Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Feb 1963, p. 7

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A PLEASANT interlude dur- ing the Rotary President's Ball was the buffet supper, making their selection are president, Mr, F, M. Brooks and Mrs, Grace And Formality Setting For Mid-Winter Rotary Dance | A. W. Armstrong, Mr. and| and| and of the mid- was the gala President's Ball, sponsored by the Oshawa Rotary Club, last Friday evening at the Oshawa Golf Club, Receiving the guest were Mr. F. L, Brooks, president and Mrs, Brooks and Mr. Murray McLeod, vice - president and Mrs, McLeod. Amid the decor of the Rotary colors, blue and gold, were seen dancing Mr. and Mrs E, G. Storie, Mr, and Mrs F. L. Brooks, Mr. and Mr. Murray McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fairthorne, Mr, and Mrs, S. E, Lovell, Mr. and Mrs, 1. S. Collacutt, Mr, and Mrs, W. B. Bennett, Mr, and Mrs, D. M. Storie, Mr. and Mrs, M. H. Clayton, Mr. Mrs, G, L. Murdoch, Dr. Mrs. D. G, Langmaid, Mr. GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES 13TH SCOUT MOTHERS AUX. Mrs. Bryce Brown, vice-presi- dent of the 13th Scout Mothers Auxiliary, presided at the Janu. ary meeting held in the ladies lounge of King Street United Church, Monday evening. A highlight winter season and and The secretary's report was) read by Mrs. Robert Hall and roll call indicated 17 present. Mrs, Hall also read severa items of correspondence. In the absence of the treasurer the fi- nancial report was presented by Mrs. Roy Pearse. Mrs. Brown expressed the best wishes of the Auxiliary to Mrs, R, J. Manning, following her recent illness and apprecia.- tion was expressed to members who had assisted with the Christmas dinner in the lower! hall of the Church Mrs, William Eddie volunteer- ed to act as representative to! district. council. Reports were} {son, Mrs, Mrs, G. D. Mrs. E, A. Bassett, Mrs, B. S. Edmondson, Mr. and Mrs, Samuel nelly, Dr. and Mrs, C. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs, S. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs, C Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. Reid, Mr. and Mrs, W. L.| Wilson, Dr, and Mrs. B, M. Woods, Mr. and Mrs, T. L. Wil- Dr. and Mrs, D. E. Andrews, Mr. Mr. T gis, ter, Mr. and Mrs, J. Mr. and Mrs, T, R. Prest, dy, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Dixon. Mr. and Mrs, K. D. Crone, PG and} / Williams, Mr, and Mrs, ;Mr. and Mrs, G, {the Honorable and Mrs. Mich- Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, G, E. Walker, Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Mr. and Mrs, Woods, Judge and Mrs, A. C, Hall, Mr. and Mrs. S, R, Alger, A. Fletcher, S. A. ael Starr, Dr. and Mrs. G, B. Doherty, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Drynan, Mr, and Mrs, -- Coulter, Mr, and. Mrs. J. Yanch and many more. HOUSEHOLD HINT For a tangy dessert, add a little grated orange rind to a can of cling peaches. Turn into a refrigerator tray or chill in can until frosty cold, then serve jin glass she sherbet dishes. Mrs. William Marlowe; the card) convener, Mrs. Eddie and the uniform convener, Mrs. Roy Pearse, . Refreshments were served by the social conveners, Mrs. Wil- jliam Marlowe and Mrs. Pearse assisted by Mrs. G. | Rutherford, B. FIRST BIRTHDAY Aitken and great-grandson of Shawn Warren Aitken, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Delmar Aitken, Christie avenue, .cele- brated his first birthday yes- terday. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacLean and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Mrs. Helena Aitken, all Prince Edward Island, lan, Nova Scotia. --Mary's Stu 's Studio | Brooks and the dis- | Con- M.| F.} John Stur- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coul- and Mrs, J. W. Lowry, Dr.| Maroosis,| Albert Reed, Mr. Mrs, Robert Rud- Howard Smith, Mr. and Mrs. James R.} S.| H.| Hollis given by the sewing eR | 'lela Morden, Tressa Matthews and | of and | Mr, and Mrs. J. W. MacMil- | Mr. BG. Storie, trict governor, Storie and Mrs. | Vincent Massey School Presents Annual Carnival Vincent Massey Public School| held its annual carnival recent- jly and, many parents turned out Ito watch the events. | The guest judges of the cos- tumes were Mrs. Douglas Hart {and Mrs, T, C, Henderson of |Harmony Home and School As- sociation. The principal and staff were in charge of the racing events, assisted by Mr, James Hender son of the Board of Education staff and Constable Wililam Tane, Safety officer. Following the races the ladies| of Vincent Massey Home and School Association served re- freshments. The prizes for the races and the winning costumes were donated by the Associa- tion. The carnival committee con. sisted of Mrs. Norman Roe, Mrs, Cecil Collings, Mrs, Claude Glassford, and Mrs. B. A.Mc- Carl. Assisting were: Mrs. Jack Risebrough, Mrs. Jack Dewell, Mrs, Stanley King, Mrs. Law- rence McConkey, Mrs. B. A, Martin, Mrs. Ken Williams and Mrs, K. V. Smith. COSTUMES Story Book Characters: Kin- A. aergarten, Lynn Collings, Heath. er Terwilliger, Johnne Snoxall. "| grades 1 to 3, Kathy King, Jay- {ne McConkey, Greg Rahme; | grades 4 to 8, Peter Stone, Don- }na MacDonald, Rhonda Ritchie; National or Patriotic: Kinder. garten, Joanne Bathe, Michael Barrett, Jimmie 'Harnden; | grades 1 to 3, Gary Bone, Susan Nelson Brent Roe; grades 4 to latby, Murray Arsenault; Comic, Kindergarten, Brian Elliott, Mary Peacock, Susan Patton; grades 1 to 3, Nancy Peacock, Randy Komatz, Wendy | Kessler; grades 4 to 8, (Susanne Roy| |Lidster-Judy Ewart Carol Scott)|ing Mr. Frank Sullivan showed ;Carla Ritchie, | RACES WINNERS iKndergarten; girls, Joy Ri- chards, Elizabeth Scott, Mary Peacock; boys, Brent Fulton, Jimmie Harnden, Brian Elliott; 6 to 7 years; girls, Susan Por-| teous, Jayne McConkey, Peggy Hudson; boys, Gregory Bone, John Forbes, Ricky Bell; 8 and 9 years; girls, Joanne Smith, Shirley Irwin, Nancy Peacock; boys, Gary Bone, Brad Powless, Kelly Dutrizac: 10 and 11 years; girls, Linda Skinner, Karen Strahl, Suzanne | Lidster; boys, Richard Mitchell, Kenny Maclnally, Glen Han- cock; Arlene Owen. Edwards, Anita Kashul, Maur- een Suddard; boys, Terry Irwin, Alan Hare, Tim McNaughton; 14 years and over; girls, Pam-| Lynn Fetchison, Lois MacPherson; boys, Mich-| ael Deszi, Paul Riseborough. Backward race winners. 10 and 11 years; girls, Cindy Henry, Carol Scott, Bonnie An-| derson; boys, Richard Mitchell, Chris Bone, Chris Hare, 12 and 13 years, girls, Carolyn | Fallaise, Valerie Edwards, Bre. nda Mitchell; boys, Alan Hare, |Robert McConkey, Terry Irwin. | 14 years and over, girls, Mau-| reen Suddard, Linda Skinulis, Lois MacPherson: boys, Paul Risebrough, Mic hael Deszi, "Serving Oshowa end Aree Over 10 Yeors" FREE! LET ME BE YOUR VALENTINE FEBRUARY SPECIAL! One Week's Groceries CALL YOUR VALENTINE HOME ECONOMICS Food-Freezer 11 ONTARIO ST., OSHAWA 728-9403 le 'AWNINGS e SIDING FIREPLACE FURNISHINGS @ FREE ESTIMATES © LES EVENISS SALES LTD. ii 725-4632 ~ Eve. 723-2707 15 PRINCE ST. Oshawa Times Photo | yess reporter, Mrs. A. W, Brad- 8, Leeanne Forbes, Joanne Gel- 12 and 13 years, girls; Valerie} WINDOWS--DOORS | (cmon Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, February 4, 1963 7 UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES ST, ANDREW'S UCW ((Laurel Group, Unit 4) The regular meeting of. the Laurel Group, Unit 4 of St. Andrew's UCW was held at Adelaide House on Monday, January 21, in the form of a din- ner meeting. Mrs. Reginald Burr presided over a short busi- ness meeting. The retiring secretary, Mrs. David Low, read the minutes and Miss May Storie gave the ireasurer's report. The executive for the follow-| ing year is as follows: Mrs. E. F. Cuthbertson, president; Mrs. George Werry, secretary; Mrs. Randolph Mark, treasur- er; Mrs, E. W. Peterson, corre- sponding secretary; rummage sale convener, Mrs, Ralph Scho. field; telephone convener, Mrs. Walter Fammie; tea convener, Mrs. Norman Moran; bazaar |convener, Mrs. Walter Famme; | ford, | In turning the meeting over jto the new president, Mrs, E, F,. Cuthbertson, Mrs, Regi- nald Burr thamked the group for its co-operation during her term of office. The meeting adjourned and a} social evening was spent play- jing bridge. ST. MATTHEW'S WA Fifteen members attended the first meeting of the new year at St. Matthew's Anglican | Church since the amalgamation of the church Guild with the |}Women's Auxiliary, The Rev- lerend R. A, Sharp opened the meeting. The election of officers was held with the following taking office: honorary president, Mrs. R. A. Sharp; president, Mrs, H. |J. Bathe;. vice-president, Mrs, William Clark; 2nd vice-presi- dent, Mrs. R. L, Gouldburn; sec- retary, Mrs. _-- Moore; treasurer, Mrs. J. D. Andrews; dorcas secretary, Mrs. J. E. Marchant; social service secre- |tary, Mrs. Walter Beach; living message secretary, Mrs, Arthur Sanders; united thank offering secretary, Mrs. Harold McCabe; little helpers secretary, Mrs. M. Wood; sewing comvener, Mrs. Roy Smithers, The meeting will be held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. | FRIENDLY DOUBLES CLUB | The monthly meeting of the Albert Street Friendly Doubles Club was held recently in the church hall, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Jones and Mr, and Mrs, Donald Mountjoy conducted the devotional period to open the meeting. The club presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jacklin presided for the business meeting. Final ar- rangements were made for the annual turkey supper to be held February 9. It was announced that Mr. Earl Brown had been appointed the club's representative to the Official Board and Mr. William Yourkevich, to the Christian Education committee. Following the business meet- lfilms taken over the last few | years of the club's annual week- jend resort vacation, Refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Brown, Mr. | and Mrs, William Mi'ne and Mr, |and Mrs. Lawson Parks. | CENTRE ST. UCW (East Unit) The January meeting of the| East Unit of Centre St. uUCW| was held at the home of Miss Irene Winter. The devotional period was led by Miss Winter. Mrs. Warren Dickson read the Scripture. The executive for 1963 are as |follows: leader, Miss Irene Win- iter; assistant, Mrs. Earl Bilcox; secretary, Mrs, E. C. Buechler; treasurer, Mrs. W. H. Chester; press secretary, Mrs. Donald Layng. | The minutes |Mrs. Buechler. were read by Mrs, Chester read the treasurer's report. Roll! 2 > wevetor A Don't let sore, itching, burning piles make you miserable another day or night with- out making thi AROLD test. Feel it help heal and shrink sore, swollen tissues. Feel welcome comfort while you sleep, ik, ride or work. Get AROID call was taken and there were |27 members present and one visitor. Mrs. T. H. Douglas and Mrs. Alan Elliott were named copper captains for the coming year. At the end of the business meeting a presentation was made to Mrs, Una Miller in ap- preciation for her work over the past year, The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Don- ald Layng. CIVITAN CLUB The business session of the January meeting of the Ladies Civitan Club was presided over by the president, Mrs. Robert Malcolmson, following dinner at Sandalwood Restaurant. the coming bridge on February 7, at Hillsdale Manor, outlined the duties of each member. Mrs. taken to Mrs; Andrew Chriso. malis' home on Tuesday even- ing, February 5, for packaging on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Allan Thompson asked the members to be present at her home on Wednesday evening, |February 6, for the preparation lof the food. Mrs. Edward Middlemass, civitan representative for UNI- CEF reported on her visit with other UNICEF delegates at a luncheon at the home of Mrs. Kate Aitken in Streetsville. Mrs. Aitken is the UNICEF chairman for Metropolitan To. |ronto. President, Mrs. Robert Mal. colmson, announced that Inter- Club night is to be held at Sandalwood Restaurant on April 22. Mr. E, Savage will display and commentate on his drift- wood collection, The highlight of the evening came with the initiation into Civitan of five new members. Mrs, James Logan, past presi- dent, read the Civitan Creed as the three candles, representing fellowship, knowledge and ser- vice, burned brightly, Mrs, Mal- colmson welcomed Mrs. Allan Harper, Mrs. Lloyd Gaskin, Mrs, William Howell, Mrs, Clar- ence DeGuerre and Mrs, L. T. Hewland as new Civitan mem- bers, Mrs. James Logan showed pictures of her recent trip to Jamaica and had as her guest, a Jamaican friend, Mrs. Z. Pasteger to explain some o f the landmarks in the slides to the be Monday, February 24, 9TH GUIDE PARENT COMM. The January meeting of the $th Parent Committee of Girl Guides was held recently at the home of Mrs. Jack Lee. Notices will be sent out to parents of Brownies and Guides concerning the Bakeless Bake Sale to be in the near future. Brown Owl, Mrs. Leonard Jackson, gave her report on how her Brownies are corre- sponding with a Brownie Pack in Australia. Officers for the coming year| were imstalled as follows: presi- dent, Mrs, Jack Lee; vice-presi- dent, Mrs, John Harper; secre- tary, Mrs. Elmer Ostle; treasur- er, Mrs, Otto Young; Representatives to LA:Brown- ies, Mrs, Archie Black; Guides, Mrs, Jim Johnston; group com- mittee, Mrs, John Webster. Telephone representatives: Brownies, Mrs. Stan Russell; Guides, Mrs, Alex Nikiforuk, The next meeting will be held February 4 at the home of Mrs. Stanley Russell. PAR ens @ OPEN 6 DAYS EVERY WEEK @ AMPLE FREE PARKING © OPEN TUESDAY, THURS- DAY AND FRIDAY EVE. ag FOR APPOINT- MEN' ° onen SATURDAY 'TILL PEGGY' S BEAUTY SALON Corner Simeoe S. & Ritson Rd. S. (ointment or suppositories) at druggists | today, Feel relief much better you feel tomorrow. in minutes. See how '¢ PHONE 723-1921 GENERAL MRS. G, President of the CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION Oshawa, Ontario County Branch ANNUAL Wednesday, February 6th, 1963 8 p.m. al the Y.W.C.A. The Guest Speaker will be C. V. HEWSON Canadian Mental Health Association EVERYONE IS WELCOME MEETING Ontario Division Mrs, John Kietz, convener of| Kietz asked that the candy be| | was members. The next meeting will} speeaies : CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY On the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bright, Riverside drive north, held a reception at their home, recently with about 100 guests in attendance. Mrs, Bright is the former Laurrena _ Graham eo: Clare- 8th Scout Mothers Night Of Cards Successful Event Auxiliary Night of Cards held in Christ Memorial Church Hall recently, under the direction of Mrs. Thomas Ab- thorpe and Mrs. Robert Ross, The committees were as fol- lows: Mrs. Dwight Bunner and Mrs. I. G. Southwell, prizes; food committee, Mrs. Mathew Sutton, Mrs, Giles Goulding and Mre, Keith Burns. Mrs. David St. Andrews, president of the 8th Oshawa auxiliary opened the night of cards by welcoming the guests ers' jand introducing the convener, Mrs. Thomas Abthorpe. The stage and tables were decorated with the green and yellow of the 8th Oshawa Sea Scout troops, and the prizes were also wrapped in these colors, The door prize was won by Mrs, A. Parkin, Ten attractive prizes were given out to the ten highest euchre scores, and ten more were drawn for the bridge players. Finally fifteen more prizes were drawn for the whole group, making the prize giving, a big event of the night of cards. Mr. And Mrs. Bruce Bright Honored On Zoth Anniversary -- The 8th Oshawa Scout Moth-| Electrolysis superfluous hair, Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawe at the Genosha Hotel, Feb. 4, 5, 6 PHONE 723-4641 for eppointment on these detes mont. Mr. and Mrs, Bright were married at Columbus on Janu- ary 29, 1938 with the Reverend R, H. Wylie officiating. They were attended by Mrs. Howard Grills and Mr, Howard Thomp- son. The honored couple have one daughter, Beverly and five sons, Kenneth, Donald, Robert, Neil and Clare and one grandson, Raymond Bright, all of Oshawa. In charge of the guest book were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bright and Miss Beverly Bright. Receiving the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bright, Mrs, Bright's mother, Mrs. Stewart Graham and the bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Fred Wood and Mr Wood and Mrs, Howard Grills, Pour- ing tea at the table centred with a large three tier cake and candles were Mrs. Leonard Col- bear, Port Perry; Miss Clara Neal, Toronto; Mrs. - Daniel Black, Oshawa; Mrs. William Cowie, Claremont amd Mrs. Oscar Downey, Myrtle. Serving were the Misses Leona Thomp- son, Penny Bright, Judy Manns, Marilyn and Donna Graham. Mr. and Mrs, Bright were pre- sented with flowers, silver pieces, cups and saucers, trays, and many other gifts. Out of town guests were pres- ent from Toronto, Uxbridge, Mrs. Alex Ivanoff, Mrs. Lloyd ladies, Mrs. Ruth Follest, Mrs. | hands, =. Edna Wilson; high Night Of Cards Progressive euchre, bridge and euchre games occupied five rooms in the Adelaide McLaugh- lin School with approximately 350 guests attending. The halls and rooms were decorated with school colors of red, white and black, floral ar- rangements of chrysanthemums and 52 attractively wrapped prizes, Mr, Harold Pascoe, principal, Mrs. George Watson, convener, and Mrs. J. A. Schell, met the guests at the door. Hostesses for the various rooms were Mrs. Robert Booth, Gardner, Mrs .Philip Lawrence and Mrs. Stanley Paynter. Mr. . Schell was host for the progressive euchre room. Gala Event AtMcLaughlin Home and School Morrison, Miss Roselene Fair- hart, Mrs. Robert ag Miss E. M. Bell, Mrs. T. C. Sine, Miss Doreen Starr, Mrs. Aubrey Hurst, Mrs. J. W. Wise, bat M. Beal, Mrs, C. 0. Sp Mrs, Grant McIntosh, Mrs. Andrew Suwala, Miss Dorothy Sheets, Mrs. Joan Edwards; Mrs. §, D, Hyman, Mrs, Clars ence Keith, Mrs. Carl Diederick~ son, Mrs, Gordon BW Mrs, Clarence Scott, Mrs. A. James Allen, Mrs. Harold - Donald, Mrs. Harvey Pascoe, Mr. B. P. Cook, Mr. Robert English and Mr. John Poltz. The three door prizes were won by Mrs. Robert egos Gl Mrs, Sarah Van De Walker an Mrs, Lewis Ripley, Refreshments-were served by" the committee assisted by the~ General convener for the very successful event was Mrs. George Watson assisted by Mrs. G. E. Willson, refreshments; Mrs. Frank Gazley, tickets; Mrs. John Richardson, dishes; Mrs. John Benson and Mrs. Jack McCaman, prizes; Mrs, Douglas McKeown, publicity; Mrs. Lorne Seeley, candy; Mrs. John G, McIntosh and Mrs, Jack McCarnan, decorations executive and grade setters. - 364 Wilson Rd. RUDY'S 34 "ikon Re Oshawe's Only EXCLUSIVE HAIRSTYLING "FOR ayia rber Shop Pieces featuring: e @ Hair Ealouring richolog: eT . and Mr. Harold Pascoe, tables and chairs, Prize-winners in the progress- ive euchre room were: high Basil Leonard; low ladies, Mrs. Hayden Kemp; most lone men's, Mr. .W F. Manuel, Del- bert Catherweo8s low. men's, Mr. Herbert Meier; most lone hands, Mr, W. F .Manuel, General draw prizes were won by Mr. Kenneth Cobb, Mr. Ron- ald Flewell, Mrs. Murray Les- lie, Mrs, Herbert Wilson, Mrs. P, J. Bruyea, Mrs. H. J. Semple, Mrs. Ken Kerslake, Mrs, James Stewart, Mrs. James Thaxter, Mrs. William McKee, Mrs. Victor Pratt, Mrs. Norman Wilton, Mrs. George Bates, Mrs. William Tkaczuk, Mrs; Wallace Holmes, Mrs. D. I. Nicholson, Mrs. Benjamin! SEW FOR HOSPITAL VANCOUVER (CP)--A group of 37 women spent 350, hours sewing and raised $1, 200° to as- sist the Children's Hospital here. With a rummage sale of the sewing they were able to buy three wheeled stretchers, two television sets and two li- brary carts and to pay a librar- ian's salary. They presented Mr. and Mrs. Bright with a. chest of silver from relatives and friends, During the evening a mock wedding was performed with Mr. Robert Jones as the bride; Mrs, Leona Thompson, bride- groom; Mr. Gordon Graham, minister; Fred Wood, flower girl; Joy Bright, ring-bearer and Mr. Richard Manns as - bride's father. Ashburn, Myrtle, Raglan, Port RUDY (Welcomes Ruth Saunders Who recently returned [ from Bermuda and would be pleased to see her customers and friends again. RUDY S Perry, Seagrave, Brooklin, Claremont, Columbus and Dun- barton. Prior to the "at home", Miss Beverley Bright and Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Bright held a sur- prise party at the home of the RINKER'S S| CLEANERS Now Better Than Ever Better Cleaning rere Pressing PHONE 725-1191 latter on Ridgeway avenue. Better Service |) | Be : a ! 374 WILSON RD, S. (Corner Olive East & Wilson Rd, %) 728-7021 f you or any r loved ones EA and cou a Ee 'ind it Pack te to get your breath because of Asthma or Bronchitis attacks, write. foday | » for a trial $1 treatment of AZMO- TABS. It will be sent FRED and postpaid, Don't wheeze, struggle for breath another day) without trying this treatment sp 1] thousands of sufferers sa. the finest medicines to ways: 1. It liquefies, loosens and removes thick, choking phlegm that | # make it hard to breathe, causing | # wheezing and coughing. 2. It relaxes | bronchial tubes and congestion so | that you can breathe freer and thus AST OF COUGHING, WHEEZING & DIFFICULT BREATHING Removes warts, moles and |QUICKLY RELIEVED | je orr refreshing slee) It com- | Betairnt (es ae from att, smoke, | Gate another aay Without' trying AZMO-TABS and showing your- NCHITIS how maneh bette work* bev is) free #1 tris package costs no hing fuse mail the naen coupes Below t today to 'AZMO- TABS, Brie, Ont, ORI ec cahoots $1.00 AZMO-TABS AZMO-TABS, Fort Erie, Ontario, Department 23 ey 5 Welest elit er cheuos send aon 6100 AcnOMAIN lk S halp you 3 | eae pre name ad oddone) i AFTER INVENTORY CLEARANCE Discontinued Patterns and Colors OVER 200 PAIR READY-TO-HANG DRAPES +.» all at Substantial Savings! 10% to 50% OFF every PAIR AS LOW AS LOW SIZES TO FIT SHORTIES AS FULL LENGTH AS TRACKS UP TO 16' WIDE AND UP SIMOOE ST. S. SHOP EARLY AS WE DO NOT HAVE ALL CoLours & SIZES WARD'S a oR ORE Oi OMOEA 90% OE AS BB, OE, Bite Phone 725-1151

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