Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Feb 1963, p. 7

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AMONG THE PAST presi- dents honored at the Kinette Club's 23rd anniversary din- mer were left to right, Mrs. Monty Cranfield, Mrs. Rich- ard Donald, Mrs. Holt Web- ster, Mrs. A. O. Pollard, seen with Mrs, Gordon Garrison, PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Schoe- nau, Law street, had as guests recently, their nephew, Mr. J. W. Schoenau, and Mr. Harry Cook, Mawer, Saskatchewan. Plans are well ahead for the 12th annual Mardi Gras dance sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Among the first to _| |make their reservations for this | |popular event are Mr. and Mrs. | |Joseph Pilkington, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDonnell, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Weeks, Mr, and Mrs. John Brady, Mr. and Mrs. C. J, O'Connell, Mr. Daniel Riordan, Mr. and Mrs, Victor McAdam and Mr. and Mrs, Neil Boyle. Mrs, Lawrence Horne, chair- man of the Oshawa board, Mrs. Robert Moon, Mrs, A. H. Dan- "+ |cey, Mrs, Walter Sewell, Mrs. president, around the anni- versary cake. --Oshawa Times Photo Recognize Past Presidents At Kinette Anniversary Dinner The Kinette Club of Oshawa celebrated its 23rd anniversary and Past President's Night on Tuesday at the Hotel Genosha. Head table guests, introduced by Past president Mrs. Doug- las Lowe, were Past Presidents Mrs, Ray Hobbs 1945; Mrs. Rus- sell Reeve 1946; Mrs. James Clements 1948; Mrs. Jack Rise- brough 1952; Mrs. Alden Pollard 1954; Mrs. Monty Cranfield 1955; Mrs. Richard Donald 1957; Mrs. Holt Webster 1958; Mrs. John MacLean 1959; Mrs. Earle Southern 1960; Mrs. Arthur Stone 1961; Mrs. Douglas Lowe 1962. Other guests included Mrs. William Leask, Mrs. Morley Johnson and Bowmanville Kin. ette Club members Mrs. Keith Connell and Mrs. Ray La Thangue. Mrs. Gordon Garrison, presi- flent, proposed a toast to the past presidents and the associa. tion, highlighting the various ac- Inaugural Meeting For Kiwanettes | At a dinner meeting held at the Hotel Genosha on Tuesday, Feburary 7, at 7.00 p.m. the wives of the members of Wesi- mount Kiwanis held the inaug- ural meeting of the Kiwanettes with some Kiwanians present. President Robert Branch of the Westmount Kiwanis Club, installed the 1963 executive as follows: President, Mrs. C. A. Powell; vice-president, Mrs. W. K. Zim- merman; secretary, Mrs. A. M. Moore; treasurer, Mrs. James Waddell; membership, Mrs. Clifton Bowes; reception, Mrs. Donald Thompson. Mr. Branch presented Mrs. C. A. Powell with a gavel on behalf of the Westmount Ki- wanis Club who then took charge of the r->eting. The purpose of the organiza- tion is to assist the Westmount Kiwanis Club in fund raising and in service to the community. There were 18 members pres- ent. AID REFUGEES WINNIPEG (CP) -- More than 14,000 articles of clothing made by wpmen volunteers of the Red Cro$s in Manitoba have been sent to Marseilles, France, for distribution to algerian ref- ugees. @ OPEN 6 DAYS EVERY WEEK tivities of the Kinette Club from each past president's year up to the present, the 23rd anniver- sary of the Kinette Club of Osh- awa, Mrs. Alden Pollard in reply- ing to the toast, expressed thanks to all the Kinettes whose | efforts made possible the suc-| cess of each past president's year, Following the toasts, the an- niversary cake, complete with 23 candles, was cut to com- memorate 23 successful years in Kin. Head table flowers were won by Mrs. Holt Webster. During the business session, reports were presented by the various committee chairmen. Mrs, Bruce Gerrow reported a bowling night would be held March 18. Mrs. Lloyd Pigden distributed tickets on the Kinette annual spring wardrobe draw. Mrs. Bruce Williams outlined plans for a party for the resi- dents. of Hillsdale Manor with the assistance of Kinettes Mrs. Steve Dyl, Mrs. Jack Menzie and Mrs. Alden Pollard. Mrs. Robert Fry gave a pro- gress report on the cloakroom concession, Kinsmen Commun-| ity Centre. Mrs. Donald Cullen reported on the recent successful pot luck supper. Mrs. David McCann, bulletin editor, advised that a Kinette bulletin. award for District 8 had been donated by district Jo Aldwinckle, omen Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, February 8, 1963 7 Miss Kathryn Ann Hamilton, whose marriage to Mr. Ken- neth Joseph Murray will take place tomorrow in the church of St. Gregory the Great, has been honored by friends at many pre-nuptial events. Mrs. Jack Murray and Miss Jean Hamilton were co- hostesses at a cup and saucer shower at the former's home on Burk street recently, those present being former neighbors of the bride-elect. Miss Hamilton was honored at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. David Duchemin, Stevenson road north. Among the guests pres- ent, were many friends from Myrtle. After the opening of gifts, the hostesses, Mrs. Duche- min and Mrs. Frank Thornton, Served refreshments. A miscellaneous shower was SOCIAL NOTICE governor Robert Luke, to en- courage and stimulate interest in obtaining bulletins of a high calibre. The president, Mrs. Gordon Garrison, announced that Mrs. Paul Pautler had been appoint- ed a director of the Kinette Club to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mrs. Harold} Tyrrell. | Whist was enjoyed. ments were served to complete a most successful meeting, FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE The forthcoming marriage is announced of Diane Marie, daughter of Mrs. Edith Heard, Oshawa, to Mr. John Mosuk, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mosuk of Ansonville, The cere- jin St. Following the business ses-|Roman Catholic Church. sion, a social evening of Court|x Refresh. | } | | 1 mony is to take place on Satur- dal February 23 at 10..00 a.m. i Mary of the People Kathryn Ann Hamilton Feted Prior To Wedding Tomorrow held: at the home of Miss Anna O'Neil, Brock street west, when friends showered the bride-to- be. Assisting the co-hostesses, Miss O'Neil and Mrs. Myril Hepburn, were Miss Barbara Blakely and Mrs. Robert Boyce. The girls of the City Hall office staff honorrd Miss Hamilton at a luncheon shower at which time a presentation of a bridge set» ash trays and playing cards was made, Mrs. James Hamilton hosted a miscellaneous shower at her home on Park road south, as- sisted by Miss Jean Hamilton. The Assessment Department staff at City Hall, of which the bride-elect is a member, honor- ed Miss Hamilton at the home of Mr. Gerale Meredith, Wych- wood avenue, with the presenta- tion of an electric blanket. After the wedding rehearsal this evening, the bridal party will be entertained at the home of the future 'brige's mother, Mrs, Harold Halmilton, Me- Laughlin boulevard. LIKES OUR DRESS VANCOUVER (CP) -- Arturo Beltran, an 18-year-old law stud- ent from Mexico, arrived here with 11 other Mexican students on a university exchange tour with words of appreciation for the way Canadian girls dress, even in the cold, He said the L. M. McMurtry, all of Osh- awa; Mrs. E, A. MacMillan, Mrs, R. M. Ward, Mrs. H, M. Crawforth, all of Whitby, will be the official representatives of the Oshawa and district 'tirls' Work Board at the annual pro- vincial meeting at Ewart Col- lege, Toronto,>tomorrow. Mrs. Dancey will act as hostess at the college. The Ontario Girls' Work Board is a department of the Ontario Council of Chiis- tian Education and gives per- ticular attention to the promo- tion of the Canadian Giris' In Training movement, Out of town guests at the Currell - Farrar wedding were Mrs. William McGillivray, Mr. Neil McGillivray, Misses Ann and Jane McGillivray, London, Ontario; 2nd Lieutenant M. W. Hewes, Camp Gagetown, New Brunswick; Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lavis, Mr, William Lavis, Miss Linda Lavis, Burlington; Mr. and Mrs. William E. Chant, Master Teddy Chant, Baie d'Urfe, Quebec; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson L. Chant, Mrs. Bert Halloway, Mr. D. Halloway, Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Currell, Michael E, Currell and Miss Sandra Currell, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Neville Law- rence, Jasmine crescent, Mr. and Mrs. David Weldon, Cen- tre street, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Hewitt, Beaufort avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Snowden, Sun Valley crescent, spent last weekend at the Valley Hi resort, Minden, where they attended the Minden winter car- nival. Introduced by the principal, Mr, O. B. Edgeley, Mrs. Wal. ter Branch addressed the as. sembly of Henry Street Hi gh School on Wednesday morning. She was thanked for her brief talk on some impressions of Sr viet Russia by Mr. Barry Goode, } president of the student council Mrs. Branch will address the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association and the 50-50 Club of Simcoe Street United. Church on separate occasions next week. only difference between Cana- dian girls and those in Mexico is that Mexican girls wear their skirts six inches longer. HANDSOME MULTI-PURPOSE CABINET Danny the Dry Cleaner Says: CALL US FOR PROMPT PICK-UP and PHONE 728-5133 @ AMPLE FREE PARKING > @ OPEN TUESDAY, THURS- DAY AND FRIDAY EVE- NINGS FOR APPOINT- MENT. @ OPEN SATURDAY 'TILL 3:00 PEGGY'S BEAUTY SALON ¢ Corner Simcoe S. & Ritson Rd. S. § PHONE 723-1921 4 Centres to Serve You: @ 434 Simcoe South @ 249 King East @ 16 Bond West @ 688 Hortop PICKWICK Cleaners and Dyers FOR THE PRICE OF (PLUS 1.00) You'll Save More Only a few days left for... DUNN'S Fabulous Semi-Annual DOLLAR SALE SUITS Open A Charge Account At DUNN'S Men"s & Boys' Wear 36 KING E, DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE "CHARGE IT" PAY ONLY 1.25 PER WEEK. NO MONEY DOWN USE IT ASA BOOKCASE USE IT AS A RECORD CABINET RETAILERS TO_LTHRIFTY ZELLERS CANADIANS NO DOWN PAYMENT GREAT BIG VALUE! Similer Cabinets Sell for as Much es 19.99 WONDERFUL HOME "BUY" -- Prac- tical as it's beautiful! Walnut-color wood grain construction; brass-tipped legs; size 16" x 24', 26" high; easy- sliding doors. Good-looking addition to your home. . . and for so little! DOWNTOWN: 21 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA 723-2294 SHOPPING CENTRE 723-2209 GPCR ENT IRS I re er ee WED IN NORTHMINSTER Married recently in Nofth- minster United Church were Miss Eleanor Jean Waugh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Waugh, and Mr. Barry Nelson Foster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Foster, all of Oshawa, The Reverend Harry Mellow officiated. --Photo by . Hornsby Soroptimist Club Administers Funds For Worthy Project The Soroptimist Club of Osh- awa and district heid its Febru- ary business meeting at the home of Miss Madeline Kelly with the president, Miss Evelyn Moore, presiding. The minutes were read by the secce'ary, Grace Winnell, the treasurer's report was pre- sented by Mrs. orval Souch, in the absence of the treasurer. Miss Kelly, service objectives convener, reported the success- ful conclusion of the project given the club to administer he funds donated by the patrons of the Central Hotel at Christ- mas time for the pupils of Glenholme School for. Retarded Children. Craft materials for use of the students in each of the four rooms were purchased by the Soroptimist Club and presented to the school by Mr. Allan McMillan, manager of the Central Hotel, on behalf of his patrons. Mr. McMillan, also presented a cheque for $86 to be spent for a picnic at the school next June. Appreciation of this opportunity to be of ser- vice was expressed by the president. The retarded child- ren of the community have been a special interest of the Soroptimist Club since its or- ganization in 1955. . A letter of thanks was also read from the superintendent of Fairview Lodge for the interest taken in the residents and for the Christmas gifts for the oc- cupants of Wing D. A report of the planning committee on the proposed joint installation dinner for the six clubs in' the Toronto area next June to be held in Toronto, was given by the president. It is expected that the Federation resident, Miss Virginia Sink of etroit, will be a guest. The February dinner meeting on the 2ist at the Genosha Hotel will be the 8th birthday of the formation of the local club and guests from Toronto will be present. Mrs. Bessie Locke, a member of the Osh-|{ awa club, will give a demon- stration of flower arrangements. The March business meeting will be held at the home of|; # Mrs. Orval Souch, Refreshments were served by Mrs, W. F. Taylor and Miss Grace Winnell, Nancy Anne Farrar Robert J. S. Currell Wed In Scarboro | Zion Wexford United Church, Scarborough, was the setting recently for the marriage of Miss Nancy Ann Farrar, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Robert John Currell, son of Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs, Lioyd William Currell, Agincourt, all formerly of Oshawa, The Reverend Harold L, Frid' re the ceremony with rs. W. Ruhnke as organist. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a rn of white satin backed faille fashioned with long sleeves and a straight neckline at the front which formed into a V at the back. The skirt was accented by a cha) train which fell from a self band formed above the waistline. Her headdress was a white pillbox creation topped with small white flow- ers and leaves and she carried dark red roses and white car- nations, Mrs. John Harper was the maid of honor with the bride's sister, Mrs. H. T. Hallam, Mrs. William Chant, sister of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Roy Willcocks as the attendants. They wore street length dresses of brocade in mocha shade, styled with short sleeves, slightly rounded neck- Ines and bell skirts, They car- ried bouquets of yellow roses tipped with pink and cream chrysanthemums. The bridegroom's -- brother, Mr. Thomas E. Currell, was the best man with Mr. G, Tis- lentine special | a Beautiful Bluebird creation. Six guaran-' teed eparkie from the hand-wrought scttings,, 32 KING WEST 9 CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. OUR OUTSTANDING BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. & DIAMOND PAIR perfect Bluebird diamonds: --AS LITTLE AS-- 10% DOWN PHONE 723-7022 Lloyd Farrar, Pen and Mr.|® aM, Dr, G. C. Frey and Mr: William Miller as ushers. = The reception was held at thé», Canadian Motor Hotel with the" bride's eer Phone in street - gown velvet. The beidagroom's sate er chose a peacock blue wool >: ng dress With grey fur When the bridal couple left on oon trip to the Lauren» tians the bride was wearing #. white wool dress with a blue white reversible jacket. ag | bg Currell ar€; eir at Dom Mills, Ontario. cme! h MON. ,. FRI.. EVENINGS TILL 9.30 P.M. c--] cE rik SAT. E \ 'TH 6 ; FREE 7 tr €. if é4 be & Ee HONEST CAL KING ST. E. et VARCOE'S RD, assy WARNER WILLIAMS SERVICE CENTRE REPAIRS TO ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES! 17-B BOND E. 725-3531 PHONE 728-9191 Oshewe's Biggest Discounters APPLIANCES & FURNITURE 7T3 RED TABLE WINE IS "RIGHT AT HOME" With roast beef serve this hearty favorite, Chateau-Gai Red Table Wine. You'll find it brings out the full flavour of beef, makes your meal an even bigger pleasure. If you prefer a drier red wine, choose Chateau-Gai Claret, Why not enjoy it today. LIMITED CANADA'S WINES OF DISTINCTION 4

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