20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, January 17, 1963 sae ae iat oe eames gh nt Sait ty CONTENTS: the wonderful comfort of shopping assurance very time you shop at Eaton's you carry away something more than just the goods you've purchased. You carry away the assurance that your purchases, large and small, are protected by Eaton's, in every possible way. Eaton's is Canada's largest marketplace-- with more buying power and more buying experience than any other store. So it stands to reason that Eaton's generally makes the best buys --and so will you, when you shop at Eaton's. Although Eaton buyers shop the markets of the world in search of new and interesting products, Eaton's is one of Canada's biggest and most consistent customers. More than 85% of the goods we sell is bought from Canadian suppliers. Eaton's has resident fashion experts in the placeswhere fashions begin--Paris, London and NewYork. But Eaton's ingrained fashion sense isn't confined to the 'Haute Couture." You'll find it in the simplest accessory, the least expensive dress. The people at Eaton's think in a young, fresh, active way that is very much in tune with this country of ours. That's why the things you see in Eaton's colourful selections seem to reflect the typically fresh, young outlook of Canadian families. Eaton's has never skimped ontheimportant extras--the "'plus-values" that add to the good value appeal of low Eaton prices. Such as delivery services, ordering in person, by phone or mail, and payment through the type of account that best suits your needs. Finally--Eaton'swill not knowingly be under- sold. Consistent comparisons see to it that Eaton prices are as low as any. And Eaton's Guarantee of "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded" applies to price as well as to quality and value, Shop with assurance at EATON'S OF CANADA Please see Back of This Page for other EATON Store News