, Q.C. Mr. Comber was critical of Saturday, Feb. 16 at 9:30 a.m. 37 King Street East, "Liberal backsliding on pro-|conducted by Rev. D. Luchak.| So did the Albany, which left i ger-|Interment will be in Oshawa|Colon, Sept. 2, the game year, rear Oshawa, Ontario, grams of social welfare, éager-|,7 met with: 193 offic d -- ness to compromise for imme.| Union Cemetery. board vere See men LOCKE'S FLORIST Solicitor for the Applicant diate political advantage and in F riends are asked not to.call| board, Funeral arrangements ond particular the party's unfortu-/@! the funeral home before SAILED TO ETERNITY isiti Thursday evening. Prayers in : a for ell' | CHANGE OF NAME ACT, pct Roig pot -- Of the chapel will take place Fri.|, The City of Boston sailed OSHAWA SHOPPING R.S.0. 1960, CH. 49 ee Te. |e oad oe ae ee CENTRE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, bound for Liverpool. She sailed 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE pursuant to this Act, that the Tobacco Board into eternity, 728-6555 application of EDWARD , | : Within the first three months . ~ Y hag tg ae . 8 m | of 1879, three British vessels . et ing Street West, in Asks Mini | dropped from sight. They were ' IN MEMORIAM the City of Oshawo, to mu | the Zanzibar, 48 men; Sirbiton, change his name to EDWARD ® 4 33 men, and Bornica, 45 men. eb ig _ nig = Lo an Backing a Jan, 31, 1880, the British naval Age§ «! Met ial Big "4 ' : training ship Atlanta, with 290 Cheniiets at thee Cours Hone TILLSONBURG, Ont. (CP) -- 4 4 officers, crew and cadets, sailed in the Town of Whitby, on |The Ontario Flue - Cured To-| : to an anonymous fate. Friday, the 15th doy of |bacco Growers Marketing : Stranger than fiction was the March, 1963, at the hour of [Board says it was necessary to . disappearance in 1885 of the 10:30 o'clock In the fore- |apree to a minimum 40-per-cent : British freighter Fernwood (25 noon, provincial government backing) men), Preston (29 men), Clan- DATED at Oshowo, this Ist | Of bank loans to help purchase} ders (27 men) and Humber (56 un i 53 d if i rf i 24a] Ceeeec@ces Ne ignmente refected by buy-| q men). The Fernwood and Pres- : day of February, 1963. ers at. the board's three ex.| ' j |ton set sail together Jan. 20, 7 LOUIS. S. HYMAN, Q.C., | changes. if » The Clanders followed Jan. 24, "Ly it et Hy hh sie stl | 37 King Street East, The board currently is pur-| and the Humber left the Thames : : - . yhich ean't } Feb. 15, The Thanemor., 43 y Solicitor for the Applicant [chasing tobacco which can't be crew) also vanished in 1885, Englishmen still speculate on P sold on the market with the NOTICE cents imposed on each pound of| what happened to the White Star bank loans and a levy of two leaf sold to buyers. | 4 liner Narconic, lost on her mai- TO CREDITORS "The action of the Ontario den voyage between Liverpool government in providing this| WILLIAM PAUL ROSS and New York in 1893 with an RIMAR AND OTHERS guarantee will, it is hoped, en-| ee undetermined number of per- able tobacco farmers to move! ,,The death of William Paullsons aboard, and the liner War. All claims against the Estate /their entire crop by the end of |Ross, 179 King street east oc-latah, which' left Natal, Brazil, MEMORIALS | ssh REN MOC | amity acta lees coed suey ae otf fn" cy ee , : , the farmers from mould so pre. |° aa tah Pears, te ae aboar uly 26, 1909. In be. Mee Siena pit Gucteec ut an valent in the warm weather," eid eagle Curling Club, tween, the American passenger Complete Monument and on the 13th day of Decem- [board Chairman George De-) 'tr Nick fred reon a resident| St? Condor vanished after leav- vWaehelian Settee ber, 1962, are required to be | meyere said Tuesday. of Catinwra tar #8 cea . : filed in writing with the un- "In discussions with the pro. sadly ; \ I vas a si q 152 SIMCOE SOUTH dersigned before March |vincial government, assurances Peg oy m son of the Jate: Mr. US. Can t Find A , Angus Ross and Phone 723-1002 V1th, 1963, after which | were given that the guarantee born Oct, 8, 1877 at Woddsteck. date the estate will be dis- |would be effective for the en- ari , cee, gsi regard to tire crop," he said. uate Geek a Sub Bases In CLASSIFIED any claim not then filed. The board approved a resolu-| ceased him, July 1, 1960, at DATED AT TORONTO this {tion Jan. 31 calling for the cut.! The deceased " was chief lt ] S 4 e Ist doy of February, A, D. The 1962 crop contained 116,- draftsman, designer and plant a y, pain = ADVERTISING 1963. 000 acres of tobacco. engineer at Fittings Limited.) ROME (AP)' -- The United iGuceiadl bee Peas GEORGINA MARIE MORAN, Rocha are about 4,000 eageiagd retired in 1955 after 55 years States is reported encountering * Administratrix, by her Soli. | 8TOWErS. [Ct Service. Political problems in finding a | citors, SNEATH & RAPSON Mr.. Ross was a member of] Polaris-missile submarine base 32--Articles for Sale 44 Victoria Street, Toronto, 4a . ae Andrew's United Church. m soak or Italy. Uned tulip design. tario, H T ke fe was an honorary life ut an Ameri i ao Wexgenne 'Four widths and ea ave IC. ets member and past president of mM Washingto 'KC sca| NOTICE TO CREDITORS a - ei pet Curling Club, an jae peng F y N h onorary life member, pas tition three Polaris i : ov an nl ee, AND OTHERS or wo ig t master and 50 year member of| Mediterranean wariag heel auth? 4 eit i ig Ht F a EE Ced 4 : Pe moma Perr IN = oda OF HOW- Tickets for the Friday and 70. Lodge AF snd AM No. = peean vad pe Bhd exchange furni-} ~ARD CLA HALLMAN, | Saturday performances of "The ne 5 . Pen -- ag ynitldag ino 4 late of the City of Oshawa, Lady's Not for Burning" by the roeghtee are two daughters,/Holy Loch Scotland, until a 3 .E. Grose (Elsie) and| Mediterranean base is found. Alice Ross both of Osh- Premier Fanfani's Italian WE buy, ture or South and 31 Street East. 123-1671. pill --_ pall gag a Oshawa Little Theatre are sold) ys;<¢ REFRIGERATOR Frigidaire, 9 cu. tt.) "eti jeathnerworker, ~ . out, it was learned this morn-|,... . 'Very good condition, Ideal for cottage.| ceased, who died at the City ing. pte ~ Bi granddaughters, 'Telephone 725-7708. of Oshawa in the County of Jane Elizabeth and Dora Rosa- rnme FINANCE WITH A LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED + {BOXING or selling furaitare or appt] Ontario, or on obout the |_.\ Spokesman for the group lind Grose. election in late "April or early THE TRUSTEE ACT, RS.O.,, " se ouse, Woodstock. 1960, Ch. 408, Sec 52. of Gillian Heath, was screened The body : jsaid seats are still available ae : May and is eager to go to the + euces, Call Eimer, Hampwn MUGEN er) 13th day of November, 1962. Praag the oe a \lso surviving are two sisters,| voters with an Italy free of U.S. Lost gddress 371 Oshawa fr, fon lll en |Mrs. H. F. Holden (Eugene)| missile bases. Jupiter _land- ' 'aon cheeeen m-tomn Blvd: th, Oshawa, Ont. The puiy. under the direction oere and' Mrs. Lucy Water- based missiles are being with-| WN , drawn from Italy. a a is at Armstrong . »,| Funeral Home. Memorial ser- Creditors ond others hoving for the Central Ontario Dram. : . . : League Festival to be held in|. ; ; 2 e claims. against the above es- ns : Sead . vice will be in the Chapel, Fri-] N: i i ij South. ----siaz| tate ore required to send par- ao gall ag pring son day, Feb. 15, at 2 p.m.' con-/t: Fi N K TOPCOAT, Harris tweed, man's size) ticulors and full proof there- ray a & the four! ducted by Rev. J 4, medium weight, $25; spri e entered for the festival it Se eee UE . Machine, . ae sete! ~of to the undersigned re~| $: rew's Uni . Spain, ~ 8, Ww igned on or 7 | St. Andrew's United Church. In-| - Ts Bang . Ts before the Ist day of April, /Ceived an achievement award |termens will be aes U.S; Deputy Defence Secre in Oshawa| cae : THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA 1963, 'ofter which date the Tickets for the play are av ail-|Union Cemetery, pete hawa itary Roswell Gilpatric discussed assets of the estote will be jable at the Library Theaire.| A masoni : : jthe Polaris problem with Fan- "hyve : - , 5 eee asonic service will be/f, tn Wistributed having regord to after 7 p.m. held Thursday, Feb. 14 at 7.30|Guili ay eed oh gt Minister the Will and the claims that |----------_--_________ pm, in the ch 30} Guilio reotti. have then been received. f T e chapel under the = ge HIKES AT 88 auspices of Cedar Lodge AF| Sa hii DATED at Bowmanville, Ont- ea apes = St a a . i sceicall | hh bution hole stiachwentt ME Teie| torio, the llth doy of Feb. | TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Eng-\and AM No, 270 | MAY FARM WITH ATOM phone 725-4689. lend (CP) -- Jimmy Martin, 88/ | TOKYO (Reuters) -- Plans redid Hela next birthday, plans to spend! .WILLIAM SCATTERGOOD are being developed to increase LAWRENCE C. MASON, Q.C. ithe summer hitch-hiking round) The death of William Scatter-|J @Panese experiments Barrister etc., Europe. Jimmy says "I can! good occurred Tuesday, Feb. 12/ atomic" farming in which 30 King St. West rough it with the bes: of them,"/a! the family residence, Fare-|8towing plants are subjected to| © vr ny wan Ontario. jand frequently slings a haver-|well avenue. He had been in/Controlied doses of radiation to st sack and wanders about the/failing health for several years.|increase yields or produce new Solicitor for the Executors, | Kent countryside. He was bora March 12, 1894] forms.

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