B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, Februory 9, 1963 (UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES ANN LANDERS PMA CLUB The Pleasant Monday After noon Club held the weekly meet- 'ing in the Legion Hall with president, Mrs. Elwood Brad- ley, presiding. One minute's si- lence was observed in memory of the late Mrs. F. N. Shep- Rundle Park. Thirty-seven peo- ple attended including the fol- lowing visitors -- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Elliott and Mrs. George Long, all from Scarborough, and Mrs. H. Wood. Members from Orono Bowmanville and Whitby were also present. A SUNDAY 'Celebrating his first birth- day tomorrow is Timothy Stanley Hoard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hoard, King ' |patients } |Hospital. street east. Tim is the grand- son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McCabe, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoard, all of Osh- awa. --Photo by Hornsby UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES ST. GEORGE'S GUILD The Women's Guild of St. George's Atiglican Church held it§ regular meeting in the par- ish hall with Mrs. W, E. Baker presiding. Final arrangements were completed for the Valentine Joseph Callahan, stated that 33 Christmas hampers were given to the needy. Last month 108 articles of clothing and jewelry were sent to Father O'Flaherty's Mission and 27 ar- ticles of clothing were given out locally, Plans were made for a ard party and penny sale to be held on February 19. Mrs. Leo Kryhul was appointed prize con- vener for the annual card party herdson, a faithful member who passed away recently. The club will celebrate its 48th \birthday next Monday, Febru- ary 11, and the meeting will commence at 2 p.m, to be fol- lowed by a birthday lunch. Mem- bers please note date and time. If the weather is unsuitable it will be held the following week. Readings were given by Mrs. R. G. Collison and Mrs. Dun- can Nisbit. Refreshments were provided by Mrs. Olive Harrison and Mrs. William Collins. Mrs. Sarah Chamberlain and Mrs. Margaret Arkle reported in Oshawa General MAXWELL HEIGHTS H and S The February meeting of Maxwell Heights Home and School was Father's Night and the guest speaker was Dr. C. H. Jackson, Ph.D. psychologist, who spoke on the work done in the Oshawa Mental Health Clin- 'lic. The basic purpose of the OMHC is to take measures to «|prevent minor disorders becom- ing major illnesses. He showed .|very clearly the reasons for new community mental health centres» the centre-piece for bringing the mentally ill back to a useful life, and preventing new cases earlier, Mrs. Derek Barnett, presi- dent, presided at the meeting and thanked the parents who contributed and made the Every Family Canvass a success. She also thanked the canvassers. It was decided to purchase a much needed record player for use in Maxwell Heights School. The March: 4th Home and School meeting will have Mr. Tom Bouckley showing slides of interest of early Oshawa from the Oshawa Historical So- ciety. Refreshments were served by the mothers of Grade § pupils under the guidance of Mrs. Clifford Hopkins and Mrs. to be held on April 23. Dessert Bridge to be held in the Parish Hall on February 14, at 7.30 p.m. Plans were made for the annual choir dinner on Feb- ruary 21. A mammoth bake sale will be held on April 25, the Wom- en's Fall Luncheon will be on September 25 and the Christ- mas bazaar on November 23.| Refreshments were served by) the Boulevard group. | HOLY CROSS WA -Holy Cross Women's Auxiliary held the monthly meeting in the) parish hall recently. The presi-| dent, Mrs. James Hanson, pre-| sided. Mrs. William Patterson| read the minutes and Miss Mary} Eitzgerald gave the treasurer's| report. "The welfare convener, Mrs.! A South African woman used) 10% miles of wool in 43 colors} in making a tapestry that took her 633 hours to complete. Percy Hayes. OLD COUNTRY CLUB The Oshawa and District Old Country Club whist drive was held on Wednesday evening at The raffle prize, a Valentine apron, was won by Mrs, H. EI- liott. During refreshments Mrs. Boakes reminded members of the general meeting to be held on Saturday at the YWCA, also) of the Valentine Dance, Febru- ary 16, UAW Hall. Mrs. Alex Air took first prize, d went to Mrs, A, Fowler 'School February meeting was held recently. the mothers of the pupils in Grades 3 and 4, Miss Lynda Welbank's class. and Mrs, A. Baron won third. The "booby" prize went to Mr. Alan Baron who had the lowest score, KING STREET UCW (Unit 10) Unit No. 10 of King Street United Church met for its regu' lar meeting in the church par- lor, on February 6, 1963, with 10 present. President, Mrs. Roy Lee, opened the business meeting. Mrs. Elmer Burton was wel- comed into the Unit. Four offices were filled, with Mrs, Royce Sproule, assistant treasurer; pianist ,Mrs. W. J. Richards; program convener, Mrs, Roy Lee; flower and card, also community friendship and visiting secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Dear Ann Landers: I'm con- sidering marriage but am un- decided. I want to write down the points for it and against it. Perhaps when I see it all on paper it will be clearer to me. These are the points for: (1) He has had one lousy marriage (me too) so he is 'sympat. of me, as a divorcee. tic rather than critical (2) He owns a good business and is financially secure. (3) We've known each other for five years, have the same friends and enjoy the same things. We rarely quarrel. (4) He likes my children and they like him. These are the points against: (1) His table manners are poor and he has a partial plate which clicks when he eats. (2) He smokes too much and has a constant cough. When I ask him to see a Goctor, he says: '"'What for--I feel fine." (3) He snores. Thank you, Ann, for any help you can give me--FENCE SIT- ING Dear Sitting: Sorry, I can't help much because I don't know Tindall. Events for the coming year weie announced as follows: February 13, Valentine Tea; September 24, Feast of the Seven Tables; bazaar in No- vember. An invitation was accepted to attend the Friendship Unit. No. 6 regular meeting on Febuary 26 at 8.00 p.m. King Street United Church Women regular meeting on Feb- ruary 14 was announced with a guest speaker, Mrs. Glen Stevens was in charge of the worship, with Mrs. George Cuthbert reading the' scripture. Miss Muriel Wilson took the study book. A social half hour was spent with Miss Beth Miller serving' refreshments, GERTRUDE COLPUS H-S Gertrude Colpus Home and The meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. G. A. Wand- less. Mrs. W. R. Renison; treasurer's report by Mrs, Mervyn Ander- son. A bazaar and tea will be held March 2. Minutes were read by Guest speaker was Safety Officer Constable Tane of the City of Oshawa's police force. He explained the duties of the captains of each of the safety groups and how they work with their guards placed on each school crossing zone. The team work of both guards and chil- dren has helped cut down acci- dent rates of the Oshawa pub- lic schools. Constable Tane was introd duced by Mrs. Samuel Russell and thanked by Mrs. Charles Hazzard. Room prize was won by Miss Betty Grant's and Miss Bar- bara classes. Maxwell's kindergarten Refreshments were served by He's Well-Heeled, But His Teeth Don't Fit to what extent his habits irritate you. Only you know this. A dentist can do something our Saturday nignt clup to meet our friends. We also brought them along to. several other parties and launched them so- cially. Now ess what has hap- pened? They are having a few little parties of their own, in- viting our friends, and leaving us out. Last night theiy' house : \ 1 come out ana tem nerj Your signature tefis' more how I feel?--OVERDID IT than your letter, For. next time, Dear It: It was, mighty gen-)just remember that adage -- erous of you to open some doors} « 5 ah for these people, but this doesn't 'Too thick--won't stick." mean you own them. ™ : "O4-HOUR SERVICE was ablaze with lights'and we recognized the cars'.as they pulled up. FOUR SEASONS Do you feel I am justified inl being burned over this? Should TRAVEL PHONE 728-6201 for those clicking plates, but I'm afraid you'll have to live with the other complaints. If you marry him, accept the total package. Don't plan on doing a remodeling job because it won't work. (Incidentally, you aren't supposed to know he snores!) Dear Ann Landers: My prob- lem won't sound like much com- pared with others you receive, but it would mean a great deal to me if you would answer it. I have been invited to attend church services with my boy friend and his family. I know when a gentleman attends serv- ices as a guest he is obliged to put an offering in the collection plate. But what about'a lady? Does the lady guest contribute? I have asked several of my friends about this but nobody seems to know the' answer. Do you?---BAFFLED Dear Baffled: It is purely a matter of choice and either choice is correct. If you are asking me to make the deci- sion, I say ante up, sister. It can't hurt and it may make you feel better. Dear Ann Landers: The peo- ple next door moved here from another state. We knocked our- selves out being. friendly. and helpful. I gave her the names of sitters, introduced her to my butcher, my seamstress, and my cleaning lady. I cut her in on my wholesale connections and arranged for her children to get in a car pool. Just name it and I did it. Since they didn't know any- one in town we invited them to Seatge Oshawa and Aree er 10 Years" A NUM Yrs ey SSS] 7 nn fee ee TRAINS / TRUCKS / SHIPS / PLANES / HOTELS / TELECOMMUNICATIONS / WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM ») = a | e AWNINGS | e SIDING DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE Ladies! Be First! Do your decorating early. Let us show you the latest in fashionable home decorating ideas, using the finest paints and the very tatest wallpaper LET ME BE YOUR VALENTINE FEBRUARY SPECIAL! One Week's Groceries CALL OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN WINDOWS--DOORS 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY | 668-3304 FIREPLACE | FURNISHINGS BOOK THROUGH-- @ FREE ESTIMATES @ patterns, ASK FOR YOUR FREE COLOR SCHEME PRESTO 19 BOND WEST DECORATING SUPPLIES 723-4922 FREE! YOUR VALENTINE 728-9403 HOME ECONOMICS Food -Freezer 11 ONTARIO ST., OSHAWA % MEMBERS LISTED SUBSCRIBE TO THE Code of Ethics OF THE OSHAWA DISTRICT INSURANCE AGENTS ASSOCIATION Such members are fully qualified Independent Insurance Agents THIS IS YOUR INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT He is a member of your community and owns his own business. He has vast insurance market from which to obtain whatever types of coverage you need. Your agent is as close to you as your phone. Personal services are available. 24 hours a day. Call anytime. WHEN YOU NEED INSURANCE, Consult One Of The Following INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENCIES:-- obtaining an auto liabi TIMELY TIP... SAVE yourself $20 on "gh 1963 Ontario Auto Plates by ity insurance certificate from one of the listed Independent Insurance Agents. Call today. With increased values on homes it is wise to check your fire coverage to make sure you have sufficient insurance. LES EVENISS | SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST. | MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA 723-9441 BICKELL--OLIVE PETLEY Insurance Agency, 208 Celina St. Oshawa JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD 167 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa BRADLEY BROS. REAL ESTATE 292 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa OAKLEY CRAWFORD INSURANCE 51 King St. East Oshawa E. DISNEY '82 Simcoe St. S. S. F. EVERSON 15 King St. East Oshawa H. L. GRAY INSURANCE 85 Oshawa Blvd. N. Oshaws D. W. HOLDEN INSURANCE SERVICE 21 Celina St. Oshawa DON HOWE 67 King St. East Oshawa LLOYD REALTY (Oshawa) LTD. 101 Simcoe St. North Oshawa Oshawa McCALLUM GENERAL INSURANCE 521 Rossland Rd, West Oshawa McMURTRY INSURANCE AGENCY 21 King St. W. Oshawa C. E. MORLEY Pickering Ontario MURDOCH GENERAL INSURANCE SERVICE 37 King St. East L, ELDON NELSON 53 Hillcroft St. NELSON E, OSBORNE 7 Lovers Lane Bowmanville OSHAWA i i AGENCIES T' 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa PEACOCK-BOYD INSURANCE LTD. 22V2 King St. East Oshawa DONALD M. POLSON 495 Masson St. C. H. ROBINSON 152 Harwood S. Ajex, Ontario Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa ROBLIN & DULMAGE 102B Byron St. South A. S. ROSS 14 King St. East H. G, ROUGHLEY LTD. 64 King St. East SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 360 King St. West ANDREW SUWALA 453 Bader Ave, Oshawa FRANK E, TURNEY LTD. 47 Prince St. Oshawa GEORGE H. VICK LTD. 108 Brock St. North RALPH H. VICKERY 46 King St. West W. R. WESTLAKE 211 Mary St. Oshawa W. B. WHITE INSURANCE LTD. 110 King St. East Oshawa E. L. WHITELY 111 Sutherland St. Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Whitby Oshawa Oshawa 725-4632 - Eve. 723-2707 B.EGoodrich NEW TREAD ALL 19" SIZES NE LOW PRICE _ FOR CHEVROLET, DODGE, FORD, PONTIAC, PLYMOUTH, DESOTO, OLDSMOBILE, RAMBLER, MERCURY » Free Fast Mounting » No Money Down » Easy Budget Terms $1.00 Per week 88 KING ST. WEST PHONE 725-4543