. et ee amano" ;82--Articles For Sale A PART-TIME job means extra Holiday cash, Check the "Help Wanted" ads in| aio, Classified today to find the one that's right for you, MAN'S two-pant suit, size 36 tall, $25. 35--Legol LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY ; OF ONTARIO PARLIAMENTARY NOTICE |32--Articles For Sale SELLING furniture? Well ag St Ss, where at all, For top cash offer Te Community Furniture Store, to G Coach ermal; a Prince 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Jenuary 24, 1963 Blackstock UCW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continuea from Page 21) next rey Street. 728-9191 . condition, der skirts and Peaks tail 'enses, Tele- phone 728-7794. -|29-----Automobiles For Sale 29--Automobiles For Sale CLEARANCE O 1960 VAUXHALL STATION WAGON. Blue and cream, four door. $985 0% Oshawa and Glenn of Whitby, The late Mrs. Forestall is resting at Mc- Intosh - Anderson Funeral Home. Requiem Mass in St, Gregory's The Great Church on Saturday, January 26th at 10 a.m. Interment St. Gregory's cemetery. (Prayers on Friday evening). MASON, William Robert Eptered into rest in the home of his brpther, Christopher J. » 612 Finucane Street, Oshawa, on Tuesday, Japuary 22, 1963, William Robert Mason, beloved son of the late % id Mrs. er Mason, Sr., and other of Mrs. E. Down (Alice) of Osh- awa, Christopher J. Mason and Charles Magon, all of Oshawa, in his Séth year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial service in chapel on Friday, January 25 at 2 pm. Interment Oshawa Union Ceme- tery, POTTERY, Laura get ngthy Miness at the Oshawa 1 Jan, 22, 72nd Pottery, loving mother of Angus of Oakville, ill, Donald and Francis all of Oshawa; J. Pottery (Eva) Kingston, 5 Compo of ston and Harry of Cornwall, Mrs. ry is resting at the Gerrow Fu- 1 Chapel, 390 King Street West then Requiei at 9 a.m. Interment St, Gregory's etery. im in the Chapel Thurs- it 8.30, LOCKE'S FLORIST @ Funeral arrangements and 4 floral requirements for all jm Occasions, = OSHAWA SHOPPING = CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 : IN MEMORIAM loving memory of a Bellis; who passed ir : tees 24, 1960, january by qa" Bert. * BELLIS -- In loving mem ofa Gear tether. ond gremtinctners' Agnes Bellis, who passed away January 24, +Lovingly remembered by son George| end in-law Eva and * BELLIS -- In raeyy; Pts 3 E 1960 RENAULT One-owner, with radio, $845 1959 FORD TWO DOOR, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, radio. $1375 1959 FORD FAIRLANE 500 TWO DOOR HARDTOP V-8 engine. $1645 1959 VAUXHALL FOUR DOOR SEDAN $775 1958 PLYMOUTH FOUR DOOR SEDAN, V-8 engine, automatic transmis- sion, radio. $675 1958 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR SEDAN, cylinder. $1095 1958 VOLKSWAGEN Economy car, six $795 1958 FORD TWO DOOR V-8 engine, standard transmission, $945 1958 METEOR Six cylinder, transmission, automatic $995 1958 BUICK Automatic transmission, radio. $1095 1957 PONTIACS Two to choose from Each $995 VAN HEUSEN Zoning Program 156 King Street W. F ALL STOCK SKATES Oshawa's Leading Skate Ex- change for 10 years. New and Used. Largest assortment in town, 15 I lay records plus bo: drum, Fishing rod and * > tRelephone reel, ONE 21" TV with new picture tube, $50; also one 9 cuble foot fridge, 840, Apply 69 Hogarth Street. FUR jacket, size 14, lady's, black Per- alg Uke new, $35, Telephone' ADMIRAL two-door cefrigerator, sed- def: » one year rosting |. veason polis, moving, Telephone 3owmanville 623-2474, DRAYTON CYCLE 204 BOND STREET EAST GUN (old antique) wanted, Atso old cartridges, Telep! 725-8183, Oshawa, TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW CONSIGNMENTS TELEVISIONS Rebuilt sets, all makes, Guar- anteed, One yeor warranty on picture tube. We also rent B. F, GOODRICH Ses -- Tires bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, teie- vision, Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543 BABY carriage, "Lloyd", white. good condition, $20. 723-2700, pink and Telephone and buy. PREMIER TELEVISION 339Y Simcoe St. South 725-6457 HAY, baled, grain and straw, quantity, located at Kendal, For other informa- tion telephone 723-9629. Sealed tenders will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until 2:00 p.m. Thursday, Feb- ruary f 1963 for the supply of a new 5 ton dump truck, equipped with snow plow and wing. Tenders must be on forms and in envelopes sup- plied by the Township, which are available at the Town- ship Office, Hamtpon, On- tario, R. M. SHORT Road Supt. W, E. RUNDLE, Clerk, Township of Darlington AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt. service free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, 1957 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR HARDTOP, Six cylinder, automatic tran- FUEL OIL--COAL OIL FURNACES 24 HOUR SERVICE DIXON'S 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 Day and Night smission, radio, $945 1957 FORD STATION WAGON. Four door V-8, automatic transmission, $795 1957 DODGE TWO DOOR HARDTOP V-8, engine, standard transmission $745 1957 FORD 2 to choose from. Each $895 1957 OLDSMOBILE TWO DOOR automatic tran- smission. $795 1957 BUICK TWO DOOR HARDTOP, au- tomatic transmission, radio. $945 1956 BUICK TWO DOOR HARDTOP, ou- tomatic: transmission, radio, BUY NOW AND SAVE! Boots; Grew-Cruisers, Tra- DAISY Glider, almost new, and china cabinet, good condition. Call evenings after 6, 728-; VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes. Free estimates. Parts, attachments, brushes, hoses, ou iit ma- chines, Rentals, Wallace Vacuum Serv- ice, Call anytime, 728-0591, SELL the extra TV set you aren't using and have extra cash instead, Dial 723-3492 today to start the inexpensive Classified ad that brings you cash buy- ers in a hurry. WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- ture or anything you have, The City Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671, veler, Mason, O.M.C., Larson. Motors; Evinrude, Volvo- Penta, MARINE STORAGE RADIO, Zenith Trans-oceanic portable, short wave, with marine band, Tele- phone 728-9556 evenings after 8, STUDENTS A super value, mately 630 sheets of letter size typing paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby 111 Dundas Street West. approx! & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONT. 655-3641 FISH AND CHIP FRYER, FAN, ELECTRIC POTATO PEELER, CHIPPER, DEEP FREEZE, AQUARIUM, CASH REGISTER and various other store supplies and stock. CALL 655-3994 jenamel cribs $34.86, W! HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appll- ances. Name brands at biggest dis- counts anywhere. We carry Restonic and Beverley mattress furniture lines, Your authorizd GE dealer, Contact Honest Cal's, on King Street East at Varcoe's 4. Open 12 hours daily, 9.30 9.30, Telephone 728-9191, ICE fishing 'hut for sale, suit two, 6 ft. by 4 ft. Telephone 728-2874. DENNIS JOSEPH LEPINE, Factory Worker, deceased, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly PRIVATE BILLS The dates relative to appli- cation for Private Bills have been extended as follows; -- Monday, the: Twenty-eighth doy of Januory next, will be the lost day for depositi Private Bills with the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly free of penalty. Monday, the Eighteenth day of February next, will be the last day for presenting Pet- itions for Private Bills, Monday, the Twenty-fifth day of February next, will be the last day for introducing Private Bills; RODERICK LEWIS, Q.C. By OLGA HILL meeting of Blackstock UCW ent. President Mrs. Neil Malcolm called the meeting to order with a poem, "Away to a Happy New Year." , Mrs. Ivan Thompson and Mrs, P. Romeril of the No, 2 Unit gave the worghip, bale to the Supply Depot in To- ronto, and to cater to a Short- BLACKSTOCK -- The annual was held in the CE room with 34 ladies and five children pres- Plans were made to send a Toronto, January 21st, 1963. 35--Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, ALL persons having claims against the above named de- ceased who died about the end of July, 1960 at the City of Oshawa are required to file proof of their claim with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of February, 1963 and after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have had notice, Dated at Renfrew this 14th day of January, 1962, Dawe & Edmondstone, P.O, Box 332, Renfrew, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator ELMER'S Furniture and Appliances. See all the rest--Come buy the best, for less, E, Wilbur, Hampton, 263-2294 BUY AND SELL, good used furniture and appliances, One location only, 444 Simcoe Street South, 723-3271. TREMENDOUS ou Continental » ; $98; chesterfield suites with foam cush ions, $87, Floor coverings 23c per Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. BARGAINS for baby! Fabulous clear . Strotiers $5.88; playpens, $8.88; carriages, $19.63; spring filled crib. mattresses, $6.88; large white complete with mattress, 20 Church ilgon Furniture, Street. ARBORITE--Sheets 3' x 5' only $5.95, sheets 3' x 8' -- $10.95. Good sizes for counter or table tops, Limited quantity. BEAVER LUMBER CO, LTD. 419 Dundas East $695 1956 PONTIAC FOUR DOOR SEDAN, six cylinder, radio. $645 1955 THAMES VAN Economy delivery truck. $395 1955 CHEVROLET V-8 engine, standard trans- mission, rebuilt motor. $595 1954 PACKARD FOUR DOOR SEDAN, like new $395 Whitby 668-5818 Winter Clearance SNOW TIRES Brand new first line, Kelly Tires FREE All Oil Burner Service Free and guaranteed if you purchase "White Rose" uni- fined furnace oil from WESTERN OIL CO. DIAL _ 725-1212 Two 750 x 14 four ply. $36.80 New Retreads Two 670 x 15 $21.00 VACUUM CLEANERS FILTER QUEEN New and used Trade-ins er Makes. FILTER QUEEN SALES (OSHAWA) 323 KING ST. WEST 728-7552 L. F. Robinson Tire Compan Kelly Springfiel Tire Sales and Service 1200 Dundes East Whitby 668-4942 What's My Line? Buying ond selling used fur- niture and appliances, For your needs phone Valley Creek Furniture BOWMANVILLE DISTRICT TENDERS WANTED HIGH SCHOOL -- AGRICULTURE BUILDING SEALED TENDERS on a Stip- ulated Sum Basis clearly marked "Tenders for Bow- manville District High School --Agriculture Building" will be received until: P.M., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1963 ot the office of Pentland & Baker, Architects, 490 Jar- vis Street, Toronto, Ontario, or Mr. W. B. Reynolds, Secret- ary-Treasurer, Durham County District High School Board, Bowmanville High School, Queen Street, Bow- manville, Ont, Plans and _ specificatoions may be obtained from the above offices on deposit of $25.00. The deposit will be IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO BETWEEN; SUPERIOR DISCOUNT LIMITED Plaintiff AND , MAURICE JOSEPH CARDINAL and LAURA MICHALINA CARDINAL Defendants Pursuant to the judgment and final order for sale made in this cause there will be offered for sale by public auction in one parcel, with the approba- tion of the undersigned Master, by the Master, at the Court House, Whitby, Ontario, at the hour of 10:30 on Friday the 15th day of February, 1963, the following lands and premises known as 567 Wilson Road North, more particularly described in the mortgage known as Number 99934, regis- tered in the Registry Office for the Registry Divi- sion of the County of Ontario, The property will be offered for sale subject to a first mortgage securing $4,315.17 principal money, with interest thereon at 714% per annum from the 15th day of November, 1962, said interest being payable half-yearly on the 15th day of May, 1963, and the 15th day of November, 1963, and the principal falling due on the 15th day of May, 1964, which mortgage shall be assumed and paid by the purchaser, and subject also to arrears of taxes as at December 31, 1962, amounting to $488.16, and also subject to a reserve bid fixed by the said Master, The purchaser shall pay down to the vendor's solicitor on the day of sale 10% of the purchase money and shall pay the balance of the purchase money into Court without interest within 30 days after the date of sale. Adjustments to be made as of date of closing. The purchaser shall search the title at his own expense. In all other respects the conditions of sale are the stand- ing conditions of sale of the.Court as modified by the conditions of sale settled by the undersigned. On the premises is said to be erected a dwelling house. Further particulars and conditions of sale may be had from Messrs. Creighton, Drynan and Murdoch, Solicitors, Oshawa, Ontario. -- lias Ontario this 7th day of Decem- t, ; "J. de N. Kennedy" MASTER Elects Officers horn Breeders' banquet ia April. Reports for 1962 were read and accepted as printed, also the suggested budget for 1968 was accepted. Mrs, Lloyd Wright read the report of the nominating committee, The new officers are: Prest- dent, Mrs. Neil Malcolm; ist vice - president, Mrs. Harold Kyte; 2nd vice - president, Mrs. Ivan Thompson; secretary, Mrs. Murray Byers; treasurer, Mrs. Jean McLaughlin; coaveners, Christian Citizenship and Social Action, Mrs. Dalton Dorrell; Community leary ye and vise iting, Mrs. Harold rtyn, Nomination, Mrs. Lloyd Wright and Mrs. Glenn Larmer; press and publicity, Mrs. Cecil Hill; program, Mrs, Romerit aad Mrs, Richard VanCamp; social functions and ki Mrs. Harold McLaughlin a: Mrs, Harry VanCamp., 35--Legal DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP TENDERS FOR TWO SCHOOL ADDITIONS Sealed Tenders (stipulated sum) will be received by undersigned until 4:00 p.m. Thursday, January 31, 1963, for a proposed Two Class- room addition to the West Courtice and the South Court- ice Schools, Plans and specifications may be obtained by General Con- tractors only after 4:00 p.m. January 17, 1963, from the office of the Architects and Engineers, on deposit of o $50.00 Certified Cheque pay- able to the Architects and Engineers which will be re- turned when plans and speci- fications are returned in good condition. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Jackson Ypes and Associates, Architects and Engineers, 5382 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario, nT Thomson Kernaghan & Co. MEMBERS OF. THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE OPERATING DIRECT LINE TO TORONTO - MONTREAL ranio 720°1104 ONTARIO No Stairs Te Climb RES. MGR. ERIC R, HENRY, 725-4305 se returned upon return of plans and specifcations in good condition. Lowest or any tender not necessorily accepted. Pentland & Baker, Architects, 490 Jarvis Street, Toronto, Ontario. 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W. 1954 PONTIAC FOUR DOOR SEDAN with radio, $295 1953 CHEVROLET BELAIR powerglide and radio. $245 A Few More Models to Choose From NO DOWN PAYMENT To Responsible Parties MOTORS LTD. Telephone 725-3557 TELEVISION RECORDS LP'S .;. FREEZER 2.5: Town and Country, 21 REFRIGERATORS RANGE .... WASHING MACHI OPEN FRIDAYS WAY GOOD APPLIANCE BUYS AT WAYNE'S Marconi, dark walnut on stand, reconditioned with warranty. Good used models. Heatwave Electric, Heavy duty, used but good condition. General Electric, Used Machine in Working Condition. 78 SIMCOE STREET NORTH TELEPHONE 723-1411 ONLY $175 . 20% DISCOUNT ONLY $175 cu. ft. Chest Model. FROM $59 ONLY $35 NE ... ONLY $35 UNTIL 9 P.M. NE'S For Mountain Area Planning 'CALGARY (CP)--In a major|= 30--Automobiles Wanted | 32--Articles For Sale LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want! ears for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 725-1181, ANY make sport coupe wanted for cash. Must be under thirty thousand ae single lady driven, Telephone statement on the national rks, Resources Minister Dins- le said Wednesday a prelim- ifary zoning plan has been a up for the Banff, Jasper, ho and Kootenay western nfodntain areas. "He outlined major features $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD, 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-8001 of what he called "a sketch outline in an address to the Al- Tourist Association. They ded: "1. One-third of the total area of the four parks has been ear- marked as wilderness zone in- téxded to be '"'preserved in per- petuity with a minimum of de- 100 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted"' Talk "Cash" to the New GOING hunting? Get your supplies at Dominion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West, Oshawa, Guns, ammunition, jack- ets, boots, etc. Call now 725-6311, Srec MUSKRAT jacket, size 14, good con- dition, telephone 725-0698. ELECTRIC stove, "Moffat", fully auto- matic. In good condition, Reasonable. Telephone Hampton, 263-27. Remove Ice with Calcium Chloride Rock Salt or Sand from BATHE & McLELLAN BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD, 81 King.West, Oshawa For free delivery call 725-4761 Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 -- Res. 725-5574 ment." No roads would be lowed but good trails, prim- itive camping facilities, sign systems and trail maps would bé provided. 2. The other major zone--to bé reached by road, foot, boat or on horseback--would be for use not of the relatively few who enter the wilderness area, but for thousands who "liter- ally could tramp the country to death unless we provided a carefully - p'anned network of HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 32--Articles For Sale 31--Automobile Repair | INQUIRE About Our CASH and CARRY PRICES McCULLOUGH'S BUILDING SUPPLIES MeCLARY gas stove, 22", good condi- tion; walnut dinette suite with buffet,| géadways and activity centres." ' 4 will trade for smaller set (seats ve),| 735-9243. 1270 SIMCOE ST. N. (West Side) 772_AbRR Continental Beds Smooth top, complete with headboards. $38.88 Bunk Beds Complete with mattresses, slat springs, guard rail, and ladder. $34.88 G.E. Wringer Washer With any kind of a washer to trade. $88.88 or $9 down--$9 monthly This Week-end, 2 Locations t Week End HONEST CAL'S 728-9191 BE SURE TO VISIT HONEST CAL'S Ask about our easy budget terms. 24 PRINCE ST., -- KING ST. E. AT VARCOE'S RD. PHONE 728-9191 [ALS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of ALEXANDER ELLIOT, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of AL- EXANDER ELLIOTT, lote of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, Retired Varnish Maker, who died on or about the twenty-second day of. July, 1960, are here- by notified to send in to the undersigned. on or before the 16th day of February, 1963, full particulars their claims in writing. Im- mediately after the said date the assets of the said Estate will be distributed, having regaord only to the claims of which the undersigned sholl then have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any persons of whose claims he shall not then have notice. DATED at Kingston this 22nd day of January, A.D. 1963. ANNE UBDEGROVE, Administratrix with Will Annexed, By her solicitor, BOGART W. TRUMPOUR, 89 Clarence Street, KINGSTON, Ontario, V SALE tice SPARKLING NEW 1963 RCA VICTOR With Famous NEW VISTA Il TUNER At a New Low, Low PRICE! 3 Complete Rooms of furniture $298 or $29 down and $14 monthly G.E. 23" Television Cabinet model with trade. $188 $19.00 down, $11.00 monthly. NAME BRAND Apartment Size Range Completely automatic, roti- sserie glass door. 3 year guarantee. $18 Down, $12 Monthly Open 9:30 - 9 © Serve You NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF ELWOOD EARL RAHME All persons having claims against the Estate of Elwood Earl Rahme, late of the City of Oshawa in the Coun- ty of Ontario, Manager, de- ceased, who died on or about the 17th day of November, 1962, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of February, 1963 full particu- lars of their claims,. after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 21st day of January, 1963. HUMPHREYS BOYCHYN & HILLMAN 36% King Street East Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administratrix, ELIZABETH GRACE RAHME FEATURING NEW-BIG 23" BONDED PICTURE TUBE Just Received Latest 1963 Model The most dependable TV in tory. "New Vista Special" outstanding picture pulling power. focus 23" Boostro Picture tube projects full picture with less details missing at the corn- ers. NOW'S THE TIME TO TRADE-UP TO RCA VICTOR RCA Vietor : his- Smart COMPACT CABINET STYLING... 19 NO DOWN PAYMENT -- EASY BUDGET TERMS AT YOUR CONVENIENT be ME NS 99 WITH APPROVED TRADE