nes 2 es aise een "<THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 13,1963 2] BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Companies Probe| Fresh Oil Pool EDMONTON (CP) -- Cloaked with the secrecy of a military operation, eight oil. companies are the Snipe Lake trea, 140 miles northwest of here, seeking to establish a new bil pool. Oilfield spies, politely. known as scouts, buzz wp and down rough ciitline trails on motor*to- boggans looking for clues that might help them determine what the opposition has found. During the last month air- craft have skimmed above rigs at treetop level while drilling experts inside craned their necks for the signs of a strike. Men armed with powerful bi- noculars sometimes stand watch at a fair distance from the more romising sites, kept from mov- ee closer by company security guards, The focal point of this activity; is the east shore of Snipe Lake, | roughly 25 to 30 miles east of| Valleyview, a centre that blos-| somed from. the oil boom of the! 1950's. | SITE 18 MAGIC WORD | Snipe Lake was recently de- scribed by the authoritative publication Oil in Canada as "the magic word in western Canada's petroleum industry." More than a dozen rigs moved) into the area last fall and. some} oilmen predict a steady pace of further drilling work although no strikes have been listed as| important producers and there} has been some talk of a cooling off of interest. In the region around the orig- inal discovery well, drilled by the Standard Oil Company of) British Columbia, activity re- mains brisk. NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Hudson's Bay Oi] and Gas| Co. Ltd., year ended Dec. 31:) Crude from the region now Is being trucked to the northern end of the Peace River oil pipe- line system at Valleyview and the oil publication reported that pipeline facilities to the pool will be built following the spring break-up. TOUCHED OFF BIDS A strike by Imperial Oi) last September touched off the cas- cade of bids by major oil com- panies. In late January, how- ever, abandonment of a strate- gic wildcat well four miles northeast took some of the glow off the discovery, During recent oil salés, the major companies have paid as much as $900 an acre for reser- vations, The highest bonus for a reservation in the area this year was $366,950, paid by Cen- tral del Rio Oils Ltd, The section lies to the north- west of the second most expen- sive drilling reservation ever sold in Alberta. This was block 1073, which drew a cash bonus of $2,078,251 from Imperial and} the California Standard Com-| pany ina Crown sale Dec. 1 At the moment there are two| producers, five wells now being| drilled, six about to start and) seven. abandoned, The average) production depth from the Bea-| ver Hill formation, the same producing formation as that of Swan Hills, is 8,600 feet. ACADIAN CLEANERS Odourless Cleaning Shirt Specialists @ Pick-up end Delivery Service ® Drive in Service @ Same Day Service Voults on Premises PHONE 728-5141 299 BLOOR Ww. 1962, $10,166,000, 57 cents a share; 1961, $7,006,000, 39 cents. ' "More. Power" for Less Money ! roccttect SAVE THIS Now On Sale at Your Favorite Store ; Introductory Offer!! f VALUABLE COUPON It's Today's : "WONDER DETERGENT" a epee ae: 2c OFF bottle! "SAMBOW" 1 MIRACLE DETERGENTS Present This Coupon At Time Of Purchase ond Get 2¢ MR. DEALER Return This Coupon To N. E. Sweet Compony Representatives, For Rebote! ' ' | | ' ' i] 1 off on all "Sambow" Detergents! Limit one coupon per 4 | 1 ' ' ' a+ On All | anne ann See de eth eaten dilies Here's an Important Message For You! It Can Happen Only Once Each Year! IT 1S POSITIVELY THE MOST EXTRA- ORDINARY 100% GENUINE MERCHAN- DISING EVENT IN ONTARIO ! IT ONLY HAPPENS AT ADAMS, ONTARIO'S LARGEST HOME FURNISHERS WHERE THERE'S A MILLION DOLLARS IN AVAILABLE STOCK ! AT ADAMS' ANNUAL STOCK- TAKING, when the gigantic inventory has been listed, baok values are marked down--- SUBSTANTIALLY BELOW ACTUAL FAC- TORY COSTS---on a huge selection of fine furniture, floor coverings, famous Brand- Name Appliances, TV's and Stereos, in fact, EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME ! It is ADAMS' policy to ensure that customers will always see fresh merchan- dise, newest models and styles. This means that every ADAMS store must be ready to receive new shipments bought on a nation- wide scale. To do this, other stock must move within a time limit ! At ADAMS' Fiscal year-end, every item which has been in stock just SIX MONTHS IS CONSIDERED OLD STOCK! Can you picture what can happen when the depreciation process moves through the inventory lists like a giant mowing machine, irregardiess of the screams or Years of our buyers and store managers, cutting deeply in strict accordance with dates and balan- ces? Naturally, there are big reductions on all floor samples, ends-of-lines, discontinued models, etc. . . ., but THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING ! IN ADDITION -- making this Sale so unusual, even fantastic -- prices are ruth- lessly slashed on all kinds of the most popular merchandise which has never been uncrated ! Of special interest to discriminating homemakers is the large quantity of superior quality, top-of-the-line items -- out of many buyers' reach at reqular prices --- now avail- able at simply ridiculous costs ! You'll have to see to believe how spec- tacular these once-a-year values really are ! WE GUARANTEE THAT IF YOU NEED NEW FURNITURE OR HOME FURNISHINGS, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY AND ADAMS IS THE PLACE TO SAVE AS NEVER BEFORE, FOR THAT'S "WHERE QUALITY AND VALUE MEET!" -- DAM RR PSE SIDS Dy MND Te Ss SNOT Ea eee HERE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY. Scant ARGAINS ON SALE! | Sklar 2-pc. Chesterfield Striped Cushions, Reg, 239.95 119.90 Liberty 5-pe. Chrome Table. White and Turquoise Inlay. 4 Chairs Reg. 139.95 . Phileo 23" TV Console Model Reg. 279.95 Lanark 2-pc. Chesterfield 4-Seoter. Nylon-Green 71 9.95 Reg. 259.95 .... Liberty 5-pe. Dinette 36x60 Table. Bronzetone. Foam Padded Chairs. Reg. 139.95 . 89.95 Serta 4-6 Box Springs Soiled Reg. 59.95 Lanark 2-pe. Chesterfield 4-Seater. Nylon-Raisin 199.95 Reg. 249.95 5-pc. Dinette 30x54 Table. Bronzetone. 4 Chairs. Reg. 89.95 9x12 Wool Carpet Colour Beige. Soiled Reg. 109.95 .... Lanark 2-pe. Chesterfield Loan Nylon Beige 189.95 5-nc. Dinette 36x60 Gloss Walnut Table. 4 Foam Chairs. Reg. 229.95 149.95 Coffield Washer 9-lb, Load. 1-Year Guarentee Reg. 129.95 Exclusive 2-pe. Chesterfield 179.95 3' Seater. Foam Cushions Reg. 229.95 3-pc, Bedroom 9-Drawer Triple Dresser, Framed Mirror, Chest and Bed, Walnut. 199 95 8 Reg. 269.95 Huge Reductions on Table Lamps, Floor Lamps Mirrors, Pictures and Tables Lanark 2-pe. Chesterfield 179.95 4-Seater. Nylon, Olive Reg. 239.95 _. 3-pc. Bedroom Panel Bod, Reg 299.95... 119,00 Two Door Refrigerator Regent 105-lb. Freezer Automatic De- . frost, Reg. 359.95 on 2-ne. Davenport Nylon Cover, Green Reg. 239.95 3-c. Bedroom Double Dresser, Chest and Bookcase Bed, Walnut. 149,95 Reg. 239.95 Wagon Wheel Bunk Beds' Red Maple 180 Coil Spring Reg. 109.95 2-ne. Chesterfield Foam Cushions. Viscose Material. Reg. 169.95 .. 109.95 Marconi AM-FM Combination 199.95 Automatic Stereo Changer Reg. 249.95 Used TV's Priced From 9.95.» Simmons Hide-A-Bed -- tage design. Beige 189.95 Table Radios 5-Tube Reg. 24.95 BOOKCASE BEDS 4/6 Reg. 49.95 PANEL BEDS 4/6 Reg. 34.95 5-ne. Dinette 36x60 Table, 4 Chairs Reg. 89.95 Two Door Refrigerator Westinghouse 13-cu, ft. Freezer Combine- Res. 349.95 Reg. 409.95 Regentone Combination 5-Tube Radio, B.S.R. Stereo Changer. Reg. 169.95 .... 129.95. NO MONEY DOWN & up to 3 YEARS TO PAY - (Retail sales tax payable at time of purchase) "We Finance Our Own Credit!" 40 KING ST., W. TEL. 725-6535 Also at Whitby, 103 Dundas St., W. Tel. 668-2933 SHOP EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK - SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P.M.